View Full Version : Does V even have a weapon?

2007-04-27, 06:21 PM
I apologize if this has been brought up before, but we've never seen V with a staff or a sling or a dagger or a crossbow or really anything. Does V even own a weapon? Personally, I think a cool wizard's staff, maybe topped with a glowing red or violet orb, would be an awesome accessory. It makes little sense that he/she doesn't even carry a weapon.

2007-04-27, 06:26 PM
he never needed one so far. I guess he is entirely relying on the arts.

2007-04-27, 06:28 PM
V has a quarterstaff. It's one of his weapons in the OotS card game.

2007-04-27, 06:28 PM
His mind.

This post is now long enough.

2007-04-27, 06:29 PM
with V's wizard base attack bonus and self-declared lack of physical attributes, would there be a point?

2007-04-27, 06:30 PM
Well he has to have a weapon. Only monks fight good unarmed!
*looks around* But...I don't see a weapon....that must mean...
It's invisible.... << >>

...Like Elan XD

*edit* I'm sorry...I meant he/she/it has to have a weapon...can't be gender specific with V...

2007-04-27, 06:32 PM
Of course he(she) Has a weapon. It's been by his(her) side the entire time. Just like His(her) familiar.

In other words, probably yes however unless it's needed it will remain off screen :P

2007-04-27, 06:47 PM
with V's wizard base attack bonus and self-declared lack of physical attributes, would there be a point?
Mundane weapons are cheap, and it's better than nothing.

2007-04-27, 06:52 PM
V had a weapon, but s/he pawned it for the entry fee to the Iron Mage competition. :smallbiggrin:

Well, maybe not. But it's a thought.

Here's another thought: as an elf, V would have at least basic proficiency in elf-favored weapons. Maybe V's been hiding an Elven Thinblade all this time and is saving it for emergencies?

2007-04-27, 06:53 PM
maybe she has a dagger or something under the robe for emergencies.

2007-04-27, 07:03 PM
V had a weapon, but s/he pawned it for the entry fee to the Iron Mage competition. :smallbiggrin:

Well, maybe not. But it's a thought.

Here's another thought: as an elf, V would have at least basic proficiency in elf-favored weapons. Maybe V's been hiding an Elven Thinblade all this time and is saving it for emergencies?

Heh. Or perhaps one of these days V is literally going to be cornered by some demon with no deus ex machinas, no spells, and no help anywhere nearby.

So he brandishes a longsword.
I mean, he's an ELF! He has proficiency with long/shortbows and longswords and rapiers for FREE! Or maybe he unlimbers a longbow or something, but seriously, unless he has like 3 Strength, it doesn't add up that someone so smart wouldn't even carry a blade.

2007-04-27, 07:04 PM
Heh. Or perhaps one of these days V is literally going to be cornered by some demon with no deus ex machinas, no spells, and no help anywhere nearby.

So he brandishes a longsword.
I mean, he's an ELF! He has proficiency with long/shortbows and longswords and rapiers for FREE! Or maybe he unlimbers a longbow or something, but seriously, unless he has like 3 Strength, it doesn't add up that someone so smart wouldn't even carry a blade.

In that case she would just grab Elan's Rapier.

2007-04-28, 12:53 AM
I'm not so sure V would just up and swipe Elan's weapon, especially now that he's become more adept at using it. Cooperation in the midst of battle is one thing, but that's just taking it too far.

No, V must have a back-up weapon somewhere; s/he just hasn't had to use it yet. Once the scrolls, potions, wands(does V even HAVE any wands?) and prepared spells are all gone(and there's a number of prepared spells, thanks to that Ring of Wizardry), THEN V would sigh, mutter an "I suppose if I must..." and resort to melee. BUT only if there was no place to run to.

2007-04-28, 02:12 AM
It would be pretty funny to find out that V is actually an eldritch knight/duelist and watch him smack around some baddies with a rapier. Not that it'll happen, or anything.

