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2015-06-26, 09:05 PM

Among the least frequented streets of the sailor town of Riddleport, one seems to have gathered a more consistent crowd tonight. People of various ethnicity and social statuses are walking the narrow and crooked streets to reach the old gambling house of the Golden Goblin, which after renovations has launched a great reopening event, and by the amount of pushing and shouting, it seems to be a success: everyone wants to Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold tonight.

From outside, the place looks like it has seen better days. The top of the building shows a large copper dome which, if it wasn’t ruined and tarnished by the years and weather, would shine clearly from the sea for the ships coming to port. The fountain at the front is chipped in multiple places, and a few of the windows seem to be brand new - but just a few. Above the entrance looms a lifesize statue of a goblin, in what seems to be polished gold, the cleanest and most look-after part of the building.

Just inside the main doors, two young beauties scantily clad and wearing sewn bat wings, devil horns, and tails play the part of alluring succubi. Both are employees of the Gold Goblin, and they cheerfully register contestants for the tournament and process entry fees. Armed guards stand nearby to either side of an immense treasure chest into which each patron’s entry fee is added. The guards seem to be on hand to not only protect the money, but also to prevent any overzealous admirers from trying to dare the infamous touch of a succubus.
Beyond the registration table is the hall’s game floor. Dozens of gamblers, waitresses dressed as succubi, and bouncers mill about the room, wandering amid tables offering various games while dealers shuffle cards, roll dice, and spin wheels. Moving through this throng are a dozen more of the barely clad, bat-winged vixens serving drinks and batting coal-black eyelashes flirtatiously for tips. In the center of the chamber is a short podium atop which sits a massive gold chest affixed to the floor by similarly gaudy chains. On either side of it stands a bare- chested bouncer in the exotic garb of some foreign sultan’s court. Each stands with muscled arms crossed over his chest and with a naked scimitar of prodigious size tucked through his waistband. High above them, from the hall’s cloth-draped ceiling, hangs a brass birdcage within which crouches a small, bat-winged, pointy-tailed devilish creature that sulks as it gazes over the room and occasionally rattles the bars threateningly.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?424247-Second-Darkness-AP-(OOC)-with-Saints-amp-Sinners)

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-26, 11:11 PM
An aasimar woman walks among the crowd, stopping every now and then to speak to some of the other patrons but not lingering in any place for too long. She is visibly armored and has a shield strapped to her back that bears the butterfly symbol of Desna, but carries no visible weapon.

Ah, the sights, sounds, and smells of a new city. Not always pleasant to the senses (they really should do something about the rubbish piled in every alleyway), but always welcome to the soul. I'm glad I heard about this gambling tournament; there are so many people here, at least one of them is bound to know something of Milon's fate. It would be terribly disappointing if I can't find out anything about what happened to him.

In case it's not apparent, uncolored italics are Arsinoe's thoughts. She's in Riddleport in part to investigate the disappearance of Milon Chath, but she doesn't know anything about him other than that he was a fellow priest of Desna and that he vanished over a week ago.

As an aside, I didn't pick Desna for this plot hook; the deity just seemed interesting to me. I hadn't actually read the Riddleport Rumors sidebar until a few minutes ago.

Diplomacy to gather information about Milon Chath:

2015-06-27, 01:28 AM

The handsome, extraordinarily well dressed halfling manages to use his size to skip the line quietly. Lines are for amateurs.

Elymas gets in the Gold Goblin and a radiant smile appears in his face, followed by a chuckle.

Ah, the irony of leaving Magnimar to escape gambling debts, only to try and work at a gambling hall! Sweet Desna, you are a fickle mistress...

But Elymas was here for work, and his pride in is abilities will not let him appear a fool. He is vying for a spotter place, so he might as well spot. If he catches someone stealing, it will be a good start, wouldn't it?

Perception [roll0]
Planes to recognize the caged imp [roll1]

2015-06-27, 03:04 AM

Having spent most of his remaining coin on a proper hot bath to make a good first impression, Bo is more than a little disappointed when he finds the Golden Goblin's guard corps is well manned. True, the bare-chested bouncer with over-sized scimitar thing was just flash, but there were plenty of others mixed in with the crowd, and the run-down nature of the place probably meant the owner was broke or miserly. Either way, there would be no work to find here without making an impression first.

Bo finds a spot near the door and eases down into chair that had seen the rough end of a brawl or three, but it holds his bulk with little more than a hushed groan. He fishes out one of his precious silver pieces and orders a cup of whatever's cheap and not too strong, hoping against hope that some dumb slob would bolt for the exit with a fist full of stolen winnings before his own drink fund ran dry. When they did, he'd be ready to bring them low with a quick spell or the knobby end of his walking staff.

