View Full Version : To Save Zhufbar (The Wissenburg Chapters) IC

2015-06-29, 06:20 PM
The Lost Hare
The bald proprietor clinked together the two gold coins that the dwarf just handled him for another round of drinks for the table of Lordlings murmuring a quick prayer to Taal for the raging storm outside. The rain had been beating on the tavern roof for the better part of the last two hours. Luckily the crowd inside was making so much of their own noise it was hard to make out the rain over the din. All four tables of the tavern were occupied as well as several stools at the bar. A good hard rain like the one going on now caused people to run into the nearest form of shelter even grimy rat holes like The Lost Hare. It was definitely a mixed bag of patrons at The Lost Hare this evening in the corner by the hearth there was a table hosting a card game. A dwarf returned a tray full of drinks to a nearby table where another dwarf sat with four younger men probably local noble brats judging by the fine clothes they wore. Here Here for Kemper! Ma'th he lithe anober year so we cun do dis all agan. one of the youths shouted as their tankards of beer crashed together. They've been drinking heavily and steadily for the past two hours and their cheers have gotten more and more slurred. The two dwarfs accompanying them looked to be the only sober ones of the lot and they never took part in the cheers. It was good that they were there because in a place like The Lost Hare there was always some seedy company. The rest of the tavern patrons this night looked to be of a tougher sort. The two remaining tables were also occupied one had a group of 3 dirty looking humans. The biggest of that crowd had a broken nose and scar running down his left cheek. He sat with his back towards the door and keep a keen eye on the table of the drunken youths. The fourth table was the oddest company of the place as it was hosting a dwarf and elf and several empty mugs of ale. Something was just not right about seeing a dwarf and an elf drink together like that. Oh huff hard, me boys, n' huff far. For ye are the boys of Zhufbar. the drunk dwarf began his song for what must be the twentieth time tonight. He would always only get a few verses an then lose the tune before banging his head on the table. Astria that's all I 'member now. That's all I kin member but it's a fine chant. a fine chant. the dwarf collapsed knocking several of the empty wooden tankards to the floor. His Elvish companion seemed slightly concerned as Alva the young serving girl came and gathered the tankard from the dirty floor and quickly disappeared to the kitchen. Seated at the bar were a sampling of all the races of the empire. There was a halfling man down by the table of nobles. Next to him was a dwarf shield breaker who was keeping his distance from the female elf who had the look of a sailor and the seat three stools down. The elf was making pleasant conversation with the official looking human male with a dashing smile at the end of the bar.

Map of The Lost Hare (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx5v4aMnG9A9QzB1Ui1PNUtqZ1k/view?usp=sharing)
H= Unidentified Human
h = Unidentified Halfaman
N = Nestor, Proprietor of The Lost Hare
a = Alva serving girl
K = Kemper Von Schnepel
G = Grod Dwarf NPC
PCs in Red by First letter of first name

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?424237-To-Save-Zhufbar-(The-Wissenburg-Chapters)-OOC)

2015-06-29, 07:33 PM
(Burgolf Frueh)

"...so den vehn der third bandit jumped out, I shot him in der stomach. Der first two took off as I lept from der saddle. Vehn der third bandit gives up his name and der names of his confederates he'll hang. If he survives my shot! All in a days verk for a Roadwarden..." Burgolf sidled a bit closer to the elf as he smiled. "Another drink?"

2015-06-30, 07:03 AM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

Snortok sits at the bar, nursing his tankard and drinking slowly. He was down to his last gold crown and Zhufbar was still a long trek away. Might have to stop for work somewhere, the dwarf thought dourly.

He took a moment to look around the bar and size up the motley crew around him. The storm outside had driven all travelers for cover, regardless of race or social position. He noted with more than a little amusement the Elf and Dwarf drinking together. Not a common sight at all. On the other hand, the burly man chatting up the other Elf was all too common a sight.

As the drunk dwarf began to sing once more, Snortok rolled his eyes and took another swig of his ale. Clear the way and mine afar, bring back glory to Zhufbar. Forge-light shines like a night star, hammers sing in Zhufbar. The verses came unbidden in his mind. The sound of the falling dwarf behind him brings him out of his reverie and Snortok at once walks over to the table.