2007-04-28, 02:29 AM
I doubt s/h/it has a weapon.

What is the point... any situation where a weapon would be useful to it is royally fudged up anyway (no spells, no charged items, no competent meleers?)

and nothing conveys contempt for barbaric hacking and slashing like not carrying a mundane weapon while you blow things up. From a roleplaying perspective rather than rigorous min/maxing, V not carrying a weapon makes perfect sense.

2007-04-28, 02:39 AM
No, V must have a back-up weapon somewhere; s/he just hasn't had to use it yet.

Sorry, there are at least two occasions where V has been facing almost certain death with no recourse to spells--once when facing Zz'dtri with his twin scimitars, and more recently when facing the Death Knight. On neither occasion did V even attempt to get a weapon out, which makes me think he doesn't have one. That's kind of a reasonable attitude in a wizard anyway--if they haven't been able to win the fight with their spells, they really haven't got much chance of winning it with their pathetic fighting skills!

2007-04-28, 02:47 AM
V has a quarterstaff. It's one of his weapons in the OotS card game.

Yup. It's called "Seldom-Used Quarterstaff" and it has never appeared in the comic.

2007-04-28, 02:49 AM
V IS the weapon.

2007-04-28, 04:10 AM
Since when do the following not count as weapons?

Lightning Bolts
Spiked Tentacles
Force Hands
Disintegration Rays
Blinding Words

To elaborate, the definition of weapon is

"any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword, rifle, or cannon."

To be technical, a Fireball could be considered an instrument used for attack.

2007-04-28, 04:55 AM
Of course he(she) Has a weapon. It's been by his(her) side the entire time. Just like His(her) familiar.

In other words, probably yes however unless it's needed it will remain off screen :P

LOL, I like that theory. :smallbiggrin: And like the familiar V never remembers it when he/she is in trouble. Except he/she did remember Blackwing in that last fight, not that it did him/her much good.

2007-04-28, 05:17 AM
In that case she would just grab Elan's Rapier.

Wouldn't Haley get jealous?

2007-04-28, 11:55 AM
Well, my mage characters always use the weapon my avatar is wielding :smallamused:

2007-04-28, 06:48 PM
Huh. Haley's a rogue, and even she doesn't carry a melee weapon (oots 200) (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0200.html). I reckon the Giant doesn't draw it if it's too much trouble, and then makes jokes about how they're poorly equipped.

And it keeps me reading, somehow.

2007-04-28, 07:15 PM
It pains me to see so many people use the masculine form when referring to our friend Vaarsuvius.

Seriously, it doesn't matter if ze uses a physical weapon or not. Mages are glass cannons - they deal enormous amounts of damage with their spells, but they can't take much damage before croaking. Besides, they have sucky BAB's, low AC and no useful combat feats - if :vaarsuvius: were to start fighting with a melee weapon, ze would be a goner soon afterwards.

Who wants to bet that Rich is reading this thread and will soon show a strip where V actually has to defend zerself without the aid of magic?

2007-04-28, 07:18 PM
Who wants to bet that Rich is reading this thread and will soon show a strip where V actually has to defend zerself without the aid of magic?

*bets $25*...against

2007-04-28, 07:19 PM
I think the joke made a slight whistling noise as it whirled over your head there buddy..

2007-04-28, 07:21 PM
I'm kind of torn between which would be funnier: V not having a weapon as a comment on how wizards (and V especially) don't value melee fighting (see comments about spell resistance and arbitrary class balance), or V having a weapon (which has completely always been there, just like the raven), and being REALLY bad with it.

2007-04-28, 07:25 PM
or V having a weapon [...] and being REALLY bad with it.

Oh, oh! Who wants to see V with Improved Unarmed Strike?

:vaarsuvius: "Actually, my parents wanted me to become a monk..."

2007-04-28, 08:00 PM
she(he?) has one, a quarter staff.But he(she?) never uses it

2007-04-28, 08:10 PM
Personally, I think a cool wizard's staff, maybe topped with a glowing red or violet orb, would be an awesome accessory.

