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2015-06-24, 03:27 PM
The trees conceal the moon over your head, making the trek from forest to festival covered by gloom. Mist covers the ground, making it hard to tell when you land on solid ground or snow. The forces of plant and darkness ward over you nonetheless though, and that makes you bare enough courage to walk this sleepy path.

The first sign of city that you see is a pair of pillars, both made of ever ticking gears and coils. These both have a wall delicately leaned against them, wood highlighted by torch-flame. "Hail!" calls the solitary guard atop the wall, "I find no doubt that you come to listen to the midnight ringing of the clock tower with everyone else?"

The two of you sit within the temple of Freyr that sits in the temple plaza. Other than the massive tree that grows in the center of the structure and the murals recalling the exploits of Freyr. Prominent to the eye of Toft is the decorations at the base of a sword pedestal, depicting Skirnir holding the magic sword triumphantly.

Merome is held gagged and under the custody of Toft. As the order came from both of your clerical superiors, Merome would cause too great of a social incident if he tried to mingle with the common folk, and thus would be forced to hold guard with Toft over the entire plaza.

Fortunately, your day is not completely wasted, the larger, more official ceremony happened earlier this day at the high-noon. With the day having reached its shortest and now growing longer and stronger as summer begins its long return, all that remains is to listen to the clock-tower. There is still a performance that needs to be done though, and you are graced by at least being able to see the rehearsal.

As always, in hopes that it would somehow aid little Hnossa with finding her father, Ukki and one of the priestesses will be reciting the story of when Freya had once thought she lost her husband Odr but then found him. Ukki, the chief among the paladin order, plays his part as Odr perfectly, but the young lady with the role of Freya is obviously nervous. Though the lady has clearly practiced for several days, she seems to be suffering from pre-performance jitters.

It is difficult to tell what they are saying, but it's obvious that Ukki is trying to be as encouraging as possible.

The alleyways have always been your friend when on the hunt. Even when the soiled snow that it is filled with makes your every step echo with a crunch, it's black blanket of shadow keeps you well hidden. There are few passersby in the ghettos today, even wretches like these must be somewhere celebrating the New Year.

Finally though, a solitary person walks by where you lurk. It is difficult to tell of what race the organic is from the silvery light of the full moon, but of whatever race it is, it is a massive representative of their kind.

Curfew normally would have passed an hour ago, but the townsfolk are all still lively and dancing about the town square and the fire burning beneath the statue of Alodia, the city's re-founder. The dwarves, the dark elf craftsmen, have been gracious enough to provide crystals that make the fire burn with nine colors, each of nine shades. Beside this bonfire, a great pot of stew, filled with the prunes of many fruit, sits cooking, waiting to be enjoyed before the performance by the paladins.

In the meantime, merriment continues and the party-goers down ale and mead provided by Levi, the owner of the Gnarly Scar pub. The large man, sits happily in front of his establishment, laughing with his guests and socializing very well despite the massive scars that would normally detract people from him.

2015-06-24, 04:26 PM
Toft glances all around him, then down at the apple he is apparently making a game of seeing how long continuous a string of peel he can make with the small paring knife he temporarily requisitioned from the temple kitchens. No, not "borrowed", requisitioned. The whole matter had been rather no nonsense and somewhat formal.

I hope nothing happens, or if it does that I can just untie the gag fast enough. From what they told me, this guy isn't nearly as effective without his spells. Too bad he can't cast without words like me... but not nearly as sad as what comes out of his mouth without the gag if what they told me is correct... and with what happened at lunch I'd have to say it probably is.

He looks towards the actors and gets an idea...

Perhap I can lighten her mood with a quick but exciting piggy-back ride? I wonder about how much she weighs?

He places the apple on the pedestal of the statue of Skirnir and holds out his left hand to Merome in the hopes that the 'less than totally sane' individual will take it.

"Come on, I think I see a way we can bring the sun early to one person's life."

2015-06-24, 06:05 PM
Reaver silently watched the large organic walk past him. Finally, after searching all day, he had found a lone squishy. It was large for an organic and he couldn't properly identify its race, but he hoped that it was a shady type, the kind of person who wouldn't alert others because it was afraid of the law. Reaver hoped it would put up a good fight: it got boring when there was no challenge. It might even lead Reaver into an ambush with some friends. That would be fun.

The organic didn't seem to notice Reaver. Not surprising, since his Hat of Disguise made him appear to be a mere human laborer, his seven foot frame reduced to six feet and his wicked scythe disguised as a simple shovel. As the organic passed, Reaver got up and started to trail it. Reaver made no attempt at stealth. He was no good at it, and if all went as planned the organic would attack him, justifying his 'self defense'.

Arch warrior
2015-06-24, 07:46 PM
Sweet! Juicy! Tasty! DO I GET AN APPLE!:elan:

Merome eagerly goes with Toft.

Lugin then lands on Toft's shoulder and whispers, You know that he will probable want an apple now right?:nale:

2015-06-24, 09:00 PM
Bluff for slight lie (the thing in a different font). Not that I care what Luginn thinks (and I may have already told him the truth if I was told to trust him more than his master), but just in case anyone overhears.

"Oh, he can have the apples if he wants as soon as I'm done with them. I could even cut off the top part in two or three stages as the amount if peeled advances, I just was having fun seeing how thin I could peel it. Same as with those score potatoes.

Err... I do suppose that would require my untying the gag... Oh, well, I'll manage."

2015-06-25, 12:45 AM
"Yes, we're here for our observances! I wish you a quiet night." Erick calls up, smiling.
"It's always nice of people to declare their limitations." Maria's face is perfectly serene as she whispers to Erick, passing through the gates, the two walking side by side looking very much like a lad escorting a member of his family.

"Look to the alleys for a good spot for our observance, I shall see you at the party."
"Looking for friends to join us?"
"I will make those who know us will be made welcome, yes. However it would serve us well to find a task soon, perhaps a tracker for the bears. I shall have an eye open."
"I'll meet you there."

Erick is looking for a largish alley. Maria is looking for any friends [Re: Fans and any other witches she might know by DM discretion] to join in an observance of the world, not a pact making but a 'getting to know' to make more and reaffirming of existing pacts. She'll also look for a notice board with any bounties, or anyone advertising their tracking ability. Tregal is guarding the camp/sleeping.

Maria is using her hat of disguise to appear a teenager instead of 26 until she enters the town, so it looks like it's female family member + escort.

2015-06-25, 10:19 PM
Maria: A quick walk past the nearest police station yields no new knowledge. All that sits here is a lonely candle to illuminate the posters and advertisement board. The advertisement board doesn't have anyone in particular with experience as a hunting guide, only an ivy-rimmed piece of paper with the words "Clock-song party to be held in town square from 10:00PM to 1:00AM. How Freya Lost her Lover and Found Him Again to be performed at 11:30PM. Clock-song to be played at stroke of midnight. Food and Drink provided courtesy of Doulgas Trading Co. and Gnarly Scar Public House." written on it has been stapled on since you've last looked. The wanted posters are the same from before, save from a report of petty murder in the area.

Since there is nothing here, you continue to the celebration. Decoration is the same as always, a massive bonfire ablaze with nine colors, each of nine shades. You do see one of the fellow witches dancing by the fire with the common folk. Erin is her name.

She is the apprentice of Ollukka, one of the stronger of those within the witch's circle, even though he himself is a warlock. She so far seems to be an incompetent in finding pacts, those she's managed to make so far are only of the most trivial and inconsequential variety. Erin does appear to have some luck with the men though, as she now dances drunkenly with a strapping young specimen.

Erick: The first alley of the right size is but a short trot away, a stubby little building even gives one a perfect view of the side of the mountain that the clock is built into. The only downside is that this walk seems to be used as a dump-site for human refuse and reeks of such.

For the first few blocks, the man doesn't seem to mind your following him, probably making the reasonable assumption that you just happen to be walking in the same direction and will soon turn off somewhere. After the fourth block though, he starts to get somewhat concerned. This still he shrugs off, something you've found to be a common reaction from most squishies, dismissing your actual pursuit of them for nothing but their imagination.

Finally, he rounds a corner, and when you do the same you find him about to open a door. Before he does such, he looks around and gives a short gasp when he notices you. "You startled me!" he says as he holds his hand to his chest. Now much closer to him, you notice that he has a massive scar and stitches all over his body. "Is there something that you'd like to ask me?" he added in a half-hearted attempt to be polite."

Draco and Arch Warrior: Just keep talking with each other, I'll add details to your environment as they become relevant.

2015-06-25, 10:49 PM
Maria frowns at the notice board.
"... I'll have to put up a notice later."
Thereafter, Maria heads to the party, waiting and watching patiently, allowing herself a half smile on seeing Erin, but not approaching. And then Erick arrives.

"I've found a good spot. However it smells of rot."
"Bodily waste, but not down the centre."
Maria's face twitches with disgust.
"... I should be able to clear some of it and prepare. Where is it?
Erick quickly gives her directions.
"See Erin? Enquire if she knows of any planned observances in the city we can join. If not, extend our invitation to her and those she knows."
"She's already addled as it is, if there is any observance than it's one of sex, and I doubt I'll get her attention."
"Or she'll chose to share the observance with you. There's little song just yet, sing a perhaps, you've a wonderful voice.
Erick nodded slowly, the urge to complain carefully managed. "I will, have fun cleaning."
"Ha. If I do not see you by midnight, then I will presume she holds you still and begin myself."
With that, Maria leaves Erick to the dancing, which he quickly joins in, making his way towards Erin.

Erick will try to approach Erin to exchange information as above. Should he not be able to, he will leave the dance and begin singing from the side for a while, to see if she notices his voice at all.
Should that fail, after a while he'll go rejoin Maria.

Maria will go to the alley, and will begin using Eldritch Affliction to destroy the various sources of smell. Damage will be halved but to my knowledge mundane unatended objects auto-fail saves, so she should be able to cut through the filth quickly. [She'll call a little on the essence of decay and nature while doing so, not that it does anything.]

2015-06-25, 11:36 PM
Toft approaches the two people working on the play.

"Pardon me, but you seemed somewhat distressed, and I have an idea for how your tension might, mayhaps, be broken." he says politely.

2015-06-26, 12:50 AM
Reaver is rather surprised that the organic had let him fellow for so long. In his experience most of the 'shady types' were quite paranoid and would simply not brush off a stranger following them for so long, especially on a 'holy day' when most people should be celebrating. There are three possible explanations: 1) This squishy is not a shady sort, 2) he wanted Reaver to follow him, either as part of an ambush or for some other reason, or 3) He is simply a novice/incompetent. Whatever the reason, Reaver would rather prefer to mark the location for future use and disengage quietly. Miranda wanted him back at the shop soon and he would rather not have to dispose of a body in a hasty manner. That could lead to mistakes. However, it would be nice to learn a bit about the man and what he was doing away from the festival first.

Reaver holds out his hands in what he hopes is a nonthreatening manner and takes a step back.
"I apologize for startling you. I was simply curious as to why you were not at the celebration. It seems that most people are attending. You are the only other person I have seen on the street in hours. I did not ask you earlier for the same reason I am not at the festival, namely, I am not very good with people. I couldn't help but notice your scar and stitches and was curious as to their origin. Are you a city guard, or perhaps a sailor who has seen his share of scuffles?"

1) What section of the city is this?
2) Are there any specific markings or signs on the door that would tell me what it is?
3) How far away is this guy?
4) Have I successfully identified his race?

Arch warrior
2015-06-26, 05:57 PM
Merome stands next to toft, still gaged, he says, "Hampl, hampl, hampl, hampl. Hi he ha hampl." Very happily.

Apple, apple, apple, apple. I get a apple.

2015-06-26, 07:21 PM
Maria: When you reach the passage, you see (and smell) just how bad it is. As it would appear, there hasn't been much rain to wash away the filth lately and worse, someone in one of the buildings seems to be gravely ill. Rats, flies, and a few other vermin have made this place their homes.

When you call upon the essences of decay and animal, they both appear to you one form, the rats forming a sea of disease beneath the body, made by the shapeless flying of beetles and flies. Neither require much to be appeased, merely that you rebuild their homes here or someplace else. When you strike the deal, the animal pestilence leaves. You still need to clear the waste, though the stench is now thankfully lessened.

When you finally clear all the rubbish out, your mind is turned to preparing it for your observations. However, before you can take the next step, a terrifying scream accompanied by sky blue light comes from the street nearest the clock. The scream is unlike anything you've ever heard before. It is undeniably a wail of pain, though it also sounds like steel sharpening on a dry stone.

Erick: As you dance your way over to Erin, you literally bump into her; or more accurately, she bumps into you. The novice witch didn't have a strong enough of a grip when she swung out and went spinning right into your arms. Her face is incredibly flushed, "Oh hi Erick!" she giggles, "What are you doing catching random strangers?" She then flops out of your arms and meanders back over to her newest 'lover'. "I'm a little dizzy now Oki, let's go sit down for a bit." she says as she's walked over to the nearest bench.

The lady flushes and starts to fiddle with her gold and amber necklace. Ukki puts his hand on her shoulder and then looks suspiciously at Merome, "I suppose it would be fine, so long as he keeps the gag on. It still disturbs me thinking about what he did with that apple at lunch."

His eyes widen as he covers the scar spanning from the corner of his left lip to his ear. "T-The celebration?" his eyes dart around frantically, "Well... I have a brother visiting from the south. The travel didn't fair very well with him, so I'm staying with him and making sure that he doesn't get any worse."

He pulls something with a silver glimmer out of his pocket, a pocket-watch judging by the chain connected to it. "Goodness! I forgot to fetch his medicine! I'm sorry, but I need to get that soon!" without any other words, he darts off toward the harbor (North-westish).

1. Where are you? - The eastward slums, they're relatively close to the shore.
2. What might this building be? - It looks like it was an inn of some sort some time ago, though it's hard to tell with the sign rusted off and the windows boarded shut. You could walk casually to Miranda's workshop and still have a quarter hour left until you truly need to be back.
3. How far away is he? - Maybe a yard or two.
4. Do you know what race he is yet? - He appears to be human, but there's still something... Off about him. That might, of course, be caused merely by the fact that he's tall enough that you'd only be standing an inch over his shoulder in your normal form.

2015-06-26, 07:46 PM
"Ah, well, that would actually be you and Luginn's responsibility to ensure as far as that goes. I was going to give her a piggy back ride within the confines of this room... and no, that is neither a skald's word trick for something intimate, nor do I think it will be terribly disappointing. Beyond that, I'd rather not spoil the surprise, although she may already guess what I'm on about." explains Toft, trying to strike a balance between preserving the 'shock out of a funk' factor and clarity.

2015-06-26, 08:08 PM
Maria glares in the direction of the noise. While it is not her problem, it very quickly could be, and that alone is reason enough to investigate early. With a motion she fades from visibility and stalks in the noises direction.

"Stranger, now I know I'm being wounded." Erick smiles, watching Erin as she walks off, before assisting her to a nearby bench.
"Dizzy perhaps, but it looks like you've been well. I take it no observances are occurring tonight, at least, none of the more boring kind?" Erick smiles as he speaks, only a little bit of taunting jest in his tone, eyes flicking towards the dance.

Maria is activating Walk Unseen before investigating invisibly. She does have 60ft darkvision from See the Unseen. She's not trying any further stealth beyond invisibility.
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

Subsequent ones for if needed.
Listen: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

Listen: [roll4]
Spot: [roll5]

Edit: Deaf, but with good eyes apparently :p

2015-06-28, 02:11 PM
It appears that option 3: shady, but incompetent, is the most accurate description of the organic. The creature's appearance and size imply that it is a half breed of some sort, and it obviously is nervous about its scars. Reaver would have to research later if those scars were indicative of a specific individual or field of work. The organic was obviously at the building for a specific reason, and judging by the state of the building it is doubtful that the reason was legal. Reaver's curiosity gets the better of him, and he decides to examine the contents of the building.

Reaver quietly waited until the organic was out of sight, then he walked up to the building and tried the door.

If the door is unlocked, Reaver will open it and step into the room. If the door is locked, Reaver will knock. If no one answers within 30 seconds, Reaver will knock a second time. If someone answers the door but does not let him in, Reaver will engage in conversation. If no one answers the door 30 seconds after the second knock, Reaver will attempt a strength check to break down the door. If that fails, Reaver will attempt a second strength check. If that fails, Reaver will attack the door with his adamantine scythe (set to lethal) until either the door is broken or someone or something interrupts him. Reaver will also attempt a Knowledge: Arcana check to see if he can knows anything about the scars.
Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19465502&postcount=17)

2015-06-28, 06:22 PM
Kurt smiled to himself as he regaled one of the rookie paladins of his latest venture out into the wilds, a fortnight ago. Kurt had managed to track down a redcap that had somehow wandered its way too close to a local village. The creature claimed it was an innocent venture, and Kurt might have even believed him if he hadn't shown up to the scene with the creature with a mouth full of blood and gore from the missing teen boy the village had caused a ruckus about in the first place. If it weren't for the grim nature of the find, the situation would have been comical, catching a redcap red handed. However it wasn't that kind of tale, and his recounting of it was just as solemn.

"I'm all for mercy, but when things like that turn up you just have to put those feelings side and handle what you can, savvy?" He asked giving the boy a pat on his back, before shaking his head. "That being said, I best be on my way before your minders come sniffing around. Just figured with you being from that way, you'd want to know your friend got peace in the end." He nodded to the boy and shook his hand before nodding to the stew that was bubbling nearby. "Now eat up, and pray the All-father saw fit to give the boy a fitting afterlife." With that he stood and grabbed his massive hammer that was sitting to the side of him and holstered it back to his back.

"There, told you it wouldn't take that long. Now, where's this cart you wanted to check out?" He asked the weapon as he began walking away from the cluster of paladins. Ten years now he'd distanced himself from the order, and yet he still found himself bumping into them time and time again. Not that he minded, they were good people, they just didn't see eye to eye and that was fine really. As long as good was done in the end he really didn't care about what happened in-between. The tall ebony man, ran a hand through his hair the two beads that were bound in his hair this evening were some minor fey magic he had snatched from his encounter with the redcap. They didn't seem like significant pieces of work but he wasn't in the habit of risking such things. A kid could stumble upon them and promise away more than they bargained for.

2015-06-28, 10:48 PM
Knowledge: Arcana check on scars: [roll0]
Strength check on door 1 (take 10): 10+5+3=18
Strength check on door 2 (take 20): 20+5+3=28
Attacks on door (rolling five just in case, power attacking with full BAB with scythe and 6 BAB for slam)(note that the scythe and slam are both adamantine)
Attack Roll 1: [roll1]/[roll2]/[roll3]
Damage Roll 1: [roll4]/[roll5]/[roll6]
Attack Roll 2: [roll7]/[roll8]/[roll9]
Damage Roll 2: [roll10]/[roll11]/[roll12]
Attack Roll 3: [roll13]/[roll14]/[roll15]
Damage Roll 3: [roll16]/[roll17]/[roll18]
Attack Roll 4: [roll19]/[roll20]/[roll21]
Damage Roll 4: [roll22]/[roll23]/[roll24]
Attack Roll 5: [roll25]/[roll26]/[roll27]
Damage Roll 5: [roll28]/[roll29]/[roll30]

Arch warrior
2015-06-29, 07:58 PM
At the words "piggy back rid", Merome jumps onto Tofts back thinking that he is going to have it.

2015-06-29, 11:09 PM
I've established (somewhere... probably the OOC thread), that I wear three heavy flails hanging from the small of my back, probably over enough wood, leather, or perhaps even a smallish metal plate to keep them from being a problem. With all the weapons I have stowed on my back and no need to be able to reach them with my hands, it is probably something pretty solid back there, but with enough slack to allow me to still do my tumbling.

Anyway... you might want to make a reflex and/or fortitude save against moderately sized spheres of iron getting slammed into your gut and/or crotch by that action... just for entertainment value you understand!

Actually, since I know you are nuts, you might want to start with rolling a touch attack. My touch AC is 16, and since I forgot to roll initiative (to see if I'm flat-footed) so we will say I took 10 on it if you care for a total of 15.

Note also that while I can be caught flat-footed, I can't be flanked by anyone without 11 rogue levels.

"If you stand nice and still while I give her her ride, don't take off your gag, and otherwise behave yourself until I'm done with her, then when I'm done giving her her rides then you can have one to." says Toft to Merome with a cheerful note in his voice.

2015-06-30, 12:55 AM
(Assuming that Toft's defensive attack on Merome succeed, 'cause of rule of funny) Ukki grabbed onto the pommel of his blade, assuming that Merome had intended attack. He was just about draw the blade when a mace flew from Toft's back and hit the madman in the gut. "I assume that you're going to be using what I just saw there for your 'piggy-back'?" He smiles just a tad bit as he looks down at Merome, though in truth he only wishes to ensure that no more ruckus will come from his. "Of course, I also assume that you won't be using it so violently with Wilma."

Wilma continues to blush, but now looks down at her dress, "I thank you for your kind offer, but I just don't think I'm very well dressed for that right now."

First, you check the door handle, it wiggles just a small bit but that's it. It's locked, odd for the man to have gripped it like it was unlocked then. Your calculated thoughts try to appraise the situation, perhaps there was something magical about the novice thug. Maybe he had some scars on his hand that were magical in some way, those ones on his face did seem to resemble runes, not any that you could make true symbols of power out of though.

That course of action doesn't seem to be working regardless, so you knock. A brief moment of silence and then you hear a small amount of movement inside, the scooting of a chair and the placing of something on a table perhaps. The door then creaks open to reveal and eye with a massive, runic scar spread across it and then it opens to give the whole image. She is a more feminine version of the man you just spoke to, and she seems somewhat shocked at it not being that man at the door.

You also see a small bit of what is inside too, what appears to have been the main room of a tavern converted into living quarters. The maiden looks back inside for a second to a man lying on a cot. "Is there anything I could do for you?" She closes the door a slight bit more, anticipating the potential of this not being a strictly legal or friendly conversation.

Erick: The lad helps Erin to sit back straight until she was stable enough to sit up without falling into his lap, but even then she balances as though she hasn't gotten enough sleep. She looks up to you with an excited smile, "Why, yes there is! I'm going to make a pact with Oki tonight." She leans herself against Oki and puts her hand on his chest, "Of course, we haven't worked all of the details out yet, but I'm sure it will be VERY enjoyable."

Oki looks down at Erin with eyes wide open and a mouth twisted with confusion, "Pacts?" he manages to choke out, "W-what's all that about? I haven't the dimmest an idea about anything that she's talking about."

Maria: You call to the shadows and demand they adhere to your agreement. As agreed upon, they loom over you and cause the light to avoid you. The sound dies off as they give you their eyes and let you see what they hide.

There is a sound of something sizzling as you round the corner and you see just what it is. A piece of crumpled metal lies on the edge of the side walk, a pool of molten glass oozing from out of it. The metal has not been crumbled entirely though, a single, skeletal arm is extended from the rest of the pile and quivers as though it were trying to grab onto something that was not there.

Now far from you, there is someone rushing away, what seems to be the glimmer of golden hair flashes as he passes under a lamppost. A window just above the scene opens and a man stares down at the corpse turned scrap metal. He stares silently down with a pale face, with a face of one who had seen the making of a ghost, of one who has seen the scene of a murder.

2015-06-30, 06:48 AM
While Kurt spoke to the young Paladin, Firebringer remained obediently silent and hid her ‘face’ from sight, leaving only the rising pheonix symbol to shiny and shimmy in the brilliant blaze of the bonfire. However, to say that she did nothing and said nothing would be a complete lie. After all, as part of her curse, she had a continual magic circle around her going 24/7, which was a Magic Circle Against Law. So, while the paladins around her were unable to see the circle, and while most of them were strong enough to barely even put any effort into defeating it, every paladin who grew close to Kurt, and her by association, stepped into hostile territory. Though they laughed, sang, and ate merrily, each and every one of them was subconsciously (or consciously, in the case of the weakest among them who might have found being too close to the hammer to be painful or sickening to stand) was affected by her. Whether the discomfort was nothing more than an uneasiness, or feeling that something was watching them that should not be, was enough to satisfy her.

She had to agree to be around these people, whom she hated above all others, because her leader, the one she had pledged her soul to, wished to be around them. But she did not have to like it, and she did not have to pretend to be distraught when her aura upset those around him. Thus, whether they realized the cause or not, many of the paladins that had been gathering around to get the free meals and revel in fellowship with one another, had begun to disperse one by one, leaving only a small smattering of folks, possibly to the dismay of the cooks who had labored to make the stew for their honored paladin guests. As Kurt stood up, and carried them both away from the small gathering of paladins, she took notice with satisfaction as all of the paladins appeared to relax ever so slightly. She wasn’t a particularly malicious entity, but the satisfaction of seeing her effect on them ran deep and quenched her old heart.

Once they were far enough away, the pheonix emblex dissolved, and Firebringer’s avatar poked her head around an imaginary corner, looking this way and that conspiratorialy, as if suspicious that someone might be watching or listening to them. When she was satisfied, she walked into plain view, her dark red pig tails bouncing with each step. She cocked her head to the side thoughtfully, her eyes distant, as her old mind attempted to pull itself away from her hatred of those of the paladin order, and focus on his words instead. When she remembered what he meant, two little hands flew to her mouth and she jumped up and down on the hammer’s face, as a great big exclamation point appeared over her head. “Ohyeahohyeahohyeah!” she exclaimed excitedly, before running all over the hammer, looking left, right, up, and down. She ran on all visible faces of the hammer as if it was all one straight plane, despite the fact that the hammer was a 3 dimensional object.

When she reached the correct position, she turned and pointed her arm, despite the fact that she was currently strapped to Kurt’s back, and he couldn’t really see her unless he grew some eyes on the back of his head. “That’s right, it’s that way! I saw it when we were wandering around looking for that meeting place, Captain!” she enthused, then realized he wasn’t looking, and quickly added “Remember that shiny bauble cart? It was right next to it! It’s so rare to find a book cart at festivals like this! Most people don’t want to think about reading when they’re celebrating, they want to dance and sing. But that book I saw… if I remember correctly, there were only three written, and the stuff inside is so potent- oh hurry Captain, he might have moved his cart by now! Can’t you go faster?!” she balled her fists and stamped a foot silently, her face scrunching up in frustration.

2015-06-30, 01:40 PM
Maria begins walking after the flash of golden hair after but a glance at the body, ignoring it for the dead thing it was, the dead thing Maria could no longer speak to.

When the window opened she barely spared it a glance, the man was staring at the body. It would seem they'd need to find another alley, or forfeit the observance all together.
... She might have to harm the killer just for that. With but a slight frown, Maria continued after the flash hair, picking up her pace.

Erick roles his eyes before looking back to Erin.
"To quick to the heart, as always, it's when they then look to test your reach, to hold or charge. You forget it's not Thor that practices, but Odin." With that, he rises smoothly, leaving his hand on her shoulder to steady her for a moment, looking to Oki, offering a bow of his head. Part of him laughing at his own use of barely cryptic words as advice
"And of course you don't, I bet you think the rumours are just that. Have your fun, remember that a bargain struck is a bargain kept, though only you can accept for you."
With that, Erick moves back into the party, he'll stay a while in case Oki leaves Erin and she decides to track him down before heading back to the alley.

Maria continues, eschewing stealth beyond invisibility. Continuing to rolls Spot/Listen as required [I'll let you continue or ask.].

2015-07-01, 05:38 PM
The student of the paladin order listened intently to the story. So gripped was he by the tale that sweat was streaming down his brow and he was constantly fidgeting his hands around. Granted, this may have been mostly discomfort from the veil of chaos he had unwittingly stepped into, but at least part of it was from the sheer horror of the tale. He swallowed a mouthful of spit when Kurt got to the part about the devouring, and he hung his head as he began to ponder how such a monster could exist.

"Yes, but I will also pray that I might join him in that honor." The boy looked up, feeling some resolve, "But until that honor may be bestowed on me or all evil in this world is purged at the Ragnorok, I will continue do all I can to make all under Yggdrasil pure and holy!" As the two of you, weapon and wielder, leave for some shopping, the boy gives a sigh of relief as the world about him starts to feel ordered again. In the distance, you hear the clock bong eleven.

You find the cart Firebringer was speaking of moved beside a food cart. The only customer at the moment, presumably the owner of the book cart, sits muttering to himself as he sips his coffee (an import from Dokkalheim). The cart has its wears stacked neatly, but they do not appear to be organized in any recognizable way and the edge of the carriage and the wheels both glow with the power of runes.

"Ugh! Another dwarf!" mutters the gnome as you scour for the book, "And he's a big one too. Oh well..." He puts his cup down on the table and returns to attending his cart, "How might I help you?"

Maria: The man in the window finally managed to let some words escape when you are just at the edge of earshot, as you would expect, he first shouts out for the city guard.

The murderer runs but just as you, he doesn't seem concerned with being stealthy, as he merely keeps running straight and does not avoid any of the street-lights. At long last, he stops at the corner of a house, gasping for breath. He is a dawn elf, obviously in his youth judging by the tanned and smooth skin. He turns about and sits against the wall as he relaxes and he taps his fingers in tempo with the eleven o'clock chime and the constant rhythm of the gutter-gears. [Move Silently Check, should you get any closer]

Erick: "What rumors?!" Oki shouts after you, "And what bargain did I strike?!"

By the time that you get into the grove of dancing, the style of music changes on you, moving from a merry group dance to a more sombre two person dance. You find no trouble managing the tempo and steps without a partner, however, and you even then still keep an eye on Erin and Oki.

Oki does not seem pleased at all, as he is now scooting away from Erin and is going red in the face. Erin, on the other hand, still seems to be on the thought of flirtation, and she just sits and bounces her red hair and maintains a cheerful mood.

Finally though, the quarrel ends with Oki bolting up and rushing off, Erin still too drunk to be aware of what just happened.

2015-07-01, 09:07 PM
Erick will wait a little longer [Say 1 min.] to see if Erin comes to him/looks for him, otherwise he we return to the alley.

Maria if within 60ft
-Surprise Round: Skipped.
-Round 1:
--Full Round: Split Eldritch Blast for Bondage and Friendship Affliction. Maria now becomes visible.
--Free Action: If Dusk Elf is still concious/alive: "I had a nice night planned before you interrupted. Now you shall still and remain so unless you wish to wake behind bars."
-Round 2:
--If Bleeding Out, attempt stabilise him.
--If unconscious, apply friendship blast some more to extend his sleep, before turning invisible and carrying him back to the original alley.
--If alive and talkative: Ready action for Bondage Affliction and keep talking.

Maria if not within 60ft
-Surprise Round: Activate Transformation Sequence, which activates Guardian Shield and Black Omen Aegis. This is done silently.
-Round 1:
--Move action to get within 60ft of him.
--Ready Action to cast Bondage Affliction if the dawn elf attempts to escape. [My definition being moving more that 15ft away, or beginning to cast a spell which I can't identify or I identify to be one used to escape.]
--Free: "I had a nice night planned before you interrupted. Ah-ah, still little one, or you shall wake up in a box."

Readied Action Damage: [roll0], DC 20 Will halves, DC 23 Escape artist escapes entangle. Entangle lasts 1 round.

Split Blast Damge:
-Friendship: [roll1], DC 20 Will halves.
-Bondage: [roll2], DC 20 Will halves, DC 23 Escape artist escapes entangle. Entangle lasts 1 round.

Diplomacy: [If Knocked Unconcious]

Heal:1 [If Bleeding Out]

Arch warrior
2015-07-01, 09:46 PM
Luggin flys over and lands on wilma's shoulder and then says, Well you should still try to take a break from all of this rehearsing. You need to relax. I am sure that you will do just fine:nale:

2015-07-01, 10:59 PM
"Oh, no, I was going to be as gentle as I could while still taking the most interesting route I could. I see the point regarding not being dressed for it however.

That being no longer a possibility I can only say that you should listen to Luginn's advice, from what I understand he is well practiced in talking sense." explains Toft mildly.

2015-07-02, 12:09 AM
Reaver's illusionary disguise smiles. "I certainly hope so. I was looking for some employment and was hoping that you would provide such an opportunity. I can a variety of services, such as bodyguarding or enforcement, and I will not question the nature or purpose of my service. Unfortunately, I have another appointment that will soon require my immediate attention, so I won't be able to start right away, but I believe that I can begin work tomorrow. If you are willing to hire, of course."

2015-07-04, 08:40 PM
The lady stands there looking at you for a moment, trying to determine your intent. Looking at the shovel in your hand and your tattered work clothes, she shrugs you off as the lowly worker you make yourself out to be at the moment.
"I do have a job for you." she finally says, taking a look inside again. I require an intact larynx if you would be willing to find one. It's this right here." she points to her Adam's apple, "You don't need to get it from a human or some other humanoid if that troubles you too much, we just need it to be roughly the size of yours."

At first, Luginn startled the lady, but calms herself with a sigh. "Oh right, you must be the familiar of Merome. I never though I'd say that someone's animal companion would make so much sense to me before, especially one that's the servant of a madman."

Luginn holds his head high and boastful, "Well, I'd hope that I'd make sense!" he then leaps off of her shoulder and onto Merome's forehead and pecks at it, "Hey! Get up! Toft only shoved you off, you've been hit worse by me in the past!"

Ukki slowly drew his attention away from the bizarre scene to the clock as it strikes the eleventh hour "All right then, Hannah, go on and rest in the half-hour before the performance. You have done well."

Maria: With a twirl of your hand, bands of blue power begin to circle your fingers, and with a flexing of the wrist, pink and green sparks flutter from your hands. The villain, however, does not have his attention drawn to the play of colors that herald your appearance and instead begins to muse to himself, "I wonder-" is all that he managed to speak before the bolt of force knocks his head against the wall and leaves him unconscious. Had the molds that were latent in the wall not grown so swiftly as to cover him, he would have fallen limp on the ground.

After the mildew shrivels, you bring the boy back to the scene of his crime. No police barrier has been erected at the place quite yet, all that is there now is the corpse and a single guard approaching from the opposite direction as you.

(Ignore if you attempt to hide)
Of course, the man realizes that there is a body being dragged by seemingly nothing and makes assumptions accordingly. He pulls out his crossbow, aims it in your general direction and shouts "H-hold still!... I don't know if you're a ghost or some vile craft of some vile mage, but I order you to freeze!"

