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View Full Version : By the Light of the Sun [Private]

2015-06-28, 05:46 PM
It was a bright day at the Blazing Temple that saw two Avatars of the Lord of Fire arrive, along with one of Dunfel. Days passed into weeks as Avatars old and new were embraced by the monks and engaged in matters of doctrine with the First Brother. Eventually, though, Greta was invited to a private audience with the First Brother, to discuss a matter of great import to the faith.

Inside the inner sanctum of the Temple sat First Brother Ramzi, meditating before a brilliant sunburst window. By his side slightly behind him knelt another high Sister of the Temple, Caterina, one of his closest advisors who had been with him in the struggle against the Bale Horse. At the arrival of the twice-living Avatar, Sister Caterina stood and gave a friendly bow before tapping Ramzi's shoulder.

"First Brother, Avatar Greta is here."

2015-07-02, 11:40 AM
Ramzi stayed sitting for a moment, opening his eyes from his meditation as he sensed faintly the heat of Greta's presence. In the months since her arrival she had begun to be referred to as the Burning Aspect, though she had been one of the last full Avatars there was no denying her rebirth had changed her and with the arrival of the Jarrish royal children and the still missing Valterran man it was clear the spirit of the Avatar had been split. Ramzi knew what this division meant, but he would need all three Avatar Aspects to prove it. Still, he could speak with the ones he had to explain the truth them now before the ritual was conducted.

Ramzi rose from his cross legged position and turned to look on the visage of Greta. She might have horrified one unprepared or unused to her but to Ramzi she was merely a beautiful fragment of an even more beautiful image that had been shattered. Ramzi looked over at his fellow devout member of the Temple Caterina. The two of them had arrived at the Temple together from the eastern lands as children. They had stood by one another and faced the questioning of the elder First Brother Charles when he still sat as head of the Temple and they had both survived the trials of Cridan's ministry and the trapping of the Bale Horse. There were some in the Temple who referred to her informally as the First Sister for her close relation with Ramzi and while improper the title was not inaccurate. The Temple had not had a First Sister in well over two centuries and the title was an ancient one no longer common to the teachings of the Temple which accented the inheritance of man, but there were many ancient rites and works that Ramzi as First Brother sought to uncover and return to the teachings of the Lord.

"Avatar Greta, thank you for coming. I know your life has been consumed with the Dunfel, our valiant protectors and chosen warriors of the Lord and the tales of your martial aptitude are well chronicled in our scrolls. Still, while the defense of the Faith is of great importance of greater importance is the clarity of the Faith's teachings and of the doctrine that guides us. You well know the Avatar has for centuries served as the sole focal point of the Lord's presence on the material. In your first life you experienced the force which the Lord exerted to return His shattered pieces to one form in yourself when prodded by the mad Radurjic King Tendaji. You have heard of the fiery consumption of Elwyn at the revelation of the Blazing Aspect that was trapped within the devil Hushyarr. Yet now you live in the same Temple as the blessed Adylla whose crown grows with the light of the Lord's favor and neither are destroyed."

Ramzi walked towards Greta and held out his hand to rest it on the woman's shoulder, "I believe it is a sign from our Lord. A sign to discover a new truth of His being. If I am right it may prove ground shaking for the Faith. Tell me Greta, what do you feel as you stand before me now? You are unique among the three Lord Chosen in that you have experienced the path of the Avatar before. Tell me, does this time feel different?"