View Full Version : Level 17 Tactician (Any Thoughts?)

Chained Birds
2015-06-29, 02:06 PM
Playing some high level Pathfinder in a Dark Sun setting. Was wondering if there was anything I might have overlooked with my character that could be deadly if not dealt with in the future.

I did check out a 3.5 guide about what magic items you need at higher levels (minus ones that can be negated with power/spells your character can cast/manifest), though I always get a bit cross-eyed when starring down a large list with a 400k wallet at hand. So, any items I should look into for the future, or that I should replace now? The game hasn't really advanced at all, and we've not really had a combat encounter Yet, so builds are still pretty changeable.

The Party's: Dervish Bard, Cleric, Blood Rager, Rogue, Paladin


Tactician (Battle Medic) Level 17
- Race: Élan (Favored Class: +17 PP)
- HP: 142 (17d8)
- Str: 10 / Dex: 14 / Con: 14 / Int: 28 / Wis: 13 / Cha: 20

Chosen Strategies: Collective Defenses, Focus Attack, Reposition

- Bonus 1: Psionic Talent
- 1: Psionic Body
- 3: Expanded Knowledge (Astral Construct)
- 5: Boost Construct
- Bonus 6: Cushion The Blow
- 7: Expanded Knowledge (Energy Missile)
- 9: Psionic Meditation
- Bonus 12: Improved Cushion The Blow
- 12: Deep Focus
- 15: Advanced Constructs
- 17: Hustle Power

- Detect Psionics
- Disruptive Touch
- Hinder
- Entangling Ectoplasm
- Inevitable Strike
- (Bonus) Astral Construct
- Dimensional Swap
- Body Adjustment
- (Bonus) Energy Missile
- Withstand As One
- Battlesense
- Battle Transformation
- Psychic Reformation
- Upheaval
- Psionic Revivify
- Heal Injuries
- Reposition
- Bend Reality
- Cosmic Awareness
- Ability As One
- Barred Mind
- Last Stand

Current Magic/Psionic Items -- Staring GP 400,000 --
- Weapon 1: +1 Psychic Suppression Ganbasa
- Weapon 2: +1 Adaptive Phase Locking Longbow
- Armor: +3 Fuse Glamored Mithral Breastplate
- Shield: +1 Gleaming Buckler

Shoulder: Wings of Flying
Headband: Headband of Mental Prowess (Int / Cha)
Neck: Torc of Power Preservation

Handy Haversack
Wayfinder of The Planes
Ioun Stone (Lavender and Green) -- Wayfinder --
Ioun Stone (Iridescent Spindle)

I also don't really know what Powers I should keep in mind for Bend Reality... I can explain my reasoning for some of the stuff I picked if needed...

Thanks Either Way!