Erick: Erin simply sat there, not seeming to realize that her companion had left her. At least, that is the case until another young man walks by, at which point she simply makes him the new object of her pursuit. "Such a foolish child," says a man dancing beside you. The man is Ollukka, Erin mentor. "I will have to speak to her about this habit of hers."

2015-07-04, 08:58 PM
((Assuming nothing happens to change this...))
Toft leads Merome over to a wall, and double checks it and the ceiling by sight for sturdiness and absence of anything that would be too endangered by dirt or pressure. He then stands stands with his back to the wall, and reaches his hands back around slightly above waist level and removes the heavy flails with as little telekinesis and as much subtly about the telekinesis (if any) unhooking them and bringing them the few inches to his hand, or simply dropping the last one the the floor.

He then invites Merome to hop on, and proceeds to run straight up the wall, then perform a loop on the ceiling that ends with him directly above the flails at the end of his ability to alter gravity to remain on the surface. He then activates Feather Fall Self (Merome simply counts as part of his load, so the "Self" restriction creates no problem unless Merome lets go).

Wash, Rinse, Repeat for at least 3 cycles or until he notices any significant risk of damaging to the wall, ceiling, or Merome...

Arch warrior
2015-07-04, 09:58 PM
When they get to the part were they are falling, Merome then starts to clap his hands in excitement of all the fun he is having. Then, of course, because he lets go, he falls to the floor. But, right when he realizes that he is falling he cast feather fall.

OOC. Merome can do this because he has the silent spell feat, and this will only take one round because he also has the Rapid Metamagic feat.

2015-07-04, 10:14 PM
An intact larynx. Interesting. What possible reason could someone have for that? Perhaps it was all of his time spent with Miranda that led him to his conclusion: construction material. Someone is attempting to craft artificial organics, presumably because they had yet to figure out how to craft an obviously superior sentient machine such as himself. His conclusion that the man he saw earlier was a half-breed now appears to be erroneous. More likely, both he and this female are artificial organics (hereon referred to as "Artiganics"), and the 'man' on the bed was an incomplete Artiganic. This also explains the first Artiganic's incompetence: either he was a new creation who had little worldly experience, or his crafted mind was pitiful even by organic standards. They would most likely pay him a piddling amount for a larynx, since if they wanted they could simply buy a goat and use it (in fact, that is exactly what he intended to do), but Reaver was far more interested in this prospect of crafted creatures, and he was sure that
Miranda would be too. Reaver had initially intended to simply mark them as prey and kill them later, but now...well, he still intends to kill them, but first he wants to learn more about these Artiganics and their creator. Reaver is now sure that the rune on each of these Artiganics is involved in their construction, and he would like Miranda's opinion on them.

Reaver pauses for a moment as if considering. "A larynx. I think I can bring you one by tomorrow. Of course, I expect some payment for this service. Do you wish for it to be delivered to this building?"

After she tells Reaver where she wants it delivered, Reaver will leave building and try to find a large piece of wood. He will use one chalk piece to draw the runes he saw on the man's face and hand. If the woman had a different rune on her face, he will draw that one too. (I've already deducted on chalk from his character sheet). After this he will put the wood in his bag of holding and head to Miranda's workshop.

1) Is the rune on the female's face the same as the one on the first male's
2) Did the one on the cot have a rune on his face?
3) Is there a code phrase that Miranda has for me to identify myself when I arrive at the shop?

Knowledge: Arcana on Female [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcana on Male on cot [roll1]

2015-07-04, 11:07 PM
Toft starts to gather the flails in his hands.

"I'm sorry to say that in order to conserve your power, we are going to have to stop now..."

He pauses in his gathering as something occurs to him.

"Well, actually, Luginn, what do you think? Will he have learned from experience now?"

2015-07-05, 12:27 AM
Maria halts suddenly, looking to the body, not having realised it lacked the slight haze that showed it having cloaked with her, she bites back a curse.
The worst part is, she holds no evidence that the man was the one that performed the murder...
With a quick and relative quiet humm to set her voice, Maria speaks, dropping her voice a few notes, it's likely that the Guard might note her sounding like she's singing with her tone.

"Guard, and here you should be thanking me for doing your job/he disrupte me, and I have bound him/take him and bother me not."

With that, Maria lowers the elf's body to the ground, before slowly and quietly backing away.

Erick stiffens when he hears Ollukka's voice, his mind ticking over for the right thing to say, though he doesn't spare a glance.
"Yes... It would be good to see her take a more intelligent approach... At least she has hear youth to learn in, even if such could sacrifice some of her beauty for when she may need it most."
Erick's words are carefully measured, with the tone who wishes to say more but would not risk the wrath of his betters.


There's no actual rules for disguising your voice unless it's part of your appearence. However singing involves altering your voice a fair bit and I'd like to be able to use such to disguise Maria's voice.
[roll0], +3 if it comes under disguise, +9 if it comes under sing.

And now, move silently:

Edit: And that's why I prefer 3d6 systems. Much less swingy than d20 systems.

Arch warrior
2015-07-05, 02:41 PM
Lugging looks at merome, who is now trying to clime a statue just so he can jump off and enjoy the affects of feather fall. He then responds simply with "... NO!:nale:

2015-07-05, 06:58 PM
"...You want me to pull him down bodily, or should you try words?" asks a long-suffering Toft in a whisper.

Arch warrior
2015-07-06, 08:57 AM
Neither, the spell will go away in a few seconds, it will take longer then that fore us to get him down:nale:

At that moment merome's spell gives out when he is one foot from the ground. "AHHHH":elan:

2015-07-06, 06:26 PM
This is fine and dandy for roleplay, but for future reference if you look at the Duration line for Feather Fall (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/featherFall.htm) you will see that that isn't RAW (and RAW matches RAI in this case). It reads:
"Until landing or 1 round/level"
(underlining my own)

I probably only know this because when I was creating the Grace-Gift class, I had to specifically tweak that so that they could have a version that lasts one round (but can be renewed each round), that they can only use on others. It is actually one of about four options they get at first level for the "Carry the Burden" ability that lets them take the weight of gravity in the stead of an ally. It eventually grows into first Levitate, and then Fly effects.

Toft (tries to?) take(s) Merome by the hand to lead him back to where they started.

"Come on, we need to get back to our post so we can see everything. If a problem occurs we will want to be able to see it." he gently explains.

2015-07-08, 10:09 PM
She puts her finger to her lip as she shakes her head, "No, no, here won't do at all. How about this though? Go to a tavern called the Toothless Fairy," She points in the general direction that the inferior artiganic ran in, "It's in that direction. There, ask for a dusk elf named Kildran."

At the utterance of that name, the artiganic on the cot begins to cough, choke, and croak furiously, as though he were trying to muster something to say but couldn't. "I'm sorry, but I have no more time to discuss this. I must tend to my patient. Just give Kildran the larynx and tell him that 'Rose Thorn' said to pay no less than three crescents* in exchange. He can handle it from there. Good bye." and with no more warning than that, she slams the door shut on you.

*Just to anticipate this, a crescent is effectively worth 2.5 copper pieces.
1. The lady's rune is in a different shape than the man's.
2. He does not, there is one around his throat area as best as you can tell though.
3. So long as you speak with your undisguised voice, you will be permitted entry.

Checks: Not getting much of an idea of what the one on the lady means, but the more you look at the one on the man's throat, the less it actually looks like a rune. Almost as though it were written in an entirely different language in fact.

Maria: The guard just stands in the distance as you sing, paralyzed and quaking as the 'spirit' before him sings with the voice of a ghost. The singing is perhaps not the greatest, but one should neither expect improvised music to be great art nor terrified guards to critique. As the body of the murderer tumbles to the ground beneath you, the gnome finally gives a shout. "I said stay still!" he exclaims as a crossbow bolt causes your hair to flutter for a moment from the gust of wind it made.

* * *

Erick: The elder of the dark arts betrays a slight smile at your formality. "You need not fear my rebuke, there is nothing to gained or lost for either of us in it."

The massive man's ears twitch as a quick fit of sparks erupts from the bonfire, "That will be it for the dancing tonight, the square will now be cleared to prepare for the ceremony." says a man, standing by the fire.

"Ah, so that will be all for the dancing tonight." Ollukka turns to the young lady he has been dancing with and begins to squeeze her arm and smile. To a normal person, this would be seen as an attack or threat of some sort, but you recognize it for what it is, merely Ollukka's way of thanking people. His dance partner, however, does not know this and takes to the standard reaction in silence. "Forgive me, he chuckles as he loosens his grip, "I have merely forgotten that that is not this land's custom for thanking such a beautiful young woman for the delightful dance."

He gives a quick bow and then the girl leaves with a blushed giggle. "It is hard for me to remember that the ways of the beasts and fae are not those of the city." He comments after the lady has left, "Now, regarding Erin, what is there to be truly lost? Is not wisdom and composure not more fair and beautiful than the seductive smile of folly? That is something you must never forget in our great pursuit, fledgeling Erick, that the greatest of all equal trades is one where you receive a bargain. If one could trade their own waste for gold, would it not be foolish to pass on such a deal?"

(Fill in any commentary in between here)

The giant man's guides you by the hand out of the center of the square. It is indeed unsettling for such a large hand to be on your back, as it feels now that you should have a gaping tear through your flesh right now. "Now, might you having any further observances tonight?"


Listen: [roll0]
Miss chance: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Confirm Crit (if any): [roll4]

The two of you manage to entertain the young lady very well, such feats are indeed a rare sight to see and Luginn's commentary regarding Merome certainly lightens the pity that would have normally been felt for such a gnome.

Ukki, however, gives no attention to your playing. The captain of the paladins is instead drawn to attention of a short man who has walked into the temple square. The man walks slowly upon his stick, confident of where he is headed, but Ukki is still drawn to speak to him.

"Greetings! Honored elder, what brings you to the temples tonight when their worship is elsewhere?"

The elder waves a shriveled hand, "I pay allegiance to Njord and his wife Skadi, it is not their festival that is held tonight. Actually, I would normally be observing the festivities of tonight, but the Volvu inform me that my patron and matron will be returning to the mountains sooner this year. As my gods go to and fro, so must I, so I must make my prayers and depart in the morning."

Ukki nods slowly, "Even as a servant of Odr, I can meet those reasons with only respect. Allow me to come with you, prayers are heard twice as loud when twice the people pray them after all." The elder thanks Ukki.

With the conversation over, Ukki then takes the elder by the hand and helps him up the stairs to Njord and Skadi's temple, vanishing behind the doors.

2015-07-08, 10:33 PM
Maria ducks slightly as the crossbow bolt passes through the air, letting it sail harmlessly above her.
"Call to Thor/Chase with courage/But remember Freya/Who fights alongside the peerless."

Maria continues her retreat, slowly gathering energies for if he follows.

"Only as long as it is truly trash to you, and you know it's value to others. The heat of my breath may mean nothing to me, but for another it is part of an invaluable disguise, and a fogged glass can be beyond value. As so comes the beauty of youth, the wisely used beauty of age can far surpass it, but when it can buy a glance, it is not without value."
"Yes. Maria plans to hold an observance to the dark this eve, I've been given leave to invite others, to return or not as opportunity merits, however she's willing to join another's observance instead... While I owe a great deal to such, often I wonder if she is to quick to bargain with the essences most consider vile."

Maria moves back.
Move Silently: [roll0]
Hat of disguise: Maria becomes extremely pale, her hair becoming a dirty and unkempt red instead of it's well kept blond. Additionally, her clothes are replaced with dirty rags torn around the legs, the whole effect making her appear as a pale but overly corporeal ghost of a young women who had been dumped with the trash, but had yet to start decaying.

Maria is still invisible, however if the guard gives chase in the right direction she will dismiss her invisibility.

Arch warrior
2015-07-08, 11:33 PM
Listen check. [roll0]

2015-07-09, 02:10 AM
Toft's attention to his surrounds is exceptional, at least for someone who has never really practiced that skill per se.
Listen [roll0] (Have I mentioned that my class is Wisdom and Dexterity dependent? Because I think I mentioned that...)
He ponders what he has heard.

2015-07-09, 06:08 PM
Toft reconsiders the tactical situation in terms of having someone who can see the most area of and/or important spots in the place they are supposed to be guarding, then adjusts the position where the three of them (Merome, Luginn, and himself) are standing.

2015-07-10, 12:35 PM
After the door is shut, Reaver starts to head back to Miranda's shop while intently listening to make sure he isn't being followed. On the way he stops in an abandoned alley, picks up a piece of wood, and uses chalk to draw the symbols he saw on the first male Artiganic's face and hand, the female Artiganic's face, and the second male artiganic's throat. Having accomplished this, he places the wood into his bag of holding. If he has heard or seen anyone trailing him, he will confront the shadow. If not, he will continue to Miranda's shop, stop at the door, and say, "I have returned master, and I have discovered something that I believe will pique your interest."
Spot 1: [roll0]
Spot 2: [roll1]
Spot 3: [roll2]
Spot 4: [roll3]
Spot 5: [roll4]
Listen 1: [roll5]
Listen 2: [roll6]
Listen 3: [roll7]
Listen 4: [roll8]
Listen 5: [roll9]

Arch warrior
2015-07-10, 08:07 PM
Lugging looks at Toft trying to move himself and simple asks, "What in the world are you doing? I might need your help with this guy. He cold do something like, I don't know, blow up a rock for the fun of it at any moment:nale:

2015-07-10, 08:16 PM
Lugging looks at Toft trying to move himself and simple asks, "What in the world are you doing? I might need your help with this guy. He cold do something like, I don't know, blow up a rock for the fun of it at any moment:nale:
"Ergo why I was attempting to bring the two of you with me.

Come on Merome, we need to go guard stuff over there *points* for a little while now." replies Toft, as he continues his gentle attempts, both physical and verbal to get Merome to move in the correct direction.

2015-07-14, 09:59 PM
You stand, once again at your post, but with position adjusted to at least get that peak past the edge of Njord's doorway. Fun and games have been replaced by curiosity, concern, and duty, and the plaza about you hushes that subtle, whistling breeze to agree with your feelings. Even the din of laughter that would flare with a laugh on occasion ceased.

Hannah sits upon a pillar in the center, mostly looking upward at her mental script, but stealing a glance over to the travel god and goddess' shrine.

At long last, she looks at the great clock and then rises to her feet to break the silence, "That does it, I'm content to allow him aid an old man with his prayers, but we simply cannot wait any longer." she then walks into the temple. There is a short pause and then she rushes out. "Toft! Mr. Raven! Come quickly, Ukki and the old man have vanished!"

All along the way, no one has followed you. The plank that you acquire appears like it was once a part of a sign, though all remnants of what it once said have been lost to decay and maggots. Despite this flaking tendency, you manage to inscribe all three of the symbols on it. The first one was a triangle with its left side curved and the one upon the man's throat was much like a tree with downward growing branches. The lady's was the most complex to recall, being a knotted line of circles and sharp angles that all mingle to form what resembles a rose.

Finally, you make it through the district of wholly inferior organics and their obviously inferior craftsmanship and make it to the district of your master, a place made only superior to others by the sole fact that Miranda chooses this place as his dwelling. There is much more surfaced gears in this place, some entire blocks needing to be covered in grating to allow street to exist without interruption of the clockwork machinery.

When you finally reach the foundry of Miranda's family, you descend down the flight of stairs to the front door and knock with the silvered iron ring. The slot opens and there is one eye and a massive scab where an eye would be staring directly back at you. You recognize the scarred socket as belonging to Miranda's servant, Noraran. In all your albeit short memory, never have you know for such a sniveling coward nor so shameless a liar to be mingled in the form of a svartalf. Though Noraran has proven to be willing to lie even to Miranda at times, he has managed to tolerate him for his very talent to forge deceit. Several a time has his untrustworthiness been a boon for covering up your latest assault or even divert the guards' attention from you.

"I have returned, and I have found something I believe will pique master's interest." you tell him.

He blinks hard and then opens the door for you, "Oh good!" he says with a stress relieving laugh, "It isn't another body. I've had a long day of hammering metal around hot furnaces and I'm too tired to try and tie any loose ends you may have missed. Come on in then, Miranda hasn't come back from the celebration yet, so you'll have a more minutes to relax."

Maria: "What sort of madness is this?" asks the gnome as he shuffles toward the now cooled corpse. He crouches down at the sidewalk's edge, holding his crossbow at the ready should the spirit choose to retaliate.

Erick: Indeed, one must always remember to weigh what you give away to others in their eyes. Before all deals are to be struck and made final, both must be put upon the scales in Hlidskjalf to ensure that it is just, and if it leans even there one must place them upon the wings of the eagle, sitting atop Yggdrasil, to ensure that it is fair. These are fundamental to pacts and sound thought to life, Erick, but one must not forget to both sides of the exchange before the hawk, who sits atop the eagle's beak, for he is the one who can tell you if the act is more in your favor or the other party. This last one is the greatest of them all, for if all were to practice it, to measure things by his scale, there would be far less business in the confidence arts."
Ollukka tilts his head and then looks up to the moon, "Indeed, there are times that I too fear that she trifles with too great of powers, but let us put away such worries, for this is a sacred night and you are not the only one keeping a watchful mind about her doings. I think that I might spare myself of the rite of Freyja tonight and join in Maria's observance. This was once an interesting and well waited for thing in my life, but now I feel as though I have begun to spin the same top too often. A year of not watching the play might aid me in having renewed vigor come next solstice." the warlock smirks as Erin whooped over the joke her 'lover' just told her, "I do not think that I will be Erin though, I trust to return home when the time has come and she deserves to at least enjoy her beauty as she has it."

2015-07-14, 10:51 PM
Toft drops his apple and then tries to grab Merome by the back of the belt with the hand that isn't holding the knife if Merome isn't already moving within two seconds and (again, if not already moving) tries to bodily shove him over to the door/passage in question. When/if they get there, or at the first sign of danger (rather than merely mystery) he attempts to cut the gag off.

2015-07-14, 11:10 PM
Reaver drops the illusion, resuming his ordinary appearence as a seven foot tall suit of animated, adamantine armor. "I do not relax. And you really shouldn't be so quick to assume that I don't have a body just because I didn't enter with one slung over my shoulder. You of all people should know that I will often put them in my bag to avoid suspicion. Rest assured, I haven't brought back any corpses today. That will come later. For now, I would like to independently research something peculiar that I found until the Master returns, at which point I would like see if the Master has any additional knowledge on the subject."
1) Does Noraran know about Miranda's identity?
2) a. Does Noraran know that Reaver occasionally sells people into slavery when he has reached his kill limit for the month?
2) b. If so, is Noraran complicit in this?
3) Does Miranda allow Reaver access to any research, books, notes, etc., and if so, how much of Miranda's information is Reaver allowed to access?
4) How far away is the nearest small village?

Arch warrior
2015-07-14, 11:14 PM
Merome begins to run backwards, trying race Toft to wherever he is going.

At the same time, Lugging flies ahead to see what might have happened.

2015-07-15, 01:25 AM
"Vengence of Spirits/Giving one's foe to man's Laws."
Maria tone grows sombre and serious, before she turns and leaves, continuing to step quietly, circling around to get back to the original ally, waiting invisible. If nothing happens, she will arrive shortly before Erick does.

Erick nods in response.
"I believe she plans a longer observance, but I doubt she would request your presence into the morning."
Erick begins leading the two back to the ally.

Erick and Maria [Skip if another event occurs involving Maria as she makes her way back, or there would be something else preventing this.]
"It is good to see you, Ollukka. It's been too long."
Maria steps from the alley, which is mostly cleaned, dropping her invisibility, she's long since reverted her disguise to her normal one, however a frown touches her features.
"Has something happened?" Erick speaks, quickly, which would interrupt any further introduction.
"You forgot your manners, but yes. A murder, but a few street away. The killer already tasted a fraction of my annoyance and has been turned over, but with little in the way of true evidence, unless his fear gives way to a confession I doubt much will come of it but a ghost story. I would not offer a boon to clear out another alley properly, and I would not hold a right with the guard dealing with a murders aftermath but a scream away."
"A shame, I know you wished to hold the observance in town. But I doubt this will halt us?"
Maria pauses, thinking a moment.

If Ollukka doesn't take the above moment to speak.
"It won't. While not preferable I would seek to head back to camp to continue." Maria pauses, looking to Ollukka.

2015-07-15, 03:43 AM
Toft would much have preferred to push Merome in front of him rather than pull them both backwards in the direction of danger, but goes with it, grateful that he is VERY good at glancing over his shoulders, having had to learn to do so in order to operate his weapons against wildly scattered foes.
Seriously, I have a class feature that means I can't be flanked by anything less that a class-level+4=11 rogue... really good at glancing over my shoulders.

2015-07-18, 09:26 PM
Ollukka had bowed, but failed to finish the introductions before Erick demanded details of his masters doings. Though his brow was heavy for a moment or two, he refused to voice his contempt for the interruption. Such things would be beneath him.

He stands there quietly as Maria and her student think and replan, and does not respond until Maria mentions the notion of observing back at their camp. "Magnificent, I myself would have put some consideration on the park, but heading out of the city suits my needs far better. Erick, I asked you earlier if you had any observations tonight because I did have my own thought out. After midnight or perhaps later, I intend to go into the deep wood and make an observation to the beasts in the form of a hunt. This night has the scent of a perfect pursuit, and if such signs can be sensed so deep within Aleton, then they must not be ignored."

"Pffft, 'that will come later' it says." he mutters to himself as he opens the door. As you enter the door, Noraran fires a parting shot, "And you of all 'people' should know that having a sociapathic suit of armor around the premise leaves my spine buzzing enough without keeping details straight about its habits. The less I bother to try and remember all of your doings, the less I have to think about you."

The library is unoccupied, as it usually is when Miranda is out and about. The chamber is also warmer than the hallway, you notice by the drops of thawing frost on your 'skin'. This effect is most likely the result of the fireplace, which is rather ironically named as there is never any fire in it. Rather, several rows of white-hot pipes run through this area, carrying excess heat from the furnace to the unheated rooms of the building
*This next part is just my way of giving you an idea for what might be researchable. Feel free to edit the thoughts to match Reaver's actual words in such a situation as you please.*
"Well, those things were definitely organic, or at least enough to have flesh. Best to start with a few formulas on how to make homonculi, those empathic things are certainly inferior even to the likes of that defective artiganic, but at least it's a start. Come to think of it, I think that she has a book that at least mentions lichsätkynukke, the art of turning a corpse into a puppet to be controlled, that might be of use too. And if either of those fail, I'm sure that Miranda's books on language and symbolism would shed some light on those scars at the very least."1. No, he doesn't. Miranda's very secretive about that, but I'll let you know if you come across anyone who's in on the secret.
2. Noraran doesn't know (or care to know) any more than Miranda tells him
3. She allows you access to all of her resources, anything that's to dreadful a secret for you to know are written with technical and high-level enough concepts that she doesn't honestly expect you to get what you really want out of them.
4. From the Dwarven districts? Roughly 6-7 miles away, though farms start to dot the landscape as soon as the forest clears up, about two miles away.

Though Merome stumbles as he backwards runs up the stairs up to the temple, this change of perspective grants Toft a new perspective of the shrine's waterfall, a trickle of water flowing down the hill. Hannah stands at the edge of the spring that rises from the center of the shrine, looking about confused. If it weren't for a major religious figure vanishing here, you'd assume that nothing was out of place. There is hardly even a lamppost or table of incense, all that is different now compared to day-light times is a thick curtain, veiling the shrine's view of the mountain.

2015-07-18, 10:28 PM
Maria and Erick look to each other for a moment, before Maria smiles.
"Personally I had prepared to perform alone for good reason, however I already know Erick's thoughts on the matter. If you would take my apprentice on your observance, I would be grateful. It is always worth seeing how other masters practice their trade." Maria smiles softly to Ollukka. Erick nods, seemingly in agreement, however Ollukka might notice some stiffness, or the hint of a frown.

[roll0], Erick's bluff check to hide his emotions.

Arch warrior
2015-07-18, 11:05 PM
Merome tapes his hands together in different ways, most of them very very strange, and then performs silent "Detect Magic".

2015-07-19, 12:35 AM
Toft lets go of Merome, but keeps track of him. He moves over to the curtain quickly and opens it, just in case some clue is obscured behind it (such as an open window?).
Spot [roll0]
"What exactly did you see? Even some tiny thing out of place could prove useful I think?"

"[COLOR="#0000FF"]Shhh... there may be invisible kidnappers here, everyone keep your ears peeled.[COLOR]" he says moving over to the exit and pausing for at least thirty seconds.
I assume that either none, one or six of these will be relevant to listening. Going to roll six for speed.
P.S. Having a 22 wisdom is FUN!

He takes out a bull's-eye lantern and lights it with flint and steel, then starts to search the area, crouched low enough that he can drop the lantern if necessary without it being damaged or falling over. He stops if it seems like there is much chance that he will be disrupting something that a more knowledgeable head would likely be able to make anything out of.

Search[roll7]... yeah, not going to be having any big finds here...

2015-07-19, 03:20 PM
Reaver first finds a few pieces of paper, a pen, ink, and some string, and writes, "Miranda, I have discovered something that I believe will be of great interest to you." He takes this note and hangs it on the door to the library. Next he pulls out the symbols on the old wood and copies the symbols from them onto sheets of paper. After this is done he puts the signs and the paper with the symbols in his bag and starts his research. Reaver briefly considered researching lichsätkynukke, but discarded that possibility. From what he remembered about those, they were corpses that had been turned into puppets, and those Artiganics had seemed, for lack of a better term, alive to him. One of them had even been coughing and choking, something an animated corpse would not do. The only other possibility would be that someone had brought the corpses back to life, and Reaver sincerely doubted that anyone would bring a corpse back to life just to make it a puppet when it could have been done so much more easily by simply turning the subject into a mindless, obedient undead. Reaver decides that the symbols will turn up the most useful information and starts his research there. If Reaver can't find anything useful about the symbols before Miranda arrives, he will start research on homunculi. If that proves futile and Miranda still hasn't shown, Reaver will start researching lichsätkynukke. If Miranda shows up alone, Reaver will tell the whole story, show the symbols on the paper, and ask for additional information. If Miranda shows up with someone else, Reaver will sit quietly until acknowledged. If he is asked what the discovery is while Miranda is, Reaver will say that, while curious, it is an item of minor importance and can wait until later.

2015-07-22, 08:57 PM
Sense Motive [roll0]
Ollukka gives and odd look, but then shrugs. "Fine then, I shall bring Erick along on the hunt and leave you to your own observation. I shall be sure to bring him back at least mostly intact by dawn.
While on the topic of different teaching methods though, would you mind taking Erin for a day of tutoring on some later occasion? Though I have taught many a pupil before, I fear that there is something that I am overlooking in her training that you might be able to find."

(just saying that you took 10 on a Decipher Script check) The first few minutes were spent looking up the runes, a simple brush over of a simple alphabet that puts the artiganics' markings under an even stranger light, as none of them match any of the six letters perfectly. All three appear to be quite clearly some form of them all, but with foreign elements influencing them heavily.

As a result, you begin to pour over the languages of several different countries and races, starting with those that you assume are the most drastically different from one another. It is finally in the writings of the frost giants that you find the best solution. Though wily and savage, the Jotnar have a written language far richer than any others, where each symbol represents a concept and its pronunciation varies according to what words it is placed beside.

When paired with certain runes, the symbols match up with a handful of concepts. For the rose, it could mean 'deceptive', 'graceful', 'nose', or 'smell'. The triangle could mean 'imperfect' or 'fire'. The third symbol, however, you are not able to completely decipher before Miranda enters the room.

She takes a seat beside you, a large, yellowed tome in one arm, the note you left for her in the other hand. Her mouth is a narrow slit, a sign that she is unusually happy. "So you also found something interesting tonight?" she looks over at the symbols that you've scrawled on papers all over the table, "I never expected tonight to be full of so many surprises, I myself have found three things, two of them I'm certain will be of greater interest to you than they are to me. However, you say yours first."

"What I saw is exactly what you see right now. Absolutely nothing is out of place, like there wasn't any sort of fight or anything." Hannah shoots a glance over in the direction of the town square. "Oh, I really should be heading over to the celebration, even with the captain gone, the rite must continue."

Toft: Just where the temple ground transitions into earth, there is a skidmark. It seems to be a small humanoid's, though anything else is hard to discern.

Merome: There are no magical auras in the area.

2015-07-22, 11:03 PM
Erick stifles the start of a laugh as Maria smiles.
"Of course, who would I be if I could not offer a fair trade?"

2015-07-23, 07:28 AM
Reaver nods respectfully. "Very well. While I was patrolling I found three large humanoid creatures of a race that I could not identify."Reaver reaches into his bag and pulls out the pieces of paper with the symbols on them."Each of them had one of these symbols on various parts of their body. I have reason to believe that these humanoids were artificially created." Reaver then tells Miranda everything that happened, starting with his first contact with the first artiganic and ending with his research findings. Can I identify the tome in her arm?

2015-07-27, 03:17 PM
"Luginn, do you think you could fetch the watch? This had departed from my area of expertise."

((If all goes to plan.))

"Ma'am you need to stay here for the watch to talk to." Toft says as he closes off both the window and the doorway (He'll stand in it flanked by a chair or two if necessary to make up the width if he has to and there is/are no actual door(s).). A spiderweb glistening with morning dew is nearly as effective as an iron wall at barring the passage of an invisible foe attempting to sneak past. he thinks to himself. He keeps an eye on the window and the woman (and the door if he isn't standing in front of it. He continues to keep Merome close, and the tiny knife in-hand.

Arch warrior
2015-07-27, 05:41 PM
Sure thing Toft. Luginn then flies down to retrieve the watcher.

2015-07-29, 11:39 PM
"Hmmm, that is certainly a curious story. I'd be worried about a trap being played though, assuming that these things are what you say they are, they wouldn't be so willing to allow some stranger in on themselves like this." She places the tome upon the table as she traces the symbols with her finger. Though the twine that is tied around the book from spine to opening holds it together tighly, Miranda moves carefully to keep the book cover from flaking off. 'Elixers of Life' is written in gold ink with a steam cauldron inscribed beneath it.

She nods, "It was good of you to check various languages, but it was a useless thing to do. Whatever language this is a hybrid of, it wouldn't work as any sort of charm. However," she pats the book, "This book is supposed to contain numerous powerful potions, a form of alchemy created by some backwater tribe of humans. The chances of it having something relevant are large.
On top of that, there was a strange human who had some interest in this book as well and I think that he might have some secrets about artificial sentience as well. He wielded a hammer of immense size and, well... call it a hunch that there was a closer bond between him and that weapon than the normal warrior's."

"Very well then, come now Erick, it is time to continue the great pact of prey and predator." Ollukka then follows Maria, and then leads Erick north once you have passed the gates.

It is difficult to find your camp at first, the ash of the campfire being covered by snow, but the familiar circle of the trees remains a constant sign of where you are. At your feet is a large burrow, the same size as those made by Tregal when he is trying to conceal himself from the cold.

Ollukka takes you to a valley clearing, a tributary winding its way through the bottom. "We have arrived." he looks down and crosses his arms, "This place is the feeding place of deer, might you have an idea of what needs to be done when the deer come to graze?"

Hannah looks quickly to Toft, "What?! Bu- someone at least needs to tell the people at the celebration that the performance is canceled."

]Toft or Merome: Luginn flies off toward the nearest guard station. Just as he is a black dot shaded only by the light of the lamps, he rounds a corner. As he rounds the corner, a second black dot emerges in pursuit.

Luginn: As you turn in the direction of the guard station, a creature leaps from the shadows and tries to conceal itself by the shade of outstretched roofs. Had you not been more observant, you would have confused its hunched over sprint was for merely a large rat.

Hannah's spot check: [roll1]

Hannah looks anxiously at distance toward the town square and jumps, "What was that!? There's something chasing that raven!"

2015-07-30, 01:11 AM
"It is undoubtedly a trap. They most likely wish to lure an impoverished workman that nobody would miss to an isolated location and harvest him for material. Their ignorance of my true nature would render such a plan disastrous for them, though highly entertaining for me. I am seriously considering springing their trap and obtaining more information from the prospective harvester. These creatures do not strike me as particularly competent. I do hope that your book has relevant information on the matter, though as it is in your area of expertise I will leave that research to you, should you desire to pursue it.
Now, you say you met a human that you believe has knowledge on artificial sentience. This is of great interest to me, and I have a few questions on him, if you don't mind. Firstly, what makes you believe that he had knowledge on artificial sentience? Second, why was he interested in the book? Third, do you believe that he has any connection to these artificially created organic creatures, and if so did his hammer bare any symbols similar to the creatures? Finally, what did the human look like and where is he staying? I would greatly desire to acquire more information from him about artificial intelligence, forcefully, if need be. For that matter, is there anything further that you would like to know about this human?

2015-07-30, 03:58 AM

Ten Characters...

Arch warrior
2015-07-30, 08:20 AM
[roll0] to see what happened.

2015-07-30, 08:26 PM
Sense Motive on Hanna if possible.... [roll0]
((If that doesn't turn anything up))

"Let me get that gag off!" Toft says urgently.

He lashes out with the paring knife in a precise way, a little cut won't hurt if that is what it takes, and for a man to be unable to help to the best of his abilities while a bosom friend is in peril would be great cruelty.

If he manages to get the gag cut drops the knife and moves over to the window, three javelins flying out of one of his quivers to float above his head and both his shoulders.

Arch warrior
2015-07-30, 10:29 PM

After the gag is removed merome jumps on Hannah, and then places his face right up agents hers, so he can look her right in the eyes. Then he yells, "Is it Lugging! Tell ME, Tell Me, Tell Me!

2015-07-31, 07:21 PM
Erick thinks for a time.
"One normally waits until they spread out, targeting a lone one. Their sense of smell is good, so you need to approach from down wind, preferably from behind so they don't see you... If possible, one tries to mask their scent as prey, and camouflage where they wait so it looks like ground..

Maria smiles slightly at the burrow, before making her way over to the cooled campfire, shivering slightly... She sighs as she remembers explaining to Erick why they were going to take down their tents and convert them back to sand, she was rather looking forward to spending time in the city.

