View Full Version : So, how would you play a giant that's being controlled by a parasitic necromancer?

2015-06-24, 09:03 PM
EDIT: OK, awesome. Mechanically solved (well enough). Now for what you guys think of the role play opportunities?

ORIGINAL: OK. So, I had an idea of a giant, who had unwittingly (or perhaps wittingly [for a giant], haven't decided) become a host for a necromancer who lives in a cyst formed in his neck (you know, not in the front, where the trouble will be, and not low enough for most attacks to hit, and also not in the head, where snipers would aim). This undead Gnome necromancer has a telepathic control formed from the same ritual that allowed him to bond to the giant. Perhaps it's complete, or perhaps it has faults. I'm leaning towards the latter, but I'm undecided.

And of course the question: "Why the hell is a necromancer inside a giant, and not even in that way?" Well, he was hunted by undead-haters, and was forced into hiding. What better place to hide than a friendly giant? It's not undead at all, no one would look there. Not to mention he can continue his research, and...well, he's got a much stronger body now.

I'm not sure where I should go with this idea quite yet, though, besides just being a concept. I'm definitely thinking it'd have to be an NPC regardless, just because of how strange it is, and then making the character isn't a challenge. It's whatever I say it is. And I can make it a proper 2 different characters.

However, how would you suggest I represent this, if it was a PC? I was thinking of only occasionally splashing into wizard (necromancer, or abjuration), and having a higher intelligence than the character plays it off as. (The primary focus will be martial, but the wizard will help out, when he doesn't fear getting caught.)

2015-06-24, 09:34 PM

As one character:
Basic Gish build, focused on Necromancy, possibly with a permanent Enlarge Person if it seems like a good idea.

As two (As NPCs, or using Leadership for the secondary character: Irrelevant which is which....):
Giant: Humanoid with Permanent Enlarge Person; basic melee charger build.
Necromancer: Necropolitan (Libris Mortis) Sorcerer (so the Int hit isn't relevant) using (or possibly hiring) a Polymorph Any Object (twice) to Permanently become a Mind Leech (Fiend Folio), making use of Assume Supernatural Ability (Savage Species) to grab Share Spells. Make sure to also grab Silent Spell and Still Spell.

Karl Aegis
2015-06-24, 09:34 PM
You've just described the entire premise of Attack on Titan. Congratulations.

2015-06-24, 09:38 PM
How powerful was the Necromancer and Giant before the merge and what ECL would the PC start at?

I could see it as a gestalt character where the necromancer is forced to contribute more as its host decides to wander into tougher and tougher fights (mechanically both sides advancing similar to 2nd edition multiclassing).

2015-06-24, 09:44 PM
You've just described the entire premise of Attack on Titan. Congratulations.

I didn't even think of that when I first read it. You deserve an SNK gold star.

2015-06-24, 09:53 PM
You've just described the entire premise of Attack on Titan. Congratulations.
Roflmao. Really? Woo.

2015-06-24, 09:56 PM

As one character:
Basic Gish build, focused on Necromancy, possibly with a permanent Enlarge Person if it seems like a good idea.

As two (As NPCs, or using Leadership for the secondary character: Irrelevant which is which....):
Giant: Humanoid with Permanent Enlarge Person; basic melee charger build.
Necromancer: Necropolitan (Libris Mortis) Sorcerer (so the Int hit isn't relevant) using (or possibly hiring) a Polymorph Any Object (twice) to Permanently become a Mind Leech (Fiend Folio), making use of Assume Supernatural Ability (Savage Species) to grab Share Spells. Make sure to also grab Silent Spell and Still Spell.

Hmm. Right, I could just do that double class thing, now that I think of it. Might be a good idea to check out Necropolitan.