Naa, too tacky.:smallwink:

2007-04-29, 12:25 AM
First V could remove all clothes stopping the comic for showing any gender.

2007-04-29, 12:33 AM
:vaarsuvius: I devoured the soul of a monk once.. It tasted like chocolate..

2007-04-29, 12:38 AM
:vaarsuvius: I devoured the soul of a monk once.. It tasted like chocolate..

Seriously though, I think V should get some sort of Magic enhancing Staff....

To help out his "real" weapons.

2007-04-29, 02:59 AM
V has a staff


Adds +2 to tasty!

2007-04-29, 05:36 AM
Altogether now...
The wizard's staff has a knob on the end...
oh... I can't be bothered - you can find the rest of the lyrics here (http://www.lspace.org/fandom/songs/wizards-staff-2.html)

2007-04-29, 11:16 AM
I doubt s/h/it has a weapon.
I would like to take this opportunity to chuckle at that contraction of the words he, she, or it.

2007-04-29, 11:31 AM
How come I haven't even thought about V having a weapon before? I guess V looks so appropriate without one.

His mind is the ultimate weapon!

Sorry about that, MacGyver

2007-04-29, 11:32 AM
O, the wizard's staff proves he's a man.

Hmm, guess this answers the gender debate. No staff? No man!
Or maybe V only has a wand, and he doesn't want the other guys to laugh at him, so he sleeps in Haley's room.:smallconfused:

Which stat governs the size of your magic paraphernalia anyway? CON? CHA?

2007-04-29, 11:34 AM
I doubt s/h/it has a weapon.

What is the point... any situation where a weapon would be useful to it is royally fudged up anyway (no spells, no charged items, no competent meleers?)

and nothing conveys contempt for barbaric hacking and slashing like not carrying a mundane weapon while you blow things up. From a roleplaying perspective rather than rigorous min/maxing, V not carrying a weapon makes perfect sense.

Not quite, V is about level 13-15 so think about this

What is V runs out of spells, as is likely to happen considering the massive force they are up against, or at least spells that could hit only a single target. She/he only has spells like cone of cold or burning hands left, and a single zombie gets up to her. All of the soiders are busy, so she/he uses uses her/his quarter staff to defeat the single zombie, i would imagine that even an elven mage could do it

Innis Cabal
2007-04-29, 11:42 AM
your busy today arnt you EE, of course she dosnt have a weapon, she has a reserve feat

2007-04-29, 11:47 AM
I'm sure V doesnt have a weapon. Sure its always handy but think about the character, V think very highly of arcane magic. A weapon for V would be like a free level in wizard for Roy, sure you can take it and it will probably come in handy eventually but it would contradict all what they believe in. V as no weapon, arcane magic is the only way for him. Its just like how Haley has no weapons beside her bow, sure its always handy and if someone sunder her bow she is dead but it would be against her character to use anything else.

2007-04-29, 12:11 PM
Naa, too tacky.:smallwink:
Perhaps a knife?

2007-04-29, 01:26 PM
Bear in mind, V does have the seldom used Quarter Staff from the Board game
There have been no real situations where the V has be engaded in melea combat


2007-04-29, 02:15 PM
Bah, s/he doesn't need a weapon - the pen is mightier than the sword! Particularly when it writes notes that read "I prepared explosive runes this morning."

2007-04-29, 03:09 PM
Well, I can think of a number of reasons for a Wizard to carry a weapon, including:

- Attacks of Opportunity. Unless V wasted a feat on Improved Unarmed Strike (and how likely is that?), s/h/it (i liked that, whomever it was that stated it before...) needs a melee weapon to be able to dish out Attacks of Opportunity.

- Flanking. Taking things one step further, let's assume the melee characters are up front fighting the big bad guy, and suddenly a lackey (not one as easily defeatable as a zombie) leaps from the back. V and Haley could flank it so Haley can sneak attack it more easily, but they'd both need melee weapons. Of course, this is a minor point considering Haley doesn't carry a weapon other than her bow.

