View Full Version : build problem....please help for unexpected epic level

2015-06-25, 08:28 AM
Hi guys, all ok? I have a Little problem.

First, i am a changeling wizard 7/fatespinner 4/recaster 4 and i'm planning on taking the final recaster level and 4 level of archmage. (on a separate note, what do you prefer beetween 2/days trasformation or time stop?)

Second, i have this book to use:
Player handbook, dungeon master, complete arcane, complete priest, complete warrior, complete adventurer, eberron settings, race of eberron, race of stone, race of destiny, monster one, monster 3 (forbid to use with polymorph stuff) and psionic handbook

Third, my actual feat are scribe scroll, academy mage, enlarge extend and quicken spell, spell focus trasm and necro, skill focus spellcraft. I plan on taking improved initiative on 18.

Usually my master create quest up to level 20, but this time he revealed that want to go up to level 30. I have no idea on how to progress my character and we can't respec. I'm playing more of a support role for the party because we have 2 people with 2 weapon, a swashbuckler duelist/other stuff and one that most probably will go with a thief/master thrower/stuff/stuff/stuff/stuff/stuff/stuff/stuff something like 8/9 different class.

I want to take the Last level of fatespinner somewhere after i reached the 20 level of spellcasting at level 21 but i have no idea for the otger 9 level wath to do. Expecially because i have only that level and i don't know what else throw in. Oh, no epic spellcasting, but 10 level slot are ok.

Thank everyone for reading all the stuff :)

2015-06-25, 11:44 AM
Well. Time stop cere, but since you are taking recaster Body outside body(Complete Arcane, a wu jen spell) is betterish. Both of course is insane. If you are a buffer support type take a look at war weaver(heroes of battle). If you do decide on body outside body look at getting a lot of Su or Sp abilities(so your clones can use them).

If that's not you cup of tea, an always good selection is incanatrix(players guide to faerun), although you mentioned you might not have access to some of these books..
If that's the case not a lot of prestige classes from the books you said are allowed look to appealing for your current build. Effigy master can be nice for construct backup, but can also be too much backup and be a bit of an NPC flood(imagine lots of permanent summons). So at that point maybe finish up your current prestige classes then arch mage a few levels, then wizard all the rest.

2015-06-25, 12:35 PM
Are you not allowed to use polymorph spells? Or are just not allowed to use MM3 monsters?

If its the latter then i would suggest the usually crappy Master Transmogrifist from Complete Arcane. You lose several caster levels which is why it is usually ignored, but being as you don't really need them as you will not be having epic spellcasting (and you can just take the Practiced Spellcaster feat to make up the loss of CL), it works very well for a Transmuter Wizard.

It is also unfortunate that Complete Mage isn't available or i would also suggest Master Specialist.

2015-06-25, 01:17 PM
I'm not sure about your level 10 spell slot comment, but normally spellcasting progression stops at level 20.

In which case take something else, some ideas:

10 levels of some PrC with a fast progression: Ur-Priest, Divine Crusader, etc
A few levels of Cleric, Bard or Druid maybe ?
2 levels of Arcane Archer ?

2015-06-25, 02:01 PM
I'm not sure about your level 10 spell slot comment, but normally spellcasting progression stops at level 20.
The Improved Spell Capacity epic feat gives you slots above 9th level. I assumed the OP meant that the Epic Spellcasting feat wasn't available, but Improved Spell Capacity was (which is the slightly less insane way to run epic level spellcasting).

2015-06-25, 02:09 PM
The Improved Spell Capacity epic feat gives you slots above 9th level. I assumed the OP meant that the Epic Spellcasting feat wasn't available, but Improved Spell Capacity was (which is the slightly less insane way to run epic level spellcasting).

I do it that way.

But I highly recommend anything that advances spellcasting. You want CL 20+. Ur-Priest with a couple levels of MT, maybe?

2015-06-26, 03:20 PM
Well....thank you guys, that's a lot of stuff. I figured that the most good stuff to do is going for the ur priest (no healer in party), but i have to take 2 feats (pretty crappy one too) aaaaaand i think i will go wizard 7 fatespinner 4 recaster 5 archmage 4 to end level 20. 21 level is fatespinner, the Last feat prerequisite and then 2 level of ur priest than misthyc teurge. This way i gain more caster level arcane and maybe i'll think some strange stuff with DMM...or maybe not...the chassis is already settled, level 18 feat feat spell focus evil, level 21 iron will and then ur priest. Have to think epic feats but is another problem

Thank you all for the input!!!

2015-06-26, 09:53 PM
Prestige classes
One level of effigy master gets you the ability to create an unlimited number of effigies, which are very economical mindless constructs. Five levels of effigy master gets you better effigies and something that is essentially a construct familiar.

Ten levels of mage of the arcane order would dramatically increase your spell flexibility, granting you access to useful spells you didn't prepare beforehand.