2015-06-27, 08:01 AM

After waiting in line Zoren hands his golden chip to a succubus and flashes her a friendly, and hopefully inviting smile. Turning, Zoren runs a hand through his long black hair, absentmindedly avoiding his horns, as he pauses for a moment just inside the Golden Goblin. The smoke floating across Zeron's orange eye moves faster and faster as his excitement for the coming night grows and his tail twitches in anticipation as he checks his weapons and begins to walk.

Okay game plan time, first find someone i know is bad at running a game or at least the worst run table I can, second make some money gambling at the table until they make a mistake, third challenge dealer on his mistake and boast I can do better, last impress the owner by actually running the game better and gaining a job.

Knowledge(local) to see if I know any bad employees: [roll0]
Perception to find a poorly run table: [roll1]
Profession(gambler) to make some money. This is a gambling tournament after all: [roll2]
sense motive to read my opponents and win more hands: [roll3]

If my plan works and I end up running a game then another Gambler check( I think?) to do it well: [roll4]

2015-06-28, 06:17 AM
Chitchat and rumors about Milon Chath reveal that he was the previous owner of the gambling hall, but disappeared after he left the town with some exploring gear. The locals think his curiosity got the better off him, but do not know much about how.
The creature is definitely a real Imp, and he doesn’t look very happy about his situation. Snarling and clawing at the cage, he sure attracts attention and laughter from the nearby (but not TOO near) patrons.
Zoren takes a while, but notices a table where the dealer seems to get distracted often by the “succubi”, and after getting a new gold chip joins a couple pre-tournament rounds of the game, quickly doubling that.

After about twenty minutes, as the last light of the sun fades out, all tables stop the games, and a gong call the attention to the small podium where the Imp keeps thrashing and spewing insults.
There, accompanied by two of the beautiful “succubi”, a short man with a formal suit, thin and slick black hair, and a missing hand, with what appears to be a key-shaped stump, awaits for everyone’s attention. You understand this should be Saul Vancaskerskin, the owner and organizer of the event.
After a group of workers lights red fiery braziers, casting the room into a hellish hue, he bows before the crowwd and starts speaking in a strong voice:

“Welcome, one and all, to the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall and your chance to cheat the Devil and win back not only your soul but all of his gold as well.” He says this last as he pats the large chest before which he stands. “I hope you found your reception by the Devil’s lovely temptresses suitably entertaining.”
This is met by a general murmur of laughter and a few catcalls.
“Let’s take this moment to thank Old Scratch himself for attending this event. Not only did he loan us these lovely, dark angels, but he also emptied the deepest vaults of Hell itself to provide the gold for this tournament.”
At this, the Imp in the cage behind him start thrashing violently at the cage bars, spitting, howling and trying to scratch everyone who’s close, spewing insults and curses at the man and his workers. Many from the crowd laugh at the efforts, while the man continues.

“Of course, he plans on replacing what he loses in gold with the souls of those of you who don’t win. The tournament rules are quite simple—as you play, you’ll earn more chips. And with those chips, you’ll be able to bribe your way out of the current Hell you’re trapped in, working your way down deeper until you get to Old Scratch’s treasury. Currently, all of you are Old Scratch’s prisoners in the first of the Hells, Avernus. If you want
to work your way down to the ninth circle, you need to win games. Each time you win, you’ll be awarded a golden eye, a silver tooth or a copper heart. These bits of flesh and bone are what the devils use in Hell for currency, and they’re what you’ll need to pay in order to bribe your way into the next layer of hell. The first player to win a game after reaching Nessus not only keeps his winnings forthatgame,but also earns back his soul and the ten thousand silver coins that the Devil put up for this tournament. You can, of course, decide to cash out your winnings at any time you want, but if you do, or if you run out of money entirely... well,
that means Old Scratch gets you.” Vancaskerkin grins evilly and the caged imp cuts loose with another profanetirade.“Andthatearnsyouthe Devil’s Mark and an escort out of the game hall until the tournament is over. What, you ask, exactly is this Devil’s Mark? Well, it’s something too utterly horrible to even contemplate. The forfeiture of your very soul, it is. But I suppose I can show you what it is— gods know I more than deserve the Devil’s Mark. In fact, better make it two, girls!”
With that, the two succubi accompanying him lean over and each firmly plants a kiss on Saul’s cheek with her ruby-red lips. When they pull away, their lip rouge has left clearly visible prints in the same shocking red on his cheeks. Saul beams as he cries out, “The Devil’s Mark, everyone!” which is greeted by a flurry of shouts, catcalls, and hoots. “Now, let’s cheat the Devil and take his gold!” which prompts one more rabid flurry from the imprisoned fiend above, and with that, the tournament begins.
Soon after, the “succubi” that got the chip from Zoren passes by him, quickly whispering something and flashing a smile while leaving.