Returning to the burrow, Maria reaches into the section that Tregall always makes for hiding her pack, pulling it out gently before returning to the campfire again, sitting down and taking out some jugs, each filled with seemingly mundane sand.
Anyone watching her would likely think her insane, staring into the large jugs while sitting out in the snow, before the sand started rising from the jugs, directed by her will to take shape.

Maria is using her Shapesand to set up a large tent around the old campfire, as well as a comfy bedroll. Shapesand is an alchemical miracle.
She'll be taking 20 for each object, meaning she takes two minutes to set up each item. The tent is taking form first.

2015-08-03, 07:11 PM
Toft: The metal shafts fly out of your pack, but none of them come anywhere near striking person nor religious prop. Off in the direction that Luginn flew off, there is no sign of any sort of movement, all that is off in the distance are the stands of peddlers, now empty of the charms they are full of during the day.

Merome: She screams as you knock her to the ground, "Get off of me! It's just a raven!" As Hannah utters the word 'raven', a shiver scrapes across your back on a diagonal. Your heart also begins to pound as Luginn's distress pierces you. He is indeed in peril.

Luginn:[roll0] As you fly along, a javelin goes hurtling over you, brushing past a wing-feather but doing no other damage. Below, a gremlin runs after you.

Miranda clears her throat, "They do seem to lack much life skill, but don't let an anecdote make you forget that they might very well still have contact with their master, and even then that they may find use in you or the metals you are forged of. Adamantine is imported from Dokkalheim*, and as such would still be worth a great deal despite its lack of uses as material.
I quite agree, Bargath, the dwarf I wished for you to meet tonight, might also be able to help decode the intent of the writings. His expertise being an authority on homonculi is why I wanted to speak with him in the first place.
Like I said, the way that he treats his weapon, it is the dignity that one would hold for something living, not a mere weapon... It might be best if you take my word for that rather than trying to grasp such concepts. Anyway, it would seem as though his weapon is also sentient, so it is possible that he knows the nature of its intelligence. I doubt that he would be involved in the artiganics, since making something sentient AND able to move is a large step from making something sentient and immobile.
What did he look like? Well, other than having skin as dark as a svartalf's and carrying a hammer large enough that you would have trouble lifting it, crafted of perfectly smooth gold, I can't really think of anything that's too distinct about him. However, I have invited him to come here in two days, so you will be able to see what he is like for yourself. My plan is to allow him to read the book while I investigate my suspicions about that hammer."
*Dokkalheim is a realm to the very far south-west that is famed for some very exotic spices and ores.

Maria: Pitching a tent would seem to be such a simple task, at least when one doesn't consider what it takes to make the materials that go into it. You must first make a tarp and a skeletal structure for the tarp to cover, and maybe a rope or some nails to hold it all down. One would normally think that such would be more practical than making them all from scratch, since one could obtain all of those with hardly any thought and little more than ten Lehtiä (gp), but that would be overlooking the benefit of shiftsand. After all, if these all could be turned into a hairbrush, a fire stoker, silverware, and a host of other things, would one not need only a handful of the genuine articles?

As Maria reassembles her camp, Tregall, being so very cold, coils himself about his warm-blooded master. ["Small sun make, please."] he says lethargically, ["I very cold am.]

Erick: "That is very observant of you, you think like a wolf. However, I was asking if you knew what to do on a more spiritual level. Do you know what it means to take the life of a beast? What fate they have? Where their spirits shall be sent? Of what consequence that has on nature?
The rite of the hunt indeed pays homage to the animals, which you have indeed honored with your contemplations, but it is also an observation of death, of how the primal pact written when both were born works."
Animals, unlike humans do not possess an immortal soul. Rather, they have one that shatters upon death.These 'splinters' of a soul are in turn bestowed upon plant seeds or partially reincarnated in a new animal. The latter is most common among carnivores and elderbears (which are herbivorous)

2015-08-03, 08:25 PM
Erick frowns in thought for a time.
"They're denied death... But they live again in nature, in what they themselves hunted, their energy spread to feed the ground place they died. From this, life is constantly renewed, but not from the top."
There's a short pause after death, a slight hesitation before he continues.

Maria frowned, as she turned from Tregal to the cold firepit. They had not gathered wood for the day... Yet if she did not start on her observations soon, she would loose out, and sharing of her body heat would only make her colder than she already was...
And if she got much colder, she'd surely catch the chill.
"Reminds me to count my eggs... I will Tregal. I shall be back soon."
As much as the cold would not do, she was not going to waste sand creating a fire, it was to valuable.

Leaving the camp, Maria began to collect what firewood she could in the dark, her eyes seeing the world in the shades of grey that some spirits did. This left her having to tell whether wood would be useful based on touch more than anything else, and sometimes she'd 'waste' sections rotting away bits so she could collect the wood.

Maria eventually makes her way to camp one last time with a bundle of wood, before getting out her sand again.
With concentration, she creates an extremely shallow steel bowl, more like a large iron plate with lips on the end, just enough to keep water out of the fire as it'd melt the surrounding snow. Bellow this she lay a tarp, also made of sand. While it'd be heavily burned by dawns arrival, that would mater not when she recalled it to her jug.

Then, she began stacking wood, as she had been shown, as those that had shown her had been shown, slowly building up a fire, before lighting it with pyrite stones she, again, made from sand, in addition to a poker she also made from sand
If nothing else, she was glad she had such a large stockpile, as she shifted her creations back to sand so as to catch every grain in their containers, which would go back into her magic bag. Taking some time to warm back up, Maria stood by the fire a while before finishing to set up her tent.

Alas, I did not get searing blast.

2015-08-04, 09:21 AM
Rest assured, I would not reveal my true nature to them. I would certainly slaughter them, but they would have no idea of what I really am unless they had some way to pierce illusions, and even then they would have no way of knowing that no one occupied the armor. This Bargath, how well do you know him? Do you think there is any possibility that he could be involved in these creatures? I would be wary of what I revealed to him, if I were you.
So this man with the hammer has dark skin. I foreigner, most likely. Do you think there is any possibility that his home country knows about imbuing objects with sentience? Actually, it might be of more immediate importance to know if he has any contacts in the city, or if there is anyone who would miss him. If not, perhaps we could simply subdue him when he arrives and force any useful information out of him. It would be as simple as sealing him in a room and filling it with poison gas while I prevent him from escaping. Out of curiosity, why would this man have an interest in that book?

Arch warrior
2015-08-04, 11:38 AM
With the feeling of terror from Luginn, Merome runs strait towards him and when he can see the attacker shouts "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Then he cast "Magic Missile" on the attacker.


Arch warrior
2015-08-04, 11:39 AM

Ten characters

2015-08-06, 05:30 PM
Toft tries to track the path of the missiles with his eyes.

2015-08-09, 09:52 PM
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15nFJonllqi2wnjtAU1MSvi-CrwVGvZdzX4N0v-26Ohs/edit#gid=0), feel free to add a picture to represent your character if you want it, otherwise I'll probably put one in myself.

Attack on Merome: and [roll]1d4+3d6

That feeling of peril, it literally gnaws at your sanity. You charge to find the one responsible for it. As you pass the fountain statue of the all-divining norns, another instinct takes over. You raise your arm and swat the object that came flying at you. It soars into the air and pierces the ground just beside the statue, a javelin of crude construction.

Hide check needs to beat 14, penalty due to snipping: [roll1]

Just before your attention was drawn completely to Merome's own peril, a slight motion occurs behind a pillar in the left-most temple (on the map, just above the temple Toft is in). The runted figure notes your noting him and ceases to hide. It crawls like a weasel, the way that a gremlin walks. "Leave tem -------s outta tis!" it swears at you in one of the most guttural voices you've ever heard, "You wan tha ----ed -------, you gotta work by our orders."

Miranda goes into a snarl, "Have you grown to care so little of organics that you have begun to forget them? Bargath is the most famed alchemist of all our ranks and though not a personal friend, his family has been allied with ours with far too long for such a secret from us. I should know, since now is when I have revealed an equal secret. And don't you go suggesting that we kill or even merely jostle those who I have invited into this house.
As she calms down, she also begins to continue brushing her hand against the book. "Their interest, best as I can tell, it might very well be because this book contains a secret of his people. Or at least something similar enough to concern them. However, I think I do recall the tradesmen babbling something about an old Dokkalf legend of giants, born from the flesh of mountains by the magics of spirit maddened shamans. Brush the embellishments aside and you have something that sounds... very similar... to... you...

Ahh!! Reaver, I have forgotten to tell you the most important thing of all, in fact, it might just be even more important with all that you've brought up as well. The celebration was interrupted by two strange creatures, creatures that looked just as you, save for being each smaller and larger than you. They also seemed to have your same lust for the crimson of gore, as they both went on to slaughter many people. I doubt that these things, even if they are one and the same as the creatures in those legends, in allegiance with the svartalf-skinned man, as he immediately went on to destroy one and put the other in custody of the guard.

However, I wouldn't put it past whoever made those things to also be able to create those artiganics, what with what the smaller of those could do. It was able to wield magic in a way I've never seen before, not drawing magic from fire nor stone nor even itself. If that is what a pawn or even a rook could do, I shudder at what the queen peace can muster.

Actually, it might even be wise for you to hide in the forest for a day or so. It has not happened yet, but I suspect that the ignorant and the aggressive will be stirring up panic, and I doubt that even my hat will be enough to hide what you are. Even if you stayed still until this blows over, I'd fear that my fellow dwarves and my own house will be victimized by the inevitable mobs, we being the most able to make such things."

Maria: Tregall slumps onto the ground, obviously wanting to follow his master and heat-source, but is now too tired to pursue or even dangle upon her.

As you grope about, you find a good sized branch, brittle and dead. It breaks off of the tree with a loud crackling and a few chips fly and bounce off of you. Some of it breaks more than expected and thus falls onto the snow. Accordingly, you reach down to grab it.

However, there is an imprint in the snow that does not belong to the wood; a footprint. It is small, the size of a gnome, but the toes stretch as fingers and parse like talons. In the direction the foot is facing, there is a stirring in the shrubbery.

This is the footprint of a gremlin. What is odd is that they're almost never this far from machinery of any complexity.

Now with an armful of wood, you spark a fire within the bowl. Though it started as a mere spark, Tregall nonetheless started to wrap himself around the container, squeezing it tightly, even when it was cold. The light grows brighter, and the darkness leaves.
Erick: Ollukka nods, "Excellent observation, Erick, now we shall find my hunting burrow and await the return of the deer. I expect there to be at least an hour until they come to feed, judging by the moon's position, so I invite you to think about something in that time. Contemplate, but please, do not present your answer until I find the time is right for you to speak it.

This natural order, as you have been so astute to notice, leaves little way for the hunters to remain. Animal spirits flow like water, descending from the highest of heights until they reach the ocean, but where do the heights get their water? This is the question I raise to you, where does the rain of spirits come from?"

Ollukka rolls his neck and leads you down the valley. Down by the water, there is a mass of ferns, and Ollukka lifts it up to reveal a hidden tent. Cramped for two, but one could hope for the ferns hiding you well enough that you'll remain hidden.

2015-08-09, 10:31 PM

Maria smiles softly at the flame, still seeing it in the shades of gray of her shadow vision, managing it's growth.
"Tregal, to the tarp, I'll lay beside you soon."

Assuming no interruptions, Maria eventually joins Tregal on the waterproof tarp she set up underneath the tent, likely having Tregal coil around her shortly before she pulls over a large heavy blanket mostly over the two of them, and settles down for the night. While normally some sort of watch is set up, given the night Maria feels safe enough just having Tregal coiled around her.

The initial answer of 'From the gods' is cut off by Ollukka's words, though was written plainly on Erick's face before he settles to think... There are several who help the world grow, one could even claim Loki through his monsters, but one couldn't claim he'd created any life recently.

Perhaps it was the souls? But even such fragments couldn't work, because herds and towns grew, they didn't stay the same or shrink... People were also no more vile and no less mighty, so they couldn't be running out of souls.

Perhaps the Tree? But the tree only fed the dragons and serpants that gnawed upon it, and dragon hunts weren't so regular... Perhaps it gave life and the serpents just took some early...
If the Tree gave life to the Ymir who's bones were the Earth, and that life was taken up by the plants, and not all of the plants life was lost and was taken up, couldn't that continue?
Ymir couldn't fight for his soul essence, he was dead, and souls only shattered on death, which could allow them to be taken up... People grew Strong and Wise over time...

Eventually, Erick nodded within the tent, content with his answer as he waited beside Ollukka.

Maria will continue to use Darkvision [60ft] until she settles down with Tregal, likely rather cold for a while, whereupon she'll return to colour vision to watch the fire a little, before falling assleep.

2015-08-10, 01:05 AM
"I am fully aware of who Bargath is. My question remains: how well do you know him, truly? I might not know much of organics, but I know that they have a tendency to craft personas, false faces to fool others and gain advantages against each other. There is nothing wrong with this; in fact, a well crafted persona can be admired in and of itself. You of all people should know this, as you have a carefully crafted persona that you use in business dealings. Even I wear a persona every time I walk out these doors. Perhaps we are not the only ones with a persona. I will not question your judgement regarding Bargath. All I ask is that you tread carefully and be ever wary. I would be curious to know what secret you told him, if you would deign to share it with me.
Ah, accursed hospitality once again stands in the way of the simplest solution. I will not harm whom you deem guests, I was merely attempting to offer a possible alternative that would save time.
Creatures similar to me? Were they different enough to possibly have been invented by someone with no knowledge of my construction, or did they have enough similarities that the chances of someone separately creating them is minuscule enough to be considered nonexistant? If the latter, it is possible that there is someone has access to some of your private information. Perhaps Noraran is the weak link, wittingly or otherwise. He does not have the strongest mind...or spine for that matter.
So the foreigner was able to defeat both of them. Perhaps he is more powerful than I initially gave him credit. In any case, I wish to know where the second Construct is being held, and if you have any desire to for me to obtain it for you. Out of curiosity which of the two is being held, the larger or the smaller? I find it rather disturbing that the constructs were out on a rampage at all. If they were indeed created by the same being responsible for the artiganics, the being should have had some idea of what might happen to creatures newly bestowed sentience and taken appropriate actions to ensure they didn't escape. The fact that there were two of them implies that they were not flukes, as I was. This suggests that either the creator is even more incompetent than originally believed, or that the creator deliberately revealed an ace up the sleeve to go on a public rampage. If the latter, why? Do you know of anyone who could gain from their rampage, or possibly from the outraged mobs that were sure to follow?
I would be remiss to leave you unattended when angry mobs might be calling for dwarf blood, but if you desire for me to go to the forest to wait for this to blow over I will do so. I trust you have plans to ensure your own safety.Was there mob violence against the dwarves when Reaver was first created and went on his own rampage?

Arch warrior
2015-08-10, 07:47 PM
Merome stops running to save Luggin after hearing the words of the creature. He turns around and sees what he has't since the days that he was sane and working on the clock. A Gremlin. With this dislike of them, the fact that it is going after his nice guard, and THE GAURD STILL HASN"T GIVEN HIM AN APPLE, Merome casts "Scorching Ray"

1st one is [roll0]
2nd one is [roll1]

Luggin is fearing for his life, while flying as fast as he can to Merome.

2015-08-11, 01:07 PM
((Assuming I threw the javelins I had drawn.))

Tumbling to E31 while drawing one of each of the following swords: Adamintine +1, Masterwork Cold Iron, Masterwork Alechmical silver. (I probably need to define how their movement works when they are drawn as part of a move-action. For now I'm assuming they come out at the END of the action, and thus only get a 5' step).
Tumble DC 15+2 for sloped or angled surface (the stairs)... means I automatically make it but I'll roll anyway in case you want to make the DC higher [roll0]

Adamintine Greatsword +1 5' steps to E32 and attacks gremlin in D31.
To-Hit [roll1] (Crit. Threat on natural 19 or 20)
Damage [roll2]
Crit. Confirm [roll3]
Crit. Extra Damage [roll4]

Masterwork Cold Iron Greatsword 5' steps over the stairs (D32) and attacks gremlin in D31 if it is still conscious.
To-Hit [roll5] (Crit. Threat on natural 19 or 20)
Damage [roll6]
Crit. Confirm [roll7]
Crit. Extra Damage [roll8]

Masterwork Alchemical Silver Greatsword 5' steps to E30 if the gremlin wouldn't gain cover from the corner, if not I'd like to keep it in my own square (E31) if that is Okay, and attacks gremlin in D31.
To-Hit [roll9] (Crit. Threat on natural 19 or 20)
Damage [roll10]
Crit. Confirm [roll11]
Crit. Extra Damage [roll12]

"Which way Merome?!"
Double move to H24 while drawing swords during first move action.
Adamintine Greatsword +1 goes to H21.
Masterwork Cold Iron Greatsword goes to J26.
Masterwork Alchemical Silver Greatsword goes to F26.

2015-08-17, 12:30 PM
Merome, though he has manage to avoid the brunt of the damage, retaliates with full force. He brushes his hand by his chest, to steal the heat of a single heartbeat. This is then intensified on his fingertips and erupts as two waves of rippling air directed at the miscreant. The first wafts its way above him, but the other hits him straight on, making the bronze of his chain mail glow a dull red.

Toft also assaults the cretan with all of his fury (and weaponry). The cyclone of blades is incredible, knocking the gremlin to its back by the sheer gust they produce.

It clicks something in its native tongue to itself, and then continues to speak to you, only now also in gremlin "We want him back with you, we don't want him hurt, just leave those Locuks* out of this."
*Locuk: A gremlin term that in a literal sense, refers to someone who crushes another's body in between two cogs. Also used as a curse that loosely translates to 'sadist'.

He managed to get away with only a cut between two ribs on that first slash, but the second tore through his leg and the third made a gash through his back as he collapsed on the floor in shock.

Meanwhile, Luginn flies back into the pavilion, screaming "Help!!! Help!!! A gremlin thinks I'm a clock!! Help!

"But of course, I shall be wary. Understand, however, that I hold the highest of faiths in him, I would not have invited him here tonight to study you, my second greatest secret, if I did not.
It is difficult for me to weight the maker of those two on my own handiwork, but one thing is for certain, whoever made them knew exactly what they were doing. These ones had a form casted to appear perfectly natural; joints smoothly concealed, distinct physical traits, they even had some sort of insulator wrapped over them as a flesh of sorts. They were not the bizarre byproduct of empathic armor as you were.
As of now, it is the larger of the two that is detained. I do not know where they're holding him, but it is almost guaranteed that there have been Volvu brought in to interrogate. To try and sneak in there would be for the viper to try and steal eggs while the hawk is in the nest.
You do not need to worry about me, you seem to forget that as a dwarf, I am force to be reckoned with myself. However, it may actually be the riots against us dwarves that was meant to be. Dusk elves and dawn elves would both certainly have ample reason to want revenge on us, neglect and genocide both being brought upon them and their ancestors by us. The only thing that would be the problem there would be how they learned the ways of alchemy, and why they would adopt the knowledge of those they'd wish to destroy. Either way, those creatures seemed to be acting partly out of panic and ignorance, whether that is a sign of their master trying to cover his tracks or a mere lack of planning, cannot be determined." Through the door, the doorbell begins to ring. "That must be Bargath now. Remember Reaver, answer all of his questions, but do not insult him by calling him inferior in any way. If you do, I shall weld your limbs together and leave them that way until the riots die down, if there are any.
Those who saw you that night mostly assumed that you were a crazed man dressed in full armor, not a automoton. Some riots obviously ensued, but they were a mere handful of cases that wouldn't possibly be able to compete with the magnitude of the on-coming ones. One doesn't just have two fully armored whatevers pop up in the middle of the biggest celebration of the year and start wantonly slaughter women and children without the inevitability of a district sized riot/fire starting.

Maria and Tregal: An hour or two passes on, and you begin to nod off.
Spot DC [roll3] and Listen DC [roll4] for both.
You flick your tongue and smell something hiding in the bushes. It smells like a rat, but a VERY big rat, human sized to be exact. It emerges, a gremlin, but one that is better built and taller than any you've ever eaten before. (If Maria doesn't succeed)"Shhh, master speak to I, nyothing else."
The bushes rustle unnaturally and snow begins to crunch. Emerging from the bushes is a gremlin of a size that you've never imagined possible. It stands as tall as a human and stands like one with a slouch. Its hair is as red as the most youthful of Agriasians but its face is also as wrinkled as the eldest of Salomites. "Maria, hello." it says in a thick Agriasian accent, augmented by the occasional clicking sound. "Your help ve nyeed. Come qvikly."

Erick: The hiding place is surprisingly warm, likely because Oliukka's great size produces such great amounts of heat. Your back starts to grow restless, desperate for motion after a prolonged trial of endurance and confinement. Deer do eventually begin to appear though, two deer go upwind and along the river from while a stag walks downwind of you, neither seem to pay any mind to you. (There are several others that are higher up, but these are the ones that are the closest.)

"Now is the time, Erick, capture your prey, for each of us must shed the blood of at least one life to complete the observation. And as the eyes of the beast darken, I want you to reflect upon what it felt like for you to kill, and for the deer to be killed."

2015-08-17, 08:24 PM
"Tregal, watch the camp. Who needs me, and why do they call on me so late?"
Maria's words betray tiredness her movements don't show as she begins disentangling herself from Tregal, who moves begrudgingly off Maria. Maria will not follow without being told at least who needs her.

Erick nods at Ollukka's instructions, grateful for the chance to move once more, getting into position behind the does as quietly as possible while trying not to be directly upwind of the Buck. In one hand, he holds his Crossbow, pre loaded, the other loosely holds his mace.

I believe Hide and move Silently are needed, Erick will try to stay close to Ollukka and mimic him, having not been trained in the hunt. I don't think this is a take 10 situation, however Erick will try to stay out of scent range [60ft.] of the Buck, while closing to within 30ft of the deer. [Wind reduces their scent range to 15ft, so that should be safe.]

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Arch warrior
2015-08-17, 08:38 PM
Merome looks puzzled at Luginn and responds "That is the second strangest sentence I heard today." He then turns to Toft and asks "Anyway, do should I load the entire place with magic that goes boom. You know, to make sure that there aren't anymore of these little boogers.":elan:

2015-08-17, 09:52 PM
I have no doubt of your capability in defending yourself. I am merely attempting to fulfill my role as your bodyguard. You needn't threaten me about the consequences of insulting your guest. You have requested that I be polite, so I shall be polite."
Reaver stands up and activates his hat, changing his appearance to a 6'3" serving man in appropriate attire with long dark hair neatly tied back in pony tail. His hat appears to be the ribbon that ties the hair back. He grabs his scythe, which had been laying on the desk. It instantly changes in appearance to a polished cane with a silver cap. "Allow me to escort you to the door, my master. For formality's sake."

2015-08-18, 04:02 AM
Toft dashes forward, and spreads out his swords as best he can to cover Luginn's retreat.

"He got a ranged weapon, really good at jumping off the sides of buildings, or did you just not think to go for altitude?"

Since you didn't move the other Gremlin nor Luginn on the map, I can't really figure out precisely where I'm going to.

Within the constraints of protecting Luginn as best as possible Toft will be trying to get as close to Merome as possible.

2015-08-22, 09:19 PM
Tregall: At first, the gremlin purses its lip in fright, but it calms itself as you approach. A creature of your size that wished to eat him would have done such by now. After easing itself into it, the gremlin brushes your head, warm though it is compared to your body, you can still tell that its hand is very cold.
"Your master tell chat ve nyeed cher* to make pact. VERY big pact, nyeed it to destroy enyemies."
*Gremlins lack the 'th', 'f', and 'h' sounds, so they substitute them with 'ch'.

Erick: Quiet though you are, one the does darts up the hill at the crushing of a grass blade under your heel. The other one, however, just lifts its head and looks in your direction.
The fleeing one leaps up the hill, but as it goes to land halfway to the top, it left foreleg crumbles beneath it and it falls. (If you take the time to look at it) A stream of blood starts to trickle down its fur and stain the hide all about a crossbow wound.

Actions: Ollukka just shot the running doe. You have a surprise round to strike before the unsuspecting doe catches on.

"I understand, Reaver, but your presence here would only make things worse. Suppose that your hat were to fall off during the excitement and your true identity were revealed. No, both of us will be safer if you hide in the woodlands for now."
At the door stands Bargath, slightly taller in stature than Miranda (4'1"). "Good day, Miranda." he bows to your master and then scans you over, one eye covered with film, the other with a monocle. "I presume that you are Miranda's handiwork?"
"Indeed he is, now won't you please come in? I shall have some coffee made for us." Bargath nods and tugs upon a leash as he enters. On the end of the leash is a homunculus, no taller than a dark elf child

"He had a javelin. And I didn't go up like you said because of a very simple reason. I didn't because... because... Luginn flaps his wings in the direction of Merome, Because I have to share a brain with HIM! That's why.
As Luginn gripes about his assault, another gremlin emerges from behind the temples (E26). This one, however, does not show any sign of hostility. To the contrary, it holds its arms high in the air and walks on its knees.
(If you don't cut this one into celtic knots) "Chelp you vant ve. ******n veels common enyemy." it bumbles out, ducking its head down in anticipation of a thousand blades falling on its head.

2015-08-22, 10:14 PM
Tregal would sneer at the Gremlin as he moves away to circle the fire, but his face cannot. Instead, he settles for relaying the information to Maria in a somewhat bastardized form of Draconic, involving a lot more hissing.
Maria finally moves towards the Gremlin, having collected her belongings, but leaving the tent up for Tregal.
"I would be happy to serve as a conduit. But it would be preferable to know who your enemies are before I do so... Lead."
Maria follows the Gremlin, a carefully managed look of disdain on her face.

Erick's eyes flick to the fleeing deer before returning to his target, rising as he launches his bolt.
*Assuming 20 is a hit, and 8 enough to down based on your post*
Erick's bolt catches the deer in the chest, dark energies weakening the doe even as the bolt spears for her heart, dropping the doe.

Friendship Crypt Blow Crossbow Attack.

Hit: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Dam: [roll2]+4=12 [My bad.] 7 is nonlethal.
CDam: [roll3]

2015-08-22, 10:47 PM
When the door closes, Reaver dispels the disguise and bows to Bargath.
"Greetings, Master Bargath. It is an honor to be in your presence."1) What does Reaver know about Bargath?
2) What is the proper dwarf/dark elf etiquette for welcoming distinguished guests?Knowledge: Arcana on Bargath's monocle: [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcana on homunculus: [roll1]
Knowledge: Arcana on the leash: [roll2]

2015-08-23, 01:33 AM
"Ah, that explains it." Toft tells Lugginn with something between chargrin and sympathy.

"Merome, don't hurt this one! I hereby recognize your request for parlay." he says to/regarding the Gremlin.

Arch warrior
2015-08-23, 09:36 AM
Merome's hand was already up and charging to shot some magic. When Toft says not to attack it he then puts his hand down and says "AH. But he is a gremlin, their all crazy, and psychotic, and dangerous, shouldn't we blast him to make sure.":elan:

"Your argument is just describing why we need to end you quickly":nale:

"OH, Right.":elan:

2015-08-23, 04:27 PM
"Wheels? What wheels? If you just mean for gear-works in general, then I think the best I can do is accept your surrender and after that I'd or someone else will listen to your case and see if it is worth passing along." says Toft, not believing the creature even a bit but hoping to avoid further blood without at least a chance to speak*, besides which if allowed to blather it might say something of strategic or tactical worth.

*((Not sure if just being a gremlin in this city is sufficient cause for execution without trial, but I at least want to here the gremlins out personally or turn it over to a higher authority.))

Arch warrior
2015-08-23, 04:45 PM
"Isn't it obvious what he means by wheels?" Merome sings, "The wheels on the bus
go round and round
round and round
round and round....":elan:

2015-08-27, 04:28 PM
The sentient vermin grins and leads on. "Veels my enyemy. 'Great' veel chey chink makes vorld tick, but nyo! Vorld vorks by svaying stach." Its face twitches as it relates this information, but that dies down as it digresses. "But nyot vhy nyeed you. Veels planning someching, don't knyow vhat, but big and use great veel. Nyeed you to make pact vith great veel, make it stop vorking for chem."
Since you have ranks in knowledge(local), you have some idea of what he might mean by 'great wheel' and 'swaying staff'. He's probably referring to the pendulum inside the mountain and the balance wheel beneath Aleton.

Erick: The baleful wisps that have overcome their friend cause the other deer to take flight. The doe stricken, however, struggles to not fall over and runs. What it does that is different from the other one is that it instead runs along the river.
Ollukka runs up to his target and fires a blow that calls upon the winter, freezing the snow around the doe into ice. The animal still rises, in spite of the near fatal amounts of magic that just passed through it and almost definitely because of it. It shiver furiously, but runs to follow the other doe nonetheless. "Quickly! Shoot them! We have little chance of catching them on foot!

Hellrime spear failed, but dealt one point of wound damage. Both deer are running away.

Bargath gives a short bow to you, a nicety adopted from the humans, but a sign of aloofness if following the strictest rules of dark elf tradition. The moon unveils itself and reflects off of Bargath's monocle, revealing small scratches that you recognize as being infused with magic (these are not the same symbols as seen on the artiganics), albeit weak magic. They appear to be mostly very mild transmutations, meant to compensate for the lack of one eye, and a few divinations of slightly higher power.
In the hall, though the homunculus has an emotional stare at its surroundings, it betrays remarkable intelligence, closer to a raven than the normal intelligence of a sheep. Normally, homunculi have little or no consideration of what's around them, this one seems to be studying its surrounding, if only casually. It obviously poses little threat to its master, as the leash it is tied to only mundane, blue leather.
After Miranda orders a servant to go brew some coffee, you all sit back down in the library and begin to talk. Miranda and Bargath immediately plunge into details about your construction, all of the important information is stuff that you've already heard before, just in less technical language.
It not until the coffee arrives that things get... interesting. Bargath does not ask for any honey or cream to be put into his drink. In fact, he doesn't even drink it, he just pours it onto your head. "Tell me now, did that hurt? What does it make you feel like?" he asks without even attempting to apologize. After you answer that question, he throws more at you faster than you can answer them, "do you remember anything before you went on your rampage? What did you feel like when you were on the rampage? In one word, how would describe how you feel about yourself and why? With the same restriction, how do you feel about others?" he asks you all these questions and others regarding your emotional state.
1) Bargath is the leading authority on making homunculi and an all around inquisitive. He is famously calm, completely unfazed by the ridicule he often received for the theories he had early in his career. Just as you've experienced now, he's also renowned for letting his curiosity get the best of him.
2) Proper etiquette of the dark elves is to raise your hands above the honored guest. Tradition dictates that the sky is inferior to the earth, thus, this is a sign of humility. However, having lived among humans for so long, the dark elves have grown to accept kneeling as a sign of respect and only as a statement of superiority in the most egregious of cases.

Also, I really have to thank you for asking all of these questions, I never would have thought of many of these details if you didn't ask them. Keep them up!

Also, I have a question of my own, is Reaver hollow or is there some sort of stuffing inside of him? Can his head come off and stuff?

It squints its eyes as it tries to grasp what the two of you are saying. After a long period of it sitting and trying to process your words, it responds. "Veels think clock mean someching. They wrong, clock mean nyoching. Man take to chome to learn about clock. Ve vant stop, ve chink you do too." Toward the end, it starts to wring its hands.

"What are you waiting for? Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!*" shouts Hannah at the safe distance of the temple of Skadi and Njord.

*Yes, gremlins are considered nothing more than sentient vermin and may be killed with complete impunity.

2015-08-27, 07:13 PM
If Bargath was not an honored guest, Reaver would have broken every bone in his arm, mangled it beyond repair, then gouged out his eyes for good measure. But Miranda had commanded him to be polite, so polite he will be. He does not betray any emotion. That is not his way.
As far as I can tell, I do not feel 'pain' the way mea-...the way living creatures do. I know when I touch something and when something is damaging me, but it does not cause...discomfort. He would like to add that having the coffee poured on him makes him feel like committing manslaughter, but he does not voice this.
I do not remember anything before my creation. One moment I was not, the next I was. It was rather...disorienting. Imagine waking up one day with no memory surrounded by a bunch of strange creatures who are far inferior to you. Physically, that is. Once I had recovered from the disorientation that accompanies suddenly existing, I knew that I needed to serve my creator.
One word on how I feel about myself: future. My body is far superior to that of living creatures. I am far stronger, more durable, and more quickly repairable. I never tire, I require no sustenance, never suffer from poison or disease, and I suffer no ill effect from age.
One word on how I feel about others: existing. Other creatures simply are. I harbor no jealousy, envy, admiration, attachment, or any other such emotion towards most other creatures. They simply exist, as do I. The sole exception is my creator, whose genius I am indebted to for my very existence.

2015-08-28, 04:47 PM
"Please ma'am, I'm trying to conduct an interogation here. If it's information pans out, I'll let it live."

Besides which, I don't entirely trust that you aren't involved in the disappearances...

Then to the gremlin

"Which man is that? What is he doing and why would we both want to stop him." he says, his blades circling the gremlin menacingly... like wolves, ready for the kill, their points leveled at its neck.

Arch warrior
2015-08-28, 06:55 PM
"And what is up with the clock?" Merome keeps his fingers pointed at it, ready to do some overkill:elan:

"He used to work on the clocks. Don't criticize the clocks!":nale:

2015-08-30, 01:18 AM
"I could conduct such a pact, however one must consider what one is willing to lose. Also, do you want me to make this pact, or do you want me make the pact, to conduct this pact for you. It is an important distinction, for if I conduct it for you than it is you who will pay the Wheel's price. If you wish for me to make it, you will have to pay the price I levy, for having conducted one for the wheel, in addition to what I would... Charge."
Maria is a little sceptical that the world relies on either mechanism integrally, but begins to think of wordings so as to restore function, in the event it does.

Erick rises, beginning towards the doe as he launches a curse towards it.

He has a heavy crossbow... In retrospect, not the smartest choice.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: 10, 3 Negative. Also, I made an error last time, I should have done 3 more non-lethal.

2015-09-04, 07:15 AM
Much of the chaos that ensued from the rampage has died down by now, most everybody has since huddled inside the Gnarly Scar pub to recuperate. Only you two are left outside, the bonfire now dying down and shedding dim light on the craters resultant from the scrape.

