View Full Version : Starting an Elemental Evil Group what should I play idea bouncing thread.

2015-06-25, 04:02 PM
Human So in the current version of D&D I have played, Fighter(Battlemaster) to level 14 specialized in archery(with a Sunblade and no magical bow) meaning he was overall pretty solid in melee and ranged.

Gnome Sword and board eldritch knight who is level 4.

Human Old one pact Warlock to level 8 or 9, which was ok but really meh since the gm mostly used 1 encounter per session meaning I should have probably been a wizard or sorcerer instead.

Half orc Sword and Board Vengeance Paladin til level 5, when the group broke apart and I cancelled the campaign(mostly due to lack of players and us being tired on friday evenings).

I had several ideas but for some reason I got hinged on rogue/paladin dual wielding short swords or rapiers with the Mariner combat style and the duelist path from seafaring adventures.

Assuming I go vengeadin again Iīll end up be doing about 4 attacks per round and doing an extra d8 divine damage on each of them, having climb speed, swim speed and some rogue abilities to toolbox outside of combat. Hunters mark and multiattacking will be the source of most of the damage along with the ability to use a longbow(super handy).

The above build could work but a polearm master vengeadin hits just as often(and harder), has no ranged options and is stuck wearing heavy armor.

The DM is pretty easy going on respecīs if we find out the idea we had isnīt working.

Anybody got a cool idea they want to share or gut instinct thoughts about the two versions of paladins?

P.s. donīt spoil the adventure if you have read it, I only know that it goes to about lvl 15 and it has elementals(duh!), Iīm just looking for character ideas :D