The master transmogrifist's Reflexive Change ability, combined with shapechange, could be a hugely useful defense, allowing you to change into forms that are immune to incoming attacks.

Epic is the place to really pull the gloves off and throw around high-power toys.

Repeat Spell + Sanctum Spell allows you to prepare repeat sanctum mordenkainen's lucubration. This spell can recover itself plus any spell of 5th level or lower (including sanctum 6th level spells outside your sanctum). This essentially turns all of your spells of 6th level or lower into per-encounter resources instead of daily resources. That's hugely useful -- you can build a keep in a day with repeated use of fabricate, visit a dozen NPCs all across a continent in a few hours with repeated teleport, demolish almost any obstacle with repeated application of disintigrate. You really take wizardry to another level when you start being able to cast mid-level spells nearly at will. Sanctum Spell is just generally very useful for things like cramming a higher-level spell inside a contingency or slipping 4th level spells into potions and 5th level spells into wands.

2015-06-27, 11:40 AM
I don't get the mordenkainen lucubration...ok you cast it as a 5 level spell, but with lucubration you get one prepared slot back, and you have still the mordenkainen as a 6 level slot. How does it work?

2015-06-27, 12:06 PM
Repeat Spell causes the Mordenkainen's Lucubration to repeat, so you get two effects of the spell. You recover two spells.
Sanctum Spell allows you to treat the Mordenkainen's Lucubration as a 5th level spell so you can use one of your recovered spell to get Mordenkainen's Lucubration back as well as another spell.
Rinse and repeat, except that you need metamagic reducers to grab Repeat Spell Mordenkainen's Lucubration as a 5th level spell.

2015-06-27, 12:30 PM
I don't have enough to gain Perfect metamagic reduction to cast mordenkainen lucubration over and over. But at epic level i can most probably buy 3 or 4 metamagic repeat rod to do it a nice amount of time and of course i don't even need the feat myself. My god. I din't know if my master will allow this stuff. Especially because if i go ur priest i have also a list of cleric spell...

For the costruct maker, my master use the rule that you must pay xp and usually we are in a hurry, so no time to craft them. But nice idea.

I want to say thank you everyone that helped me!!! Seriously, discovering that the level cap you imagined was way higher can mess a lot with you're planning!! I have to see if i can survive being morphed from a daelkir. So maybe all the stuff you sayed doesn't matter anymore but thank you all!!

2015-06-27, 12:59 PM
You do not need perfect metamagic reduction. It's a fine point of the rules, but spells really have three different kinds of "spell level" that is checked in various situations.

* Printed spell level. This is the level used when learning the spell.
* Effective spell level. This is the level of the spell for most practical purposes, such as determining whether it is blocked by globe of invulnerability, whether you can put it in a contingency, how many levels it soaks up when reflected by spell turning, etc.
* Modified spell level, the effective level of the spell plus metamagic adjustments. This is normally used to determine the level of the spell slot the spell must occupy, and occasionally checked by other game elements (for example, the storage capacity of a ring of spell storing).

There is also spell slot level, which is the level of the spell slot the spell is currently occupying.

Printed level and effective level are nearly always the same (Heighten and Sanctum are the only ways I can think of to change effective level), and modified level and spell slot level are also nearly always the same (it's also very difficult, but not impossible, to get these to differ). Mordenkainen's lucubration checks the effective spell level, not modified spell level. The effective spell level of a repeat sanctum x is its printed level -1. This is true regardless of what spell slot it occupies.

For the costruct maker, my master use the rule that you must pay xp and usually we are in a hurry, so no time to craft them. But nice idea.

People fear the xp costs for crafting unnecessarily, IMO. They are trivial in contrast with the benefits gained. Be mindful that there's an epic feat that reduces crafting times by 90%, and with a dedicated wright homunculus or a you can subcontract the actual item creation to a construct. You don't even need to craft the dedicated wright yourself -- just wish one up. Multiple characters can also work on an item at once, each contributing to various requirements, so your DM may even permit you to work with a simulacrum of yourself, contribute the xp when the crafting begins, and then leave and allow the simulacrum to finish the work. Now, if you're in a BIG BIG HURRY this may not work, but hey, it's epic, I want to arm you with all the options you can get.

I don't have enough to gain Perfect metamagic reduction to cast mordenkainen lucubration over and over. But at epic level i can most probably buy 3 or 4 metamagic repeat rod to do it a nice amount of time and of course i don't even need the feat myself. My god. I din't know if my master will allow this stuff. Especially because if i go ur priest i have also a list of cleric spell...

If you use a metamagic rod, you won't need three or four. You just need one. Because you're a prepared caster, you're applying the rod's benefit when the lucubration is first prepared. Later, when you actually cast the repeat sanctum mordenkainen's lucubration, it recovers itself with the metamagic intact. So one use of your rod allows you to initiate the lucubration cycle forever. It's a repeatable lucubration forever unless it gets counterspelled or something and you're forced to reprepare it.