He squats beside the fallen dwarf and heaves him up, trying to wake him. He offers an uneasy smile at the Elf girl seated at the table, unsure of whether to prop the limp dwarf up again or to offer to take him elsewhere.

2015-07-01, 04:43 PM
As Snortok squats down next to the drunken dwarf, Grod comes to. He looks around and sees the fellow dwarf down next to him.
Zhufbar. he whispers with the smell of dwarven whiskey on his breath. We need to return to Zhufbar. The Greenies be there and so must we. . Grod vigorously shakes his head to clear his thoughts before standing up and regaining his seat. Barkeep Nestor anoder round. Make it 3 cups this time. Looking at the dwarf next to him he slurs in Khazalid pointing to Astria I bet you a karl that this elf lady here can out drink you. What say you dorf?

2015-07-02, 06:41 AM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

Being low on funds, Snortok decided on doing the wise thing and accepted the offer of free beer. He clumsily seats himself with the duo, with a slight look of distrust crossing his face as he meets the Elf's eyes.

"If you're paying for the ales, I'll take that bet. No elf will outdrink me tonight."
Loathe to keep using their ancient language in mixed company, Snortok reverts to Reikspiel and introduces himself with something of a formal bow. "Well-met. I am Snortok, son of Katabor. At your service and your Clan's."

2015-07-03, 11:46 PM
Riell Ir Niella

It stank. The air fairly crawled with the commingled reek of wine, ash, and unwashed flesh. It was like a living thing in the humid air, like an unwanted suitor running his hands across her. Not like... but no, now was not the time to think of that.

Glancing at the Human to her right she wondered what he was thinking. Almost certainly unimportant, but it was an unusual experience after so long among rural folk who know no other's speech and thought they whispered when they shouted. The few Dwarves were likewise, conversing in their own harsh way before switching to the local vulgar. But that was like the Dwarves, less dour at learning the tongue of another than teaching their own.

She raised the tankard before her, taking a long pull. Her threat fluttered like the wings of a sparrow, but she did not spill and she did not choke. Let them take that for what they would.

2015-07-05, 02:16 PM
(Burgolf Frueh)

Zo, you're der qviet one. Vhat's your name? Vhere haf you come from?

Burgolf was getting fairly annoyed with the treatment he'd been receiving from the unusually silent elf, but decided he would give it one more shot on account of her beauty. If anything else, he might get a conversation out of her. Maybe some news or an interesting story about far-away places.

2015-07-08, 05:43 PM
Inside The Lost Hare
Roadwarden don't mind the elf good sir. She's the quiet type. You know how them elves can be. Bringing over a freshly poured pint Nestor sets the mug down and smiles at Burgolf. Here's a drink on the house tell me what news you have from the road. News is always welcomed. Tales too if there's nothing major to report.

From the table of young nobles there is a great clamor as the three bang there mugs of ale on the table. The halfling from the bar is at the table when you hear him exclaim.
Goodsires let me have the honor of bringing you the next round. These dwarves here deserve a rest from playing barmaid. The halfling breaks into a big grin as the three young nobles laugh uproariously.

5 pints of the Crying Maiden Ale please. demanded the noble whose birthday was being celebrated he tossed a GC to the halfling which was snatched out of the air.

Coming right up Master VonSchnepel, Thistlecreek at your service. with that the halfling bounded up to the bar next to Burgolf and requested the drinks and tray from Nestor. Hey big fellow. Did I hear you were a Roadwarden? What's it like comin' in here to town and shredding those heavy burdens of responsibility you have out there on the open road? Betcha you it feels right good don't it? Thistlecreek grins as he takes a seat next to Burgolf waiting for the ales to be poured by Nestor. I bet you've had your share of run-ins with bandits and the like out there. Here you can sit enjoy a pint or two. Chat up a fine looking elf lady like the one next to ya. And tell old Thistlecreek your stories of the road.

At a nearby table Grod having regained his balance and his seat, a little bit of his sense returned as well.
Well met Snortok and you are in luck that I don't have enough coin to get Astria drunk or you would lose that bet. That is why she is all pouty and silent. Not getting a response out of Astria other than a blank unamused stare Grod continued. Well Snortok of Katabor what brings you to Wissenburg?