- Tenser's Transformation. Which I think is labeled plain "Transformation" in the SRD, but anyways. It turns a caster into a less sucky melee, for when things get really ugly. And considering the opulence of spells-per-day V has, s/h/it might have one prepared, just for safety.

2007-04-29, 03:44 PM
Well, I can think of a number of reasons for a Wizard to carry a weapon, including:

- Attacks of Opportunity. Unless V wasted a feat on Improved Unarmed Strike (and how likely is that?), s/h/it (i liked that, whomever it was that stated it before...) needs a melee weapon to be able to dish out Attacks of Opportunity.

- Flanking. Taking things one step further, let's assume the melee characters are up front fighting the big bad guy, and suddenly a lackey (not one as easily defeatable as a zombie) leaps from the back. V and Haley could flank it so Haley can sneak attack it more easily, but they'd both need melee weapons. Of course, this is a minor point considering Haley doesn't carry a weapon other than her bow.

- Tenser's Transformation. Which I think is labeled plain "Transformation" in the SRD, but anyways. It turns a caster into a less sucky melee, for when things get really ugly. And considering the opulence of spells-per-day V has, s/h/it might have one prepared, just for safety.

Yes and I believe those would all be reason why Haley would also need a melee weapon...but she still doesnt have one. Those guys are character not Player controlling those character so they dont need to be optimized, V woudnt bother himself with a weapon as long as he still got arcane power and he would probably just think weapons are a bother, if his magic doesnt work then nothing could possibly work in V mind so why bother with a stupid little dagger?

2007-04-29, 05:04 PM
I would like to take this opportunity to chuckle at that contraction of the words he, she, or it.

HAHAHA, I was thinking that, but I didn't know if Forum rules permitted me to point it out.:smallbiggrin:

Anyway, about V's Weapon. One of the of his Shticks in the Board Game was the Quarterstaff he never used. Can't remember the name.

But who cares? We all know V is gonna defeat the Snarl by borrowing a magic staff from Elanicalicus!

2007-04-29, 05:27 PM
Dear me, please... there will ALWAYS be a Deus Ex Machina... :D

2007-04-29, 07:07 PM
V has no weapon because he/she/it is too good for weapons.

2007-04-29, 08:33 PM
V can't carry a weapon, this is because of the underlying sexes of all weapons. If you think of any weapon at all, there is a certain gender holding it in the back ground; a great axe is invariably a guy, those things that elektra uses that look like forks that are too big is usually a girl. Everyone does this, and so V can't carry a weapon for the simple reason that with a weapon people would associate V with a certain sex.

2007-04-29, 08:38 PM
those things that elektra uses that look like forks that are too big is usually a girl.

They are sai's

2007-04-29, 08:44 PM
Are you suggesting that Raphael is a girl turtle?

2007-04-29, 08:46 PM
Are you suggesting that Raphael is a girl turtle?

ChomZ might be but i simply state facts...

2007-04-29, 08:49 PM
ChomZ might be but i simply state facts...
Oh, sorry, my comment was directed at ChomZ.

2007-04-29, 09:23 PM
I can speak in gaming sense that if you have a well-developed magic user, they may never need a weapon. I played a sorcerer a while back
that used a light crossbow at first level and then never used used it again until 15th level and he was spell-burnt and still had a threat. Funny thing is everyone forgot I had it after playing for a year or so and never using it. Even funnier was the fact I scored a nat 20 dropped the "big baddie".

I think s/he may have a dagger, but uses it only for mundane purposes.

2007-04-29, 09:31 PM
Bah, s/he doesn't need a weapon - the pen is mightier than the sword! Particularly when it writes notes that read "I prepared explosive runes this morning."

Agreed. Besides, he seems to get along just fine without a weapon, and if he REALLY needs one, why doesn't he just borrow one?