The guard only asked simple questions of Kurt, how the creatures appeared, when they appeared, if you have any idea about why they acted in this fashion, just trying to get a good image of what all happened. After that is just a request for your address, "In case we have any further questions," is the explanation for that, and then they leave.

Levi, the owner of the Gnarly Scar, walks over to you as the guards all leave. He is a massive man, so large is he that he could probably lift and wield Firebringer as readily as that stick he walks with (not a cane, a stick). Judging by the sheer number of scars that litter every last bit of him, he's probably even seen enough battles to wield her well. "All nasty stuff, that was," he sighs, "I just what ta thank you for stopping those ko-- those things. It might seem just a little greedy, but I'd probably have to pour a few more drinks on the house if you didn't." he looks over at few tables far in the corner where those who lost family and friends to those metal monsters have huddled together. He then chuckles a little bit, "Of course, no one's makin' me do that, so I shouldn't really be griping much... Say, I know it's kind of late and you probably need your rest after that, but would you mind staying around for just a little bit longer? I know people, and there's almost definitely going to be some brawls when some sod-head tries to shake off the shock of all this."

Maria: The gremlin silently snaps its fingers as it tries to grasp the subtleties in your question, Ve vant you to make che pact? Mayatniki all villing to pay price, it is our vay to change our entire lives chor good of all." it grabs some vines and pulls them away, revealing grating. Much of the mesh has either been eaten by rust or just grazed by it and the constant clunking of the gutter-gears rings far from within, "But if a price must you pay, ve vill, as best ve can, pay you for it."

The doe pauses a moment when the bolt breaks its hide once again, and then takes a few steps forward. It stumbles and falls to the ground as Ollukka runs up to it.

He holds his hand against its nose, "It still lives, that shall suit our needs just fine. I did say that we would each need to bring our own deer to the rite, but I suppose it can manage with this much. Now tell me, what is the answer to my question? (assuming that you will provide your answer from before, but feel free to write it down anyway) A good guess, but not the answer, do not feel bad as this is something far from anything you could have known. There was a reason I compared the flow of souls to that of water, their paths reflect one another. The rain comes from the dew shaken off of the stags atop of Yggdrasil, and that dew comes from the steam when the river Niflheim meets the fires of Muspleheim. So you see, the rain comes not from water, but from that which does not need water to survive, and it is the same way with souls.
The remains of beastly souls are gathered by those who lack there own and make pacts with death to place them at higher heights. These soulless creatures are what we call the fey, keepers of the animals afterlife and the maintainers of nature, this is a rite that I have been taught by them, a solemn responsibility that I cannot say why it has been bestowed upon me."

"It would seem then that, despite all that you can list for why you are superior, you are at least inferior to us in one way. You say that you can only notice the distinctions between 'feeling' and 'harm', but there is much subtlety lost in between that that puts you at a disadvantage. Knowing just how something feels or knowing in what way something harms you can indeed mean the difference between life and death.
Perhaps, however, it is this lack of feeling that allows you this higher state of being, I shall have to try that sometime. Otherwise, I cannot make out much of anything for you."

"Very well then, I did, however, find this tome." Miranda moves the book over to Bargath. "I have heard of many secrets of life that are inscribed within this, though I have not opened it yet myself."

"Very well then, allow me to do the honors." he lifts the cover slowly, making sure not to tear it off. He looks at the glossary, and after a moment, he looks up at Miranda, "Though they may resemble living creatures, Miranda, gingerbread men are not alive."

She rises up is surprise, "But, what is the meaning of this?"

"Well, it would seem that this here is a cookbook, and though there are a good many recipes in this that would do exceptionally well at PRESERVING life, there are none that would be in any way capable at PRODUCING life. Assuming that there isn't anything concealed, I would say that your resources are in error."

Frustrated, Miranda plops back into her chair, "Or perhaps that salesman has made a forgery." she mutters to herself.

It wraps its hands around its neck in a futile attempt to protect it, "Man chrom in building chere," it glances off at the temple of Skadi and Njord. "Vhat chey doing, don't knyow. Knyow chat Veels have big plan tonight, and man very important to you though." It allows one of its fingers to brush against the blades but pulls it in just as soon as it realizes how sharp they are.

Clocks are very - *Marr, hurrrk* - Nyice?" The gremlin wheres its best 'please don't overkill me' smile (which admittedly isn't very good).

2015-09-04, 08:10 AM
Maria raises her hand, energy gather just bellow, waiting to be directed at the greeting, eager to decay it further despite her restraint.
"Trust me, there is never something for nothing. Even the gods would charge us for living on their world... But, I'm more than happy to conduct a deal, and it will likely be born by one or all of you. If I however am required to pay a price, then we shall negotiate mine as well, though I've a feeling it would be a lesser one."
Maria removes her hand, turning to look at the gremlin, gauging it's reaction to see how well it has understood her. While she was quite happy to make deals with one and short them, pending relative power, it always pays to be more careful with large groups.

Erick nods as he processes the information, somewhat proud he was close to the answer as his mind turned to the tree. However he remains silent, awaiting further instruction or direction patiently.

I'd give more of a response with Erick, but I can't really see anything to say.

Maria's Sense Motice: [roll0]

2015-09-04, 10:04 AM
A cookbook? If I might ask, what sort of recipes are in this book? I don't suppose any of them have anything to do with old Dokkalf legends of giants. Actually, is there any chance that the recipes are a code? I've heard tales of alchemists encoding their messages so that others would not know their secrets.
If you wish, I can bring the merchant here for more questions. I should be able to accomplish this with minimal fuss if you just point me in the right direction.Is the author of the tome named Tim Marcoh?

2015-09-05, 10:35 PM
Kurt rubbed the back of his neck, running over the battle in his head once the fire had died down so to speak. It was his usual stick when it came to things like that, it was easier to improve yourself for future battles if you knew what you were you had messed up in the last one. He didn’t know what those creatures were, at least not yet but he was damned sure going to find out when he got the chance. Though before he could voice that thought to Firebringer, he was approached by a rather large and scarred man.

Though to find the beast of a man was the one running the tavern was a bit of a startle, to him hands of that size weren’t meant for delicate work. But he couldn’t very well begrudge someone their retirement plan. And after a hard life, sitting back and getting paid to listen to stories which a tavern owner usually got didn’t seem like a bad way to spend it. “No problem, I’d be happy to stick around and make sure the peace is kept. The order and the guards will have their hands full with enough foul business as it is.” That and he was curious on what the tender had almost let slip just a moment ago. It was better to get in the man’s graces before he started prying for answers

2015-09-06, 03:14 AM
"Are these 'wheels' people? If so, who are they? I haven't heard of them."

Arch warrior
2015-09-08, 12:42 PM
"Maybe they're animated wheels.":elan:

2015-09-11, 09:51 PM
Maria: The gremlin reaches a hand over yours to a handle, made by what looks like a good swing from a hammer, and opens the grating. "Good." at the snap of his other finger, two more gremlins appear, from the bushes to your left. Both are much smaller than the one you've been talking to, and the one closer and behind you with only stubble instead of the short beards the others have. Vith chese two, ve go down."

The smaller gremlins slip down the access tunnel first, and after bidding you to go down, the first gremlin also descends. At the bottom is a line of gears running along the walkway. You are lead toward the city, the opposite direction the gutter gears are moving in.

The terrain is mostly the same kind of featureless for fifteen, maybe twenty minutes, the gears getting slightly larger as you go along, but nothing else. On the horizon now though is a much more open cavern, delicate wires seem to wind over top of the walkway and gears on either side move vertically.

There is a chilling noise from the distance. It sounds like the screech and scuttle of rats, but it loud and clamorous enough that it seems they are the size of oxen. The gremlins look at one another and the cleaner shaven one reaches into a belt bag and tosses small vials at everyone. "Put chat on, ve are nyearing Veelland and must cover our scent. That vill make you smell like clock, but all must also be careful moving nyow. Veel's guards are around here, careful must be."

You can smell the salve even as the creatures smear it up themselves, it sours the air with corroded copper and tints their skin green.

Erick: Ollukka presses his middle and pointer finger against the doe's neck and mutters a summoning, Tule nyt, Hel, kuningatar kuoleman ja yhdeskän valtakunta Nifleheim." As best as you can tell, it is unlike the way that Maria taught you to conjure forces of power, no doubt fey in nature. When he finishes, black smoke begins to rise as though a stick of incense had been lit just behind the body.

I have no other way to say this, in some ways, I have come to find that some pacts demand a younger person to perform them. This was a deal first intended to disperse souls by deals between soulless beings, I am far from retirement but I fear that age is starting to make it so I cannot continue this pact forever. I have been looking for someone to replace me in this task for a long time and though I would have rather Erin inherit this, I fear that by the time she would be prepared for the task she would need to find her own replacement.

You, on the other hand, seem to be well suited to the task, and I should very much appreciate if you decided to take this duty from me in the future. There is no need to tell me your decision now, I would even rather you do think this over thoroughly. However, should you decide now, I would be more than willing to let you do at least some of the negotiation now.

Bargath rubs his chin and scrolls along the table of content, "I'm not certain about Dokkalf giants especially by looking at the names of recipes, but some of them do indeed have spices from there right in the name, such as... BAH-HA-HA!! Look at that, one of these is some kind of bread made with, get this GREEN tea!" He tries very hard to simmer himself down, "Haven't a lantern's light of a guess to what that is, but if I had to guess what it's brewed from, it would have to be some sort of nasty flavor. Your idea of encryption may indeed be correct, but I would need some time to look into this. Shall we do that now, Miranda?"

Your master nods, "If you are done questioning Reaver, I would be quite up to the challenge. I even have an idea about what this 'green' tea might be referencing, but I would like to go get something." Miranda leaves and there is a few minutes of utter silence. Bargath takes advantage of this time by reading Elixers of Life, nodding occasionally. When Miranda does return, she has a necklace with a grey, sandy crystal on the end. "You are now excused, Reaver, I suggest you leave town now. When I think that it is safe to return, that jewel will glow green."

]Rule of Funny dictates that it is now. Also, OH MY GOSH! THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE IS MADE OUT OF HUMAN LIFE!! And you do NOT want to know about the ego of that homunculus.

He grins, Fantastic, however, if you do decide to use this to pull any brawls," he taps Firebringer with the stick, "I'd appreciate it if you would pull your punches a bit. Don't want t'have to mop any blood off the floor."

Regardless of your response, Levi then beckons you inside. It is very dull and dismal all about. Most people are huddled off to the side and not even the middle has laughter or jokes of any kind. After pouring a drink for himself, Levi whistles to get everyone's attention. "Now listen up everyone, I know that there's been some pretty rough stuff goin' on lately, but I don't want to see any grief in a place built for merriment. So to lighten up the mood, I'm goin' to tell one of my good ole scar stories." Some of the more regular patrons groan, "Relax, it's not one of the guts and glory ones, it's 'bout these two on my nose." He reclines behind the bar table and rubs his nose.

"Y'see, back in the day, I used to work with some Raiders on the west coast. Now don't get excited, they were your usual pirates and pact-punchers, but let me tell ya, once you get used to them, they're your pirates and pact-punchers.

"Anyway, the boys and I were having a pretty slow season. It's always slow on that coast, but Winters were even slower, my bet would be because no one wants to trade their sails for ice-picks. Anyway, we were waiting for the longest time for a ship, any ship to come by, you kind of get that way when your own ship is frozen in the middle of the sea. You couldn't believe how happy we were when one finally did show up. Some of us were about to walk right over there and welcome them like kings.

"There was one problem with their cargo though... All that this ship was carrying was cheese of the stinky variety. What's worse, it seemed that they'd not packaged it right, so it was stinky more from spoilage than anything else. Normally, we would've just left that alone, but the idea of passing up even that much pained us all too much.

"As should be expected, nobody on the black market wanted rancid cheese, and none of us still wanted to give the cargo up. So we were stuck with this on our ship and many of us, myself included, spent so much time with our noses plugged shut that we got scars on our noses."

No one really laughed, but some people smiled. Levi catches a mug that was flying to his face and some of the foam splashes into his eye. "That wasn't funny! Tell a better joke!" the man who threw the mug stomps over and thumps his hand on the table.

As any good bartender, Levi is quite used to this kind of angry drunk and responds appropriately. Without taking his eyes off the man, he goes and refills the mug and rests it back on the table. He hunched over to make himself look smaller and smiled, "I'm going to call that a refill, but I'm going to have t'charge you a kym for that. We've all had a rough time, as I said just a minute ago, so I'm a little bit out of the joke telling niche right now. At the time being, I'd say it might be best for you to go and sit back down, maybe have this drink here. Of course, if that doesn't suit you, how about you tell us a good joke that you know. It's one of those or out of establishment I'm 'fraid to say though." The man bears his teeth, not moving one bit.

"Now chat's quite enough with the questions!" snaps a voice. The slap of feet herlads the emergence of another gremlin, this one with a more composed countenance to it. "Nervnyy chere doesn't handle pointed objects being swirled around chim very well and all that you are doing is wasting valuable time. Since you chind it so important, the Wheels are a rival tribe, very powerfool, very... influential toward the smaller tribes.

Chowever, I must insist that you make your decision soon. They clearly chave used much resources to capture this... Ukki was it? I am well learned in their thinkings, they would not chave done all of this for but a small scheme. No, whatever it is that they are planning, I can promise you that it will bring destruction down your tribe, mine, or both."

2015-09-11, 10:17 PM
Maria makes a disgusted face at the salve, but applies it without pause. While she might not like doing such, she's done worse.
At least she can hide the colour change.

Erick thinks for a time before he responds with measured voice, watching the black smoke.
"I would rather watch and learn first. It's always best to do if possible."

2015-09-12, 01:14 AM
"Good enough then. Being poor of tongue is no great crime, although I may have just accidentally killed for less than that, and since the two of you seem to be of the same tribe I shall merely bind this one. Still I don't trust you, so this one is getting tied up until and unless your help proves genuine to my employers. Be warned, I keep the abilities of my swords a close secret, so I'm loathe to let either of you go free if your knowledge proves merely so-so. Not that it will be in my hands in the long run, but whether I put in a good word for you or a word against you when the discussion is complete will depend on that.

Also, I regret that I killed the one I personally did if he was one of yours, but all I knew at the time was that a kidnapping had occurred and Lugginn was under attack by a gremlin. He acted bravely in coming here at all, but picked his company poorly I think... if he was one of yours."

"Lugginn, Merome, I think this new one is going to help us find the ones who attacked you if I'ms not mistaken... or at least they didn't support the one who did that. In either case we need them to be our friends so that we can find Ukki. Keep an eye on the newcomer while I work please."

All but the adamintine sword return to their sheathes. The remaining sword comes to a rest in the air, but still is ready at a hair's notice to slay the prospective prisoner. He moves forward and takes it in his hands.

"Ma'am, I know this is going to be distasteful to you, but Ukki needs your help. I beg you blindfold each of these gremlins. Say 'no' and I'll find someone else to do it. Say 'yes' and bring harm to them, and I shall return harm for harm upon your own body... or if I'm in a bad mood I'll knock you out and let the gremlins have you. If you need materials I suggest the curtains if you can't think of a better material... or maybe for our would-be diplomat here, my helm* placed on his head backwards might do."
*((Replace 'helm' with 'hat' if Chain Shirt doesn't include a helmet. I have Cold Weather Gear, so I'm definitely wearing SOMETHING on my head...))

When and if she does so, he lays his sword down as quietly as possible, then picks it up again immediately with his telekinesis. He then uses his other two telekinetic 'hands' to draw out a knotted length of rope with a grappling hook tied to it, and starts to undo the knots preparatory to using about 45' of the 50' length to tie the gremlin up very thoroughly, but also fairly comfortably. The remaining 5' end will be left sticking out in case he wants to tie it off to something.

[roll0]... I think an escape artist check has to beat this by 10 to succeed, since tying someone up is considered to be easier than escaping in a mere six seconds or however long the escape artist check takes.

2015-09-13, 12:43 AM
Reaver accepts the crystal and places it in his bag.
Thank you master. I will check the crystal every morning and evening. I wish you both good luck on your research and safety in the coming days.
Reaver changes his appearance to that of a thin old man. He has shoulder length snow white hair and a beard going to his chest. He has a dark blue robe and his magical tophat appears to be a long pointed hat. His scythe changes appearance to a walking stick with a fine ruby carved like a dragon's head as the capstone.
And now I take my leave.
Reaver will step outside the door and listen for a few moments. If nothing seems amiss he go outside the city to the forest. He will then wait for the plot.How safe is the surrounding area for the general traveler? What sort of dangers would they have to worry about?

Arch warrior
2015-09-14, 09:24 AM
"But Toft, we don't need two, and I really hate gremlins. Maybe I could just blow one up? Just a little?":elan:

"NO! If one of them gets killed, than we won't be able to get the other one to help us!":nale:

Merome starts to pout.

2015-09-15, 03:12 AM
Toft awaits the lady's decision.

2015-09-18, 07:20 PM
He chuckles, "You need not guard your secret so much, Toft, we have little need for knowing just chow it works, just chat it can be used by you. And in all fairness..." he looks over at where the gremlin corpse was, "Prikhodyat syuda, Glupyy. (Come here, Glupyy)"
Groaning as he walks along, the exact same gremlin that you thought you slew approaches. His clothes, scraps to begin with, are torn in the places that you struck it and it holds its back, but it otherwise lacks signs of the wounds you dealt it. "I chave some things that I hold secretly myself.
"Oh yes, I really chould apologize for Neter's behavior. You see, we just couldn't let you chind your **** guards, they are ratehr... unilateral in how chey treat us and we would be unable to help if chey were involved. I did not tell him to attack though, but I should have quite honestly expected chat, as violence is thought of as an acceptable way to end many problems among my people.

Hannah shouts at you when you make the suggestion of implementing the curtains. "Do you have any idea how expensive these curtains are?! They're dyed with Detchen* sea shells! I'm not going to ruin something like that for those things!"

"I really must agree with her, though I do not know what 'Detchen she shell' is, there are some things chat would make that idea rather... impractical." He waves his hand, and three more gremlins emerge from whence he came and Neter comes from the street where Luginn was chased. Another, clothing studded with bits of bronze, comes from behind. "All these, my friends, have come to help chight any Wheels we come across. By the time you blind all of them, chey might as well go home. You are free to bind my hands, but it won't do anything of much use."

And you, gnome and raven, Merome and Luginn was it? I must say that I am fighting down doing the same amount of the same to you as you are for the same reasons you are not doing the same amount of the same to me."

There isn't much that you can hear through the door, just the movement of books and such.

Fortunately, Dark elves are mostly nocturnal, so you are able to acquire all that you want from one general store. After dropping the coins into the ladies hand, you head off to the city wall.

The guards, one dark elf and the other possibly dawn elf (it is difficult to tell if someone's a dawn elf for certain unless it's dawn or dusk, but they tend to be taller), give you a slightly odd look for leaving the city alone, but otherwise just assume that you are a traveler too eager to get home to rent a room in an inn. "There's been rumor of a real abomination running through those woods sir. I'd maybe try to hide some of your jewelry if I were you. Unless of course, drawing whatever that thing's attention is the idea." the dawn elf jokes in slight.

The road is barren, as should be expected at this hour. A half mile from Aleton, the wind bangs against the trees, creating much clamor, and clouds swallow the moon. This would be the most opportune moment for a homicidal sociopath and monstrosity to strike without even the victim knowing they were attacked in your opinion. And you should know, you being one. An old Agrasian folk song starts to run through your head, The Wizard and the Wolf.

To your left, the plants shake more than on the other and out stumbles a deer. There is no grace in this creature's step as it pants, an odd trait for a doe to express. The moon claws out from behind the clouds and reflects light off of a wet spot on its front left leg. At seeing you, it tries to perk up again and run away from you in the direction you were already headed.

1. Assuming Reaver would know this, a deer only pants when it is about to die from thirst.
2. Venison is only allowed to be eaten by nobility and the wealthy, it is illegal for anyone else to hunt them. Not that this would matter to Reaver, but this is still worth noting.

Maria: As you continue, the passage is draped over by the workings of the clockwork. This one's core is to your right, but the coils and wires, as thick as harp strings, it works all loop over your head and below your feet. Before you is five rows of gears running vertically on either side of the walkway and fuel similar gears as far as your eye can see (which, to be fair, isn't much farther than one end of a house to another) and they all appear to make still more complexes of clockwork work.

The tallest gremlin draws its sword and the other two begin to climb about the gears. The sword is indeed very large and at the end it widens and then tapers to a point, making it resemble a pendulum. "Tread careful. Chere live the bolkrysa." it says.

To your left comes a squeal as a rat as tall as you attacks one of the other gremlins. The rat lunged at it and knocked it to the edge of the gear it was standing on, where its friend also tried to take a bite at it, but failed due to the height it had to jump to reach the gremlin.

He gripped his sword, cursed, and leapt over to help his ally. As fate would have it though, another rat snatched him by the jaws and dragged him to the ground below the gears. When paw met stone though, it bashed the vermin atop the head and pushed it off. "Much good varning did. Ve vere found anyvay."

Erick: Ollukka nods and turns to the manifestation. There is very little that you can completely discern of the figure, it is a woman in silhouette as best as you can tell though, and she vaguely reminds you of Maria. What else you can discern, however, is far more... sinister. On its left, she appears to be gorgeous and lively, hair long and well brush. The right hemisphere on the other hand is dead in the most literal sense. The hand, arm, and everywhere else is far thinner, it is even possible to see straight through. What little hair that apparently hasn't fallen out is knotted and split.

Greetings, oh queen of the dead, on this night I would like for to discuss how this humble deer spirit shall be distributed, as is what I do upon every full moon. But before we attend to that, I would like to introduce to you Erick Galtson." he gestures toward you, "Though I regret to say that he is not my own pupil, he is indeed talented for his age in the ways of pact making, and I believe that he would be worthy to hold the responsibility of speaking with you. From Maria, his true mentor, I have heard that he has even successfully borrowed power from the witches of Jarnvid. It is his wish to but observe for this first time."

The shadow looks over and past your shoulder and tilts it's head, "Fresh blood is more than welcome to observe this rite, but if you would so kindly reveal him, so that I might see him?"

Ollukka snaps over at you, eyes wide open with confusion. Erick? What trick might you be playing? By what fiat have you hidden from death itself?" he turns back to the shade, I assure you, your majesty, that he is indeed standing beside me. As surely as these reeds grow by this tributary!"

Let's see how much those gremlins got hurt for:
Gremlin 1: [roll0]
Fighter: [roll1]

Red: Meshing point. If you are standing in one of these tiles, you must succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save or take 2d6 points of damage.
Gold:Gears, nothing special for the most part, traversable
Golden rod: Gear focal point. The gear attached to this and anyone standing on that gear will move counter clockwise one and a half tiles.
Green: Where gear system overlaps the walkway, traversable.
Blue: Walkway, 5 feet over the ground.

2015-09-19, 01:09 AM
Toft peers carefully a what looks at first glance to be the one he cut up.
spot [roll0] on tablet so not 100% sure of bonus.

Is it really the same one?

sense motive [roll1] on tablet so not 100% sure of bonus.

Is the leader negotiating in good faith?

((If all checks out.))
"Well, that will do. Still too high up for me to handle but it seems like there is little point in exchanging threats." he says as his swords return to a guard position in a broad triangle around himself.

2015-09-19, 07:51 PM
Erick feels a moment of panic as he sees what, in his mind, is clearly no fey respond to the call, one he tightly reigns in. He speaks softly when Ollukka questions him.
"I do not hide myself. I am hidden, with good reason. My name is on the roster of the unrecovered dead."
Without further word, Erick moves to where the spirit is looking, and places his mace down on the grass, where it's handle lands with a dull thud.
"Ask if she saw that."
Erick keeps his eyes on Ollukka as he acts, ready to run buy hiding it.

"Then we shall clear this place of vermin. Stand behind be."
With a motion, Maria clads herself in her ghostly regalia.

Erick's Bluff: [roll0]

Maria's Initiative: [roll1]
Maria invokes Transformation Sequence, activating Black Omen Aegis and Guardian Shield, also gaining 9 Temporary HP.
She'll then move to put herself between the fighter and the rest of the vermin.

2015-09-19, 08:41 PM
What is this? A doe is running away? I, the powerful sorcerer Nimtaretro, will investigate this. Should anyone try to attack me, I can safely dispose of them with my destructive ranged spells. Yes, my magic missiles and rays of frost are sure to keep me safe from any danger.

Reaver then turns and starts walking down where the deer just left.
Ready an action: if someone or something attacks, Reaver will smash the jar onto his body.

Could I tell if the wet spot on the deer was blood or water?

Arch warrior
2015-09-21, 09:54 AM
Merome stands with a puzzled look on his face. You see him moving his hands around like he is trying to understand how something happened. "I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said about me. The part where you aren't doing what I want to do to you. And why would you be wanting to give out lemon pudding? Wait, why wouldn't you?":elan:

At this Luginn rolls his eyes.

2015-09-26, 07:12 PM
Maria: The vermin move intelligently and coordinately, circling and attacking their targets seemingly at the command of the squeals in the distance.

The clean-shaven one backs up as the rats close in on it, armed with nothing more than a dagger-like shaft of metal it stands little chance against the behemoths. As they curl tongues around their elongated teeth and he catches his sleeve before it gets caught in the gears, he closes his eyes as tries to accept mauling, mashing, or both. A bolt bangs against vertical gears to the right, and a brief shriek was made as the piece of metal was crushed. Apparently, the rats have a finer sense of hearing an recoil from the noise. The gremlin takes the opportunity and escapes to beneath the gear (The gears have enough room for a small creature to hide under, partly because of the gnomes digging for easier access), leaving the rats to try and hopelessly claw at the little morsel that is too far out of reach.

A rat lunged at the warrior and he caught it by the chest with the blunt of his blade, with a twist and a push, he shoves the rat off of him and slits its chest. The dead shroud you as you land beside the warrior, shadowy but solid. "I'll be chine! Nebrityy cover nyeeds, Bolkrysa keep away! the other rat pounced onto him and bit the fighter's shoulder before being shoved off.
I'll be fine! Nebrityy needs cover though, keep the Bolkrysa away!

Erick: Ollukka blows through his mouth and blinks hard after you tell him of... the minority group you belong to. "Perhaps then, it might be wise of you to leave, but cautiously." He then turns and asks the shade the question.
"Before me has been rested a mace, and it has been revealed to me as though an unseen cloak were taken off. Now I am certain that magic is in play, there is no other answer!"
"I-I must say that I agree. I must apologize for my error, but it would seem that a pact in Erick's past has left him forbidden from making pacts with you. I-- do hope that this shall not prevent us from continuing the pact."
She looks around her, trying to find where you, the warlock beyond her site, are. "...No it shall not."

After pushing your way through the brush, you find three figures standing at the bottom of a valley. One is but a black silhouette of a maiden, standing, perhaps hovering, over the body of another deer. Another, with the aid of brown hair and a beard, looks like a bear dressed in the clothing of the wealthy, speaks with the shadow cautiously, but as though he is used to it. The third is a young lad, with the structure of a fighter but the demeanor of the educated. This third seems frightened by the maiden's presence and though he places his mace at her feet, he tries to keep his distance from the spirit.

1. The silhouette looks just like how Hel is detailed in legends, one half of her is alive and beautiful and the other a long rotted corpse.
2. These are Erick and Ollukka, you may assume that any action that Erick takes, you see.
3. Unless you can succeed on a Knowledge (Arcana) DC 20 (and it is something that Reaver would try to contemplate), this does not resemble any form of magic you've seen before. If you succeed, you recognize it as pact magic, something performed only by the secretive group of magicians known as Warlocks and Witches.

It would appear to be the same one, and the gremlin is definitely acting with sincerity
"Good, the entrance that leads closest to their chome (home), is behind that building there." he points to the temple of Skadi and Njord.
(Assuming that there are no further questions, but feel free to ask them)
Past the backyard gate and a block along, there is a pillar of clockwork that merges into a building and a man-hole beside it. One of the gremlins opens the lid and the squeaks of several rats echoes its way up to you all. Along with this are some screams of agony and the grinding sounds of something between gears.
The gremlin holds his fist to his chest and looks at Toft. "Some Bolkrysa, the giant rats and the pets of the Wheels, have chound (found) something down there. We must hurry, so we cannot go to another path. With any chope (hope), they will be too busy with what they have already found to chase us, but be ready to fight"
You don't know anything about 'Bolkrysas', but those sounds sound like the giant rats that live in the gutter-gears. They're normally very good at staying out of the gears, but that crunching noise didn't sound good. A giant rat lodged between two gears is probably one of the most difficult types of damage to repair an definitely the most disgusting.

Arch warrior
2015-09-26, 11:04 PM
"With how much damage giant rats going into the gears would cause, are you sure that it was not the gremlins who are pushing them in?":elan:

"That douse seem like standard gremlin stile. Maybe we should go and check it out for ourselves. I'm sure that we could find a way to make a slight detour without loosing to much time.":nale:

IF as a gnome merome would know anything about the paths, let me know. general knowledge check just in case [roll0]

2015-09-26, 11:16 PM
Maria nods, and with a swift motion launches a thin disk of eldritch energy to a nearby rat before leaving the fighter, leaving a clawing rat in her wake..

Erick nods without speaking, slowly picking up his mace an moving back, wishing to listen as to the bargain as his mind works on how he could make such a bargain despite being so obviously handicapped, looking around once he believes to have reached a safe distance.

Maria performs an Eldritch blast [Which misses unless the rats have a Touch AC of 9... I rolled a 1.] provoking an attack of opportunity, before moving to H64.

I noticed Reaver on the Battlemap near Erick, so I'm going to roll a spot/listen for him now. [-6 because he's roughly 60ft away, +1 for base, so -5.]
S: [roll0]
L: [roll1]
Then he'll move to AL 11 [Increasing the distance to roughly 75ft [-7.]

2015-09-27, 02:58 PM
Merome considers a second or two then goes with his gut and says:
"Yes, let's go have a look. A few rats should not pose any great challenge."

2015-09-28, 10:36 PM
Reaver considers the situation. The two organics are most likely quite knowledgeable in magic. He sincerely doubts that his disguise will last more than a few seconds under the questioning. Of course, his disguise would never have fooled anyone for very long anyway. His best bet now is to play the part of an incompetent charlatan.
The presence of Hel seriously complicates matters. She would almost certainly be able to tell on a glance that he was not living, and she might even be able to perceive his soul draining abilities. It looks like the conversation with her is wrapping up, so Reaver decides to simply wait until the organics finish up.Reaver rests his scythe, still disguised as a cane, on the ground and rests his hand containing the aboleth mucus on his hip. He does not try to hide, just silently watch the procedure.
Ready an action: if either person or Hel makes a hostile move, Reaver will slam the vial of aboleth mucus on his chest.
Knowledge: Arcana to identify the type of magic: [roll0]

2015-10-02, 09:11 PM
Erick: Ollukka speaks to Hel for maybe half an hour, most of which is an over all discussion about the current eco-system. How much of what kind of predator have have been starting to die off and which one's mating seasons are starting up and an in general getting an idea of which should get the spirit of the deer.

It is eventually decided that the owls shall receive this spirit. The pact is finished with a hand shake and with a flash of pale light, Hel vanishes. Ollukka staggers and rests on his knee.

"The pact went perfectly, I am just always exhausted by it. It is difficult to maintain contact with a force as tremendous as hers, I doubt that this would cease to be the result if I had a century more to learn the art of pact making."

The conversation between the larger organic and Hel goes on longer than you expected, much longer. It doesn't seem to be a ritual, at least not a very elaborate one, as they seem to be talking more as though they were simply talking. Not until they shake hands does that change. There is a flash of pale light, Hel vanishes, and the organic crumbles to his knees.

Touch AC for rats is 11, Maria: As you come to the aid of the one you presume is 'Nebrityy', one of the rats leaps up and catches your leg. You stumble for but a moment and with the eldritch power that you've already conjured, you startle it into releasing its grip from you. Upon scaling the gear, another of the rats takes a bite at the back of your stomach.
The other two are busy at trying to get beneath the gear and the gremlins' master readies himself for assault. Even with shield and sword at full ready to protect himself, he only manages to deflect one blow from the one in front of him, making the fatal assumption that the one behind him would not strike again. It grabs him by the stomach, making a loud crunch as it breaks through the armor.

Toft and Merome: He nods and says something in gremlin to one of the others. It pulls off of its belt a steel can cut into the shape of a bullseye lantern and dripping oil. After lighting the wick inside, it leads the way down.

"I know that you do not trust us, so we chall (shall) go first. That way, you can observe our actions.

Down below is aisle upon aisle of vertical gears, all connected to each other. The only interruption from this pattern is the pillar of machinery that is beside you, running up to the surface to power something.

The racket comes from your left (downward on the map in B-38) and when the lantern shines in that direction, the brown forms of rats the size of oxen are revealed. Now that you are so close, you hear more screams than just the rats, most are gremlin, one is human.

I placed you two on the B-38 area around L-49, your positions are arbitrary on my part, so can move them to a slightly different staring position if you want to. Just note that L-49 is considered your starting point and that there was 18 feet of ladder to descend.

2015-10-02, 09:40 PM
Erick nods at Ollukka from his kneeling position beside him, a hint of concern marks his face.
"But it is an important pact... I'm already considering how I could perform such a pact, though I hold no doubt being unseen would cause a great deal of... Irritation. I'm sure you have questions though, do you think you'd be fine to walk with my aid?"

Erick offers his arm, gaze returning to where the spirit left.

It was times like these when Maria realised why she kept Tregal around, with a grunt Maria accepted the latest blow, her skin already healing where the rat's managed to scratch her, before she launches a pair of blasts at the rat that struck her last, each a needle-like spear of purpleish energies, each spearing into the rat's back, meanwhile Maria's legs move as if she was dancing, nimbly avoiding bites and the grinding of gears while staying stable.

Damage to the rat in I63 to the tune of 32. Hopefully I survive long enough to get help.