The table of noblemen are appearing more intoxicated as are their dorf bodyguards.

In game mechanics all but one of the nobles have failed a single Consume Alcohol test and are operating with a -10 to several checks.

While Thistlecreek was at the table of young nobles getting the order of drinks he cut the purse strings of one of the young nobles lifting his purse.

2015-07-09, 12:17 AM
Inside The Lost Hare
Roadwarden don't mind the elf good sir. She's the quiet type. You know how them elves can be. Bringing over a freshly poured pint Nestor sets the mug down and smiles at Burgolf. Here's a drink on the house tell me what news you have from the road. News is always welcomed. Tales too if there's nothing major to report.

Coming right up Master VonSchnepel, Thistlecreek at your service. with that the halfling bounded up to the bar next to Burgolf and requested the drinks and tray from Nestor. Hey big fellow. Did I hear you were a Roadwarden? What's it like comin' in here to town and shredding those heavy burdens of responsibility you have out there on the open road? Betcha you it feels right good don't it? Thistlecreek grins as he takes a seat next to Burgolf waiting for the ales to be poured by Nestor. I bet you've had your share of run-ins with bandits and the like out there. Here you can sit enjoy a pint or two. Chat up a fine looking elf lady like the one next to ya. And tell old Thistlecreek your stories of the road.

At a nearby table Grod having regained his balance and his seat, a little bit of his sense returned as well.
Well met Snortok and you are in luck that I don't have enough coin to get Astria drunk or you would lose that bet. That is why she is all pouty and silent. Not getting a response out of Astria other than a blank unamused stare Grod continued. Well Snortok of Katabor what brings you to Wissenburg?

The table of noblemen are appearing more intoxicated as are their dorf bodyguards.

In game mechanics all but one of the nobles have failed a single Consume Alcohol test and are operating with a -10 to several checks.

While Thistlecreek was at the table of young nobles getting the order of drinks he cut the purse strings of one of the young nobles lifting his purse.

Good Eef'ning Nestor. And it is a pleasure to make your acvaintance Master T'istlecreek, I'm just out of Hochsleben. Dey had a good turnout of barley, so you can expect a good amount of fine ale will be in store waiting for harvest. If you vish to put in an order you should send messenger straight avay. You haf to reap da barley early, lest it fall like its purse strings vere cut. Give a meaningful stare at Thistlecreek. I'll ready myself if he tries to run. If he does I'll grab him. If da barley falls, all da gold in Kharak-a-Kharak wont save you. Dey likely to hang you. @Nestor But I exaggerate. I *am* serious about da ale tho...order soon.

2015-07-10, 02:49 PM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

Snortok looks up at the elf seated before him, hearing what is probably the greatest praise an elf has received by a dwarf he ever heard. He respectfully bow his head in a salute to Astria.

"I am travelling from Karak Norn, where I was stationed as a shieldbreaker. My father has taken ill and has summoned me to his presence in Zhufbar. The going has been slow and..." Snortok cuts himself short, his eyes following the motions of the halfling. "Hmmm. The halfling has just lifted a purse. Best keep yours in check."

2015-07-13, 11:52 AM

Blinking awake from where she'd been quietly dozing in her chair, Astria blinks around at the tavern. Then reaches over and tweaks Grod's beard on the basis that's probably done something to deserve it since she drifted off to his singing.

"What's going on?" she asks, with at least some measure of good humour. She eyes Grod warily. "What have you done this time, you old reprobate?"

[roll0] vs. 40 (vs. 50 if sight-based)

Sorry it's not a terribly long or informative post. I'll add more detail when I get a bit more of a grip on what's going on in the scene.

