View Full Version : Elan's songs

2007-04-27, 08:35 PM
Elan's song in 445 was beautiful. Check me on this, but that was only the second full song that he's sung in the comics. Mostly they are just little lines that go verb, verb, verb, the adjective noun. The only other one was when he was trying to lead the people out of the Inn.

Who here thinks that Elan should get more songs, and that they should be sung to the tune of real-world songs?

2007-04-27, 08:36 PM
Agreed, twice over.

2007-04-27, 08:37 PM
i like that idea, almost like a musical, but not that obnoxious

2007-04-27, 08:38 PM
Filk filk filk the funny songs!!!!!

2007-04-27, 10:57 PM
He sings another song in the bonus material in Paladin Blues.

2007-04-27, 11:03 PM
That's what "Ode to Roy" thread is for. Some pretty good ones in there...

Hmmm, I feel a filk coming on... *goes and pulls up his copy of lyrics for "Jesus Christ Superstar"* Ok, Gethsemane it is, then.

2007-04-27, 11:13 PM
I would really like to hear him sing The Orange and the Green (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBazwZ_1V-g)

:elan: Tis the biggest mix up that you have ever sceen. My father was an orange man, my mother she was green.

2007-04-28, 12:16 AM
Orange and green seem to be two heavily featured colors (coughXykon'sminionscough). I can see this somehow getting worked in, it'd be awesome. Very funny.

And yes, I also support the idea of giving Elan more full songs.

2007-04-28, 01:12 AM
He sings another song in the bonus material in Paladin Blues.


I already have OtooPCs and you couldn't pay me enough not to get Start of Darkness when it comes out.

2007-04-28, 01:26 AM
Same here. I think you sold me on it as well. I got OtooPCs, I definitely plan on gettin Start of Darkness, and I was considering No Cure for the Paladin Blues primarily for the cryptograms. I'll probably stop by the nearby games store next wednsday to see if they have it. Go Elan songs!

2007-04-28, 01:34 AM
Elan sang a little bit longer song then usually in 348 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0348.html)

2007-04-28, 02:03 AM
Also, when he was trying to help V concentrate.

But indeed, more songs like this! It's still very Elan-like!

2007-04-28, 02:09 AM
Why did I read this as "Elan's shoes"?

2007-04-28, 03:10 PM
Because you're crazy. Or insane.

2007-04-28, 03:28 PM
The song in Paladin Blues isn't as long as the two in the online comic, but it's pretty darn funny.

Mummy king
2007-04-28, 03:42 PM
Why did I read this as "Elan's shoes"?
Too much scotch?

2007-04-28, 03:44 PM
Because you're crazy. Or insane.Or all three O_O

2007-04-28, 03:59 PM
I'd like it. It'd be nice if The Giant let copyrights slide for MP3s of the songs.

2007-04-30, 09:16 AM
Who here thinks that Elan should get more songs, and that they should be sung to the tune of real-world songs?

I disagree with you. While Elan's songs are entertaining, and he should have more of them I think that they should not be sung to the tune of real-world songs. And I'm not just bitter that he doesn't choose any songs that I know :smallfrown:. Referencing things from the real world, other than basic things people take for granted, I find tends to pull me out from the story, and lowers the structural integrity of the comic (as in 4th wall, but in a bad way). Also leaving it to peoples imagination always allows them to imagine it in a way that sounds good for them, unlike forcing a style on it.

I apologize for not managing to succinctly and eloquently (or should I say successfully) get my idea across, but the basic premise is that using real world song tunes I find decreases my enjoyment of fantasy worlds like OotS. It's a good thing that OotS is good enough that I enjoy it anyway. Other than that, I agree that Elan should get more songs.

2007-05-01, 12:44 AM
What the hell means that abreviation in the song? T-P-K ???

2007-05-01, 01:13 AM
Total Party Kill. Means just what it sounds like: All PCs are dead, and the forces of Law and Orde--I mean, the forces of Evil stand victorious. Quite annoying, as there's nobody left to Resurrect the PCs, so everyone either makes new characters or prays for a DXM (unless, of course, they die from a totally arbitrary string of Natural 1's inside the Temple of Pelor, the high priest of which owes them his life).

2007-05-02, 01:38 PM
Ok, what does DXM mean?

2007-05-02, 01:40 PM
Ok, what does DXM mean?

Deus Ex MAchina aka divine intervantion type stuff...

2007-05-02, 01:41 PM
Deus ex Machina. Something unexpected and unexplainable happens at the last minute to suddenly swing things in your favor.

2007-05-02, 01:42 PM
Oh. I know what Deus Ex Machina is, I just never saw it abbreviated like that before.

2007-05-02, 06:02 PM
Elan's songs FTW!!!

2007-05-02, 10:59 PM
Also, when he was trying to help V concentrate.

But indeed, more songs like this! It's still very Elan-like!

Concentrate good times, c'mon!

Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate, concentrate!

I think I would've done what V did in that scenario as well. I mean heck, it was annoying just to type it.