2015-10-03, 02:53 PM
Organics should really be more careful of what they say. Though Reaver couldn't identify the type of magic himself, from watching and listening it seemed to be something called pact magic, which dealt with the souls of the deceased. Reaver is intrigued. His failed empathetic bond gives him the ability to drain the souls of others, but it does nothing for him. He gets no powers or abilities from those souls. Perhaps by observing these people he can change that. His planned facade of a charlatan pretending to be a sorcerer probably wouldn't work now. He had never been good with social interactions. Besides, he wanted to tag along with them, and a charlatan would be useless to these people. He decides instead on the facade of a wandering warrior.

Reaver drops his disguise and silently continues watching the ceremony.

Arch warrior
2015-10-03, 07:08 PM
While trying to get closer to the rat, Merome gives Luginn a "Shocking Grasp" spell.

Luginn flies straight to the combat area and looks around at all of the fighters. He then sees a human lady being attacked by three rats. Because this seems to be the biggest danger spot and attacks the one that looks the most damaged (If he can't see which one would be, he just hits one of them). As he charges in he yells "Bombs away":nale:

Initiative [roll0]. Touch attack [roll1]. Damage [roll2].

2015-10-04, 01:48 AM
Toft is the first to go down (well, if one doesn't count the three swords that he draws as he falls). He eschews the rungs of the ladder, although he tries to keep them within arm's reach in case something appears below that he doesn't want to get close to. He arrives safely at the bottom of the ladder, light as a feather and moves a to bottleneck a narrow point swords move to provide a screen a little further south.

((Map updated))

2015-10-08, 08:03 PM
Maria and Luginn: A shadowy light shines from the direction you were heading before this ambush.

The spears of energy both strike the rodent, one grazing its back and tearing through its tail, the other piercing through its right hind leg. As the beast screams and recoils from the gear slightly, another, smaller figure dodges the bolts of power. This one seems to be a raven, crackling with electricity.

With a frantic fluttering and a squawking voice, it shouts, "Hey! What gives? I'm trying to help!":nale:

It was going to say more to you, but two of the rats leap up and try and snatch it up in their mouths. The first was almost successful, having caught three feathers in its mouth. The other, the one you struck, tried to use its ally as a spring board to reach up to it but collapsed under the pain of its tail and leg.

The third one was still reaching up from the ground below snatching at your legs and grabbing bits of cloth and skin. And a final form comes rushing at you, this one is much smaller than the others, merely the size of a dog. Using the momentum of the cog, it leaps at you and you swing your hand as you try and raise your aegis. Before the solid spirits can move into position though, your hand instead catches the rat's maw before it can grab you. The impact makes your funny bone act up.

Toft and Merome: Two gremlins rush ahead of even Toft and hide themselves behind the gear columns. One looks back at their leader, "Hmmm," it closed its eyes as though it were processing something someone just said, "It would appear that chis (this) is a hunting pack. Gnome, are you familiar with che (the) Krysumn? The smaller rats? If you could, tell your raven to strike that one, the rest will be acting without a head that vay (way)."
He walks over to Tofts side, "The gremlin under attack are our enemies. Not the Wheels, but a different tribe. This might be a... a boon still, as they too are enemies of the Wheels. If ve (we) could save them from chese (these), they might consider themselves in our debt." It then shouts a command in gremlin, and the other gremlins advance.

You are familiar with a smaller breed of rat that live down in the gutter-gears. They're much smarter than these other giant rats, but don't know much about their role as leaders.

Ollukka bursts into laughter when you offer help with him walking. "That is indeed a kind offer, Erick, but I am perhaps twice your size. If I were to lean against you, I would only crush you under my weight. No, I have grown used to making my way home like this. If you insist though, I suggest that we head back to your camp, I will be quite comfortable walking from there.

"As a matter of fact though, I do have many questions, but most of them I believe would be best answered with Maria present. Until then, what is it that you have in mind to get past this hurtle?"

Ollukka stands up and awaits you to head back to the camp.

Be sure to make a Move Silently and Hide check, Bill. You can make an opposed Spot and Listen checks to these, Walker.

2015-10-10, 07:26 PM
Toft moves up, but is too cautious of his new allies to try a charge. He does move past them, but, as usual, keeps his head moving in every direction... much more than any other combatant could. It might almost seem like he would lose track of his primary threats... but more than one foe has found to their detriment that this is not true.

And I have discovered that the movement rules for this class are somewhat lacking... for instance double-moving TK Wields that you aren't charging with needs to be specified as being acceptable with a charge for some weapons.

Arch warrior
2015-10-11, 02:43 PM
"I have about as much chance of being able to tell him that as you do!" Shouts Merome as he runs right past the gremlins to get in the fight:elan:

Luginn decides to try one more time to do his attack and then he will fly away. He will attack the same one as last time with an attack of [roll0] and damage of [roll1]:nale:

Arch warrior
2015-10-11, 03:08 PM
I believe that magic has a crit rang of 20, so lets see if it is confirmed. [roll0]

2015-10-12, 08:15 PM
Seeing they are about to leave, Reaver places his scythe on his back and starts to walk towards them. He makes no effort of stealth.

Move Action to sheathe weapon and move action to go to AS4.

2015-10-14, 07:51 AM
Reaver isn't making any attempt at stealth, since he's not I automatically spot him.

"Board and chalk... If I had a desperate need I could carve my words into a piece of wood or a patch of ground, I'm not sure how to attract attention though... Dropping something might work. The other option would be to have someone speak for me while I hold the channel, if I can, a famili- Huh that.. is odd..."

Move Silently Check in OOC [Only thing I can think of for whispers.]

"We're being followed, but no weapon is drawn... Are you ok to fight if needed?"

Maria cries out as a rat catches her leg, a couple other good hits and she'd be done for...
'I have yet to be paid, I don't need to fight... Assistance!'
"A hand please!?"
With a quick motion Maria steps back, fading away in the dark light of the caves.

Concentration ChecL [roll0] DC17, if passed I turn invisible.
I then move to G66, and move to F66 as the gears rotate... I also didn't have to make that save vs damage, it's only when on a red gear, not when next to.

Current VP is 16, with 14 WP after that, so I can take maybe two hits.

Move Silently to try and hide which square I end up in. [roll1]

2015-10-16, 11:25 PM
Maria: You vanish and the krysumn steps back in bewilderment. After recovering from the surprise, it begins to sniff out your trail, getting incredibly close to you, but not realizing how close it is.

Toft and Merome: As you enter the battlefield, everything has moved over to the paths. Luginn brings one down in smoke, its eyes exploding. In addition, the strange lady vanished, leaving them without prey. The surviving two leap onto the platform, one killing a gremlin and the other ripping Toft's cloak at the collar (replace cloak with nicked armor if no clothing is available)

The warrior on the ground looks quickly at you all as he bashes the rat. He looks back at the monster and shakes his head.

Ollukka whispers back, "Yes, I see. I'd hoped I was merely seeing things before, but it can't be the case now. He's rather large, but I don't think he means to rob or kill us, not if he witnessed that display. This is troubling, we can't let him follow us to your camp, we can't let him be with what he's seen. It would seem that bribery is our only option.
He turns over to Reaver, "If you could so kindly come down here, I'd wish to see if I might purchase your silence."

Aava (and Inkke?)Outside: The fire dies down, leaving a dismal shadow over crater the behemoth fiend left behind. The darkness almost conceals the smears of blood from its slaughter. Many carts, though the guards did a good job cleaning up much of the place, are still spilled over, leaving babbles and chunks of wood broken around them.
Between the crater and in the fire pit, some of the coals look glossier than others. It's just a square inch or two, but the way it shines, it is as though there were smokey glass there. It transitions into tufts of some sort of foam surrounded by metal shavings.
In one of the piles of trinkets, one of them is distinctly different than the others. Most of them are beads of random colors, but one is at least twice the size of the others. It resembles an eye, but the veins that run through it are perfectly symmetrical.

Inside the Gnarly Scar Pub: Though the room is packed, the public house is grim and lacking in song. The friends and families of those slain by the fiends are huddled into the corners and walls, red in the eye and quivering of lip.
Levi, the owner of the house, tried to raise peoples' spirits by telling a fable of one of his scars, a mirthful one instead of his usual. Unfortunately, his tale-telling is better suited to violence and gore and all around ruckus, so it doesn't transition well into jokes. One of the more drunken mourners has been lead to confront the bartender.
It is rather absurd to see someone -anyone- confronting someone with Levi's build even verbally. Levi stands more than one head over anybody around (so roughly 7 feet), but the scars that stand in place of his skin would make one believe he is larger.
The extremely tall dark elf (if he truly is a dark elf) sits silently observing this, his golden hammer rested at his side. (Pallid and Firebringer, you may alter this if you wish).

2015-10-17, 08:44 AM
Aava surveys the damage, her eyes wide, her book of poetic scribblings held closed around her hand and forgotten. This is worthy of any tragic poem, she thinks, when the hero rushes onto the scene to find what carnage has been dealt in his absence...

But this isn't about that. This is about danger. Either she finds it or it finds her - she's never been sure - and if this danger comes for her later, she wants to be prepared. She sets about investigating the wreckage, being sure to maintain the tentative air of a bold but skittish onlooker. She peers into the crater, examines the bloodstains, and sifts through the debris around the overturned carts. She double-checks everything.

Taking 20 on that Search check, if that's all right. +1 skill mod brings her just up to the DC. If she needs a Bluff check to seem more like an ordinary bystander, I'll add that too.

Demon Prince
2015-10-17, 09:01 AM
Inkke looks around at the wreckage, noticing plenty, but not anything at all that was useful. After just a moment, she decides to tell her wolf to stay outside for a moment as she goes inside to sit with the shell-shocked crowd.

"Horrible...there's truly something wrong with the world today, isn't there? She says, quietly, to the one of the crowd she's next to.

2015-10-17, 12:49 PM
Reaver slightly adjusts his monocle. You can do better than buying my silence. I have come to offer my service as a bodyguard. I had been wandering this forest for some time with nothing better to do when I noticed a wounded deer stumble onto the path. Curious, I checked where it had come from and saw your...ritual.

I admit I have not been schooled in the arcane arts so I didn't recognize what sort of magic you were doing, but whatever it is it appears to be illicit, considering how quick you were to try and bribe me. You need not worry. I don't care if the law does not approve, and I give you my word that I will tell no one about what you've done, even if you don't pay me. However, others might not be as...understanding as I. If you were fully capable of protecting yourselves, you would have killed me and guaranteed my silence rather than try to bribe me. But you're too smart to try that. Surely you realize having a skilled blade at your back would be a great boon for you. I can provide you with that protection. For the right price, of course.

Double move to AT10

2015-10-17, 07:23 PM
The younger of the pair scoffs.
"Hardly, we're more than able to defend ourselves and our rituals have broken no laws, or at least none of consequence... If you wish to bargain offer one, but blustering threats will get you nowhere."
The younger however, has drawn his mace at this point, and grips it with white knuckles.

Maria jumps away from the Rodent , before becoming visible to the north, scratches healing over as she stands behind the safety of rapidly spinning gears, unharmed.
Her visibility is accompanied by a motion, causing a rat's skin to explode into vines, trying to anchor themselves into the gears below it.

Moving to F60
Reflex Saves:
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

Entangling Affliction on the rat in J68, dealing 4d8 damage. A DC 20 Will Save halves, it's also entangled for one round unless it makes a DC 23 Escape Artist Check.
Damage: [roll4]
Now I have 19 VP, pending the effects of the red tiles.

DC 17 Listen to track me to where I go. My turn requires no noise as my SLA only has somatic components, but I'm not hiding behind anything and am visible.

2015-10-17, 09:04 PM
Reaver puts his hand to his face. I apologize. I did not intend to sound threatening. I...have never been very good with communicating. I ask though, if what you are doing is acceptable to both the law and society, why so quick to buy my silence?

Let us start again, shall we? I have no purpose right now. I see an opportunity for one. I do not want to threaten you, and I do not want to fight you. I would like to accompany you as a bodyguard, perhaps for a small payment. So please, put down your weapon before I am forced to...no, that might sound threatening. Just please put down your weapon and let us talk. As you can see, I have not drawn my own.

2015-10-17, 10:11 PM
Erick nods slowly.
"I said that we broke no laws of note, but there's always a chance we stepped on some nobles toe, and for that we would pay for your silence. However there's a step between that and willing to take on someone unknown as a bodyguard... However that's not a position either of us are in a position to offer you, given our destination."
Erick bends his knees slightly, placing his mace head down in the snow so that it remains standing, and would require less time to retrieve than if it was still attached to his belt... And then glances towards Ollukka.

2015-10-17, 10:29 PM
Ollukka squints at the monocle that the stranger wears OVER his armor, but shrugs it off as an eccentricity, "That was well said Eri-pupil. Perhaps I was too hasty to bribe you, warrior, but I felt it was necessary, considering whom I deal with. You must understand that those I commune with do not like attention, and considering who it is I speak to, it is indeed important to assure their happiness and goodwill toward me.

Of course, as my student has already made clear, bodyguards are for those who feel they cannot defend themselves from danger imminent or ever present. We face neither, and that which I do not expect I suspect I could crush in my fist." he stumbled to avoid saying Erick's name, not wishing to give the stranger more than was needed.

2015-10-17, 11:34 PM
Ah, a negotiator. Of course that would be your natural reaction. I am sorry to have offended you. Let me drop all pretenses. I want to know more about souls. I have been around quite a bit of magic in my life, but never seen anything like what you have done tonight. I am curious, and I want to know more. Surely you, a teacher, can appreciate that. I would like to accompany and observe you, but I also want to contribute to the person whom I am learning from. I am best at fighting, so that is the first thing I offered, but I can also craft armor and perform other, more menial labor. Perhaps you don't need a bodyguard, but I contend that having an armored figure standing between you and any foes is always beneficial.

2015-10-18, 12:56 AM
Toft's adamintine blade takes advantage of two openings.
Northern of two Rats(L64):
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll2] (This Wounds variant does require confirmations, right?)

Southern of two Rats(L66):
To hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll5] (This Wounds variant does require confirmations, right?)

2015-10-18, 02:34 AM
Erick narrows his eyes as he stares at the metal clad construct, evaluating it.
"While I cannot speak as to Ollukka's desires for an apprentice my mistress is quite skilled and has an interest through which you could meet. Do you have any skill at tracking?"

2015-10-18, 07:38 AM
Apprentice would be the wrong word. I'm afraid I don't quite have the aptitude for such things myself. I would be more of an observer , staying out of the way unless needed. I confess that I do not have much skill in tracking. I am rather specialized: I do not skill in many areas, but the ones I do I am quite good at. As mentioned before, I am quite good at fighting and crafting, specifically armor smithing. I am also a good watchman. I do not require rest much, and I have a keen sense of sight and hearing.

Arch warrior
2015-10-18, 10:00 AM
Luggin flys straight to Merome, who is still running forward to join the battle. They meat standing next to a gremlin. Then Merome stops for a minute to cast "Cure Light Wounds" on them.


2015-10-20, 07:32 AM
Toft falls back a few paces and brings all his swords to bear on the rat that is adjacent to him... and moving on to the southern one of the pair if that one drops.

5' Step: Move myself 5' northward.

Move action: Move what was the west most of the swords into K65. If the swordsage is hostile it can get an AoO on this sword, with counts as either a sunder or bull-rush as the swordsage chooses. AC is 18, and if you need an opposed attack roll for that, then here it is (include wisdom bonus on top of everything else). [roll0]

Cold Iron Sword that can only hit the Northern of two Rats(L64):
To hit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll3]

Cold Iron Sword that might have drawn an AoO (L65) on northern rat if it isn't downed, if not then on southern rat:
To hit [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll6]

Adamintine Sword +1 on northern rat if it isn't downed, if not then on southern rat
To hit [roll7]
Damage [roll8]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll9]

2015-10-22, 11:01 AM
Maria: "It is nyot as easy a choice chor me! I cannyot just abandon my comrades in arms. One of the new gremlins leaps at the vine-y mess of rat, and as they strike each other, the warrior is able to leap to the walkway and away from danger.

Toft and Merome: Toft swings his blades as though they were propeller blades, and the rats have great difficulty evading the blows. Many cuts have appeared on their skin and the sword splatter the blood all over.

The gremlins, on the other hand, are having difficulty with them and are being picked off one by one. The only one who doesn't seem involved personally in the combat is the gremlin leader, who seems to be directing the gremlins, but without words.

Ollukka walks closer to the man in armor (AM-10), "It would be difficult to teach you our ways without being an apprentice, that would be much like learning to read without learning to speak the spoken language that goes with it.
However, I would be more than willing to have someone aid me in the hunt. How good are you at chasing things down? Namely at the pace of a deer? You need not worry about tracking the hunt down, I have been doing that for quite some time now and have grown quite skilled at it.
Armor-smithing is also of interest to me, but it might be better to discuss that at a different time. My interest would involve mention of money and volume of production."

Aava: "Grisly what's happened, isn't it?" the sole paladin that was left behind by the others, says. Though it is difficult to tell in the lighting, his eyes seem glassy as he holds a doll in his hand. He doesn't really look at you, only acknowledges you while staring at a support beam of a nearby building. I've been doing this for five seasons, maybe it was me being naive, but when I was told things would be ugly as I went to stomp down evil and disorder, I never seemed to believe it would get this close." he goes to sit on one of the remaining benches, continuing to stare at the beam and running his thumb through the doll's hair.

Inkke: The lady beside you laughs glumly, "Don't I know it! I met the man of my dreams tonight. Now thanks to those two, gone, gone..." she raises her drink to her lips.

Arch warrior
2015-10-22, 06:17 PM
Merome walks a few feet forward, nest to Toft. He then lifts his right hand up and says "BOARD!" He then cast "Scorching Ray" at the rats on L64 and I67.:Elan:

First on does [roll0] and the second one does [roll1]

2015-10-23, 06:29 AM
Maria smiles, despite being unspeaking the warrior understood her intention perfectly.
"Everyone! Fall back, these rats are far too overgrown."

Maria draws her hands back, and with an overly exaggerated motion sends to lances of energy towards the rat's leader.

Full action Split Blast. Crit on an 18-20, touch attacks.

Hit: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Dam: [roll2]
DC 23 Escape Artist Check if hit to escape the entangle.

Hit: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Dam: [roll5]
DC 23 Escape Artist Check if hit to escape the entangle.

Edit: Ha! 1 miss, one straight to the wound points.

2015-10-23, 07:30 PM
Aava swallows hard. The set of her shoulders stiffens. Naivete, at least, she understands far too well - and she can easily let the poor man think her discomfort comes from the tragedy. She nods along to what he says with the occasional assenting hum. She feels as though she's listening for an eternity, until he finishes, and the eternity shrinks to a second, a droplet in the sea. Suddenly it's time to say something.

"You might not think it to look at me, but I've seen some things like this in my time... my first close call was a shock, yes. But you come out stronger. At least, I did." She was better at this when she was a child - calming, comforting. Or perhaps it's her hidden motive of gleaning information that's throwing off her sympathy. She speaks of herself. That part's easy. She knows next to nothing about this man, though... and with her track record, she doesn't much want to.

In the interests of building rapport, though, she continues. "Whose doll?" she asks, flicking a finger at the toy.

2015-10-24, 07:02 PM
There are many scholars who are able to read dead languages without knowing how to speak them. But I understand your point. Perhaps this knowledge will be above me, but I would still like to try to learn.

As for pursuit, that is one of the things I am very good at. Point me the right way, and I will tirelessly chase it until I catch it. I wait only for your direction.

2015-10-24, 08:04 PM
Erick's mouth twitches in the vestige of a smile.
"If nothing else, he might not get as distracted as your other apprentice, even if the construct wouldn't be able to use certain rituals... Having seen you in the hunt, perhaps if you take him on, my mistress would be willing to work more closely with you..."

By this point, Erick has almost completely relaxed, and quarter turns to Ollukka after a moment to continue speaking.
"If it's not obvious enough, my mistress plans a hunt, with desire to bring on a skilled tracker before hand, having seen you hunt I would find myself unsurprised were you one. Perhaps I could escort you and your newest aspirant to your home, and in a few days we can hunt together, share the spoils, and you can finish your lesson, with my mistress offering her lesson to your other apprentice upon return? If he turns out to be suitable, he could watch the same ritual we just performed close."
With this, Erick offers a smile to Reaver.

Demon Prince
2015-10-27, 01:20 PM
Inkke: The lady beside you laughs glumly, "Don't I know it! I met the man of my dreams tonight. Now thanks to those two, gone, gone..." she raises her drink to her lips.

He must have been some man. What was he like?" Inkke asks. She was internally still sizing the woman up, but it would at least be possible that she might segue into something more relevant to Inkke than her love life.

2015-10-28, 05:42 PM
Toft continues his assault, maneuvering his blades as necessary to deal with the results of each attack.

Nota Bene: My sword can neither grant nor receive flanking bonuses.
Standard Action:
Cold Iron Sword that can only hit the Northern of two Rats(L64):
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll2]

Cold Iron Sword that might have drawn an AoO (L65) on northern rat if it isn't downed, if not then on southern rat:
To hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll5]

Adamintine Sword +1 on northern rat if it isn't downed, if not then on southern rat
To hit [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Crit Confirm on natural 19-20 [roll8]

Move Action:
Pending result of standard action. Might be nothing at all, but that seems unlikely.

2015-10-30, 12:45 PM
The Krysumn looks about at the wave that has just arrived. Smashing, shooting, slashing, decapitating, and impaling its subordinates. Things had been going so well before these ones had shown up.
A bolt of energy strikes it through the stomach and vines erupt from the hole. It hisses something to the rat beside it and they leave. The Krysumn with a limp, the other taking the long way around and still getting farther than it.
(technically the next round, but I'm detailing it anyway)
The warrior yells and swings his sword in the direction of the retreating enemies. "And good riddance to you!" He yells. As the gremlins in Toft and Merome's party gather around their two fallen friends, he turns to them and shouts in gremlin, "Ladno, tak chto vy dolzhny s nami seychas. B'yus' ob zaklad, vy dumayete, my ustali i slabyy ot etogo, no priyekhat' syuda i pozvol'te mne dokazat', chto vy ochibayetes'!"
"All right, so you have us now. I bet you think we're tired and weak from that, but come over here and let me prove you wrong!"
The linguist walks forward, obviously unimpressed and unbelieving in the wounded gremlin's threats. "My tol'ko chto spas vas to nikh. Ya schitayu, chto obchay oba nashikh plemen zdes' blagodarnost'."
"We just saved you from those. I believe that the custom of both of our tribes here is gratitude."
He wipes some of the blood off of his armor and spits on the ground. The two then begin a long volley of words, some for peace, others for war.

Ollukka scowls at Erick, "I would have you speak with more respect about her, even if she is lacking in talent and wisdom." he then returns to a calmer demeanor, "Regardless, I would be more than willing to accept your master's invitation to a hunt. Since you are so insistent to helping me back home, I will not fight you. However, you need only help me to the wall, I am certain that this fine warrior would be more than capable to the task at that point."
He turns over to Reaver and smiles, "Unless you have some previously arranged sleeping quarters, I'd be more than willing to provide you with lodging. It would have to be in the servants' quarters for the night though, unfortunately. I lack any proper guest rooms at the moment."

Aava: He looks at you for a moment, seeming to evaluate your intent. "Mine. It was a gift I got at the beginning of my career. A thank you for a job well done." He lifts it into the air and holds it in the direction of the fire pit, "Well, good job Juhani. Your captain's not here when something unexpected happens and what do you do? You hide and cower instead of doing your duty and let all of those people die." He closes his eyes and looks away as he drops the doll to the ground. "Like I deserve this."

Inkke: She closes her eyes as she tries to remember, He was tall and built like a mountain. A graceful, sweeping mountain. He looks strong, but he's actually a lot smarter, he spoke in riddles sometimes, but they made me laugh inside. Oh, and there was..." she pauses and then looks away and blushes, "No wait, that was Erick... What did he look like?..." she went into a mutter.
"But let's stop talking about what happened tonight! It's not like it's the only bad thing that's been happening after all. Take-- Take all the problems with trade. My teacher says that Detch* is expected to raise the fees on going through their locks, that's going to make the prices for all sorts of stuff sky-rocket. Or what about that crimewave on the road? He says all most of his suppliers are scared silly about it all and're insisting on using all sorts of more expensive and 'safer' ways here.
"I'm not too good with math, but I'm pretty sure we're in for having a lot, and I mean a LOT of stuff getting expensiver."

Owning the only safe paths to Dokkalheim, they use heavy fees to manipulate other countries into doing what they want.

2015-10-30, 06:51 PM
Maria launches off a last wave of blasts at the fleeing rats, more darts striking out as her skin starts regenerating... Without a word, Maria takes her place behind her Gremlins, though a frown marks her face, they're clearly outmatched but those are fighting sounds coming from her guide's voice...

It didn't matter, should a fight start she'd step back, she'd received no payment and they were supposed to be safely guiding her, and the trip has been far from safe.

Erick bows his head contritely to Ollukka, but doesn't verbally apologise despite it being written in his stance.

He awaits Reavers response without a word.

2015-11-01, 12:58 PM
Reaver nods. That will be acceptable. I am used to austere living quarters. Your servant's quarters will likely be luxurious by comparison.

Arch warrior
2015-11-02, 09:12 AM
Seeing that the fight is done, Luginn says, "Well, that's done. Who needs healing?

2015-11-02, 11:09 AM
Toft makes as if to clean his swords, but then stops before they have gone more then a few feet and instead moves them to defensive positions, waiting to be sure.

2015-11-08, 04:29 PM
Aava moves to snatch the doll as it falls. "Look at me - Juhani, you said? Look at me. People die all the time. Tragedies happen. You can't save everybody. And sometimes, even the mightiest heroes of the sagas got outmatched, and had to go hide in the bushes. And then afterwards, they got up and they went back to being heroes. If people died on their watch, they did what they could to make up for it. Quitting because of one mistake wouldn't have helped them. If they had, we wouldn't have sagas."

She lets out a long, shaky breath. This sort of mess always just bothers her. Silly humans with their honor and their self-pity. She got over hers, when she was exiled. They just wallow in it like a pig in mud. And on top of that, this fellow - she isn't sure whether to call him a man or a boy; he seems on the border between them to her - clearly doesn't want to. Perhaps he doesn't know what else to do, she muses. Ancestors know I don't always. So what can she do?

"I made a mistake like this, once. I was careless and selfish, and I paid the price. But I moved on. I did what I could. I've helped many people since." She needn't mention the nature of the mistake; nobody will know that. Nor does she need to specify that she helped those people for good, solid coin as much as the goodness of her heart. All the same, this is what she does best. She continues. "You're not this mistake. You still have a life. Use it." She hands him the doll.

Do I need a Diplomacy check for this?

2015-11-10, 01:36 PM
Wonderful! Then let us be on our way."
If Reaver walks close to Ollukka: Ollukka takes a few short, sharp breaths through the nose as the armored stranger walks close to him and he takes a short and curious glance at him. He shrugs then continues along.

At the gate to the dwarven district, the guards open the door, but both now seem surprised by how much foot traffic there seems to be tonight. Ollukka seems to have recovered from the exhaustion of the pact, but now seems to just be a normal tired, "Good, I know my way from here now, Erick. You may return to your master's camp now."

For when Erick returns to camp: Your way back to camp is fortunately flat and unpopulated by hills and rocks like it would have been from that valley, but slightly longer than it would have been. As you approach the camp, the scent of smoke greets you, promising warmth from the cold.

When you arrive, however, Maria is nowhere to be seen. There is a metal bowl full of smoldering embers and Tregal coiled around it, but all the bedrolls and shift sand have been tidied up and are gone.

What about Miranda's instructions to stay away from the city for a while? Is he taking a 'What she doesn't know won't hurt her' approach, or was I being a little too vague about where Ollukka lives?

Merome: The two gremlin swordsmen (the two swordsages) walk over to you and point to the numerous wounds over their bodies, paying absolutely no attention the aggressive sounding exchange of words going on. In fact, none of the gremlins take much note of the argument, one even seeming to say something about its dead friends. "Net istseleniya, no ne znayete, oak spelt smertel'nyy predlozheniye? (No healing, but do you know how to do a death offering?)"

Toft and Maria: The gremlin arguing on Toft's side turns to him. "Do not vorry, I doubt that he vill actually attack us. He is afraid that we vill kill him if he asks for mercy or if he runs away, so he chopes to intimidate us into leaving him alone. It is his tribes way, to act like... like the cornered animal?" It turns to take note Maria as she moves beside the other gremlins.

"I see that you also have made an allegiance with the humans. From vhat I can see, you were heading straight into wheel lands before you were attacked, so it would seem that you also know chat they plan something. We too were heading there, perhaps ve can work together to stop them?"

The other breathes heavily as he thinks things over, "Ve are going to foil cheir (their) plans, but ve vill (we will) do it on our own!"

"Stop being so stubborn, our common enyemy (enemy) is stronger than you are now. Just see vhat their guard animals did to you, and now chey (they) know we both are coming."

Now resting on his bastard sword, he looks at Maria and then his two subordinates. Both the crossbowmen (or gremlin as it would be) have also come out of hiding, their crossbows on their backs. He looks down, a look of frustration and wounded pride on his face.

He jolts his head in surprise when you catch the doll, and then processes the poetry of your response, "I guess that you're right," he leans back slightly and looks up at the stars, "Had Erland of Two-homes acted like I was right now when all the elves were slaughtered, we'd still be consumed by our petty war with the Salomites. Of course, I'm not too sure what I can do right now."

He traced a constellation with his eyes, which were starting to dry up, and then he looked inside the tavern. After counting everyone he could see inside, he continued "I guess that I could talk to some of the people who got hurt more than I did. You know, try to pull them through it like you just did for me, but I'm not sure how well I'd do that. I usually end up getting people angrier or more upset at times like this. Whatever I do though, I need to do something to put me at ease. There's just no way I could go to sleep after all of this."

He laughs to himself, "I'm sorry if I've bothered you too much with my self-pity and indecisiveness ma'am. I do like to get melodramatic at times like this, I really have to learn to shake that."

(still holding out for Inkke, do you know if DemonPrince's all right, Dontevenask?)

2015-11-10, 03:17 PM
Aava laughs, a sharp, sarcastic sound. "Oh, it's not a problem. I've contributed my fair share of melodrama. I think it's about time I was on the receiving end." She muses silently for a few moments, following Juhani's eyes to the stars. "I don't know what to tell you about keeping calm. I usually go buy a drink, but that doesn't work for everyone. As for trying to help..." She sighs heavily. "The trouble with people after something like this happens is that they feel there's something wrong with them if they don't stay upset. You can tell them it'll be all right as much as you want, but they'll keep guilting themselves into not believing you."

She frowns; a lock of hair is resting on her nose. It must have fallen that way when she looked up. She did always go a little absent when she really started talking, she muses...

"I don't know if that'll help you any," she admits. "Some people just have a talent for talking to people that they can't explain. I'm one of them. Makes it hard to give tips." She stretches languorously. "If it's not intruding to ask, what exactly happened? I mean, clearly..." She gestures at the wake of the destruction. "But I arrived too late to be properly traumatized, I'm afraid." Aava offers a rueful smile.

I can't tell you if he's all right, but I haven't seen him around, either here or that other community I mentioned. Perhaps he's busy?

2015-11-10, 06:43 PM
"Be well, I shall no doubt see you soon."

Erick makes his way back to camp with confidence. Few are the predators that'd both attack a Human and attack in such winter snow.

When Erick arrives, he takes some time to survey the camp... With no clue whether or not Maria has the bag he looks to the heavy blanket touching Tregal's back and the Tent set up on the edges of the tarp so as to partially hang over him as well [[Neither were removed, see page three, posts 76 to 86... Presuming we haven't been robbed.]]... With care, Erick strips off his outermost layer under the tent so as to no-longer be slightly damp from the snow, and worms his way under the blanket next to Tregal, careful not to actually touch him until a few minutes under the blanket, content to let his resting nose keep watch.

Assuming nothing happens, Erick will then sleep until the next day.

Maria moves to 'her' gremlin, putting her hand on his shoulder, she speaks quietly, but it's no whisper, her face seemingly emotionless until she talks, when it takes on a hint of concern.
"While I knew some about the underground, and expected there to be some combat, you have not purchased my services for it, and were you to try and force the issue, having seen the so called 'guard dogs', a bargain would be costly... Additionally you are rather scratched up, and while mine fade I'm no true sneak, if we want to get to our destination, we will need them...
I will give you a deal, you may hire me on to go through this dangerous area, with you or not, to do as we discussed, or we go with them, and in your time of grief I wave what I would normally charge to commit myself to such a fight.... I would however suggest we all work together."

Diplomacy! [roll0]
Bluff!: [roll1]

Maria displays signs of worry, and the concern she portrays while speaking is purely for herself, not for anyone else.

Arch warrior
2015-11-12, 12:08 PM
Merome looks confused at the gremlin and responds with, "I'm not so sure, but I think that I have been insulted. So no healing for you!" He then turns to the other gremlin and says, "I guess that if we are going to work together then it would be a good idea to keep you healed. I only for a meat shield." He says as he does "Cure Light Wounds".:elan:

Luggin responds with, "Please forgive his choice of words. He is a bit of crazy".:nale:


2015-11-12, 05:26 PM
Toft cleans his swords, first on a dead rat, then on a cloth he keeps for the purpose* then sheaths them.
*((Totally made that up just now... seems reasonable enough?))


"I'm a bit confused. Working together sounds good, but I'm not sure I have interest in paying for it... but that probably wasn't what was meant."
((I hope the above makes sense in context...))

2015-11-12, 07:24 PM
Maria, Merome and Toft

Maria looks up, rolling her eyes at Toft.
"Far from it. Continuing together is free... However before we work alongside, what is it you plan when we reach our destination? As amusing as it could be, I wouldn't want to arrive only to have conflicting goals."

Maria's eyes eventually drift to Merome, her face remaining neutral.

2015-11-14, 01:19 PM
Reaver follows Ollukka out of the forest, then silently berates himself as they start heading towards the city. Idiot, he should have anticipated something like this. At the time he had thought the Ollukka was some sort of ranger that lived in the forest, but that is now obviously not the case. Reaver's mind races to justify accompanying Ollukka with obeying Miranda. Fortunately, over the years he had become quite good at twisting instructions without explicitly disobeying them.