2015-07-13, 11:17 PM
At the bar
Thistlecreek gives a sheepish grin at Burgolf as mentions purse strings being cut. Then he slaps him on the back and says Oh I don't know about all that Kharak-a-Kharak has a LOT of gold. Probably enough to buy your way out of ANY noose. Thistlecreek then sits at the table with his hands in plain sight waiting for the pints from Nestor. He then leans in and whispers You have a keen eye sir. I'll buy your next few rounds for a story once I deliver these pints to those young lords over there. When Nestor returns with the pints of Crying Maiden Ale Thistlecreek hops off the bar stool and loads a tray to take back to the table of young lords.
Nestor restarts his conversation with Burgolf Place an order for ale from Hochsleben soon, eh? Good tip very good tip.

At the table
Grod appears wounded at the accusations and outraged at that the elf lady touched his beard. Astria how many times do I have to tell you that I don't care how many times you teased your "uncle" Gurgrim's beard. That is highly inappropriate! Also I believe we just found another person headed for Zhufbar. Astria meet Snortok, son of Katabor. Snortok meet Astria a waif and troublesome elf who is just crazy enough to think herself a dwarf.

2015-07-14, 07:21 PM
At the bar
Thistlecreek gives a sheepish grin at Burgolf as mentions purse strings being cut. Then he slaps him on the back and says Oh I don't know about all that Kharak-a-Kharak has a LOT of gold. Probably enough to buy your way out of ANY noose. Thistlecreek then sits at the table with his hands in plain sight waiting for the pints from Nestor. He then leans in and whispers You have a keen eye sir. I'll buy your next few rounds for a story once I deliver these pints to those young lords over there. When Nestor returns with the pints of Crying Maiden Ale Thistlecreek hops off the bar stool and loads a tray to take back to the table of young lords.

Before Thistlecreek is able to drop down from the stool, Burgolf grabs a handful of his jerkin, pulling him close and whisper, "You must t'ink me a shallow, unsophisticated fool, able to be bought off by a mug of ale. I vill have half of dat purse, or your misadfenture vill be refealed for all to see..."

See OOC for Intimidation roll

Nestor restarts his conversation with Burgolf Place an order for ale from Hochsleben soon, eh? Good tip very good tip.

After Thistlecreek takes the tray away, Burgolf replies to Nestor with a smile, "Yes, my friend. I'll expect a free mug on my next fisit for dat tip!"

Check myself to be sure the little rat didn't stash the purse on me.

2015-07-15, 08:02 AM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

The Dwarf crooks an eyebrow at the odd exchange between Grod and Astria. Uncle? An elf who wants to be a Dwarf? Snortok knows he is still a youth by dwarven standards, but this must be odd behavior. His eyes suddenly go wide as a thought springs up: Could this elf be a Dwarf-Friend?

He chances a short exchange in dwarfish.
"Is the elf a Dwarf-Friend, Master Grod? You seem to vouch for her and I mean no disrespect to one longbearded such as you, but I wish to be certain."
Nonetheless, he turns to the elf as introductions are made and bows as formally as he can in a sitting position. "Well met, Astria. Snorok Kataborson at your service, and your Clan's. You are both headed to Zhufbar?"

During the conversation, Snortok keeps an eye on the halfling and the burly man who seems to be shaking him.

2015-07-15, 04:08 PM

She gives Grod a sidelong look as he complains.

"Didn't you once tell me I should try and tie the points of my ears down to stop me from looking so elf-y? I think this works as pay-back," she says, mildly, before turning to Snortok. "An honour, Snortok Kataborson," she says, politely and formally, a marginal elder to a younger dwarf. "At you and your clan's service, and..."

She switches to Khazalid. It's a little rough around the edges, as it is whenever a non-dwarf speaks it, and with something of an odd accent to it, but it's certainly recognisable and comprehensible.
"I was raised by a dwarf. A Slayer, in fact. There's not a lot I could do to be more dwarven short of growing a beard," she says, with a twinkle in her eyes.
"...and I'm not sure how to go about doing that. And yes, we are headed towards Zhufbar. Is that your destination, too, or is it just a stop on the road?"

2015-07-16, 07:21 AM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

Snortok's beard bristles and his eyes go wide as he hears the elf speak the Elder Race's tongue. Grungni's beard, that is blasphemy! A Priestess of Valaya will have to be consulted on this matter when the opportunity arises; probably in Zhufbar itself. After a moment, the Dwarf manages to snap his mouth shut and regain his composure.