If you want to partecipate in the games, either check Charisma or Profession[gambler].
Don’t bet in the round after a full house.

2015-06-30, 09:56 AM

Zeron is having a great time as he wins more gold chips, but he still hopes to find an opportunity to earn a job. His hopes for taking over his table are dashed when Saul appears to make his speech. However, after Saul's address Zeron is again optimistic and quickly moves to join the contest.
After all moving through the layers of hell should be easy for a teifling right?
As the main event is getting started the succubus that Zeron gave his chip to comes up to him, whispers in his ear, smiles, and leaves again. He smiles to her retreating back and turns to begin his descent to Nessus. As Zeron gambles he keeps the succubi's words in mind and follows what she said.

I will be taking part in the contest using Profession (Gambler) and will continue to use sense motive to have a better idea what my opponents are doing so i can beat them. To clearify Zeron will not be betting in a round following a full house
Gambler: [roll0]
sense motive: [roll1]

2015-06-30, 06:22 PM

Please let someone is dumb enough to try something. Bo down the rest of his drink and joins the crowd gathering around the main event. Thankfully Bo's tall enough to see over the crowd and so doesn't need to fight anyone for a good view of the proceedings. Instead he positions himself between the contestants and the door, keeping a wary eye n the proceedings. He even spares some attention for the stumpy pit boss announcer, just in case. Catching him dealing from the bottom of the deack could be just as profitable as one of the contestants.

Perception to look for cheaters: [roll0]

2015-07-03, 10:33 PM
Zeron keeps playing a couple rounds in the tournament, but as one of the other players shows a full house, he skips a turn. Right after, all players seem to start betting high, and in the end of the round, each show better cards than the other. The losses are huge for some, and a couple end up being accompanied to the exit by the beautiful "succubi", while the tiefling sits with his chips, safe and sound.

To Bo's sight nobody seems to be cheating, at least not blatantly, and the only vaguely suspicious thing might be a yound one-eyes woman who from time to time seems to be looking up and checking the side doors (apparently, the gaming hall's male rstrooms).

All in all the games proceed normally, and everyone seems to be having fun. A few patrons, out of money, find themselves escorted to the door by one of the beautiful succubi, while one or two, with more liquor than money, only get to be pulled away from the bouncers. Everyone who gets thrown out gets either a bright red kiss or a stamp of paint, marking them as unacceptable from the entrance.

for those who are not playing, check Perception and Sense Motive.

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-03, 10:58 PM
Now that things are underway, Arsinoe tries to get ahold of Saul and speak with him in private. If she manages to get such a meeting, she informs him that she has been sent on behalf of the church of Desna to investigate Milon's disappearance, since he was a fellow cleric of the Great Dreamer. She's interested in anything Saul knows about Milon and the reason for his departure as owner of the Gold Goblin.

Diplomacy to get ahold of Saul and learn more about Milon:
Sense Motive:

2015-07-04, 07:33 AM

"Woah, some tough luck there pal." Zeron says to one of the departing losers after the the large betting hand. Taking a quick look around for the succubi during the pause, Zeron absentmindedly rubs his horns and thinks to himself: got to remember to thank that wonderful succubi before I leave. Then he turns back to the table with a predator grin and renews his efforts to make it to the next level of hell.

Perception to look around while the losers leave and other join the table paying special attention for the friendly succubi: [roll0]

Profession(gambler) to ... well gamble: [roll1]

Sense motive to help in gambling or get a better read on the people (dealer included) around him: [roll2]

2015-07-05, 12:26 AM

The lure of the table is too strong for Elymas. He continues to watch over for anything out of the ordinary, but he also bets at first opportunity.

Not sure if the last Perception counts, if not [roll0]
Sense Motive untrained [roll1]
Gambling [roll2]

2015-07-05, 03:29 AM

Halfling and a tielfing? Hmm. Bo leans in, looking over the players again and picking out the likeliest card sharps for extra attention. The little folks' quick fingers were legendary, and everyone knew that most half-devils had a magical trick or two up their sleeve on account of their outsider blood. Both were more likely than the average human, dwarven, or elven ale sop to be troublemakers, statistically speaking. Better at it, too. Probably didn't help that they had a hard time getting honest work. Especially if they had horns.

