View Full Version : Making the most out of whirlwind attack through mc

2015-06-27, 09:47 AM
So this is just theorizing and not for an actual build, premise is that your pc have rolled stats that are good enough for MAD builds so go wild with your ideas. :) my idea is 12 levels hunter ranger, 4 bear totem barb and 4 champion fighter, he is an half Orc and taking two handed weapon style from fig levels. And ofc the two handed weapon mastery feat.

So when he comes up to say having 5 enemies around him he enrages and attacks recklessly for advantage on all attacks and takes -5/+10 from the feat assuming no crits that's still 10d12 + 170 when using action surge for getting two whirlwinds if all attacks hits which is not unlikely with advantage.

And decent chance for a few crits with 19-20 crits range and advantage. Ofc this comes online at such late levels so it would probably be sub optimal most of the way there. Anyways if you have any ideas for whirlwind builds plz share. :)

2015-06-27, 09:56 AM
I suggested paladin, who can burn all spell slots for divine smite. You would have to use a separate smite for each enemy. You would go through the slots quickly I was informed. And hex was an option for ranger/ warlock. Unsure of those numbers and rules.