"Aye, Astria", Snortok begins in Reikspeil, loathe to use the Dwarven tongue with the Elf; his tone still civil and almost friendly. "Zhufbar is my destination. As I told your companion, my father has taken ill and I journey there to his side."

His ears pick up the menacing tone behind him as the human shakes the halfling, and he half turns in his seat to see what's going on.

2015-07-16, 03:53 PM
Before Thistlecreek is able to drop down from the stool, Burgolf grabs a handful of his jerkin, pulling him close and whispers
As Burgolf releases Thistlecreek's jerkin he was pulling away from the larger man. Becoming unbalanced the halfling knocks over one of the several pints of ale on the bar. The ale quickly runs off the counter pooling onto Burgolf's trousers forming a large dark patch in the fabric in a very inconspicuous spot and running down a leg to the floor.
Thistlecreek looks at the scene before and bursts out in laughter and says loudly. Nestor I guess I'll be needing another two ales as I believe our trusty roadwarden here may need to refill his bladder. Looking Burgolf in the eyes Thistlecreek states A simple jest good sir and I remind you of the wise saying "Tis better to laugh at yourself than cry to the Gods" Nestor returns with two additional pints and places one in front of Burgolf. Thistlecreek grabs the other and places it on his tray getting out of Burgolf's way as quick as possible.

After Thistlecreek takes the tray away, Burgolf replies to Nestor with a smile, "Yes, my friend. I'll expect a free mug on my next fisit for dat tip!"

Nestor leans in to Burgolf and speaks in quiet tones. And here's a tip for yourself. Best not to make to much of a fuss over a little split beer and *dropped coins*. We wouldn't want to cause any type of scene in my peaceful tavern right? Nestor pulls back and in louder tones exclaims If it's as good a tip as you say I may just do that.

The young noblemen give up a great cheer when Thistlecreek returns with the drinks. They raise their glasses and give a cheer to Thistlecreek before draining half the pint in one gulp. Thistlecreek takes the honor with a great flourish and says Who wants another? clapping one of the young noblemen on the shoulder. At this point one of the dwarf bodyguards speaks up. Lads I think we have time for one more drink before we need to leave. Our inn keeper was very firm about our return time and I don't think he was joking about the door being locked. One of the young nobles stands up and says Well if it's one last drink that let it be one last drink for everyone. He then shouts Anyone who wants to share a drink in the honor of my dear friend Kemper get your arse over here.

The halfling has dropped a coin purse between one of the young nobles and one of the dwarf bodyguards.

2015-07-16, 09:48 PM
As Burgolf releases Thistlecreek's jerkin he was pulling away from the larger man. Becoming unbalanced the halfling knocks over one of the several pints of ale on the bar. The ale quickly runs off the counter pooling onto Burgolf's trousers forming a large dark patch in the fabric in a very inconspicuous spot and running down a leg to the floor.
Thistlecreek looks at the scene before and bursts out in laughter and says loudly. Nestor I guess I'll be needing another two ales as I believe our trusty roadwarden here may need to refill his bladder. Looking Burgolf in the eyes Thistlecreek states A simple jest good sir and I remind you of the wise saying "Tis better to laugh at yourself than cry to the Gods" Nestor returns with two additional pints and places one in front of Burgolf. Thistlecreek grabs the other and places it on his tray getting out of Burgolf's way as quick as possible.

Nestor leans in to Burgolf and speaks in quiet tones. And here's a tip for yourself. Best not to make to much of a fuss over a little split beer and *dropped coins*. We wouldn't want to cause any type of scene in my peaceful tavern right? Nestor pulls back and in louder tones exclaims If it's as good a tip as you say I may just do that.

The young noblemen give up a great cheer when Thistlecreek returns with the drinks. They raise their glasses and give a cheer to Thistlecreek before draining half the pint in one gulp. Thistlecreek takes the honor with a great flourish and says Who wants another? clapping one of the young noblemen on the shoulder. At this point one of the dwarf bodyguards speaks up. Lads I think we have time for one more drink before we need to leave. Our inn keeper was very firm about our return time and I don't think he was joking about the door being locked. One of the young nobles stands up and says Well if it's one last drink that let it be one last drink for everyone. He then shouts Anyone who wants to share a drink in the honor of my dear friend Kemper get your arse over here.

