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2007-04-28, 01:44 PM
Saw this on another boards, just have to mention it.
Neat Trick for Wizards with casting more high lvl spells per day

Books Needed
Planar handbook
Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

First play a non multiclass wizard till you hit wizard lvl 10. At wizard lvl 10 you use the substitution option, where you lose the 10th lvl bonus feat and the 2 spells you get for lvling up for free. In return your spells get an alingment descriptor of chaos, lawful, good, or evil. Most people who do this use the benefit for the small boost to dcs when your spells are cast on people of opposing alignments. We just want the benefit for the alignment subtype of your spells.

In Fiendish Codex I there are a group of feats called the Abyssal Heritor feats. People who have these feats have a chaotic demon ancestor somewhere in their bloodline no matter how far back. When you take one of the Abyssal Heritor feat some of this demon blood manifests on your body and you become more chaotic. Abyssal Heritor feats are naturally chaotic, they are not naturally evil, in theory an exalted CG person can take such feats (we aren't using exalted though)

The more Abyssal Heritor Feats you have the more powerful each feat becomes, for they gain power based off how many Abyssal heritor feats you have. One of the feats are called Chaotic Spell Recall. As a swift action recover one prepared spell (of any level) you have cast today and restore it to your memory. You can do this a number of times equal to the number of Abyssal Heritor Feats you have divide by 2. (Chaotic Spell Recall requires 1 other Abyssal Heritor Feat as a pre-requisite).

Thus a person with 6 Abyssal Heritor Feats can recall 3 spells per day with Chaotic Spell Recall. A 18th lvl divination specialist wizard now has a total of 3 more 9th lvl spells as a Sorcerer of his level. Furthermore since Chaotic Spell Recall works similar to pearls of power, you get to choose at the moment which spell you are going to recall.

There are a total of 13 Abyssal Heritor Feats

Trick First Observed Here


Okay the above trick isn't cheasy, for you have to use up your feats and be a multiclass wizard 10 for the first 10 lvl. Feats are very important. You trade more spells for less powerful spells (due to metamagic, or higher dcs).

This below trick combined with the above trick is when cheese begins to occur.

There is an 8th lvl Wiz/Sorc/Cleric Spell, called Embrace the Dark Chaos also in Fiendish Codex I. For 250 xp you can forget an old feat and choose an Abyssal Heritor feat to replace it.

There is also a spell Shun the Dark Chaos also in the book that does the opposite of Embrace the Dark Chaos for 250 xp again.


Not bad right? Well you can use this feat to change out bonus feats or feats you don't want anymore. Don't want Ranger 3 feat Endurance, switch it out. Don't like racial feats you get, well switch them out.

Speaking of racial feats. Elves according to the PHB and this part of the SRD

Receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency Feats, for the Rapier, Longsword, Longbow, and Shortbow. Well now a Elf Wizard aren't going to be using these feats at lvl 10 correct, he will be acting like a wizard.

Thus a 10th lvl wizard will be likely to spend some of his gold on a scroll of Embrace the Dark Chaos. Such a scroll will cost 25*8*15+250*5=4,250 gp on the open market. Thus for 4 scrolls so he can get rid of his 4 racial martial weapon proficiency feats for Abyssal Heritor Feats, he will need to spend 17,000 gp. Since a lvl 10 character only has 49,000 gp by wbl, it is doable but he will probably wait a couple levels.


Thus a lvl 15 Gray Elf with 18 base int, racial int of +2, 3 level ups of +1 Int, and a +6 int Item (doable by the wbl, hard to roll a 18 int at character design) will have an intelligence of 29.
Wizard 10/X 5

He uses 2 of his feats to get 2 Abyssal Heritor Feats, and his 4 weapon profiencies to get 4 more Abyssal Heritor Feats for a total of 6.

Will have this amount of spell slots
If he is a Divination Specialist or some other specialist, add 1 more spell slot for each level. Or he can take the Elf Wizard lvl 1 substitution option in Races of the Wild he gets an extra 8th lvl slot. Either way a 15th lvl Wizard will have a total of 6 8th lvl slots.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-28, 01:57 PM
and this here is where RP should be forced to take those feats

2007-04-28, 02:02 PM
Wow. Did noone think when they made those two spells up they might be just a tad breakable when put together? It basically means arcane casters can get far more useful feats than they have already for 500xp a pop, which is hardly a massive deal at those levels.

I'd at least have written the caveat that once a feat has been changed, it can't be reversed, or something along those lines.

2007-04-28, 02:03 PM
One question, why do you have to multiclass after level 10? Can't you just go straight wizard and still do this?

2007-04-28, 02:08 PM
One question, why do you have to multiclass after level 10? Can't you just go straight wizard and still do this?

Well, you wouldn't have to, but if you're really optimizing you'll probably take Incantatrix, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, or something else equally powerful. I can't imagine anyone who actually used this combo wouldn't be doing all kinds of other things to increase their cheese level.

