View Full Version : Player Help Outfitting a Level 20 Dread Necro - Suggestions Appreciated

2015-06-28, 07:24 AM
I'm outfitting my Dread Necro for a level 20 "last hurrah" campaign. I've played this character for well over two years, and I retired him a few months ago; the group insists on a level 20 adventure and really wants me to play, so here I am.

So, I have 560,000 gp to spend. The plan is to outfit the Dread Necro in order to 1) give him more power/control over undead so he doesn't actually have to participate--I want to use some minions; and 2) defend him JUST IN CASE from the party's current anti-undead equipment (they all took Soulfire enchantments, undead bane, and all sorts of goodies like that--I need to be ready!).

So, suggestions for new purchases / upgrades / etc? Thanks in advance!

My equipment so far (including stuff I probably should sell):

Mithral Breastplate +2
Cloack of Charisma +4 w/ Minor Displacement enchantment
Ring of Resistance +2
Boots of Dexterity +2
Least Crystal of Arrow Deflection
Ring of Wizardry 2 (Intelligent)
Anklet of Translocation
Talisman of Undead Mastery
Extend Rod (lesser)
Rod of Undead Mastery
Belt of the Wide Earth
Lesser Clasp of Energy Resistance (Electricity)
Mask of Lies
Potion of Magic Fang
Potion of Blur
Potion of Protection from Arrows
Potion of Levitate
The Shadowstaff (this was more of a "plot device" that I promised to "use sparingly")

I would probably sell some of those items (I inherited the boots, for example, but I could probably get something more useful for the foot slot.)

I will probably get a lesser Chain Spell rod for Command Undead shenanigans.

Apart from those items, I should note that my best stat currently is Charisma at 28, and current AC is 30 (including the Shadowstaff bonus, which is probably a no-go moving ahead). I'm not against raising stats, etc.

So, any recommendations what to do here?

2015-06-28, 10:00 AM
Upgrade that ring of resistance to a +5. Phoenix Cloak gives you permanent 60 ft perfect fly speed. Ring of Anticipation is cheap and does help the ol' initiative.

2015-06-28, 12:09 PM
Upgrade that ring of resistance to a +5. Phoenix Cloak gives you permanent 60 ft perfect fly speed. Ring of Anticipation is cheap and does help the ol' initiative.

Would a feathered wings graft be a decent option in place of the Phoenix cloak?

2015-06-28, 12:10 PM
Linky Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items)

2015-06-28, 01:31 PM
Well let's see.

Your ideal cloak would be a Phoenix's Cloak* of Charisma +6, of Resistance +5 [50K + 36K + 25K = 110K] w/ Minor Displacement[110K + 1.5*24K = 110K + 36K = 146K]

Your ideal face item would be a Third Eye Conceal**[120K] w/ Hathran Mask of True Seeing w/ Raptor's Mask(+5 spot, immunity to blindness)[120K + 1.5*75K + 1.5*3.5K = 120K + 112.5K + 5.25K = 237.75K] (include mask of lies for 1.5*4.5K=6.75K if needed)

Either Ring of Freedom of Movement[40K] or +1 Freedom of Movement Bracers[36K] would be wise depending on if you are more pressed for ring or armors.

You also want to up your armor crystal from the +2 to the +5 version and I presume your boots get your Dex up to 20(the cap of your Mithral Breastplate)

*While the feathered graft is cheaper it gives merely Average maneuverability and imposes a -6 penalty on many Cha checks.

**Is there a cheaper "Immunity to Divination" item? Since the OP is a lich they don't need the "Immunity to mind-effecting".