The halfling has dropped a coin purse between one of the young nobles and one of the dwarf bodyguards.

Mmm. less adfice and more towel, friend Nestor...be avare, I take ill to threats, efen vhen couched as adfice... As Nestor looks away for the towel, Burgolf checks his own coin purse, making sure it is fixed to his belt.

2015-07-19, 12:00 AM
Riell Ir Niella

"Cool yourself warden this is not the road and I doubt your masters will be quick to sign a writ penned in lawful blood. Not least because dead travelers pay few tolls."

The elf turned around on her stool, taking in the scene before her for the first time. The patronizing look elves must have special apprenticeships to master was gone, replaced by something like weariness. Turning to the halfling she spoke up in that tone all women are born knowing and all men are born fearing, the tone that presaged a question to which there was not acceptable answer.

As for elves, how can we be? Keep in mind that we are all flighty, easily offended, drunk on our own superiority, and just too pretty for the gods to let die.

2015-07-19, 09:08 AM
Burgolf Frueh

Toweling down the spilled ale, Burgolf glances obliquely at the elven woman.

Ah..zho...youf vound your tongue. Dat's good. Howefer, I take no orders vrom your like. Not da least because of der reasons youf already lizted. Nefer trust an elf.

Once the task is completed, Burgolf leans against the bar and nurses his tankard deep in thought.

(Ex, see the question in ooc)

2015-07-20, 08:26 AM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

The Dwarf tilts his head, curious about the odd events unfolding around him. His sharp ears pick up an odd sound within the noisy tavern - metal on leather. Maybe a weapon being unsheathed? Snortok instinctively brings a hand to the haft of his axe, feeling reassured as he touches the familiar weapon.

As the nobles call for a final drink, Snortok feels somewhat torn - he certainly could use a free drink, but the odd happenings this night seem to spell ill omen. After a moment's thought, he decides to join in, both by the promise of ale, but to aid those of the elder race if it comes to a fight.

"Aye, I believe I'll take you up on your offer, manling!" He then nods gravely to Grod and Astria before walking over to their table, keeping his eyes open and a hand on his purse. "May your friend Kemper live a full life."

2015-07-20, 10:18 AM
Burgolf Frueh

Aye, I'll haf dat drink as vell. To your health! When the drink arrives, Burgolf will raise his mug in salute.

2015-07-21, 05:58 PM
Grod and Astria's Table
Grod watches Snortok leave the table to join the merriment with Kemper's company. He throws a sheepish look at Astria before bounding out of his chair to follow Snortok calling back to Astria Free Ale is free ale. Come have a drink Astria. As he pulls close to the table he gives a joyous drunken mumble of a shout To Keifer may his beard grow long. And to the buyer of ale may his purse never be empty.

Table by the door
Two of the four at this table get up to join in the free round of drinks saying farewell to their companions who promptly leave the tavern.

Table of Gambler's
No one gets up from the middle of the hand to take in a drink but one of the gambler shouts Congrats, now scat. Hard to bloody concentrate with all the racket you're causing.

2015-07-24, 12:07 AM
Riell Ir Niella

"Oh to the Bloody Hand to all of it! So be it halfling, I shall drink of your coin and see if it does not give all about the luster of new gold."

As she drank, remembering the flash of sun on sea in the glint of candlelight on the surface of the local bitter in front of her she wondered again about what had made her abandon the clean lines and cleaner voices of elven ships. She had fought the barbarian northerners, the barbarian easterners, the barbarian southerners, and presumably would have fought some barbarian westerners if she had ever been on a ship bound that direction.

"Give me pirates any day, they'll do no more than claim a letter of mark." She muttered into the watery brew. At least you could stab them without feeling guilty.

2015-07-24, 06:25 PM
Burgolf Frueh

"You'f vaced off on pirates? Tell me der story! At least to pass the time..." Burgolf's earnest request reveals a genuine interest in the subject. "Mayhaps it will pull a smile vrom beneath dat grim demeanor!"