2007-04-28, 02:16 PM
Saw this on another boards, just have to mention it.
Neat Trick for Wizards with casting more high lvl spells per day

Books Needed
Planar handbook
Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

First play a non multiclass wizard till you hit wizard lvl 10. At wizard lvl 10 you use the substitution option, where you lose the 10th lvl bonus feat and the 2 spells you get for lvling up for free. In return your spells get an alingment descriptor of chaos, lawful, good, or evil. Most people who do this use the benefit for the small boost to dcs when your spells are cast on people of opposing alignments. We just want the benefit for the alignment subtype of your spells.

In Fiendish Codex I there are a group of feats called the Abyssal Heritor feats. People who have these feats have a chaotic demon ancestor somewhere in their bloodline no matter how far back. When you take one of the Abyssal Heritor feat some of this demon blood manifests on your body and you become more chaotic. Abyssal Heritor feats are naturally chaotic, they are not naturally evil, in theory an exalted CG person can take such feats (we aren't using exalted though)

The more Abyssal Heritor Feats you have the more powerful each feat becomes, for they gain power based off how many Abyssal heritor feats you have. One of the feats are called Chaotic Spell Recall. As a swift action recover one prepared spell (of any level) you have cast today and restore it to your memory. You can do this a number of times equal to the number of Abyssal Heritor Feats you have divide by 2. (Chaotic Spell Recall requires 1 other Abyssal Heritor Feat as a pre-requisite).

Thus a person with 6 Abyssal Heritor Feats can recall 3 spells per day with Chaotic Spell Recall. A 18th lvl divination specialist wizard now has a total of 3 more 9th lvl spells as a Sorcerer of his level. Furthermore since Chaotic Spell Recall works similar to pearls of power, you get to choose at the moment which spell you are going to recall.

There are a total of 13 Abyssal Heritor Feats

Trick First Observed Here


Okay the above trick isn't cheasy, for you have to use up your feats and be a multiclass wizard 10 for the first 10 lvl. Feats are very important. You trade more spells for less powerful spells (due to metamagic, or higher dcs).

This below trick combined with the above trick is when cheese begins to occur.

There is an 8th lvl Wiz/Sorc/Cleric Spell, called Embrace the Dark Chaos also in Fiendish Codex I. For 250 xp you can forget an old feat and choose an Abyssal Heritor feat to replace it.

There is also a spell Shun the Dark Chaos also in the book that does the opposite of Embrace the Dark Chaos for 250 xp again.


Not bad right? Well you can use this feat to change out bonus feats or feats you don't want anymore. Don't want Ranger 3 feat Endurance, switch it out. Don't like racial feats you get, well switch them out.

Speaking of racial feats. Elves according to the PHB and this part of the SRD

Receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency Feats, for the Rapier, Longsword, Longbow, and Shortbow. Well now a Elf Wizard aren't going to be using these feats at lvl 10 correct, he will be acting like a wizard.

Thus a 10th lvl wizard will be likely to spend some of his gold on a scroll of Embrace the Dark Chaos. Such a scroll will cost 25*8*15+250*5=4,250 gp on the open market. Thus for 4 scrolls so he can get rid of his 4 racial martial weapon proficiency feats for Abyssal Heritor Feats, he will need to spend 17,000 gp. Since a lvl 10 character only has 49,000 gp by wbl, it is doable but he will probably wait a couple levels.


Thus a lvl 15 Gray Elf with 18 base int, racial int of +2, 3 level ups of +1 Int, and a +6 int Item (doable by the wbl, hard to roll a 18 int at character design) will have an intelligence of 29.
Wizard 10/X 5

He uses 2 of his feats to get 2 Abyssal Heritor Feats, and his 4 weapon profiencies to get 4 more Abyssal Heritor Feats for a total of 6.

Will have this amount of spell slots
If he is a Divination Specialist or some other specialist, add 1 more spell slot for each level. Or he can take the Elf Wizard lvl 1 substitution option in Races of the Wild he gets an extra 8th lvl slot. Either way a 15th lvl Wizard will have a total of 6 8th lvl slots. It's not incredibly cheesy or anything; you have to blow ALL of your feats (and I'm almost entirely sure that you can't trade Elven racial proficiencies for full feats; and that if you can by the letter of the rules, any DM who would let you has a hole in his head) to get 3 extra spells per day. I mean, it's a good effect, but it's hardly some game breaking rules loophole.

2007-04-28, 02:25 PM
It's not incredibly cheesy or anything; you have to blow ALL of your feats (and I'm almost entirely sure that you can't trade Elven racial proficiencies for full feats; and that if you can by the letter of the rules, any DM who would let you has a hole in his head) to get 3 extra spells per day. I mean, it's a good effect, but it's hardly some game breaking rules loophole.

By the letter of the rules yes you can switch out those feats. I agree very little if not all DMs will say no to the Elven Racial Profiencies. The "cheesy part" was the elven Racial Profiencies.

I also said before in the build that if you don't use that, it isn't that good for it takes all your feats.