Perception: [roll0]

Sense Motive: [roll1]

2015-07-05, 09:03 AM
As the games proceed, with more patrons clearing the room and several victory cheers, not to mention the flow of drinks, you all notice something odd. One of the patrons, a young woman that would be beautiful if not for her scarred eye, has dropped some of her gambling chips and is bent down to retrieve them. However, she is not looking for them, but closed her eye instead. A similar movement is made by a couple of the nearby gamblers.
Arsinoe and Bo also notice, trough the side door that leads to the restroom, a tall man reading a scroll, pointing a finger trough the door towards one of the braziers.
All of you realize something is odd, very odd, and quickly enough to -maybe- react in time.

Party Initiative at [roll0]
NPC Initiative at [roll1]

2015-07-05, 09:05 AM
Maybe not in time enough. You realise that, and make the wise decision to shield your eyes too, and to the hells with the games.
Just one moment After you do this, one of the braziers erupts in a loud bang and a flash of fire and blinding lights, causing the entire room to panic in a loud series of shouts and bumps as people, blinded by the lights, try to take cover or save their gold.
"Alright, folks! Drop to the ground and don't try anything stupid and we might let you live! This tournament is over!", a female voice shouts over the confusion.

no save necessary, you can all see normally after the first flash

2015-07-05, 11:23 AM
HP 8 AC 15

Elymas has just time to notice peripherally the weird action around him before almost by reflex shielding his eyes. After he can see again, he says in a loud whisper.

"That was a mistake..."

Suddenly, his eyes start to scintillate like pure chaos is streaming behind them, as he sends a bolt of pure ectoplasm at the one reading the scroll. He then finds an out of the way place from which he can snipe.

Eldrich blast touch attack [roll0] dmg [roll1] and Ref save DC 15 or get entangled for [roll2] rnds. Then move up to 30 ft to cover away from any obvious buddies

2015-07-05, 10:10 PM

At the flash of fire Zoren simply closes his eyes and turnshis head slightly to the side. Even while his eyes are closed his hand twitches to his sap, his favored weapon in gambling brawls, however he grabs one of his chakram instead. Opening his eyes, Zoren sees a ball of... something shot toward the doorway from about waist heaight. He turns to woman who threatened his life, smiles, and launches his weapon at her, a trail of orange flames following in it's wake.

Thrown chakram attack: [roll0]
Damage in Stance of piercing rays stance: [roll1] + [roll2] fire

Crit confirm if needed: [roll3]
extra damage if needed: [roll4]

swift action at the beginning of my turn to enter the stance
standard action to attack

2015-07-06, 03:43 AM

Not expecting something so...flashy as this, Bo's almost taken by surprise. If the man with the scroll hadn't had an accomplice among the gamblers--the woman who so very obviously shielded her eyes--he'd have blinded with the rest of the room.

Instead, he shoulders and elbows his way towards the table on the suddenly bossy woman. "You otta follow yer own advice, lady." He mumbles at the woman, and begins casting. The hypnotic patterns he summons are likely to catch most of the other contestants at her table well as the thief, but now's not the time to worry about that. The worst they'll get is some stars in their eyes and a headache...or maybe a pair of befouled trousers, but that had only happened the one time, and none of these gamblers were half as soused as poor Rummy Jim have been that unfortunate evening.

If possible, move action to get close to the woman and standard to cast Color Spray (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/color-spray). DC 13 Will save

2015-07-09, 07:27 AM
As sudden as the flash of blinding light, another flash, this time a purple streak, flies sure trough the room, avoiding the patrons and flying straight trough the restroom door, burning trough the wizard's clothes and surrounding his shoulder in a dark purple hardening blob, which however does not stop him from moving.
The woman dodges barely the flying chackram, turning to see who attacked her, only to be hit squarely by the flash of lights and drop to the ground with a faint moan of surprise, together with three of her thugs and one innocent bystander. The last remaining thug, seeing everyone else drop down, looks puzzled for a moment at the magic coursing trough the room and then, his face a mask of fear, pushes one of the patrons away in an attempt to run for the door.
The wizard, seeing the scene, grins his teeth and shuts the door, uttering a formula from the other side.

Skipping Anchovies for now. Also you guys are scary.

2015-07-10, 12:37 AM

As much as he wants to admire his handiwork, something told Bo that his odds of getting hired were a lot better with a clean sweep. Especially if that one patron he's accidentally knocked out decided to get whiny later. "Outta the way!" He shouts, barreling through the crowd after the fleeing blackguard.

Bo briefly considers using more magic on the man, but the night was still young, and he seemed to be alone anyway. Instead he leads with a fist the size of a small ham, aiing to put the last man to sleep the old fashioned way.