Burgolf is rather suspicious of the two that left the bar, and moreso the other two that remain. He will raise the mug and mime drinking, but not a drop will pass his lips.

Leaning in toward the elf, he whispers "Drink less ov dat ale, and keep your eyes open. Perhaps I'm just being suspicious, but two haf left and two yet remain, and I haf no desire to be press-ganged this night..."

2015-07-26, 12:32 AM
Riell Ir Niella

"Aye, to mates absent and mates still with us then."

Riell raised the mug to her lips as though to steady herself before she began. She did not have to act to bring a look of disappointment to her face. Damned humans can't even get alcohol right.

"There are far too many tales not fit for such august company as this, no doubt you have a few of your own the like. Most memorable was the time with the Sea Robes. Terrible pirates, aren't around anymore, but they knew how to act the part. We had sailed from Marienburg to Araby, our hold full of iron to trade for incense..."

As she talked she kept a look out of her own, though her eye for subterfuge was limited to fellow sailors cheating on dice and a reaver with a dagger in his off hand.

2015-07-27, 06:45 PM
Astria gets up from her seat at the table and sways her way over to the table of Noble's.
Grod I believe the young gentlemen of honor is named Kemper not Keifer. Please forgive my drunken dwarven friend's ill manners and raise a glass to Kemper.
With a mighty clanging of steins the party drains their beer.
After drinking the last of his mug one of the dwarven guards belches loudly, loses consciousness and his head crashing into the bar table. Kemper and his noble buddies burst into laughter which leads into Kemper vomitting the last few drinks back up.
Kemper and his compatriots all failed their CA checks along with Grod who is starting to get woozy. Astria passed hers. If you have had more drinks than your toughness bonus you should make a Consume Alcohol Test as well. Not sure that it applies to any of you but you may say you had more drinks before the scene started if you were inclined to do so.
Astria moves back in disgust at young Kemper.
I think you may all have had enough. A birthday well celebrated and now to return to your beds for some much needed rest.
The group of three young nobles and the awake dwarf spend a few unsuccessful seconds trying to bring the second dwarf back to the land of the aware before Kemper calls out to Nestor.
When you close up feel free to carry this one outside. My father hired him as a bodyguard he shall not earn his pay for sleeping. Wiping the vomit from his mouth he continues. Nestor, Gavin let us begone from this place. I grow bored. It is late and we have at least one sober dwarf remaining. Back to the Weary Wandering.
The young noble and his entourage leave accompanied by a somewhat wobbly dwarf shouldering an ax.

As the group of nobles leave, Astria takes her cloak and covers the passed out dwarf.
As she does this she manages to stoop quickly and pick up what looks like a coin purse. She smiles to herself as she pockets it.

With the departure of the loud young nobles the bar gets a lot quieter. You can finally hear the gamblers in the corners calling out their bets. The various travelers continue their conversations. The Elven marine has begun sharing stories with the human Roadwarden. The two dwarves, Grod and Snortok, return to their table with Astria and begin to make travelling plans for Zhufbar.

After a minute or so you realize that there are less people in the tavern.

The tavern currently looks as below.
CURRENT MAP OF LOST HARE (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx5v4aMnG9A9OXFOWlo4NnRicHc/view?usp=sharing)

2015-07-29, 08:35 AM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

Snortok watches the group leave in silence. He looks at the passed-out dwarf and nods in approval as Astria covers him against the chill in the night's air. He crooks an eyebrow when the girl pockets the purse she found, but leaves it at that for now.

Making his way back to their table, he continues to nurse his flaggon. After a few moments, he pipes up. "So, why are you two travelling to Zhufbar? I have an ailing father expecting me, but I still have little idea why an Elf and a Dwarf travel there together."

2015-08-02, 11:31 AM
Burgolf Frueh

Burgolf will listen to Riell's story and then relate one of his own. Thoughts of bedding the elf are gone. He is now concerned with watching the remaining two players and building goodwill with the elf.

2015-08-17, 12:05 AM
Riell Ir Niella

Leaning close to the roadwarden while picking up another drink the elf said,

"Seen anything, or do I need to break out the one about the time I some fool wizard caused all the masts to start growing branches?"

