View Full Version : DM Help [Pathfinder] Idea's for character plot villains.

2015-06-25, 01:47 PM
Just looking for some idea's for potential villains for a few of my PC's. We are running Rise of the Runelords.

I have a female dwarf ranger that has been framed for stealing a relic from her people. She was framed to bring shame to her clan, and to improve the standings of a rival clan member. Enter political wars.

So I'm wondering what kind of villain I should make for this rival member. I keep thinking of Cleric, yet I don't want to make this about religion. I want to make it more focused on economical/political advancement for the Rival leader. I also intend to tie him into the over all story, making him have ties to the BBEG Karzoug.

The other character I have trouble with is a male Elf Hunter. He has an interest in ruins along with the knowledge that could be found within. He claims amnesia for his background. So I placed him directly into the NPC drama that was already in the book. I have him being the estranged Elf father of Tsuto. How has escaped the PC's. I have also not killed off Lonjiku Kaijitsu. He is to return in some form later on. I'm just unsure as to what would keep him out of sight for so long, since he is a noble within town.

Lastly the hardest one to come to terms with is an evil halfling druid. I don't need a villain for this one, I need a whole plot line. I'm thinking of getting her in touch with the scum in town, and have her begin doing small jobs for them, and work her way up to murder? I'm at a real loss for this character.

Please ask any questions and any ideas or advise is more then welcome.

2015-06-25, 02:15 PM
Evil Halfling Druid could be infecting animals with Bloodrage (Revised Bestiary of Krynn) and siccing them on towns. Maybe trying to reclaim the world for nature?

2015-06-25, 02:36 PM
I don't want to come across as bad mouthing my player. The player is used to playing either a blaster or front line fighter. This is the first time in like 8 years of playing with them that they have chosen a prepared caster. Also the player is rather busy with life, so looking into how spells work and possible paths to take are hard for the player to look into away from table.

Now with that said, the player is playing the Druid as more of a poisoner/alchemy/apothecary. They are trying to poison NPC's at inappropriate times. In their back story they are "exiled" from their druidic order for poisoning and killing a child, for they wanted to know more about how the poison they had affected people. The PC's are the Hero's of the Town for repelling the goblin raid. So they are somewhat invested in the town at them moment.

If the character does anything to the party or to out of line. I will be taking the PC and it will be an NPC that the characters will have to deal with. I don't want to trap the PC into anything, just give them enough rope to do it for me.