Sprint after the man. Hopefully I can get close enough for an unarmed strike:

2015-07-10, 05:55 AM

"Hey now, you can't have all the fun," Zoren calls after the man in pursuit. Then Zoren gives chase himself pulling out his sap, no deaths means the games can continue right? when Zoren reaches the man he gives him two quick and forceful raps upon the head.

free action- talking :) and drawing sap
Move action-move to the man
standard- flurry strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/broken-blade-maneuvers) with sap for two attacks
first attack roll: [roll0]
second attack roll: [roll1]
first damage roll: [roll2] nonlethal
second damage roll: [roll3] nonlethal

critical confirm if needed: [roll4]

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-10, 11:05 AM
Oh dear. That was unpleasant.

A young Aasimar woman, who remained standing near the edge of the room when the event was disturbed, speaks up. Her voice is stern but kind, like a schoolteacher or librarian.

"Is anyone injured? Anyone besides those vagabonds, I mean."

Italics are thoughts, quotes are speech. Quoted italics will be telepathy if that comes up.

Also, I have now seen enough encounters one-shot by Color Spray to make it and Sleep single-target spells in my games.

2015-07-11, 01:24 AM
HP 8 AC 15

Seeing the mage flee behind a closed door, Elymas smiles

"Oh no you don't".

With the utterance of a Word, order inside the door crumbles. Shards and splinters start to appear and the door bursts to splinters.

Baleful Utterance at the door. Probably will not get the wizard behind it. If the object is unattended, it gets no Saving throw.

2015-07-11, 02:44 AM
Bo and Zoren throw themselves into a chase, and hitting him in the back of the head and on his back, they quickly send him down to the floor, unconscious. The patrons are still almost all blinded, and so is the staff, except for a bouncer, busy keeping order between a few gamblers who didn't get blinded and look like they're trying to defend their chips (or steal other people's), and a couple terrified waitresses. However, nobody seems to be injured... Until the door where the wizard disappeared explodes in a hail of splinters, and a couple of the patrons scream in surprise when the pieces hit them. Behind the door, nobody, only the entrance to the restrooms.

2015-07-12, 10:49 AM

Elymas runs to the door, trying to find any clues to where the mage went. He did not seem powerful enough to have mastered translocation.

Perception 120+7 Spellcraft 120+6

2015-07-13, 03:24 AM

seeing no more enemies, Zoren bends down and drags the unconscious body of the thus over to it's buddies. HA no dead bodies that means we can gamble more right?
As Zoren is dragging the body he shakes his head at the blown up door and says to himself, but in a voice loud enough to be overheard, "Boy if all teleportation spells require blowing up a door no wonder they are so rare. Who would want to be replacing doors all the time?"

2015-07-13, 09:57 PM

With the tiefling gambler handling the runner's unconscious form, Bo heads back to the woman he'd dazzled with his magic and her group of lackeys. The spell wouldn't last forever, and he intended to make sure that all of them were disarmed and, hopefully, being manhandled by one of the hired bouncers before they emerged from their stupor.

The wizard in the restroom was going to have to be someone else's problem.

2015-07-14, 02:40 AM
As Bo and Zoren handle the thugs and the woman, and the bouncers still try to handle the confusion, Elymas runs in the toilets only to be met by a very unathletic wizard attempting to leave the building trough a window. A leg already on the other side, shoulders bent to manage passage, and the vest held by a hand, it doesn't seem in a comfortable position. "Hell's damneds," he mutters, before pointing a finger at Elymas and casting a quick, simple spell, one single energy dart bolting trough the room.

Magic Missile [roll0]

2015-07-15, 02:33 AM
HP4 AC15

Elymas takes the energy dart full in the chest, grunting. He looks at the mage with eyes full of hate.

"This was your chance to escape. You missed it."

With another terrible word, Elymas wills the order inside the mage 's belt to stop existing, shattering it.

Elymas picks a worn object -if he has no belt, something else- and casts Baleful Utterance. Ref save DC15 or the wizard is dazed and deafened for a round. I think daze right now is better than using Eldrich blast.

2015-07-16, 12:36 PM

After depositing his unconscious thug with the rest, Zoren will retrieve his thrown weapon and turn to the bouncer closest to his seat, "Thank you for watching over my chips Sir, i hope that we will be able to resume play shortly."
Always best to get on the good side of bouncers.
After this exchange Zoren will search out the kind succubus to make sure that she has recovered from the flash and that she wasn't further harmed by the door exploding teleportation spell.

Standard: use for movement
Move: used to search for the succubus
free: talking
If there is too much going on or too much movement in my description for 1 round, then continue these actions next round

Perception: [roll0] focusing mainly on finding the succubus