The answer was surprising simple. Miranda had never explicitly ordered him to hide in the forest for a few days. Her exact words were, "It might be wise if you hide in the forest for a few days.". When he responded that if she desires for him to hide in the forest until this is over, he will do so, she said "No, both of us will be safer if you hide in the forest for now." This phrase was triply useful. First, it was again not an explicit command to hide in the forest, merely an observation. Second, "For now" was a sufficiently vague unit of time that he could say that his short time in the forest that night had satisfied it. Third, she had never specified if "safer" was good or not. After all, Miranda had been willing to do unsafe things in the past if it might lead to her gain, such as creating him and then revealing him to Bargath. It could very well be that she preferred the less safe option and simply not mentioned that. This was further evidenced by how little of a threat her stated reason for being in danger there was. What did it matter if someone knocked off his hat if he wasn't using a disguise? It was difficult to tell him from an organic in armor, doubly so if it happened during a riot. Clearly her real fear was that he might take the advantage of the chaos to make kills of opportunity. He resolved not do that, so he was still following Miranda's desires. Finally, there was the crystal. Miranda had said, When I think that it is safe to return, that jewel will glow green. She did not say to only return when it glowed. Furthermore, Reaver had only agreed to check it every morning and evening, which he still intended to do. He did not say that he would only return when the crystal glowed.

In this way Reaver justified that his actions were not technically disobeying Miranda. Still, she might not appreciate it if she found out Reaver was back in town; she might not trust that he would not make kills of opportunity, and he very much needed to find out more about soul binding to master his own abilities. Reaver dedided to better be safe than sorry, using his hat to change appearance to a 6'1 lumberjack, his scythe become a woodcutter's axe and hit hat becoming a wool cap. If Ollukka asks, Reaver will respond that he thinks this looks less threatening than a giant armored man with a scythe, and he does not want to unduly worry people. Still, Reaver keeps one hand on his hat to make sure it is not knocked off. When this is over, Reaver will need to ask Miranda for some sovereign glue to keep that hat in place, or perhaps replace it with an embedded magic item of disguise.

2015-11-14, 07:41 PM
Ollukka nods at your rationale and flicks his fingers the rest of the way. You pass along the entire stretch of dark elf district, but there isn't a single group of rioters. There are, however, many more guards than usual are posted and they all are very much on edge.

Ollukka notes his own finger flicking and coughs to excuse himself from it. "This doesn't bode well." he says about the guards, "I certainly hope this doesn't mean there's been a crime wave in this district of all places. I have many business partners among the dwarves, I'll have to check on them in the morning."

Ollukka seems to be counting and carefully disguising it as playing with his fingers. Judging by the occasional glance at your hat, he would appear to be trying to size up just how wealthy you are (or at least how wealthy your affiliates are).

Just to make it official, nothing happens to Erick and Tregal, the rest of the night is peaceful for them.

He returns to a frown and rubs his head. "No. No, it's fine. It might actually be good for me to talk through this." Juhani looks and points over to the fire pit, "I suppose that it started over there. Everyone was getting off of the dance floor so it could be made ready for the play. Neither Ukki or Hannah showed up, but when those appears... We all assumed that there was just some major changes to the usual performance.

"They appeared in a burst of blue fire... I suppose I couldn't really call it fire though, it was wispy like smoke, but still. Along with that, there was a screech, like that of a dead woman's." he shudders as he reminisces on the noise. "There were two of them, one built like a troll, the other more human-like. Both of them acted surprised, but again, everyone thought it was just a new act.

"They started talking to each other for a minute. It didn't sound like any language I've ever heard of before, it was like listening to a bunch of high pitched bells. After a little bit, the smaller one turned to the crowd and spoke with the same ringing sound. When no one responded, it started dancing.

"Looking back, I should have known that was some sort of magic, just one that I've never seen before. It wasn't like alchemy or druidism, nothing around it faded. Hel! I've seen sorcery and it didn't even look like that. Anyway, no one really batted an eye when some of the children and adults walked back onto the floor and danced along with it..."

He takes a deep breath and then points over at the blood stain by the fire. "That was where there first victim fell. The troll pulled out a sword when it thought no one was looking. Like the magic though, I've never seen a sword like it before either. It looked like three rapiers braided together, and lightning jumped between the gaps in them. With that sword, it walked up behind a little boy and..."

He pulls his hand back into his lap, holding his mouth shut as though he was going to vomit. "That's all that I saw of the tragedy that I'd like to talk about, but I do remember some stuff from after I hid behind a cart. Mostly screams and the wind howling with some terrible magic, but I think I also heard that dark elf inside the Gnarly Scar (the tavern) getting involved too. I'm pretty sure it was him, because of the size of his hammer. Not many things can make metal that thick crunch as loud as it did, and that hammer would have to be one of them."

That's a real shame, I hope everything's fine.:smallfrown:

It rubs its chin as it considers how to put it, "But of course, the Vheels have managed to kidnyap the Ukki, captain of the... Pal-ah-deens? Is that vhat you call them?" he looks mostly at Toft for confirmation, Yes, it worries us what chey (they) are planning to do with him. He is the enemy of all gremlin tribes, ours included, but the Vheels instead chose to use more energy to capture him instead of kill him. It is worrying and we vish (wish) to rescue him from his captors."

'Maria's' gremlin slowly calms down as she tries to reason with him, even actually listening what the opposing tribe's leader has to say. After the other gremlin is done, he sighs and whispers to Maria, "Ve vill nyeed cheir strength to go on, but chey are vily liars, I chear chey vill betray us." He returns to a normal volume and speaks to the other leader, "On vhat can I say chat you vill stay to your vord and nyot attack us vhen both our mission is done?" (We will need their strength to go on, but they are wily liars, I fear they will betray us. On what can I say that you will stay to your word and not attack us when both our missions are done.)

The other gremlin pauses and motions to the swordsages and some of the other gremlins to talk to him. They all come close together, but they don't say a word or even make their motions secret. In spite of this, it would seem that they are indeed engaged in conversation.

2015-11-14, 08:22 PM
Maria's eyes narrow slightly as she parses the new information. She seems unconcerned at the threat of being turned on.

2015-11-17, 11:12 PM
((Assuming this is, in fact factually correct?))"Yes, Ukki, captain of the Paladins."

2015-11-17, 11:18 PM
Reaver nods, but otherwise says nothing and simply keeps step beside Ollukka. He notices Ollukka doing something with his hands, but isn't quite sure what. Perhaps silently invoking a spell, or signalling to someone else? Regardless he obviously tried to cover it up, so he doesn't want Reaver to know. Reaver will have to keep a close eye on him.

Not even going to both with that Sense Motive check, since even on a Nat 20 Reaver's check would be 18.

Has Reaver ever seen Ollukka before tonight, or heard Miranda mention someone that fits his general description?

Arch warrior
2015-11-22, 09:28 AM
Merome keeps looking for someone who needs to be healed.

2015-11-29, 05:17 PM
The group breaks with a nod and the leader composes himself to speak, "Perhaps you haven't nyoticed the gnome in our group?" it points at Merome, "We realize that chis threat is too great for lesser things and have looked past chem. Our tribes hold great hatred chor each other, but greater is it for chem. Let that stand as proof of our honesty if it must."

The other gremlin leader stares at Merome, contemplating just how valid that statement is. With a sigh, it agrees. "I see nyo other choice chen." it walks forward, using the sword as a crutch, "Che Vheels surely knyow ve are coming nyow. Chow should ve get past chem chen? Chis voman is good at pact vith spirit making, she vill chave to be nyear central pillar to do it."

"I see no other choice then. The wheels surely know we are coming now. How should we get past them then? This woman is good at making pacts with spirit, she will have to be near the central pillar to do it."

"Hmm, yes, and she will nyeed a distraction I suppose?" it turns to look at Maria, "And chow much of a distraction do you believe you vill need?"

The central pillar likely refers to the group of toothed pillar that is in the very middle of the of the main balance wheel of the gutter-gears.

You and Oliukka exit the dwarves' districts and enter the estate park. The house that Ollukka enters is much smaller than most of the other manors, but still quite large compared to the usual city home (think along the lines of a modern two-story home). A few statues of various animals, but a larger emphasis seems to be put on bears with the design of things. Not only are both the gate and front door decorated with the design of a bear's head, the largest painting in the main hall is an elderbear. It is hard to see very much detail of it by the candle Ollukka lights when inside, but it is placed on the wall opposite the entrance.

"Let's see, the southern wing has room to spare at the moment. Just down this right corridor and at the end, there will be a discreet door. That will be where you may sleep for the night." he rubs the back of his head as he looks down at your armor, "Might I accommodate you with a nightshirt? I'm sure your clothing must be wet and uncomfortable by now, even with that armor covering it."

No, Miranda has not made any commentary about someone like him.

Also, just so I can make sure I didn't forget to say this earlier, a elderbear is a magical creature resembling a bear, but with a bald head and a pattern of grey fur on its chest that resemble a beard. Their skin is too durable to be broken by physical attacks and they are hunted for that quality.

After a long and awkward pause, Juhani finally speaks again with a blend of curiosity and minor distress, "I can't help but wonder why all this happened. Are they some kind of judgment? Did some dwarf lose control of an experiment? There's just no sense in it, it feels so random."

2015-11-29, 05:40 PM
Maria tilts her head slightly, before looking up.

"Unfortunately, such depends greatly on the spirit I'm bargaining with. I can whisper with alley rats while being as visible as the air, yet to talk to the storm I must stand in the open and scream to the skies... I'm thinking though, being a mechanism, I may have to remain visible after contact, but I might be able to speak to it quietly once I have it's attention...
I should have it's attention in under thirty seconds. Bargaining however can take some time, however given how dangerous the area is, I will first bargain to speak with it without being seen... A minute of distraction should be all I need, if the danger remains too great after that then any distraction would likely prove to costly...
Yes. A minute should do."
Maria looks to the Gremlin that brought her down here.
"However, if I'm going to be bargaining alone, I need to be willing to know what you are willing to loose, and what you want in as great detail as possible, that I can deal as close to your desires as possible."

2015-12-03, 12:50 AM
Reaver turns to Ollukka. Thank you for the offer, but I am afraid I must decline. I have become accustomed to resting fully armored; it has saved me more than once from an ambush, and allowed me to effectively respond to rapidly developing hostile situations. My attire has been enchanted in a way that makes this comfortable, as well as obviating the need for changing dirty clothing.

Reaver pauses for a moment, then adds, I hope you do not take this as suspicion or hostility towards you. Rather, my life experiences and magical enchantments have rendered this the preferred and most comfortable option for me.

Arch warrior
2015-12-06, 10:01 AM
Merome looks at the two gremlin next to him and ask, "Why are your leaders looking at me like that?"

2015-12-18, 05:25 PM
Aava sighs. Humans. Always so intent on things making sense.

"It probably is random," she says. "The world isn't kind. People are. At times like this, you have to make your own order." Or make do with none at all, she adds in her head. Like me.

She combs her hair a little with her hands to take her mind off the silence and reviews the area from where she sits, fitting the things she sees into what Juhani's told her. Her eyes narrow. A new kind of magic... interesting.

She turns back to Juhani. "Thank you for telling me. I know this must be difficult for you." Then she looks back at the wreckage, but without really seeing it. Her face is pensive. "I think I'll find whoever's responsible. Give them a little something to think about." She bobs her head with a little laugh. "They did nearly ruin my holiday, after all." She gives Juhani a knowing little smile to make it clear she's joking.

To Aava, this mystery sounds like fun. Terrifying fun... but with a career like hers, what's a girl to do?

2015-12-19, 07:39 AM
Toft does not entirely understand what is going on, and thus allows those who are in the know to figure things out. He does pay careful attention, trying to gain a better understanding of the risks involved.

2015-12-23, 07:29 PM
The gremlin Merome speaks to just stares back at him, and after a blink it slowly turns away.

After hearing what he needed to hear, the blue one nods and turns to Merome, "We nyeed a distraction, it will be for both them and us. You may make it as destructive as you vish, so long as you do not hurt any of my soldiers. Now, Toft, I expect chem to have Ukki guarded well. If you do nyot mind me giving you orders, I vould rather you help your gnome friend vith the distracting, but you may need to chelp with fighting them more directly. Use your best judgment."

The gremlin that wants the pact clarifies for you, "Ve vant chor the vheel to the Vheels nyot give its power chor at least vone veek. If it nyot allow chat, chen chor us to give our king, Kolol, some of its strength chor che same amount of time. Kolol chimself and chis chamily chas prepared to serve it chor as long as it demands, even beyond death. Che rest of our tribe, chive-chousand in nyumber, can serve it chor as long as chour months vichout runnying out of chood. As I said bechore, all of us are prepared to pay."

We want for the wheel to not give its power to the Wheels for at least one week. If it won't allow that, then we want for it to give our king, Kolol, some of its strength for the same amount of time. Kolol has prepared himself and his family to serve it for as long as it demands, even beyond death. The rest of our tribe, five-thousand in number, can serve it for as long as four months without running out of food. As I said before, all of us are prepared to pay."

Ollukka nods, "Very well then." he thens leads you to the doorway he spoke of. It is indeed a discreet doorway, as it is in the corner and concealed by a curtain. Part of why it was so easily hidden is because it appears to be a naturally dark color of wood finished with black polish. Ollukka speaks to you in a whisper, as to not disturb anyone behind the door, "I will remain awake for a short while longer, I would like to check if my apprentice has yet returned and will stay up for perhaps an hour longer if she has not returned. If you need anything, you will find me in the main study, which is back down the hall and through that door with the elderbear mural over it. If I am not there, it will have to wait until tomorrow, I'm afraid."

As you enter through, you notice that the door is also very thin, you have to walk sideways in order to get through and a normal sized organic would probably have to as well. Inside are seven beds, each one with a second bed stacked on top. Only six people are asleep in here, leaving most of the other beds open.

Juhani nods and laughs along, "No, thank you for that and I suppose you're right. While I'm not sure if I can tell you anything else or speak on behalf of my corp, you have my help for however I can." He looks back at you with a renewed fire in his eyes and he holds the doll in a fist and holds it five inches away from his head, "For a job to be done well!"

From a pile of trashed trinkets comes a discord of noises. Though it's very faint and muffled, a sound like the shush of rain rises from the pile. It's not completely like rain though, it's sharper and coarser. Then comes a quick burst of different noise, a low and distorted whine, like a dog that just had a paw lopped off.

Arch warrior
2015-12-23, 07:55 PM
"Oh. Distracting the gremlins who want me dead sounds like fun!":elan:

"Don't worry, he'll find a way to keep there attention for a good while. I still don't now how he made that statue explode into whipped cream?":nale:

2015-12-24, 12:06 AM
Maria nods.
"I'll do my best to ensure the bargain is made."

2015-12-25, 07:37 PM
"Well, at the end of the day I am mostly good at hitting things with various other things and getting into interesting places to hit things from. I suppose that you mean I should find expensive, rather than living things, and/or find distracting places to hit people to hit rather than going for attrition? Any of those would be fine with me, but if I'm to use my judgement I'd probably have to know a bit more about the specific terrain involved." replies Toft.

2015-12-25, 09:17 PM
Reaver nods and steps into the dormitory. He walks relatively quietly so as not to wake anyone. He chooses a bed on the far side of the room and cautiously tests the bed. If it looks like it can support his weight, he will lie on it. If not, he will sit on the floor. Either way, he will have his scythe in one hand and a vial of aboleth mucus in the other.

As tempting as it is to kill all of these defenseless organics in their sleep, right now Reaver does not want to make a scene. Besides, he has a feeling that there are large events going on around him, and thinks this Ollukka might be the key to some answers...and a part in the action

Ready an action: if anyone attacks Reaver, he will smash the vial onto his scythe.

2015-12-26, 12:05 PM
Aava smiles - a smile that looks genuine, but carries a hint of indulgence. "You're very welcome. If I need help, I'll be sure to ask when I can." If she does turn out to need his help, that is - which she doubts, although one never can know.

She tugs her clothes a little to look neater. "I think I'll go in," she says, gesturing towards the inn. "I must start somewhere." She starts towards the door.

2015-12-27, 06:54 PM
The blue looks warily at Merome and then to Luginn, "Yes, but please, make sure that he does nyot go too far?" He then turns over to Toft again, "But of course, as your friend can likely verify, there is a decline as one nyears che wheel. There is much flat terrain down chere, above it is a path just tall enough chor gnyomes to navigate and... 'fix' che wheel."

As you enter the inn, two men carry someone out. One of them is a paladin, the other a commoner, and the one being carried has a blood soaked handkerchief tied around his nose.

The bartender, a heavily scarred and tall man who has obviously seen his fair share of hardship, shakes his head as he scoops a shattered shot glass into his hand. After seeing you enter though, he smiles and gives a nod to welcome you into the establishment.

Most of the people are along the edges, but a table full of gnomes to your left sit chattering away. On your right are a group of older looking paladin, some over-seeing the other paladin who are mingled with everyone else, some looking back and forth from the drunkard just escorted out and the bartender.

Someone who seems to be like a dark elf, but not quite, also stands in the distance, swirling a mug in his hand. He is indeed a strange spectacle to behold, standing as tall as a human and with skin completely smooth, unlike any dark elf you've ever seen. His hair is worn very differently as well, curled into thick locks, but not quite braided. By his right leg is also that golden hammer, a flaming bird within a circle worked into the face.

The bed creaks some when you push against it and lie down, but it is definitely able to support your weight.

You lay there for a very long time, not much happening other than the obnoxious snores of the organic nearest the door and the occasional rolling of two others. A clock rings one o'clock out in the hallway and a few minutes afterwards, a... unique noise come from the window. It sounds distant but also nearby and grunts as though it were a bear, not an angry one but a happy one. What is off though is how it sounds hollow, as though the grunt was being channeled through a funnel.

Out of the window, there is indeed a bear, rubbing its back against a tree. There is also reason for its hollow sounding voice as it is hollow as well. It is a pale, see-through brown that lets the tree behind it be seen completely.

2015-12-27, 07:15 PM
The blue looks warily at Merome and then to Luginn, "Yes, but please, make sure that he does nyot go too far?" He then turns over to Toft again, "But of course, as your friend can likely verify, there is a decline as one nyears che wheel. There is much flat terrain down chere, above it is a path just tall enough chor gnyomes to navigate and... 'fix' che wheel."

((OOC: Merome is human, right?))

"Well, I don't fancy crawling through such a space, but I suppose I could get down from it easily enough if I were spotted... which would be a near certainty given my inexperience with stealth. Or was that not what you were suggesting?"

2015-12-28, 05:47 AM
"Oh, wait, you meant Merome. Right. I could have him tow me on a rope while I float outside the slot, but... probably not a good idea. What do you think Lugginn, are you two up for using that route without the rope?"

2015-12-28, 09:31 AM
Aava makes straight for the dark elf, if that is what he is. The gnomes could know something of use, she supposes, but she'd rather not risk losing a lead she's already got.

She introduces herself briskly. "Aava Snowborne. I heard you had a hand in stopping whatever that was outside?" She studies the elf, trying to determine just how powerful he is.

Arch warrior
2015-12-29, 01:07 PM
"I think the merome should be familiar enough with the roads still to manage that.":nale:

2015-12-31, 02:32 AM
After hearing the sound, Reaver gets out of the bed and makes way to a window. He is, after all, trying to gain information in this whole thing, and Ollukka never forbade him from getting up or exploring. After coming to the window, he sees a semi transparent bear scratching itself on a tree. A spirit, most likely, considering what he's seen this Ollukka fellow doing previously. Out of curiousity, Reaver decides to experiment how the bear will react to a non-organic creature.
Reaver will wait in the window for a few seconds to see if the bear notices or reacts to him. If so, Reaver will simply continue observing it. If not, he will jump out the window and start slowly approaching it. If the bear displays signs of hostility or agitation, he will stop and try to appear passive. If the bear leaves, Reaver will attempt to follow it up to 500 ft away from the house. If The bear shows signs that is might attack if Reaver keeps following, he will stop, wait for the bear to go a little farther away, then resume. If the bear is still showing signs that it might be hostile, Reaver will again pause, wait for the bear to go farther, then resume. He will repeat until either the bear is out of sight or Reaver has gone 500 ft away from the house. If Reaver stops following the bear, he will attempt to return to the house, go to Ollukka's study, and knock. If Ollukka is not there, Reaver will return to bed.

2015-12-31, 07:29 PM
"Very well then... but I still am not quite sure how I am to achieve my part in serving as a distraction together with you and Merome. Knowing a bit more about the terrain OTHER than a feature I can scarcely do much with might be of use?" Toft says, looking back towards the gremlin leader.

2016-01-01, 04:40 PM
"Fine, chat raised platform is up maybe chour gremlins tall (one gremlin is about a little taller than 3 feet) and stands on many legs, each about as thick as a fist. Below those are many hatches, vhich open to more machinery. Other chan that, chere is a pillar connected to the vheel, I has moving parts in it, so things could get caught in chat."

As you sleep, you slip into dream. In the dream, you sit in the camp, much the same as it was before, but different. The trees behind you are green and vibrant as though they were in the fulness of summer and those toward the city transition into a state of dormancy and disease. Some of their leaves are brown and brittle, others with holes eaten into them by some infestation.

Over your head, the sky has turned a dark, dusty blue and an eye has replaced the moon. Its pupil, barely seen in the midst of its yellow iris, stares at nothing in particular but seems to look straight at you.

The bear pays no mind to you and tromps to your left and around a corner when it has had enough scratching. As you follow it around that corner, a mist curls over the walls and across the ground, leaving the bear still distinctly visible but everything else blurred and barely visible.

Make a spot check (DC 14) and a listen (DC 16)
You see Ollukka, standing at the other end of the blind corner, one hand poised to grab something. Many logs are also rested at his feet. "Oh, it is you." he says as he relaxes himself.

To your left there is heavy breathing, and a single footstep that moves toward you.

You receive an attack of opportunity.
If that misses: Grapple [roll0]
Make an opposed grapple check to keep your helmet on.

He smiles at you and holds his hand out to shake your hand, "Kurt Ironchain, and yes I did." He rests his right hand on the handle of his hammer and flexes his shoulders. "Yeah, generally, Firebringer here and I are used to dealing with corrupt magic users or evil fairies, so we were able to smash through that mage pretty quickly. Of course, that giant one wasn't really up my ally, so it took a little longer to take it down. Probably could have saved a few extra people if I just swung a little differently here and there." He shakes his head, but that doesn't even make him pause long enough to take a breath. "I guess that's just one more reason to start a new training regimen this year."

2016-01-01, 10:52 PM
The first step in successfully navigating any dream, is finding the base symbolism.

Life and Death, and a person not seeing yet doing so? It wasn't like Erick had just talked to Hel, from whom he was deliberately obscured.
Mentally, Erick sighed, as he remembered the next stage in succesfully gaining information from a dream that was your own...
Let it play out with as little influence as possible.

So, letting his feet carry him as with their own mind, Erick left his higher perch for the clearing's center, a place free from grass with obscured dirt scratches, the shift in weather meaning that it was where they normally lit a small fire for the night for cooking. Then he began looking up, feeling as if he was supposed to challenge the eye.

Well, it was just a dream after all, he was hidden from her... Shouldn't be any real harm...
He had a feeling he was going to regret his words, but Maria said one should no interfere with the dream if they truly wished knowledge.
"I thought one side was merely displeasing to view, not blind. Perhaps you should turn over?

2016-01-02, 09:37 AM
Aava smiles back - it's a rather charming smile, most would agree, with dimples and eye twinkles and the whole deal - and accepts the handshake. "Goodness," she says, "you sound so nonchalant about it all." She's gone from the kindly but stern investigator she played for Juhani to a highly impressed and rather silly young lady in a flash. Pride in her work makes her smile more genuine.

"I don't suppose you know what those... things really were, do you?" she continues. "It's only, well, I want to know what to look out for."

2016-01-07, 12:33 AM
Reaver continues to follow the bear, right into the fog. He pauses on seeing Ollukka. Yes, it is me. I heard a noise outside and wished to determine the source. After a brief pause, Reaver adds, I'm...sorry if I disturbed you.

Reaver turns to where the bear had gone. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that a ghost bear? Do animals apparitions roam around here often?

2016-01-11, 12:14 PM
The eye slowly focuses on you, and as it does, the eyes of Thjazi (the brightest stars in the gemini constellation) appear in the sky. The eye of Hel then descends upon you until you can see your reflection in the pupil, and then until you are inside of it.

Now you are deep beneath the earth, surrounded by tree roots of great size as though they were a forest themselves. Engraved on each of them is a face, a unique appearance for each and every root. A loud crumbling sound, like an earthquake leading into a landslide, comes from behind you and up emerges a statue. The statue base is composed of common stone, but is in the form of the young King Gregory. At least it would seem to be him, but the face has been inverted, almost like someone had removed his face like a mask and put it on backwards. Held by the King in a choke hold over the ground is another man made of adamantine, its eyes made of smokey topaz and its body studded with lighter topaz. The metal body hangs limp.

A second rumble comes and the statues breaks away, first the strangled corpse and then the King and his throne, and behind them is a beast of great size. It a beast of very strange appearance as well; for it has the head of a man, the neck of a wyvern, the body of a troll, and the wings of a butterfly or perhaps fairy. It does not seem to note you, but instead gnaws at the roots with its mouth and tears through them with its claws.

Kurt shrugs and shows a small hint of a frown, "Yeah, I suppose it's kind of sad when you think about it. I've just seen things in this world so much more horrifying that I'm sort of desensitized to the whole deal. Anyways, about how those look. You know that statue of Alodia the blue in the old town square? The one covered in silver? That would be a pretty good guideline for the most part. They also don't seem to have a too consistent size, judging by the difference between those two, so keep that in mind. Other than that, they had some engravings of ivy and trees, and their 'skin' looked a little like bronze when the light hit them right. But I'm guessing that was just armor decorations." He then takes a large gulp from his mug and looks inside it. "It looks like I'm due for a refill. What say I buy you a drink too?"

"It's quite fine." Ollukka says as he picks of the wood, "And yes, she is indeed a ghost. There are many animal spirits that wander my ground, all meat eaters I've noticed. Apparently, they are drawn here because of my duties as a psychopomp. I have found them to be quite beneficial as guard animals though, as they usually are only active when they feel threatened, hence why I was on my guard. Of course, Irja has also appeared on occasion just to enjoy the living world, so I should have known better. If anything, I should be the one apologizing." He then stands up and waits of you to return to the indoors.

2016-01-11, 07:32 PM
Erick quickly, and loudly, swallows his fear as the eye descends, the thought 'It's just a dream' keeps him from shouting at as he tries to hold everything in his mind to remember.
He pauses somewhat at he sight of the murderous man of metal, instantly equating it with the man in plate that walked with Ollukka, a man he'd have to get in contact with soon, perhaps while learning all he could about the Eyes of Thjazi. Sighting Tregal in hideous form was merely something Erick noted, such was his past, however he does look to the roots, trying to memorize the faces upon them, particularly those near Tregal that he may remember them before they're destroyed.

2016-01-11, 08:50 PM
She lets the bit about desensitization pass; it would break her character to say how strongly she agrees with him. She bobs her head, letting her hair flounce in a way she knows flatters her. "Oh, why not? It'll be good to get something pleasant out of this day." She gives him her most winning smile. Or maybe it's only her second-most winning.

"And I'm afraid I don't know that statue. I'm new in town, just came here for the festival. I wasn't expecting it to get so... lively." She ducks her head shyly with a wry laugh, maintaining eye contact - a mix of retiring and up-front, designed to make him like her. He seems forthright enough already, but it never hurts to keep people open and informative.

2016-01-18, 01:30 AM
Reaver follows him. On the way inside Reaver asks, What would make a ghost feel threatened?
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2016-01-19, 02:34 PM
(Fast-forwarding to the battlefield, battle field is on the battle-map at A1)

The gremlins all follow you from behind, silent even though they know that it would be hard to be heard from this distance. Far ahead of you is some light being shed from the room with this giant balance wheel. When this light first was in sight, the lantern the gremlins brought along was turned off to not alert them to your approach, so the illumination is welcomed even if it is dim.

There is the silhouette of what seems to be a gremlin and one of those gigantic rats of the Wheels' lying down beside it, neither would seem to have taken notice of your group.

To your left is the doorway to the sewers and to your right is the long way around. It is good that you have the light that you have, because you would have likely walked right past them without it.

Maria: You went along this path to the right with the spelltheives, and have arrived at the entrance opposite the one Toft is going through. The right wall is lined with gears, but these ones are finer than the ones you've come across before. Small gears that are attached to coils and wires. They would hurt if you got stuck between them, but only as much as a pinched finger and not a crushed limb.

Behind the corner, you can see into the room. The center is well illuminated, with torches placed on the elevated platforms, but the light dissipates as it reaches the farther edges. Most of the gremlins are concentrated in the middle, four on the elevated platforms, two down by the central pillar and standing in front of a man, all of them have a faint blue tint to their skin. The man, presumably Ukki, is tied up vertically in the center and it is obvious by how his body shines blood red that he has been put through torture of some sort. There is also a rat near you and also in the center of the room, but it doesn't show any sign of being aware of you.

He moves the mug to his other hand and picks up his hammer, "No one was, every year it's been the same ceremony with barely any differences, but still an entertaining sight to see. To be honest, I'm not too familiar with the statue myself, I spend most of my time out in the woods, so I don't see the sights of the city that much. All I was trying to get at though is that they look like weather-beaten silver, just like that statue." Kurt puts the mug on the counter, and after ordering a refill and saying he'll by you a drink, he turns to you and asks, "Anything in particular you'd like?"

He slings the hammer back onto his back, and as he does that, something odd catches your eye. Not at all the glint of gold in the light, but a bit of red and white peeking over one of the corners. Both colors don't look like they were drawn onto metal, but paper, the red looks like it were hair and the white has what looks like an eye within it. The 'face' then vanishes behind the corner, almost as though it noticed you noticing it.

(Sorry, I didn't notice that those rolls got ruined until I started working on this, there wouldn't have been anything to notice anyway though)
"Unfamiliar and supernatural presences mostly, but some of the more territorial ones have been known to come out when an unfamiliar face enters their territory." he waves his hand at the main walkway and then opens the door, "Which conveniently happens to be my entire yard but none of my entrance."

"Irja, however, belongs to the former group. Perhaps she was woken up by the magic in your armor? It is rather out of the ordinary after all. But who knows? If it was something about you, maybe it was some other, more distinct presence coming off of you that you haven't brought up..." he stammers a bit as he thinks about that. "There aren't any other unusual magics about you, are there? The ghosts have been known to enter the house on occasion, and so they might confuse you for an invader if it isn't addressed.

Most of the faces don't appear to be too distinct, mostly commoners that you believe you've seen at random times. Others are more distinct, some acquaintances, a few members of the witch's circle, your master, even some of the more mortal spirits that you've grown familiar with (trees, animals, vermin, etc.).

Above your head, the ceiling starts to crumble and dirt lands on your head. In the direction of the statue and the grotesque version of Tregal, the cave begins to collapse and collapses in your direction. In the opposite direction of that, an Aegishjalmur (protective illusion charm) appears hovering in mid-air and a light of safety radiates from it.


2016-01-19, 03:45 PM
Weather-beaten silver. Interesting. She mulls that over for a moment, trying to remember any arcane uses of silver that might relate. And, remembering the rest of his description, bronze.

Aava, remembering a particular kind of berry wine she'd liked before she left that she's never been able to find since, shakes her head, tossing her hair a little with the motion. "Surprise me," she says. "Whatever they do best here."

She squints at the hammer. "Do you have some kind of tag on that? Something made of paper?" She flicks her fingers at the weapon to make it clear what she's talking about.

Knowlege: Arcana check to know about arcane uses of bronze and silver.

2016-01-19, 10:16 PM
Maria smiles as she feels the whispering spell take affect again, and whispers her arrival to the other team, her hands rest on on each Gremlin that they know of her presence despite her invisibility.
"We have arrived. There is a Rat where I would perform my ritual, and I know they can smell me despite my cloak, make sure you grab it's attention distraction team."

While Maria awaits a response, she relaxes, waiting for the others to charge while she picks out a path.

Erick begins dismissing the faces. At worst it means Tregal will eventually turn into a ravenous beast, that's something that can be dealt with in the far future... And then the cave begins collapsing.
Spotting the Aegishjalmur rune, Erick runs for it's cover, he know's it's protection is created by illusions and it's purely meant to guard him from the lords of the dead, should his memory hold, in this dream scape he'd rather it's protection than none at all.

2016-01-22, 01:10 AM
Reaver pauses for a moment as if to consider, then reaches into his haversack and pulls out the Liquid Sunlight. I have this. The vender I bought it from told me it is sunlight that has been trapped and distilled into liquid form. I've always considered it a trinket, useful for lighting up dark areas, but I suppose it might have more power than that. Would this cause the ghosts to become restless?

2016-01-22, 08:00 AM
((My initiative was 20))
As soon as all else is in readiness Toft activates his flight ability* and moves forward about 30 feet if the rat's interest doesn't seem TOO urgent. If it seems urgent he skips both these things.
Note that this has somatic components but not verbal, so I'm unlikely to blow our cover. It does delay me a round.
Regardless he then charges (on foot since he is actually faster that way) the two enemies at the entry-way nearest him.

"I'll take you all on!" he screams, trying to get as much attention focused on himself as possible.
Because of a flaw I discovered in the way the class is worded, I'm going to not give the charging bonus to the adamintine sword, just the one that I'm directly behind. This probably isn't how I will actually rule it when I re-write the class, but I'm giving myself the penalty of the doubt while still allowing at least some benefit for charging. If you don't want to allow even that AND things seemed urgent then we will call it a double-move and just forget the attacks.

Also, just a reminder to myself and everyone: Modes higher than 1 operate on the number of objects HELD not on the smallest mode with the number of attacks made that round.

