View Full Version : The D inn.

2007-04-28, 02:32 AM
The D inn is a small two story inn just outside of the town that holds weary traverlers for cheap. There is still dense forest around it and the sign is shoddily built. It is only used because it is cheap and it the rumors of bandits nearby which make many people want to rest and be protected from bandits.
The owner, Uripton Shalan, is a drow who owns the inn and the tavern inside.
Staying cost 2 gp per night and all ten rooms are currently vacant, there is also a tavern near the check in desk, and a small cosy room to talk in to the right of the stairs, the check in desk and bar to the left. There is also a small room that behind the desk that holds the beer and is the owners room.
The owner greets all people who enter with a stare and a slightly annoyed "Do you want a room or beer or are you hear for a job?"
Ten vacany's.