2015-08-17, 06:06 PM
"So, why are you two travelling to Zhufbar? I have an ailing father expecting me, but I still have little idea why an Elf and a Dwarf travel there together."
Astria after making sure that Grod is safely back in his seat answers the new dwarf at the table. A fine question Snortok. Let me explain my story a bit and maybe you can provide me with some answers I seek. As far back as I can remember I worked a performer in a travelling circus with a dwarf who had me call him Uncle Grugrim. I never remembered how I came to be in Grugrim's presence and he was reluctant to share the story. He always talked about an Oath though I think he at one time took a Slayer's Oath and walked the path of a Slayer for years before I was around. Tears start appearing in Astria's cool blue eyes as she recalls Grugrim's deathbed. I've never understood his final words. He said "I let him atone for his Oath and thanked me". That was just a few months ago and I left the troupe soon after his death and set off wandering the land aimlessly. I met Grod here in a small town tavern. He was recruiting people to return with him to Zhufbar as he claims it is under attack by goblinkin. Grod will have to share any more details on that subject though. With that she nudges Grod with her elbow. The dwarf was drifting in and out of awareness as he eyes were having trouble staying open. With Astria's nudge he straightens up.
Right Zhufbar and the damn Greenies. I was sent out along with a few others to see what allies we could find just like back in the day when Sigmar came to aid the dwarven kingdom. Only after several months on the road the only person I've managed to keep by my side is this her damned elf girl. Aye she speaks and swears in Khazalid, wields a dwarven hand axe, and is willing to fight the greenies to her death and doom, but where's her beard, ay? Grod laughs and then looks at his empty mug.

The human roadwarden and the other elf in the tavern are having a gruff conversation and one-upping one another with tales of their adventures. The serving wench is minding the drunken passed out dwarven sellsword and cleaning the vomit the nobles spewed before leaving.
The card game in the far corner from the bar sounds like it is going strong as occasionally the sounds of loud swearing and laughter breaks over the private conversations.

Eventually Nestor gives the doorman a nod and the burly man shouts over all conversations Alright folks time to finish your drinks and head out into the night. Who claims responsibility for the drunk dwarf? The ox of a man strides over to the gambling table and says quietly Last hand and then walks to the passed out dwarf and picks him up over a shoulder mail shirt and all. He begins carrying the dwarf to the door the dwarf stirs slightly before passing out again.

Astria looks at the dwarf concerned Grod are we going to let him just dump the dwarf outside so he can wake up naked and penniless?

Be what he deserves gettin to that state.

You were in that state just last week

Aye but you were there to help me, and I knew that. This fellow didn't have anyone he could count on. as he hears himself saying it he shakes his head. Oh all right let's get him home. Who knows maybe he'll have some coin back at the room we can be paid for our troubles. He looks to Snortok Care to help us escort this poor drunken fool to the Weary Wench.

It's Weary Wanderer you ale soaked dwarf. Astria gets up from her chair. Bouncer we'll see the dwarf home safe. It's on the way to our inn anyways. Oh master Snortok do you have a place to stay yet in town?

The large man sets the dwarf down leaning against the wall by the door. Alright your problem now. He then makes his way to the bar to kick out the human and elf.

2015-08-21, 06:39 AM
Snortok Kataborson - Dwarf Shieldbreaker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19466687&postcount=6)

The dwarf listens to the duo's tale with mounting interest. He refrains from commenting on this Uncle Grugrim out of respect for her memory of him, but can't help but wonder what on earth could have caused a Slayer to abandon his Oath and raise an elf child. It is certainly a sad tale.

He is furthermore saddened upon hearing how Grod's only recruit is said Elf. He speaks with determination. "Don't fret, friend Grod. You can add a Dwarf to your expedition; if you'll have me I'll aid you in this task. Especially is my father is beset by greenskins." His brow furrows into a frown at the mention of orcs and goblins. He still remembers the goblin mace that took the teeth on his left side.

As they get up to leave, Snortok walks over to Astria and aids her with the fallen bodyguard. "I have just arrived in town, lass. If this inn of yours is still open I'll spend the night there."