Adamintine Greatsword +1 on the Blue Gremlin in N23.
To-Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirm [roll2]
Crit. Damage [roll3]

Cold Iron Greatsword on the rat in O23.
To-Hit [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Crit Confirm [roll6]
Crit. Damage [roll7]

My AC is -2 this round (assuming I actually do charge) giving me a normal AC 0f 19 and touch and flat-footed ACs of 14 each (My armor bonus just so happens to be the same as my dexterity bonus).

Note to self: Define charging better for this class. It is stated to be possible, but the attack options specify standard actions. Whatever happened to requiring parallel movement? Also it should probably only count weapons that actually attack towards the mode?

Arch warrior
2016-01-27, 12:33 PM
Merome runs in, casts "Mirror Image", has all the copys pull out a gnome hooked hammer, and shouts out, "We'll help you!":elan:


2016-01-28, 10:34 PM
Maria: The gremlin at your side looks at where you are pointing and nods. After a second, you here a loud shout and two screams. Though distorted by echoes and ambient noise, it sounds like the voice is shouting out "I'll take you all on!"

The thieves at your side take this as their signal and move over to an attack position for the rat, readying their weapons for firing.

Toft and Merome:
As both of you and the mini army charge forward, you can see the terror overwhelm the guard. This is a very specific terror, one that could only be produced by staring down not only a horde of enemy tribes-men or a pack of what he would regard as demons or even a trio of massive blades that move seemingly of their own power, but of all three at once.

All he can do in response in raise his little staff up to slightly redirect the sword lunging toward him. The subtle movement does spare it's life, but at the cost of a gash to its wrist and a nick to the collard. It tries to shove the weapon away with the staff, but fails. In response, the sword pushes more toward him, but instead just applies enough force to slam the gremlin against the wall.

The rat, however, takes possibly the worst from the situation. Lacking a method to block the great sword, it instead just leaps up and grabs the weapon, an unsuccessful attempt at trying to wrestle it to the ground. Unfortunately for it, this bizarre wrestling match leaves its stomach wide open, an opening that Motya is smart enough to take advantage of. He lets loose an arrow and the missile sinks almost perfectly into the middle of the beast. Out of reflex, the rat falls onto the ground, its tail and feet quivering disgustingly.

Ollukka has to shield his eyes for a moment, as the light from the jar is very bright, "Exotic though that may be, I doubt it would be of concern. It would be best to keep that covered though, as to not disturb anyone from their sleep. No what I am would be concerned about would be much more potent than that. I am capable of reading the auras of magical devices, it might be quicker for me to simply looking for what I'd have in mind myself. Would you mind that?"

"Akvavit it is then!" the bartender says with a grin, "Very appropriate for this time of year too, got some ice for it just this afternoon. Er, last afternoon... You know what I mean." the behemoth of a man stammers a bit, confused by the recent change in days.

Without anymore word than a nod though, Kurt reaches into his pocket and places a silver piece and two copper pieces on the table, which are then swept up by the bartender. After you ask about his weapon, he gives you a glance that is shared with the hammer. "A tag? No, Firebringer's too old to still have anything like that still attached." Kurt pauses a moment, and then abruptly bobs his head, "Let me guess, you saw what looked like young red-head? Don't worry too much about that, she's just been imbued with a lot of magic, she just has a few quirks like that."

From what you can recall, silver is used in many divinations and a few of the weaker abjurations. Bronze on the other hand, has only one use. The metal is one involved in the movement between realms, Mannheim (aka Midgard) specifically.

Run though you may, the cave in catches up to you. You were just to the edge of the charm when a pile of earth and stone actually collapses on you. The impact jolts you out of the dream and into the real world. Everything is as it once was, it is still Winter, still night, and Tregal is still here, no grotesque transformations visible about him.

2016-01-28, 11:13 PM
Innitiative: [roll0]
Maria smiles underneath her cloak of invisibility, the attack seems to be going well. With that in mind, she begins softly walking to the wheel.

Move forward 30ft, leaving Maria in O9 [Not going to climb the ladder up].
Hide: [roll1] [Note, +20 for Invisibility while moving.]
Move Silently: [roll2] With distance and the fighting going on I should be ok.

Erick's eyes open wide and he partially rises from his resting position, a wince takes his features a moment as he looks around, in the darkness due to the lingering nature of his magics he sees the world of shades of grey where most would see nothing, in this the dead of night. Slowly, Erick lowers himself down, not closing his eyes as he commits the dream to memory lest he forget it, knowing well the results of trying to tell his own dreams while tired.

After a moment, Erick shivers, this additional movement causes the form of the coiled Tregal who rests around him to shift, and Erick moves into a more comfortable position, his eyes looking out of the tent as he does his best to memorize every detail, determining how best to recite it to Maria for when he does so.

2016-01-29, 03:35 PM
Aava smiles at the bartender and thanks him in advance. She has no clue what 'akvavit' is, but she trusts it to be at the very least drinkable, if not good.

"Yes, that could easily be it," she says to Kurt. She considers. A magical warhammer... now that would especially account for its efficacy against the things. Besides its size, of course. "Magic, hmm? No wonder it - she, did you say? No wonder she's unusual."

Aava decides to think of the attackers as 'statues' for now. Much easier than the nebulous 'things', and since they're described as being metal, she isn't at all sure if 'creatures' is appropriate. With the use of bronze in mind, she suspects that may have to do with how the statues appeared seemingly from nothing on the stage... but as for their weapons, those remain a mystery. She mulls over them again. The warhammer has put magic weapons on her mind.

Knowledge (Arcana) for Juhani's description. A bit belated, sure, but she was busy giving the poor fellow a pep talk before, so. If she knows what that lightning on the triple sword was about, for instance, or the blue fire.

Knowledge (Local) for the thing with the bell language. At least, I hope that's the right skill. I'm forever annoyed that Speak Language isn't Knowledge (Linguistics) or something similar. I guess there's Pathfinder for that.

Knowledge (History) to see if anything like this has happened before and been recorded.

2016-02-03, 02:38 AM
Reaver returns the liquid sunlight to his bag. Hmm, not like I have much of a choice in the matter. I assume you can do your assessment promptly? Best to get it over with.

After pausing for a moment, he says, Now that I think about it, you might find a fairly strong aura on the armor. I mentioned before that it has some interesting magical qualities, but I will admit that even I am not entirely sure of all that it is capable of, or even if I have access to all of its capabilities now.

Arch warrior
2016-02-09, 09:12 PM
Merome continues to charge in. During this time he has all of the gnomes flail their arms around and make strange noises.

2016-02-18, 08:16 PM
(Incorrectly) thinking that the rat will be the easier of the two to down, Toft focuses his attacks on it.

Uuuuuugh... if it was a surpise round does that mean I could have only done a partial charge?

Adamintine Greatsword +1 on the rat in O23.
Attack [roll0] (Crits on 19-20)
Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirm [roll2] (No need for crit damage roll in the wound-point variant, right?)

Cold Iron Greatsword on same rat, or on gremlin if rat down
To-Hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Crit Confirm [roll5](No need for crit damage roll in the wound-point variant, right?)

If I drop the rat then I tumble 15' north (to O22) while pulling the last cold iron longsword to the spot where the rat was (from P25 to O23).

I shouldn't need to roll this unless their is 'light/heavy rubble' or something (which the rat might count as)... but here is the tumble check [roll6]

2016-02-18, 08:50 PM
Maria continues to walk towards the pillar, her light footsteps skirting the rat and moving over the gears in near perfect silence.

2016-02-20, 09:43 PM
You lie there in the near perfect silence of both night and winter combined. All that can be heard for quite some time is the gentle breeze rustling the branches. A more aggressive jostle interrupts the peaceful blowing, as two ravens perch in the branches above you. They are mostly quiet save for a brief moment when one makes a snarly growl at the other and the occasional shifting about.

"None to worry, one does not come to my stature in the ways of the pact without being quick to perceiving strange magics." As he finishes his sentence, his eyes flash blue for a moment and his eye color changes from hazel to blue.

He scans your entire body, nodding, grunting, and raising an eyebrow in their own due time. When he is done, he closes his eyes for a moment and then looks up at you. "Your gear would appear to be safe, somewhat strange, but nothing that would alarm the ghosts. Your armor, on the other hand, is strange, and so are your clothes. With the former being that aura you mentioned. It is indeed strong, very strong, and I shall try to address it as is fitting. The other one, however, is the lack of another aura I would have expected. You had said that your clothes were enchanted, yet I see nothing of the sort."

Ollukka raises his head just a little bit to look a little taller, the new posture also looking slightly less friendly. "Tell me, what could bring a man to lie so frivolously? And as you answer, remember that you are under my roof, and that I do not take well to those who I deem a threat."

"Yes, quite." The bartender returns with a bottle that is slightly damp and a glass that has holly carved very ornately upon it. Into the glass he pours a lightly tan liquor. It has a very festive flavor to it, spiced with coriander and a little bit of apple. As you sip, Kurt continues to make some conversation, "I've done some looking into Firebringer's past and legend even holds that she was used to save a kingdom several centuries ago. You see-"

Kurt's deluge into story telling is cut abrupt by Juhani rushing into the building. "SIRS!!!" He shouts at the top of his lungs. Behind him is a lady in a dark green dress rimmed with a golden pattern. As everyone turns from their own conversations to look at him, he slowly looks over all of them. As he realizes just how much attention he's drawn to himself, Juhani turns his head upward and buries his face in his hand.

Despite his error, Juhani pretends as though no one is looking at him as he walks over to his superiors and starts to whisper something to them. Occasionally, he gestures to the lady. Kurt, like other people, shifts around and tries to pretend to not take notice, but he also doesn't continue with his story.

Arcana: The lightning, from what you can tell, is definitely electrical in nature. For the blue fire, and this is speculation on the most part, might mean that they came from Muspleheim, the realm of fire and the fire giants.

Linguistics: This is completely unlike any language you've heard of. Yeah, language based skills have always left something to be desired, let's just say that Speak Language counts as Knowledge(Linguistics). I'll already made the appropriate adjustments to the check.:small tongue:

History: There is only one instance that holds any similarity to this event. Almost a millennia ago, there was a kingdom that had the misfortune of being right next to the Jarnvid forest and the witches that dwelled within. The details are fuzzy, but supposedly, it was stricken by mass-hysteria caused by a direct appearance of the witches. They were torn apart by their own fear, splintering into several broken lands of broken people. Of course, the only similarity at the moment would be the fear solicited by the statues.

To answer your question about critical, yes, they do still exist in the Wounds and Vitality system, it's just a lot more dangerous. I just put a link to the rules involved in my Sig for everyone's convenience.

Toft and Merome: Toft once again makes quick work of the rat. The barrage from the gremlins also proves to be quite deadly to the blue guard gremlin. Beyond the corridor and in the massive chamber, Toft also sees all of the other Wheels, four standing atop the raised platforms and producing semi-translucent circle barrier in front of themselves, and two others on the ground right beside the central pillar and Ukki, both busy cutting him down.

Sensing that his end is drawing nigh, the blue gremlin aims for what it sees as the greatest threat, Toft's enchanted swords. It snaps its fingers in that direction, which magnifies into a sound much louder and shriller than a mere snap. Toft feels it vibrate the blade, but a simple change in direction allows the sound to bend completely around the weapon.

Maria: As she draws nearer to the source of a great deal of the gutter-gear's power, Maria can feel immense power surging through her to the beat of the wheel. However, there are other things that are of concern, as the rat begins to sniff the air in notice of you. It turns its head to look in your direction, but the gremlins are fortunately doing their jobs well this time.

One bolt goes flying and just barely missed its head, while the other falls short of its mark, thankfully missing you as you traversed its line of fire. For a moment, it tucks its ears back in surprise and fright, an appearance that is quickly replaced by a snarl directed at the gremlin that almost killed it. Not minding the strange smell from before anymore, it runs off to pursue the spellthief.


2016-02-21, 06:52 PM
Maria freezes for a moment before the Rat is distracted. Interruptions could be bad, and things would be bad enough as they were.

With a moments hesitation, Maria moves to the pillar and begins walking around it, one finger outstretched to touch the pillar in a way that leaves a bloody red line as she begins calling upon it's spirit in Dwarvish, the language of the craftsmen. He voice compared to the battle is soft, like a calm address, with syllables being spoken in time with the machines movements and her voice displaying a near-dispassionate monotone with just the hint of plea.

Since we didn't actually make rules for contacting spirits/etc, I'm just going to roll K:Arcarna and follow your lead from here on, since that's the knowledge I think is most relevant.
Perhaps I should have been a binder because then we could have just adapted those rules :p

K:A [roll0]
Hide: [roll1] Because she still technically has total concealment.
Move Silently: [roll2] -Modifiers for talking at the same time. She is actively moving though.

As for the damage from the pillar to Maria, I'm thinking it can be overlooked due to her very deliberate and careful use of her finger (As she's not being bull rushed) plus her fast healing. She'll be moving around the pillar at a pace of roughly 10ft/round, leaving her in either O13 or M15, depending on which way is the opposite of the gear-pillar's rotation.

Erick stays perfectly still for a painfully slow moment moment. Two Ravens, after a dream about the gods and his illusions crashing down?
Erick was hidden from the dead, not from Odin.
After a moment's panic, Erick attempts to mimic Tregal's voice, in part hoping it and his small quiet shifts under him will wake the snake up.
[Draconic] "Odin sends gifts? Tregal likes tasty gifts, gifts made of treasure."

Color is off because it's Erick's attempt to mimic Tregal. I know the sentence structure is wrong for Tregal, that's because it's a panicking Erick.

2016-02-25, 03:48 PM
Aava savors her akvavit. Festive is precisely what she's looking for.

Like the other patrons, she studiously looks away from Juhani after a brief moment of panic. However, she murmurs to Kurt, "Ah, the enthusiastic paladin. I met him on the way in. Nice enough fellow. Perhaps he's found something important; I'll have to ask him on his way out."

She takes another sip of akvavit, keeping her eyes on Kurt as she waits for him to continue his story. When no continuation is forthcoming, she tucks her hair behind her ear, waves her hand towards him in a loose gesture, and adds, "Go on?"

The connection to Jarnvid and the plague of strife troubles her. She keeps a good face on, of course - one of polite and, in this case, genuine interest - but were she alone she would frown in worry. If she's just walked into a morass of paranoia, she might have to make a quick exit. She resolves to ask Juhani if he has new evidence as soon as he's done talking to his superiors.

2016-02-27, 06:43 PM
Toft and his weapons recklessly withdraw from the enemy gremlin near the door, going to aid Ukki ((Ukki is an ally, right?)).
All of my weapons and myself provoke from the gremlin near the door. The Adamintine sword ALSO provokes from the gremlin in Q16. He concentrates his attacks on the nearest enemy gremlin.

Toft moves to S18 (If this is a double-move due to a low ceiling then I'm probably not attacking this turn, and may be myself and weapons to slightly different locations).

Note that my weapons can neither give nor receive flanking bonuses (this will slightly change at my next level of bladestorm).

Attacks all on gremlin in Q16:
Adamintine Greatsword:
To-Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit. Confirm [roll2]

Cold Iron Greatsword in Q17:
To-Hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Crit. Confirm [roll5]

Cold Iron Greatsword in R17:
To-Hit [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Crit. Confirm [roll8]

2016-02-28, 02:50 PM
Reaver bristles. Lie? When did I-
He stops suddenly and thinks back. Ah, that is what you are referring to. It seems there has been a misunderstanding. When I referred to my attire, I was referring to this. Reaver thumps his breastplate twice.
The reason you could not detect any aura from clothing is simple: I wear no clothing under this armor. This armor was specially enchanted for me due to my...eventful past. Though I have not lied to you, I admit on not digressing my entire history. Hmm. Listening to myself, I realize this must all sound horridly vague. There are specific objectives I hoped to achieve from this relationship. However, there are also certain secrets I would rather keep. For now, at least. If you cannot abide with this, I will understand and take my leave.

Arch warrior
2016-02-29, 11:13 PM
Merome sends out a "Scorching Ray" from all of the clones. Two are sent out, one to each of the gremlins. While he does this he shouts "I hate gremlins!"

"[roll0] for attack 1 and [roll1] for damage 1. [roll2] for attack 2 and [roll3] for damage 2.

2016-03-02, 10:36 PM
Toft: Toft tears through across the room to the nearest Wheel that he could sink his blade into, one of the two who was untying the paladin captain, Ukki. The swords all leave lacerations the size of plates and cause the gremlin to fall motionless onto the floor once they are removed.

"****!" shouts a voice that echoes from seemingly no where after you kill the Wheel, "That was MY gremlin, and if anyone's going to **** 'em over, it's going to be me!" as the vulgar voice shouts at you, the other Wheel left standing on the floor raises his hands into the air and the balance wheel over your head begins to take on a translucent blue. Some of this translucent blue drops down behind you and takes on the form of a serpent, which unsuccessfully lunges at you.

If you've seen Red vs. Blue, the voice sounds a lot like Andy the Bomb.

Two of Wheels standing above you also return fire. One launches a bolt of lightning at you through its staff, coursing through your armor and making you very aware of every last place that your metal armor touches you or your clothing. Oddly enough, in that split second as the lightning shot at you, it looked like it moved in the shape of a snake of great size.

The other instead twirls his staff in a circular motion, and as it does this, you feel an invisible force pushing against you and pulling against your swords.
The Cold Iron sword in Q-17 is thrown to M-21
The Cold Iron sword in R-17 is thrown to W-17 and takes 4d6 points of damage from being thrown 40ft
The Adamantine sword is thrown to S-10
Toft is thrown to U-20 and takes 1d6 points of damage from being thrown 10ft.
Not expecting you to fail, but doing this just in case.

Merome: As you send the current of heat pulsing toward your enemies, they don't seem too distracted, the two swordsages bolt past you and the gremlins get bottle-necked.

Maria: The pillar pinches a small amount as you first rub your finger against it, and the dribbles of blood are smeared quickly by the constant turning. As you circle this crafted source of power, the clatter of battle quiets down, and the sound of your voice echoes.

All around you also starts to dim away, taking on a new and forested design. The pillar becomes the trunk of a massive tree, with branches spread out where the balance wheel and walkways once were, the floor grow grass and flowers in places, even the creatures around you turn into woodland creatures, like squirrels, rabbits, and badgers. Everything around you has taken the appearance of a forest except for the walls, which now resemble a horizon of polished gold.

Circling around, you come across a man in armor, kneeling in the direction of the pillar-turned-tree while holding a halberd loosely in front of him. The armor is polished white, with red wings on the helm and grey scales only at the joints. As he rises to face you, he puts the halberd behind his back, which draws your attention to something crucial, he doesn't have hands. The armor lacks anything of the sort, and he appears to move the weapon by virtue of his own will.

"Et has been centuries since E last spoke to a person." he speaks to you in a somber, ancient dialect of dwarven, "What, now, es et that you wish to speak with me for. O shall hope that et es not petty, a safe thing to guess." He lets the halberd hover just high enough to left the edge come into view over his head, "Yes?"

Erick: Tregal is heavy and does not jostle easily, however, he does rise out of his torpor in time. At first, he hisses at you for waking him, but after licking the air, he realizes why you did it. "Drops of night sky!" he remarks about the ravens. Wondering if they are a 'gift' as Erick put it, Tregal looks back at him patiently.

Yeah, in retrospect that seems like the way to go with pacts, but since we're not using vestiges and stuff, I'm going to treat this more like a magical location.

Oh, and for Tregal, I wanted to make sure to let you know that he is still under your control. That time early on is an admitted over-step in my DM authority, unless you're giving me permission in the future to use your animal companion, like Archwarrior did with Luginn.

Kurt nods a little, seeming just a little more serious than he has before, "Maybe, and if you don't mind, I'll join you. I'm not going to just stand around while something like this is amiss." With your invitation though, he is reminded about his tale, and returns to his less serious attitude. Oh, yes! So, this story starts far to the south in the lands of Detch and, like most stories worth telling, a very long time ago. Back then, dragons would rise up from the depths of the earth and cause all sorts of trouble, many starting their own little kingdoms.

Fire bringer comes from one of these conquered lands. Of course, the people grew to hate their tyrant, and he lashed out by eating all but a few of their baby sons. Naturally, that was the last straw. The details on this part here are sort of fuzzy, but it was about this time that a lady blacksmith got the inspiration for Firebringer. Using all the gold she could gather in the vision, and some form of alchemy. There was only one problem, the hammer was too big for anybody to use.

That is to say, until the other hero of this story came. By the shore, there was found a baby sea troll, just freshly born and beside its dead mother. This troll was carefully and quietly raised until he was old enough to use Firebringer with skill, then he went on to free his adopted family from the dragon.

There aren't very many details about this part, but the fight was no doubt incredible. A few of the accounts I've managed to find even say that the castle they fought in collapsed into the sea!

Anyway, that act of liberation inspired many other kingdoms to rise up and break free of the oppression of dragons. The troll hero, however, found himself wandering afterward, and somewhere along the line, he or someone else must have brought Firebringer all the north to here." Kurt speaks proudly and happily as usual, however, toward the end of the story, he sort of pauses. Acting like there was a bit of hesitation to say anything else.

Toward the end of his story, the paladin also finish, many of the elders rising up and taking leave. As most of the others exit, Juhani and the lady he came in with follow them to the door. Juhani seems to be pleading with them, but the paladin in charge of the rest shakes his head, apparently telling them to stay behind with the other two paladin. Both seem a little disappointed, but do as they are told.

As you explain, Ollukka doesn't appear to change his mind, but the softens his gaze as you go on. A frown goes over his face at your remark about leaving, but he nonetheless continues to talk. "I am terribly sorry to say that I would rather you not stay in my house with secrets, so you will have to leave if you cannot part with them. That is not to say, however, that I shall leave you with hard feelings. If you must go, I know of a very nice inn that will take you in at this hour, and would even be willing to pay for your stay."

He raises his hand, "However, if it would be reasonable, I would be willing to strike a deal with you. You have a secret that you hold secret, I believe I have one I feel is of equal weight. I would be willing to tell you my secret if you tell me yours." he extends his hand out to you, waiting for a response.

2016-03-03, 03:34 AM
Maria doesn't appear to hesitate before curtsying the spirit, head bowing, any thoughts of how her body is acting in the physical world, if it remains present leaving her mind as she focuses on the bargain. In her mind however, are codes of conduct, and the linguistic shifts of Dwarven as she forms her reply to the spirit in it's own tongue.

"E greet thee, O Kneght of the Wheel, E'm sorry to hear of your guardean's neglect of you, and that my tedengs are not of great emport. E am Marea Erecksdotter, The Transeent Maeden, and have come to bargaen weth you on the behalf of Motya, who in turn sought me out on the behalf of Kolol, Leader of the Pendulum Gremlens. However whele et es encredebly rude of me, E must ask ef there es a way to contact you from beyond your marvelous home, as my teme en contact weth you es lemeted."

Rising slightly, Maria gives the knight a smile, one she hopes to appear to be one from a glamorous young maiden, but she has no clue how well her guise has held up, if it has at all, given that her invisibility has likely faltered within this mindscape, should it be one.

"Of course, E understand ef to be so enterrupted es unappealeng, E could however promese you a neght of storees and songs from the faer maeden that E am, sometheng E'm sure you have messed en your teme so long neglected, regardless of whether we can come to a bargaen."

While a witch being a maiden (Virgin) is a rare occurrence, for Maria it was a technical truth. There was so much a maidenhood could be spent from, be it in simple exchange for those beings that valued claiming such things, or in use of the power released in it's loss. So, Maria abstained, reminding herself that any night of pleasure would likely be ruined by the mans greed, and kept her dabblings in the tantric arts to reading, or those where she could keep her maidenhood.

Erick smiles broadly, nodding energetically, internally hoping that the Raven's don't notice that the one is instead two before Tregal attempts to eat them.

Feel free to utilize Tregal, out of combat (Unless Maria/Erick aren't there to guide him). I'm perfectly fine with animal companions/etc being DM controlled and would even allow Erick to be so if preferred, however when it comes to the main PC or (True) Combat there needs to be a good reason.

Also, spoiler of Maria's speech below in English, as well as the rolls I think are relevant.

"Greetings, I'm sorry to hear of your guardian's neglect of you, and that my tidings are not of great import. I am Maria Ericksdotter, The Transient Maiden, and have come to bargain with you on the behalf of XXXXXXXX. However while it is incredibly rude of me, I must ask if there is a way to contact you from beyond your marvelous home, as my time in contact with you is limited."

"Of course, I understand if to be so interrupted is unappealing, I could however promise you a night of stories and songs from the fair maiden that I am, something I'm sure you have missed in your time so long neglected, regardless of whether we can come to a bargain.
Rushed Diplomacy: [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) [Customs, feel free to alter my post for accuracy based on this roll. Since this is not nobility, the customs used will be purely subservient commoner>noble ones]: [roll1]

Damn... I hope I haven't botched those too badly.

2016-03-04, 02:35 PM
Aava nods gravely at Kurt's intentions. She approves of them - he seems useful. When he resumes his story, however, she too brightens up, listening with rapt attention, nodding at appropriate pauses, and generally playing the part of the perfect listener. It's a true act; she's enthralled. A battle between a troll and a dragon... that would make for powerful verse, perhaps set to a pulse-pounding beat. She gives off a decidedly fey mood, in the old sense of the word: she doesn't seem wholly in this time, but rather dreamlike sinking into the age of Kurt's tale. She would politely urge him to say more when he hesitates near the end, but the end of Juhani's discussion distracts her.

"Oh, dear. It appears our young paladin has been denied a chance to be helpful. Let's see what sort of help he had in mind, shall we?" Aava's tone is grim and sardonic. Gone is her fantastical air of just moments ago; it's all business.

Knowledge (History), to see if she's heard this story before, and if so, what stuff may have been in the version she heard that Kurt might be leaving out, forgetting, or unaware of.

2016-03-10, 09:57 AM
Toft flies upwards as high as necessary to be out of reach despite any horizontal moves he might make afterward (or failing that, up to the roof) while drawing two of his reserve swords from his modified magical quiver. And then...
How much movement do I have left of my 40' total for the round for flight speed? I might want to get some horizontal movement in too.

I'll be getting an AoO from the snake.

Which layer of the map should I put myself on and which cell? I could probably figure out the cell actually, but not when I am this tired (my pet cat is dying on me). Not going to mess with changing layers right now.

2016-03-10, 01:11 PM
Reaver pauses for a long moment. Then he reaches out to shake Ollukka's hand. I admit it is a very tempting offer, but I'm afraid I must decline. The information you request is very sensitive to me. Still, I am honored that you would make the deal, and I hope you do not take this as an insult. With that, I take my leave. You have been a most courteous host, and perhaps we will meet again on amicable terms.

2016-03-11, 01:55 PM
(And then...)
Toft moves northward a bit, trying to draw off the attackers from Maria.

"Come and get me you sons of swine! Oh, wait, pigs can't fly!" he taunts them, trying to keep their attention.

Swords, all 5' up:
Alchemical Silver: T10, S11 (Or perhaps call it AK10 and AJ11? I'm not really sure what altitude marks the division between layers.
Cold Iron: T11 (Directly below Toft, I have this sword double-marked on the map, so it is also listed in Toft's square at AK11)

Toft: 10' up, AK11 (above T11)

This all comes out to a double move that provokes an AoO from the astral construct.
Is Maria invisible or something? Do they seem to have noticed her, especially the spell-thieves and swordsage (maybe the northern rat too)? Here are Spot and Intimidate/(Reversed?) Diplomacy rolls if you need them.

Spot [roll0]
Taunting [roll1] add +1 if Diplomacy, +6 if calling it Intimidate, since I actually put ranks into that!

Arch warrior
2016-03-17, 11:08 AM
Merome can barely see through all of the gremlin allies he has, but what he can see is that there is a 3 Blue gremlins near by on the second floor. He raises his hands to blast the gremlins friends in front of him and clear a path, but just before he casts Luginn stops him and says, "DON'T SHOUT THEM! You may not like them, but they are helping us for now. Just shout the blue gremlins with some Magic Missiles that will do.":Nale:

Merome responds with a disappointed "Fine." rates his hand and sends his missiles to squares 18 AF, two to 15 AJ, and two to 14 AC

18 AF [roll0]
15 AJ [roll1]
15 AJ [roll2]
14 AC [roll3]
14 AC [roll4]

2016-03-22, 11:44 AM
Spearheads with the translucence of glass fly through the battlefield, bending around people that Merome did not aim for and striking all that he did squarely. All of the gremlins on your side, however, fail to be as successful. Javelins, arrow, and thrown fists all fly past the enemy.

The wheels strike true though, pumping currents of energy through Toft and the swordsages. In the midst of this static-y experience, Toft also receives a separate feeling, like he had just been walloped in the gut. For just a brief moment, Toft feels himself exhale, but just a short little blow and nothing else. "Yeah, like we need to fly to deal with any of you, birdbrain!" comes the voice of the vulgar heckler.

In the midst of this, the summoned serpent dashes toward Ukki, the paladin captain, scoops him up into its mouth and makes a break for it, slithering off to the upper exit.

Maria: The knight listens intently, a flash of rage enters his eyes at the mention of the gremlins, but it subsides as you continue. Regardless, the battle-ax orbits around him until it is at his side. "So, the gremlens know of my exestence, how entregueng. Let us put them asede for the moment though. En the forest are a type of tree known as alfwood, screbe a speral on any of them weth a copper knefe. Place your hand on thes mark and concentrate on thes place. Et and E well appear.

When we next meet though, E have other requests than just song and story. You must dress en an apron dress of yellow weth a rem of red. Ef posseble, E would also leke for you to breng a gnome weth you, that E meght talk weth hem of the state of my body.

Ef that es suitable, then we shall contenue. What do the gremlens demand of me now?"

So, the gremlins know of my existence, how intriguing. Let us put them aside for the moment though. In the forest are a type of tree known as alfwood, scribe a spiral on any of them with a copper knife. Place your hand on this mark and concentrate on this place. It and I will appear.

When we next meet though, I have other requests than just song and story. You must dress in an apron-dress of yellow with a rim of red. If possible, I would also like for you to bring a gnome with you, that I might talk with him of the state of my body.

If that is suitable, then we shall continue. What do the gremlins demand of me?"

Erick: If serpents could smile, Tregal would be doing it right now. He slithers over to the tree nearest the ravens, ignoring the chill of the snow on his belly in the focus of a hunter on his prey. Tregal mounts the tree, blending into the trunk. From Erick's vantage point, it is hard to tell where Tregal is. The barren branches look remarkably like a snake to him.

One of the ravens bobs its head and looks down. Apparently Tregal was easy enough for it to spot, as it gives off a loud crow and leaps from its perch. Tregal leapt up to try and grab it but it was too late, the raven had already flown off to the southwest. Raven number two did not depart though, but instead hovered in the center of the clearing. Looking at you and Tregal in equal turn, it makes a hissing growl before it roosts in a different tree, now keeping a better eye on your master's animal companion.

"Do not worry," Ollukka smile politely, "I am now sure that if you did tell me what your secret was, I would agree that it is best kept secret. As promised though, I shall not let you leave without offering another place of rest for you. It is directly on the road to the major city temples and is an inn known the Dapper Dwarf. You'll find they should still be open, and that there rooms are most luxurious." Reaching into his wallet, he retrieves two platinum coins and hands them to you.

Kurt nods in agreement and follows. When he takes notice to the lady in green sitting next to Juhani, he immediately takes the other seat beside her. "Say, I know that dress, its the one worn as part of the usual rite." the lady nods slightly in response, "Why didn't the show go on?" he presses.

The woman, surprised by how quick to the point he was, is a little extra disquieted, looking down at the floor. Juhani speaks up in her place, "There were some... technical difficulties on the part of Captain Ukki. Hannah and I were asked to stay here while the others are going to help. You know, as to not further upset the civilians." as he says that bit with the emphasis, he leans a little over to you.

2016-03-25, 03:21 PM
Toft elects to go with the idea that the best defense is a strong offense.
Feeling overwhelmed by life. See upper level of map for locations, just going to roll the attacks on blue Gremlin in AJ15. The two silver swords provoke. If there is anything funky going on with the altitudes I want the swords positioned vertically so that he can't get away from them without an AoO.

Iron Sword
To-Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirm (19-20) [roll2]

Western Silver Sword
To-Hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Crit Confirm (19-20) [roll5]

Eastern Silver Sword
To-Hit [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Crit Confirm (19-20) [roll8]

2016-03-26, 04:28 AM
Maria bows her head slightly as the knight speaks, committing his words to memory.

"Et may take a short while to arrange for such a retual, but E shall contact you as soon as E can. As for the desires of the Gremlens, those of the Pendulem are at war with those who work around you, and would bargain weth you to wethhold from them your movements, weth many already being ready to serve you should such be agreeable to you, though E am certaen they are welleng to bargaen further."
With this said, Maria adopts a slight frown, her expression seeming to sadden.

"E know this es almost entolerably rude, but for my own safety E must depart shortly. Meght e have your leave, that you might consider the Gremlen's paltry openeng offer while I make to contact you once more."

"It may take a short while to arrange for such a ritual, but I shall contact you as soon as I can. As for the desires of the Gremlins, those of the pendulem are at war with those who work around you, and would bargain with you to wit hold from them your movements, with many already being ready to serve you should such be agreeable to you, though I am certain they are willing to bargain further."
With this said, Maria adopts a slight frown, her expression seeming to sadden.

"I know this is almost intolerably rude, but for my own safety I must depart shortly. Might I have your leave, that you might consider the Gremlin's paltry opening offer while I make to contact you once more."

Erick frowns at the remaining bird, which has, by this point, lain eyes upon him... For a moment he sits in contemplation, before speaking to it.

"Should you just be a common raven, I feel sorrow for what I must do. But I cannot have you following me. Please leave."
With that, Erick raises his hand, should the Raven not flee after a moments pause, he bears his energies against it.

Give the warning, then wait a round.

If the Raven doesn't leave, Erick will then blast it with a Friendship Crypt Blast
Hit: [roll0] vs Touch.
Damage: 7 Lethal.

Erick will repeat this until the raven flees or dies.

2016-03-29, 11:04 PM
Reaver holds up his hand. No, please, I am already indebted to you. I could not accept further gifts. I can pay for myself. Farewell for now.
With that, Reaver leaves the premise. After he is outside the house, he changes appearance to that of a dockworker, with a vest that left most of his muscular chest exposed, ragged pants, his hat disguised as a cloth cap and his scythe as a steal scrubber used to clean barnacles. He heads for the docks.
Reaver heads for spot by the water that does not watches and glances around. He then shifts his disguise slightly, growing noticable gills on his neck, scales on his wrists and ankles, and webbing on his fingers. Then he jumps into the water and starts walking a short distance but parallel to the shoreline and emerges once he is a a few miles out of the city limits. He looks for a road and follows it away from the city.

2016-04-07, 04:13 PM
Aava dissembles right on cue. "Do you mean me? Oh, definitely. It was -" she shudders expressively - "horrible, just horrible, and I only came here for the festival. I was so looking forward to this and then..." She slumps, disappointed, and makes her eyes wide with false fear. "Something is being done about this, I hope. How can I help?"

"Further" upset, her tail! No, she'll get to the bottom of this whether Juhani - or any of his narrow-minded worry-pate superiors- likes it or not. She may speak fluent airbrain, but that doesn't mean she is one. She lingers, relaxed and casual, as if observing the conversation with mystified fascination. She pays close attention to everything said.

Arch warrior
2016-04-11, 03:37 PM
Luggin decides that he should look ahead for Merome incase their is another gremlin that would be good for a magic missile. After flying 20ft, he sees that one gremlin, who is dressed like someone important, is in a clear and plane line of sight. He returns to Merome's shoulder, finding that he moved ahead 20ft, and tell him. "A big wig is right ahead. 55ft forward and 15ft right." Loving the idea of nocking a wig onto the ground, wether big or small, Merome sends out five magic missile straight to the leader.

This is for the gremlin leader on Q14, so you don't have to figure that out yourself. The damage of my misses are [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4].

2016-04-13, 03:32 PM
Motya: Shoots the BG in AF-18 again.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crits: [roll2]

Assorted Gremlins: Move to Q-13, R-14, P-15, Q-15, R-15, cannot attack, provoke attacks of opportunity

Swordsages: Both switch to Assasin's stance and use Sapphire Nightmare Blade (if concentration succeeds, enemy's flat-footed and take extra 1d6 and 2d6 from sneak attack, failure causes -2 to attack roll)

SS 1:
Concentration (DC as AC): [roll3]
Attack: [roll4] -2 if concentration managed to fail.
Damage: Short Sword [roll5] Sapphire Nightmare Blade + Sneak Attack [roll6]
Crit: [roll7]

SS 2:
Concentration (DC as AC): [roll8]
Attack: [roll9] -2 if concentration managed to fail.
Damage: Short Sword [roll10] + Sapphire Nightmare Blade & Sneak Attack [roll11]
Crit: [roll12]

One Sneak Attack to the Rat (dagger), the other shot will go to the astral construct. Gremlin in M-9 moves to N-8 to try and block the Astral Construct.
Dagger Attack: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + [roll15]
Crits: (1d20+8)[16]

Ranged attack (no sneak attack damage or flat-foot bonus): [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]

Rat: Rinse and repeat with attacks (though he's probably dead as we speak)
Attack: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]
Crits: [roll20]

BG in P-14 gets attack of opportunity against gremlin in P-15 and then an energy ray.
Attack of Opportunity with quarterstaff:
Attack: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22]
Crit: [roll23]

Unamped Electric Energy Ray:
Touch attack: [roll24]
Damage: [roll25]

BG (blue gremlin) in AC-14 attacks the swordsage in H-14 with Electric Energy ray:
Touch attack: [roll26]
Damage: [roll27]
Miss chance (concealment) 20%: [roll28]

BG (blue gremlin) in AF-18 attacks the swordsage in AF-20 with Electric Energy ray:
Touch attack: [roll29]
Damage: [roll30]
Miss chance (concealment) 20%: [roll31]

The astral construct uses round about path to get to make its way to L-3 (slowed).

Leader Wheel: Summons another Astral construct in Q-16, attack of opportunity to gremlin in P-15.
Leader's Attack: [roll32]
Damage: [roll33]
Crit: [roll34]

New Astral Construct: Attack's gremlin in Q-15, hits gremlin in R-15.
Attack: [roll35]
Damage: [roll36] some cold.
Crit: [roll37]

If cleave succeeds:
Attack: [roll38]
Damage: [roll39] some cold.
Crit: [roll40]

Toft sinks his sword into the gremlin in front of him as though it were a pin-cushion, but that isn't the worst thing that the gremlin has in store for it. It is the exiting of the blades that is the more fatal aspect, for as they are pulled out, they all move in a different direction and pull the gremlin into several smaller pieces.

Merome's missiles all twist and turn as they fly under the raised platforms and over the gremlins that are now swarming around the enemy leader. All of them land square in the face of their mark, and while they don't knock his wig off, his beard does peel off.

The enemies also continue to launch their bolts of energy, making much noise and light. Along with that, their leader also summons forth another serpent, which lunges forth and swallows two of your allies in one big gulp.

Kazimer also leaps from his hidden position and shouts, "He is getting avay! The serpent is taking Ukki avay!" he shouts out, referring to the first astral construct.

Maria: The knight looks behind him to where a large patch of leaves falls to the ground dried and discolored. "Et es fine, en fact, et meght be best for you to leave for my safety too. Go, but understand that what the gremlens ask for well not and cannot be geven." As you leave, he says one last thing. "Wait, you have been the first person E've spoken to en a long teme, a parteng geft es en order." He wafts his 'hand' in your direction, and as he does you feel a surge of strength and what seems like a greater depth of comprehension of the gremlins. "Let those spawn of rats, dogs, and men know who their reckoneng comes from."

"It is fine, in fact, it might be best for you to leave for my safety too. Go, but understand that what the gremlins ask for will not and cannot be given."

"Wait, you have been the first person I've spoken to in a long time, a parting gift is in order." (ordinary english text) "Let those spawn of rats, dogs, and men know who their reckoning comes from."

Treat this as having the favored enemy ability of the Ranger class. So you get a +2 to damage rolls and all of those assorted skill bonuses. This will last until the encounter ends.

Erick: The raven bobs its head a bit at a you before leaping into the air. It circles about a bit as it hisses a little more and then flies off. Not in the direction of its companion, but the very opposite direction.

You reach the harbor with no incident. The harbor is only partially lit by a paltry number of lanterns placed at each others' illumination. Their are a few more people walking about the docks, but that is only technically so. Sure there may be some harbor patrol folk, but enough of them are tired or inattentive enough that the stretch of road might as well be protected by the drunkards tottering about. Why, they're so incompetent that they don't notice you swimming off in the guise of a sea-beast!

The first bit of shore that is safely out of the way of the city is a narrow patch of beach between two large rocks. Upon one of these rocks is a seal that was resting quite peacefully before you emerged from the sea. Your presence apparently unnerves it, as it begins baying at you.

Assuming that you walk past the seal: The nearest road is less than a mile away at the very least. This is clearly not a well trodden road though, as it is very narrow and foliage, even a few shrubs, are growing along it.

Make a Spot and Listen check:
Off in the trees in the direction of the shore, you see a hulking figure crouched. It is difficult to say what it is, but you can see the glint of its eye and the grease in its hair by the moonlight. Whatever it is, it ducks behind the trees, seeming to almost shrink as it does.

Juhani, clears his throat a bit and makes sure his voice is very hushed as he answered. "Not terribly much, really. According to Hannah here, our Captain, Ukki, has kind of run into a small little complication. Evidently, he got himself... kidnapped... in the temple plaza no less." He tries to speak a little softer at that last part, but his own bewilderment leaves him speaking in more of a quiet growl.

"But I certainly wouldn't say that you should go and try and help my superiors, no no, I was told to keep things calm here, that's what I'd expect them to to tell you to do also. Of course," Juhani looks about the roof as though he were searching for the right words, "That isn't to say that they wouldn't object to having you aid them in other ways. If you just happened to be going through the temple district, had nothing better to do with your night, and wanted to know what was going on, they couldn't hold that against you. They'd be annoyed no doubt, but curiosity isn't a crime. In fact, even though we're very experienced in these sorts of things, a civilian who was just passing by is always welcome to mention what they've noticed. A fresh pair of eyes and a different perspective can be very helpful after all."

While Juhani makes strong hints and suggestions, Kurt does not seem to be paying much attention. In fact, it would seem that he is flirting with Hannah, the lady in green. Hannah, however, seems to be slightly discomforted by this and is trying to politely pull away from the awkward situation.

He's trying to say that though his superiors would not want you to put yourself in harm's way, they might just let it slide if you make the right excuses.

2016-04-14, 05:28 PM
((ASSUMING I have a vague idea of where the serpent in question went AND I can move at my full land speed on the platform AND the rat is both an enemy and still alive.))

Toft's view of the construct is blocked, but he thinks he remembers where it was the last time he saw it. He maneuvers himself northward to find a slot wide enough to fit his weapons through without losing speed, then flies downwards. He elects to try to free up his allies rather than rush past the rat to pursue in his injured condition. His swords attack the rat.

Not even going to roll for damage or criticals at this point since it is my understanding that the rat is 6 points from defeated, and I do a minimum of 10 points of damage per hit.

Cold Iron Greatsword in P8

Silver Greatsword in Q7

Silver Greatsword in Q8

[EDIT for rat being dead already]He then proceeds northwest after the creature that swallowed on of his allies.

2016-04-14, 11:29 PM
Maria smiles as she feels the slight swelling of power envelop her, before she bows slightly to the spirit, her mind racing for her own parting gift.
Well, this was a world of symbolism, and there was something she could bind to it, safe to relinquish.
With a step to return, Maria withdraws a handkerchief from among her pockets, before approaching to wrap it around the knights arm, should he allow it.

"You have my thanks. E shall return."

With that, Maria walks from the spirit with a final smile, leaving the realm behind her.

I'd like to temporarily forgo my Guardian Shield invocation and grant it to him in some way, if that would be possible. No, I'm not looking to do this for a precedent to hand my invocations around, though I might ask to get such an invocation to modify invocations outside of dealing with spirits later.

Maria's eyes open wide and she withdraws her bloodied and slightly worn down finger under her veil to her lips. As soon as it heals she backs off, not caring if she is heard for her role is done, now being simply time to withdraw...
Of course, she would be withdrawing with them.

Maria ducks behind a ladder and suddenly fades back into existance glaring at one of the oposing Gremlins as all manner of branches and roots begin errupting from it's skin and reaching for the ground.
"The deed is done!"


Moving to N21 before using Bondage Affliction on the Blue Gremlin in AF18, DC 20 Will save halves damage, DC 23 Escape Artist as a free action to escape the entangle on it's turn.
Damage: [roll0]. Because EB is a weapon-like spell favored enemy may apply.

Erick stares after the raven before cursing, his mind racing for solutions. The town was closed even if he could convince Tregal to traverse the snow.
"Tregal. Keep watch for a moment, I need to create warm clothes and a fire, then I shall keep watch while you rest."

Making his way over to the Shape-sand stash, Erick makes himself some warm clothing as well as a small vial of oil. He knows that it's a colossal waste in terms of value, but if he was going to keep watch for danger he would need the light and heat, and leaving to make camp elsewhere this late was simply unfeasible.

Should nothing of import happen by the time he's produced what he needs, he will quickly gather some wood from the edges of the clearing uncaring as to how frosted it is, trying to burn it with a combination of the remaining embers and some oil.

OOC: I'm thinking a half pound of oil should be fine to set up the flame, yes I know it's not the best way to start a fire but Erick's panicking and lacking in survival ranks.

2016-04-15, 12:05 AM
Reaver emerges from the shore, casually burying his scythe in the seal's skull as he goes. He notices the hulking figure duck behind the trees. At that moment, he realizes just how tired he is of these games. Disguising himself, pretending to be people he is not, dancing around subjects, all for precious information. Those have their place, but no more tonight. He will learn about that creature by beating the information out. He drops the illusion from his hat of disguise, standing in the night in his armored glory, his spikes, scythe, and monocle gleaming in the moon and his tophat firmly on his head.

I know you are there. Come out and fight me, or I will hunt you down.

Waiting six seconds for it to emerge. If it shows itself and there is a clear path, Reaver will charge it. If it does not show itself in 6 seconds, Reaver will cautiously approach with a readies action to charge as a standard action with his Boots of the Battle Charger. If he gains a clear path to it and it is at least 10 ft away, Reaver will charge it. When charging Reaver will power attack and use shock trooper to shift the attack decrease to AC decrease. If it emerges and Reaver cannot clearly charge but can still approach and attack, he will use his slam attack to attempt to inflict one negative level. If it does not emerge, Reaver will try to look for signs of it nearby. All damage except the slam damage is nonlethal. Slam damage gives negative level on hit. First charge attack deal extra 1d8 from Powerful Charge. Power attack on charge tripled with Leap Attack. Crit range 18-20.

Charge Attack 1: [roll0]
Charge Damage 1: [roll1]
Charge 1 Confirm Crit: [roll2]
Charge 1 Crit Bonus Damage: [roll3]
Charge Attack 1 Bonus damage: [roll4]
Charge Attack 1 Merciful Bonus Damage: [roll5]
Charge Attack 2: [roll6]
Charge Damage 2: [roll7]
Charge Attack 2 crit confirm: [roll8]
Charge Attack 2 Crit Damage: [roll9]
Charge Attack 2 Merciful Bonus Damage: [roll10]
Charge Slam Attack: [roll11]
Charge Slam Damage: [roll12]
Charge Slam Critical Confirm: [roll13]
Charge Slam Crit Bonus Damage: [roll14]
Charge Jump (10 ft): [roll15]
Charge AC: 13
Non-Charge Slam Attack: [roll16]
Non-Charge Slam Damage: [roll17]
Non-Charge Slam Critical Confirm: [roll18]
Non-Charge Slam Crit Bonus Damage: [roll19]

Spot: [roll20]
Listen: [roll21]

2016-04-15, 02:17 PM
Aava nods thoughtfully. "I see," she says. "Well, I was considering taking a walk. Take in the sights and sounds of the city, get some air, unwind after this... mess. I may pass by, and, well, you know me. I'm very talkative." She nods again, decided. "Thank you for the warning. I'll be very sure to stay safe, don't worry." She smiles reassuringly, bolstering her sincerity by recalling her amusement: the greatest lie she's uttered tonight is a meaningless idiom, you know me.

She turns to Kurt and clears her throat. "So sorry to interrupt," she says with a dash of irony, "but I believe now is a perfect time to take a bit of a stroll. I'm afraid the akvavit's made me a little light-headed, so I'd be glad of the air, and I don't know the city at all well, so I'd hate to go alone." No sense talking about this openly in a social area longer than necessary, Aava thinks. No, sometimes the open air is more private.

Arch warrior
2016-04-16, 10:03 AM
Merome looks at Luginn. "Did that Nock his wig off?" He asks veery excitedly. Understanding that the easiest way to keep Merome shooting at the enemy, is to let him believe that there is still such a thing as a wig on a gremlin, Luginn says, "You missed!". Annoyed about that thought, Merome shouts out more magic missiles a slight bit higher.

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4].

2016-04-18, 10:00 PM
The rat was dead before you attacked him. To compensate, I'll just say that you didn't make those rolls and may move instead, giving you 30ft extra if moving by land, or 20ft extra if moving by flight.
Motya: Runs to Q-17, cannot attack, provokes attack of opportunity

Assorted Gremlins: All attack Leader Wheel, all receive flanking bonus
1. Attacks: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

2. Attacks: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]

3.Attacks: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Critical: [roll8]

Swordsages: Both switch to Assasin's stance and use Drain Vitality

SS 1:
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: Short Sword [roll10]
Will save for BG (DC 13): [roll11] if save fails, BG takes 2 points of constitution (thus, takes 2 point of wound damage and 6 points of vitality damage (cannot go below 0 vitality points with this)
Crit: [roll12]

SS 2:
Attack: [roll13]
Damage: Short Sword [roll14]
Will save for BG (DC 13): [roll15]
Crit: [roll16]
Also, fortitude save DC 12: [roll17]
Stun duration if needed: [roll18]

Kazimer: Uses Body Adjustment on AF-18 (via psychic connection): [roll19]

Thief in N-8 moves to O-3 and shoots the Astral Construct in the sewage path.
Attack: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]
Critical: [roll22]

Thief in Q-6 moves to P-9 and attacks BG in P-14.
Attack: [roll23]
Damage: [roll24]
Critical: [roll25]

BG in P-14 uses Energy Retort (Electric)

BG (blue gremlin) in AC-14 uses Energy Retort, make Fortitude save if Drain Vitality works
Fortitude DC 7: [roll26]
If failed: [roll27]

BG (blue gremlin) in AF-18 makes Will save, then makes Fortitude save for wound damage taken (ignoring the WD dealt by Swordsage for simplicity) and might be stunned, if all goes smoothly, uses Energy Retort.
Will Save DC 20: [roll28]
Fortitude Save DC 9 (if Will succeeded) or DC 14 (if Will failed): [roll29]
If failed: [roll30]
Concentration for Entanglement DC 18: [roll31]

The astral construct moves to D-3 (slowed).

Leader Wheel: Assuming he doesn't take at least nine points of damage, he needs to make a fortitude save and uses entangling control on Maria.
Fortitude DC 10: [roll32]
Stun if needed: [roll33]
Touch attack to Maria: [roll34] Maria is entangled if hit

New Astral Construct: Attack's gremlin in P-15, then hits Motya if successful. Also gets attack of opportunity.

Attack of Opportunity vs Motya:
Attack: [roll35]
Damage: [roll36] some cold.
Crit: [roll37]

Attack: [roll38]
Damage: [roll39] some cold.
Crit doesn't matter.

If cleave succeeds:
Attack: [roll40]
Damage: [roll41] some cold.
Crit: [roll42]

Everyone: As a barrage of even more missiles barrels toward the enemy leader, a single voice echoes through your head. "Hey! Stupid gnome! Stop shooting at me so I can pulverize these guys! Wait, that also hurt. Now you guys cut that out! Maybe if you do, I won't let that-- Hey! Ow! Oww!" Though no one else but Toft knowns this, it was the same voice that was heard by Toft earlier. One thing is clear though, since the Enemy leader has now fallen to the floor with barely enough skull left to make a hat, it must have been coming from him. Lugging does also notice that one of the few remaining pieces of his head is in fact his hair though, all held together by his scalp no less...

Toft: Out of the corner of your eye, you see the serpent (astral construct) that Kazimer must have been referring to. With only the hesitation involved in changing directions, you levitate back to the ground and sink your swords into the rat corpse in front of you. This has a much different intention than harming the already dead creature, it instead is meant as a way of gaining more momentum. By mentally pulling on the blades you not only are able to rebound better, but you also get enough speed to jump over the giant beast and stick the landing.
(OOC: To be clear, this description is just description, it provides no mechanical benefit)

Maria: The gremlin you blast recoils with the agony of not merely vines erupting from merely its arms and legs, but barbed vines bursting forth from its stomach and chest too. In spite of this and even its own crumbling to the ground, it continues to maintain its resolve. It lets itself simply fall to the ground and reaches a position that resembles sitting. Between the writhing briars, there is something else moving, bright and resembling lightning.
(OOC: Yes, the +2 bonus applies to your eldritch blast. Don't worry, I factored it into the attack.)

Nothing bad happens as you assemble your items.

Kirk takes a moment to realize what you're saying, and when he catches on, he looks at you with likely the exact same amount of dazed confusion as if you had slapped him. "Umm, yes, let's." he says, rising from his seat to lead you outside. In the town square again, you see the Paladin heading off in the distance, not quite running, but also certainly not walking.

Assuming that you're going to follow: Just before you head off in pursuit, you hear a woman's voice call from behind you. It turns out to be the woman that Juhani called Hannah"Wait. Before you go, there's something I need to let you know about what happened." She walked down the stairs so that she could say what she had to say without hollering. "Ukki, our captain, was somehow captured by gremlins. There's also two other people on the job, one's a gnome and the other's a man who can lift swords by way of his wisdom. They also headed to an alley near the temple of Odr. I'm not sure if much of that will help, but it at least gives you something to work with."
The humanoids that live under the city and constantly break the gutter-gears. They're considered to be barely more than vermin by most people, but actively loathed by the gnomes, who repair and maintain the gutter-gears.

Your scythe sinks into the neck of the loud flesh-creature and reemerges through the throat. By reflex, it continues to make a few more bays at you, but they're lower, weaker, and slower than before.
Seconds pass before any sort of response comes and the response comes in the form of rustling bushes. Coming out of the concealment is something very large, but not in height. What emerges is something humanoid in shape and human in size, but dark blue in complexion and grotesquely bloated. "Well if you're not the spectacle!" he yells out to you, "And what a haughty demand! However, I do accept your challenge, for I am very hungry and letting my prey squirm against hope has always made the meal more satisfying." As the hulk tries to intimidate you, it moves itself into a firm stance and holds its arms wide open. "Come on! Unless you believe you stand no chance against the might of a Draug!"
Draug readies action to make grapple check if Reaver gets wishing five feet of him.
They're kind of like Norse vampires. See this link (http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/ghosts.shtml) for more info (though don't expect Reaver to know ALL of this).

2016-04-21, 11:42 PM
Maria continues falling back, this time taking cover behind the doorway the group originally entered in as she glances over the battlefield, noting that the group is going to be splitting up rather differently this time...
Well, they weren't exactly soldiers.
Having fallen back Maria's hands dance again, causing dark energies to wrack the Gremlin that allowed itself to be brought down to a seated position.

Moving to M25 before using Friendship Affliction on the Blue Gremlin in AF18 who should be just in range, DC 20 Will save halves damage.
Damage: [roll0] Lethal.
Free Diplomacy check for if it gets saved and lives instead of bleeding out/being excecuted on the battlefield. (Unlikely to be relevant, but still.): [roll1]
Edit: That attack will kill the Gremlin outright if he fails his saves.

Erick looks around nervously as he sets about getting the fire going. Should he manage to start it without hassle or anyone approaching, he'll send Tregal to bed before doing his best to stay up all night keeping watch.

2016-04-22, 11:43 PM
Reaver pauses for a moment, then lowers his scythe and his head for a moment. "Oh. Just a draug. And here I thought I might have an interesting fight. Well, no use wasting my time. I have important things to do."
Reaver turns and and starts walking up the road, though he keeps visual contact on the draug in his peripheral vision.
Move action along the road moving parallel to the draug. Standard action to ready an action: if the draug closes to 15 ft of Reaver, use charge from belt of battle to charge and make a leap attack. Using pounce for a full attack and shock troops to take the hit to AC instead of attack. Deal extra 1d8 damage on first attack from powerful charge. Scythe is dealing lethal damage.

Jump: [roll0]
Attack 1: [roll1] Damage 1: [roll2][roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4] Damage 2: [roll5]
Slam Attack: [roll6] Slam Damage: [roll7]
AC: 11

2016-04-23, 11:49 AM
Aava follows Kurt outside, and is just ready to discuss plans with him when she hears Hannah's call and stops dead in her tracks. Wait! called her sisters when she walked away into exile. They had expected her to say goodbye. Her only goodbye to them was a poem on tyranny and an awkward silence.

Her face goes slack for only the briefest of moments before she turns her attention to the present.

"Captured?" She stares, incredulous. "Well, I always did say the inflexible don't last long... I'll see what I can do. Thank you for the information."

She puts a reasonable amount of distance between herself and the inn before saying to Kurt, "The temple district seems to be where the next act of this business is taking place. What say you we take a look around there? Who knows, this might turn out to have a happy ending."

Arch warrior
2016-04-28, 11:36 PM
When Merome finally gets down the hill, he sees a snake (the astral construct) then starts to think about how snakes are cold blooded. He shouts out, "That snakes looks cold. I'll warm him." He then fires "Scorching Ray".

The attacks are [roll0], and [roll1].
Damage is [roll2], and [roll3].
Two balance checks for the slope, [roll4] and [roll5]

2016-05-04, 08:28 PM
Motya: Since that was a critical hit that was landed on him, he must make a fortitude save (DC 19): [roll0]
If that fails, he is stunned for [roll1] rounds.
If that succeeds, he attacks the astral construct:
Attack (Power Attack): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Spell thief O-3 shoots the astral construct:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Spell thief in Q-8 moves to G-14.

Swordsage in AF-18 moves to AC-15 and changes stance to Isle of blades.

Swordsage in AB-14 attacks the BG, gains sneak attack because of ally's Isle of blades.
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8]
Crit: [roll9]

Gremlin Q-14 Attacks adjacent BG.
Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Crit: [roll12]

Gremlin R-15 takes five-foot step to R-16 and attacks the astral construct.
Attack: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Kazimer heals the Swordsage now in AC-15: [roll15]

Will save for the one pummeled by Maria:[roll16]

BG P-14 uses energy retort if the gremlin hits him, activates Biofeedback regardless (amplified):
Touch: [roll17]

BG AC-14 uses energy retort if the Swordsage hits him, takes 5-foot step and activates Biofeedback regardless (amplified).:
Touch: [roll18]

Unless Toft manages something incredible, the astral construct he is pursuing exits the available map from the upper left corner.

The other Astral Construct attacks the gremlin lackey and cleaves Motya if the gremlin is taken down.
Attack 1: [roll19]
Crit: [roll21]

Cleave attackAttack 1: [roll22]
Crit: [roll24]

Far from being over, the battle dies down a little bit after the enemy lost their leader, Merome melts through much of the construct that has mowed down so many gremlins. Maria also subdues another of the heavy hitters. Toft also continues the chase to rescue Ukki.

As you walk away, the voice of the once bold and proud draug turns into a whine, "Whaddaya mean 'just a draug?' Is it that you just don't know what one's like? If that's the case, I show you."

Having already anticipated the undead's next move, you instantly leap around to strike it. Much your surprise, what is coming charging toward you is not the hulking form of the draug, but a bull with many lacerations upon it, horns pointed toward you. This matters very little though, as you first slash straight through the eyes and then the throat.

Both swings cause it to leap, the momentum from which you use to throw him to the ground and land one final blow to its side. After which the draug shifts into its previous form. There is a gasp as it futilely brushes its hand against your leg. "I touch you, yet you do not writhe!" It then looks up at you confoundedly and sinks into the ground, but a small amount of rock and earth shifted around. Additionally, you notice some more movement about in the earth, heading off toward where the draug first emerged.

Whelp, you just took out something of equal challenge rating to yourself... in one round. For that, you get 2700xp and a pat on the back. :smallamused:

Kurt nods as he follows you, "Let's hope so." he says in a completely honest and slightly cheerful voice. Both of you pursue the paladins, never once do they even realize you're behind them.

At the temple site, the paladin first assemble in the center of the plaza, then by the instruction of their leader, they disperse and scour over the area around each temple, a special emphasis placed on the temple to Odr.

Kurt hides at a corner before the entrance to the temple, holding his hammer up on his shoulder as he leans over. He seems to whisper something to himself, then nods, then speaks out loud, "Looks like there's been some action just between the temples of Odr and Freya. Theres a large red stain on the floor." he points off in the direction of where he is speaking of, and indeed there is a red mark between them.

Along with whatever other actions, the results if you successfully listen in to what Kurt said:
"Do you see anything?" he asks.
In response comes a much smaller, female voice, "Bloodstains, just to the left of the stairs to Freya's temple."

Everything goes smoothly, you can go on and do your ritual.

2016-05-05, 01:31 AM
Maria smiles as she notices that the battle has well and truly turned in their favor, her gaze focusing on the only Gremlin she can see as she wills it to be rooted to the ground.

Using Bondage Affliction on the Blue Gremlin in P14 who should be just in range, DC 20 Will save halves damage.
Damage: [roll0] Lethal.
Free DC 23 Escape artist at the start of his turn to escape the entangle.

2016-05-05, 07:34 PM
Aava keeps an eye on what the paladins are doing. If they seem to find something, she makes a mental note of it. She also studies the Temple of Odr, since that's what they seem to be focusing on, as best she can from a safe, not-in-the-way-of-any-paladins distance.

When Kurt speaks, she inclines her head a little, unsure that she heard correctly. Who else could be speaking? Unless...

"When you said Firebringer was magical, you never mentioned she was chatty," Aava murmurs, just loudly enough for Kurt to hear. She doesn't take her eyes off the plaza.

I use an offsite die roller for the Spot and Listen DCs you put in spoilers, so I don't have to edit. Lazy, I know, but I swear I never fudge them.
A couple of Listen and Spot checks for what the paladins are doing:
Listen: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]
Knowledge (Architecture) for the temple itself: [roll4]

2016-05-06, 04:01 PM
"That summoned monster is getting away with Ukki! Need more BACK-UP! And a LIGHT!" shouts Toft before continuing his pursuit.

I was on guard when he was taken. It is my duty to do my best to retrieve him, despite the risks.

He maneuvers himself into the tunnel, flying in a prone position* after the first 5' since it is actually faster.

*((IE like Superman. Intended as just fluff (instead of mechanically Prone) unless my effect gets dispelled.))

2016-05-07, 11:20 AM
Toft is greatly slowed by the narrow confines of the pipe and the darkness. One of his swords bumps into a wall and he pauses to repeat his earlier pleas for light, while internally cursing himself for not collecting a sunrod from his pack mule before venturing forth on this mission.

2016-05-07, 11:46 AM
Reaver watches the Draug sink into the ground and the shifts in earth as it moves away. Curious. It seemed beaten, yet it still survives. For now, anyway. Reaver hefts his scythe onto his shoulder and starts following the shifting earth trail. He activates his hat to shift his appearance to more mundane looking plate armor and he remains alert to danger.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Arch warrior
2016-05-13, 01:03 PM
Luginn hears Toft cry for help. thinking quickly he tells Merome to give him a "Shocking Grasp" spell and he then runs straight after the beast to help Toft. Merome follows behind, having no idea of the danger and just playing tag.

Luginn has the endure and run feats so he has a top speed of 200ft.

2016-05-16, 06:05 PM
(Since there were only a few more pieces to sweep up, I just let the NPCs take care of them in narrative.)
Toft and Luginn: The pipe was cramped and grimy, making it difficult to travel through for both Toft and his swords. Hopefully, they weren't dented from what happened. Frustratingly, Luginn, Merome's trusty raven, streaks straight past Toft with ease. The raven would only have been noticed by the sound of its wings and a flash glow of light that came from it.

Luginn sparkled with electrical energy as it drew near the serpent creature, but just before he was able to land on it though, it starts to spasm about. By the reflections that Luginn's light gave, small snippets were made visible. Primarily, this was that the construct started to loose shape, but it eventually started to shrink as well. Then it was gone and Ukki went splashing into the water.

Maria: Upon the battlefield, there were only three opponents left, but that number swiftly reduced to but one. And just barely one as well. The gremlins that leapt about upon the balance wheel's service platform quickly undid the sniper up there, and Maria's shot incapacitated the one on the ground. It did not kill it outright though, apparently, the vines just dragged it down to the floor and held it there, barely alive.

Motya too almost fell, pinned to the ground by the second serpent, but seeing the enemy fall gave him a little bit more vigor. He took his pendulum sword and took one final swing, chopping the serpent's head off, yelling "Victory!" After this, the serpent began with shimmer like water and dissolve into such. This water rose up and returned to the central pillar, leaving no remnant of it.

Other than the heavy breathing of all who had fought so hard, and the last Wheel, all was quiet.

You follow the Draug warily as it travels its earthen trail. Through bramble and briar it takes you, none do more than mildly scratch your exterior. Past the foliage is a flat, and in this clearing is a stone circle. Solid stone tablets shield the exterior and a single archway leads inside, but there is no roof overtop. The draug continues into this place.

Now that you are closer, there appears to be more detail to the structure, the stone tablets appear to have once had etching all across them, but wind and erosion have left only what look like faint wisps. The archway too has a marking on it. Upon the top is a corroded plaque with some words on it. 'Ho--e B---jar' is how the visible words read, all others are worn away.

Inside are nine mounds, eight resting beside their own tablet, the ninth and largest in the center. Over each another stone slab, which are placed so that they cover their respective entrances. The Draug enters the second mound to your right, not even removing the lid before going through.

Kurt looks at you slightly surprisedly, but then shrugs off his worry. "Yeah, like I said before, Firebringer has a few quirks to her. Case and point, some are more useful than others... At times." At his final remark, Firebringer rocks a bit on his shoulder to thunk him on the head a bit. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry!" Kurt says as he rubs his hand against where he was hit.

As you scan the temple, there doesn't seem to be evidence of much of a struggle other than the bloodstain. In fact, there are no torn curtains or any expensive decorations that are out of place, absolutely nothing. One of the paladins does, however, rush from the back of the temple with a report of what he found. "Sir! I've found a large number of footprints heading into an alley back here. Most of them are gremlin size, two of them are human. They appear to be headed into the gutter-gears too."

"We haven't any time to lose then, those rodents might be picking at his bones as speak already!" the corporal responds. He then signals to his men to follow and they all rush off to that ally.

2016-05-18, 06:11 PM
Maria miles at the last Wheel gremlin, and makes one final motion (Or two, if it remains conscious somehow.).

"Bring me that Gremlin, I will carry him out once the two return."

Actions needing Rolls
Maria will use Friendship Affliction on Nonlethal until the Gremlin is knocked out.
Free Diplomacy Check: [roll0]

2016-05-23, 05:28 AM
Tort rushes forward stumbling in the dark and barely pausing to sheath his swords. He frantically gropes around and calls out trying to make sure Ukki does not drown.

Returning to the others is a miserable business but managed in the end. He makes sure Ukki is attended to, retrieves his other two swords, and does what he can to reduce the amount of work he will have to do later to prevent corrosion from setting in on his equipment.

"Any idea what they wanted with you Ukki?"

Arch warrior
2016-05-23, 02:42 PM
Merome arrives at the scene in time to hear Toft's question, so he respond by saying, "He is a high priest, he would be a great bargaining token. Even I can figure that one out." He then sees the puddle of water and says very freaked out, "THIS WASN'T ME LUGINN! I WENT BEFOR THE BATTLE! IT MUST HAVE BEEN UKKI, HIS PANTS ARE WET, HE WENT PEE!":elan:

Luginn then puts his hand on his head and says, "lets just start healing our allies Merome. Are ether of you hurt?:nale: