View Full Version : The Crypt of the Everflame 5E

2015-06-30, 12:21 PM

The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song,
echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals
begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the
square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly
fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground,
their eyes downcast and mournful. A!er a few moments,
a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let
Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver
lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with
backpacks and supplies.
Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops
and calls out to the assembled townsfolk. “Once again the
winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end
of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at
our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just
as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen
himself le! these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are
the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to
Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the flame to keep this community
safe for another winter?”

2015-06-30, 01:05 PM
Hearing the temple bells toll, Chance Timmins nearly falls off his perch on the wall of Holgast's tower. What day is it? he mouths silently to himself. His eyes pop open and his mouth stretches into a wide grin when he realizes that it's quest day! Abandoning his task of scaling to the top of the tower, he slides and tumbles down the wall, landing with an Ooof! He takes a moment to get his breath back and zips off toward the square.

Dodging legs of the tall folks, Chance pushes his way to the front, his brightly-tinted outfit standing out starkly against the drab, solemn clothing of the townspeople. He is so excited he almost misses the mayor's key question. Brave Folk? Heroes? Ooooh!

Chance's hand shoots into the air. Oooh! OOOOH! The last time a group of youngsters undertook this quest, Chance had been too young. He remembers being quite jealous of their stories. Here! Me, I'll go! I'm of age! Turned sixteen three Tuesdays ago!

2015-06-30, 04:44 PM
Eh. The mayor's really hamming it up today. Well, this only happens once a year. Val thought to himself. It was a cool autumn day, and the earthy smell of the freshly fallen leaves could be smelled on the breeze. Val smiled to himself. He was going to miss this place, a bit.

Val stepped forward out of the crowed, unslinging his axe as he did so, and slammed the head into the ground with a thunk. "You've got my axe, yer honor."

The Hellbug
2015-06-30, 05:07 PM

As the beautiful woman reaches towards his bare chest, Felix feels the all to familiar apprehension, No, this can't be the only way. Her hand plunges into his heart, and all he knows is pain. Felix awakes with a gasp and immediately sits bolt upright, a cold sweat on his forehead. As the adrenaline fades away, his hand moves instinctively to his chest, nothing. The nightmare had come again. He re-familiarizes himself with his surroundings; he sits on the floor of the common room of his sister Katrina's house in Kessen. He doesn't know how long he can continue to live with this. His curse-blessing?- always lurking over his shoulder. I'll have to put on a happy face for the festival, though. And I won't be able to do that without sleep. He lays back down and closes his eyes.

The next day is the beginning of the ritual to retrieve the fire from Kassen's tomb. Felix knows that his presence at the ceremony is almost certainly unnecessary; it is far more likely that they will choose his younger brother of 17, Robert, over him, but he must be present to support his kin. He stands next to his brother in the square, happy that this will be the chance for his brother that he never had: a meaningful ceremony to prove his manhood. Felix puts his hand on the boy's shoulder, whispering to him as the mayor speaks, "Don't be nervous, you're more able than most these townsfolk, let alone their children." Felix, himself, holds his spear lazily, and, when the Mayor finishes, joins in the chorus, "I am here," thinking that it is nothing more than a formality.

Master Waldo
2015-06-30, 05:30 PM
This is it. Alston thought to himself.Time to show them you're the real deal. He looked over at his teacher. Catching his glance, she nodded in support. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and said I will make the journey!

2015-07-01, 10:28 AM
Alika worked well into the morning, and ran from the farm to make it into town in time. She listened to the speech with a peculiar mixture of reverence and boredom. She had heard enough of big brother's annoying boasting, and her time had come for this rite. When the mayor finished, she hoisted herself on a nearby cart so she wasn't overshadowed by the crowd around her and called out, I'm a daughter of Kassen, through and through, and I'm ready to make this venture!

2015-07-01, 02:24 PM
"Very well. Come forth, youngsters, and accept your mission", Uptal motions the four volunteers to come closer, "...and you, too.", and points a finger at Felix.
"The five of you shall hold this sacred tradition. Who among you will do us the honor of carrying the silver lantern?"

He then hands each of you a backpack that contains 5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin, and a piece of the Trail Map that leads from Kassen to the Crypt of the Everflame.

In addition, the following items are spread out among the backpacks:
- 50 feet of hempen rope and a grappling hook in Alston's;
- a box containing tinder, three tindertwigs and a torch in Val's;
- a labeled potion of cure light wounds in Alika's;
- a lockpick and a crowbar in Chance's;
- a small bottle of local brandy and a torch in Felix's.

The mayor once again speaks to the townsfolk. “I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Kassen’s footsteps to retrieve the Everflame! Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten. Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal fire.” With that, the mayor points to the south, the direction of Kassen’s tomb. The townsfolk begin waving goodbye with cold, solemn looks on most of their faces.


Master Waldo
2015-07-01, 03:28 PM

Alston took a deep breath as the mayor handed him a pack. Trying to contain his excitement (This is a solemn ceremony after all he thought), he nodded in approval at the rope and hook inside, as well as the other items. Looking at the map, he smiles to himself. He'd hadn't been as far south as Serpent Gorge before. He looked forward to it.

The Hellbug
2015-07-01, 11:26 PM

Felix is caught just about pat his brother on the shoulder as the youths are chosen. When the mayor points at him instead, Felix doesn't realize for a moment that he has been selected as one of the adventurers. Still shocked, he only steps out of the crowd to collect his pack when he is gently nudged by those around him. He silently collects his pack from the mayor and goes to join the others, trying not to make eye contact with his brother. When he reaches the other pilgrims, his only thought is that he is out of place; they're all so young.

BTW Felix does not take the lantern.

2015-07-02, 01:51 AM

Alika is filled with mixed feelings as she accepts the pack from the mayor. On one hand, the ceremony and the camping expedition will take time away from her work. On the other hand, as she walks away from the mayor and looks at the crowd, she feels a sense of pride and growth, connecting with her town and their history. Everyone watching her has walked this path, and when she returns she will be welcomed as one of them. She says a brief prayer to Old Deadeye as she examines the potion, and prepares to move out with her new companions.

2015-07-02, 06:43 AM

YYYYYESSSS! Chance rushes ahead of the others, eagerly accepting his pack from the mayor. He sits on the ground and starts rummaging through its contents. He gets to his piece of the map and stares. The Broken Glade. Sounds exciting! I wonder if that's the same place the boys led me on that "snipe hunt." Nah, that couldn't have been more than an hour or two outside of town. Oh, where are my manners? He stands, repacks his bag, and looks at the mayor with a winning smile. Thank you!

2015-07-03, 12:25 AM

"Hmm." Val lifts up the backpack and examines the inside. Seems like a fairly standard kit. The rest of the group had grabbed their items and moved away. "Guess I'm carrying the lantern, then." Val took it from the mayor and hefted it. It was surprisingly heavy. Good silver, this. I'm surprised; I thought it was just gilded.

Val walks up and joins the others, clipping the lantern to his belt. "So-" He waves his section of the map in the air. "We should probably sit down and put this together. Figure out where we're going." He points to the Seven Silvers inn, about a block away. "Shall we grab a table?"

2015-07-03, 07:07 AM
Chance pipes up. Tavern? I'm too excited to eat! We should get going!

2015-07-03, 11:24 AM

"Ah think we should get a move on. It wouldn't look well on us to dally around town. But, Ol' Deadeye teaches that as we must do our part for our town, they are there for us. Let's go ask Arnama anything she will tell us of the road ahead, and put together the map there. Alston, you know her, right?"

Master Waldo
2015-07-03, 04:20 PM

"I've been down into these woods with her several times" Alston replies. "I've got a pretty good feel for them, at least as far as the Broken Glade. I think I could guide us." Alston looks uncertain for a moment. He's never gone beyond the Glade before, and Arnama would be able to help. But at the same time, this would an excellent chance to impress his mentor, and asking for help wouldn't look as good.
"Yea, I'm certain I could guide us. But I can take you guys to Arnama if that's what you all want."

2015-07-03, 09:34 PM
"Eh, that works too. Lead the way, Timbers. "

The Hellbug
2015-07-04, 03:39 AM

Felix studies the rest of the group for a moment after his initial shock wears off. No one that I don't recognize at all, and that's a relief, he thinks, If I got into town more I might even know all of their names. There's Alika from that incident on the farm a few months back and Alston--certainly both capable companions for the road. Then there're the other two, the logger-don't know his name but I'm sure it' been mentioned-- and that scamp--he has a funny nickname, I'm sure of it. He silently falls in line behind Alston as the group begins to depart. "I, too, am fairly accustomed to the surrounding countryside," Felix adds, "and I'm sure we can put together the map on the road."

2015-07-04, 03:11 PM
You walk for 2 hours. The narrow path winds through the raking claws of the trees, now bereft of their leaves, which crunch loudly underfoot. Up ahead, a fallen tree trunk blocks the path.

Suddenly a trio of snarling humanoids leaps up from behind the log, all greenish skin and fearsome tusks, bellowing vulgar challenges.

Roll for initiative
Orc 1:[roll0]
Orc 2:[roll1]
Orc 3:[roll2]

2015-07-07, 04:20 PM
Orc 3 moves in, axe in hand, taunting what seems to be Val, in his own language.

Initiative Stack

1 - Orc 3
2 - Alika, Val and Alston
3 - Orc 2
4 - Felix
5 - Orc 1
6 - Chance

Master Waldo
2015-07-07, 05:29 PM

Alston quickly draws his bow, and with a shaky hand, nocks an arrow. "Stay back!" he shouts at the approaching orc, "Stay back, or else!"

Alston is going to ready a shot, if the orc continues to advance, shoot him.

Attack rolls (2 in case he winds up within 5ft and I get disadvantage):


2015-07-08, 10:28 AM

Alika moves slightly in front of her companions, ready to take the fight to the monsters near her home, but hesitates. She draws a knife, throws it at the lead orc, and drops into a stance.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-07-08, 10:17 PM
Val's eyes widened as he saw the orcs approach. "Bloody hells. That's live steel they're holding!"

Unslinging his axe, Val moves up towards an orc and launches a blow.

Val will move towards Orc #1 and make an attack action against him.
(If orc #3 is already in melee range of him, Val will attack orc #3 instead.)

[roll0] Greataxe attack
[roll1] Greataxe damage
[roll2] Greataxe damage reroll if 1 or 2

2015-07-09, 05:02 AM
As Alston talks back to the Orc 3, Val swings his axe at it, and a dagger thrown by Alika slashes its arm, the greenish humanoid shrieks in pain and bleeds, ...although the three of you notice something *odd* about these orcs.

Please roll perception checks.

Meanwhile, Orc 2 throws a javelin at Alston, missing him. By the sound it makes as it drops on the ground, you became even more suspicious about these creatures.

Initiative Stack

1 - Orc 3
2 - Alika, Val and Alston
3 - Orc 2
4 - Felix
5 - Orc 1
6 - Chance

- Perceptions rolls

The Hellbug
2015-07-09, 11:57 AM

Something is off about these orcs, to be sure. From their proximity to the village to the taunting instead of taking the element of surprise to something he can't quite put his finger on about the javelin they threw, he's pretty sure there's more to these orcs than meets the eye. Felix notes the hesitation by Alika and Alston and decides that he'd rather not resort to force just yet. Instead, he charges in after Val, getting as close to the three orcs as he can, and taps into the power of his pact, projecting his fearsome presence among his foes.

Felix moves up to the three orcs, trying to get within 10ft of all of them before using his few presence ability (1/short rest charm or fear all enemies within 10ft for one round, save DC 12).

2015-07-09, 09:20 PM
Alika drops her stance, and points at the orcs. "They ain't actually here. It's some kind of magic, a trick in our heads."

2015-07-10, 02:09 PM
As soon as Alika speaks the possibility that the orcs are not real, for all of you to listen, they vanish in a burst of blue fog.

Each of you gains 20xp

After dealing with the illusionary orcs, you must decide how to proceed. Following the map requires survival checks.

2015-07-10, 10:37 PM
Chance runs forward, slowing to a stop as the orcs disappear. He looks around, confused. Well, that was... what was that?

Master Waldo
2015-07-10, 10:41 PM
Alston takes a deep breath, and steadies himself. "Our first test, would be my guess" he says. "Good job Alika. Now then..."He takes a look at his map. "Looks like we need to go...


...that way", pointing down what he thinks is the trail.

The Hellbug
2015-07-10, 11:30 PM

Played for a fool, then, Felix thinks after the orcs disappear. He looks around for signs that they had been there, just to make sure. Satisfied that it was indeed an illusion, he takes a deep breath says, "Good spotting there, Alika. Now let's have a look at that map again."

Survival: [roll0]

2015-07-11, 01:09 AM

Val slings his axe back across his broad shoulders with a sour look in his face. "Bloody magical trickery."

Val strides over to where Aliston and Felix are piecing together the map. Pulling his own crumpled piece from his pocket, he squints at the other pieces, trying to determine where to put it.


2015-07-11, 08:39 AM

"The witch or fairy or whatever that done should still be close, right? Let's look around here a little bit before heading out. Nobody go off alone." She checks the immediate area for signs of whoever created the illusion.

Perception check: [roll0]
Survival check to look for tracks: [roll1]
Survival check to follow the map: [roll2]

2015-07-11, 09:36 AM
That's just what I was thinking - where there's an illusion, there must be an illusionist! Though he or she could have magicked away from here by now. Still, it couldn't hurt to have a quick look.... Chance slips off into the brush to do a quick perimeter search, doing some dramatic jumps, swings, and tumbles through the undergrowth.


The Hellbug
2015-07-11, 10:55 AM

That's just what I was thinking - where there's an illusion, there must be an illusionist! Though he or she could have magicked away from here by now. Still, it couldn't hurt to have a quick look....

Felix looks up from the map for just a moment to give a quick warning, "Just be careful, you two. I don't think the master of that illusion means to harm us, but I don't want anyone getting lost in the woods. Then, we'd actually have a problem on our hands."

2015-07-11, 07:04 PM
No worries, I'll be back in a flash! Chance shouts back over his shoulder as he dives under some low-hanging branches.

2015-07-12, 06:47 PM
Those of you who search the area,find nothing unusual,except a faint smell of tobacco...you automatically remember Holgast,the town wizard.

The map seems simple enough for you to not get lost.

Please describe your marching order and special cares you're taking.

Master Waldo
2015-07-13, 12:15 AM

"I'll keep leading the way I guess." Alston says. Since he's the one familiar with the area, he thinks, it makes sense. Better keep the bow at the ready now, just in case the next threat isn't a wizard's trick...

2015-07-13, 06:45 AM

I've been thinking, Chance muses aloud, See here on my part of the map, where we go into the Broken Glade? Chance pulls out his section of the map and jabs a finger at the glade for emphasis. The map says to take this sort of westward curve, entering the glade and traveling through it southwest to here, jabbing the map again.

It seems like we could shave some time off the trip by just going straight south from here, meeting up with the trail just before the Gray Lake, and avoiding the glade altogether. We would have to do more bushwhacking, but even considering that I think we would save some time.

Chance looks around at his companions, expectantly. We could set a new record! The fastest party to ever complete the Quest for the Everflame! It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

2015-07-14, 09:26 AM

Ah don't think that's a good idea. Short cuts bring long delays. 'Sides, there might be other folks ahead waiting to give us a spook, and they will fret if we don't come by.

The Hellbug
2015-07-14, 02:03 PM

Admirable as Chance's enthusiasm is, the path to the crypt itself is an important part of the ceremony, and Felix replies, "We stick to the path, it's hard enough to keep an eye on everyone as it is, and Alika's right." He then adds with a smirk, "we wouldn't want anyone to worry." Felix sounds considerably more comfortable now that the illusion has been investigated, and he takes a spot at the back of the group, making sure no one gets left behind.

2015-07-14, 08:26 PM
Val rubbed his chin as he walked forward, standing behind and to the left of Aliston. "I dunno. I think the halfling has a point. Whatever 'surprises' the village has planned for us are probably going to be along the mapped route. If we can skip part of it, so much the better."

Master Waldo
2015-07-15, 06:40 PM
Fiddling with his bowstring, Alston took a long look at the map. The traditional route he was comfortable with. He'd be able to show off his ranging skill along it without much risk of failure. Of course, he thought, it's not really all that impressive if you succeed when it's expected.

Taking a deep breath, he motioned towards the woods. "Fastest party has a nice sound to it. I say we take the shortcut."

2015-07-15, 07:19 PM
You make your way through the woods for the rest of the day, uneventfully. The sun started to set about 20 minutes ago. Night is drawing near. Sunlight begins to fade and a cold wind begins to rattle through the leafless forest. There is now no sign of civilization in sight. You are far enough from the town to receive no aid if you run into trouble.

Mild hunger strikes in, too, since you haven't eaten since you left.

2015-07-16, 09:05 AM

"We best be finding a good place to hole up for the night. Ah've heard stories of the Fangwood, we should keep on our guard and have at least one of us awake at all times."

Survival check to find good camping spot: [roll0]

Master Waldo
2015-07-16, 10:18 AM

Alston forages around for food to complement the rations they were provided with.


"There's got to be something tastier than rolls and dried meat out here."

The Hellbug
2015-07-16, 01:59 PM

Felix hadn't been truly comfortable out in the woods since his run-in with the boar and the subsequent events. Though he knows that the area they are travelling through should be relatively safe (it's less than a day from the town, after all) he can't help but look over his shoulder every once in a while. It just seems like the whole forest is watching him.

When the group begins to make camp, Felix tries to ease his mind with a little bit of small talk. "Now, I know Alston and Alika, here, but I don't think I've ever been properly introduced to you two," he says, gesturing to Val and Chance, "the name's Felix, son of Gilbert Faustulus. Been running through these woods since I was a boy. If you saw me in the village, it was probably to trade furs."

2015-07-17, 07:03 AM

Chance isn't quite satisfied with being at the rear of the party, but content with his success in convincing the party to take the shortcut. He decides to call it a win. There will be other chances to be heroic, he tells himself. As they walk he makes attempts at conversation with the others, but they seem distracted with watching the woods.

When they stop for the evening, after a pretty uneventful day, Chance beams. See, nothin' to worry about! He sees the others set about gathering food and posting camp, and makes himself useful collecting tinder and firewood, chattering about anything and everything.

I'm Chance Timmins! he responds to Felix, brushing off his hands and offering one to shake. My good friends call me Double-Eight. I've seen you around town, I'm sure. Pleased to meet you! How do you enjoy trapping? I've never tried my hand at it, not yet anyway. I've done a little of everything, but I haven't found my calling yet. Maybe I'll be a woodcutter or a farmer, but I'm a pretty small guy, and it seems the big fellas do better with that kind of work. So far, my favourite has been cooking, but then you hands smell like onions for days.... Chance jabbers on for what seems like a long time, before stopping to let Felix get a word in edgewise.

He looks around camp. Do you guys want to set watches!? I don't expect much trouble here, but you never know when a bear or wolf might get a whiff of our food. We might be lucky. Have you ever seen one? I've seen bears from a long ways off, and foxes, but they usually run away. I'll volunteer for first watch, after we've eaten, if that's okay with you! He climbs up the tallest tree he can see and looks around, shouting down to the other, Yep, good view of the camp from up here! I think this will be my spot. It's like a crow's nest on a ship. You guys ever been on a real tall ship...?

2015-07-17, 07:54 PM
"Val. Val Vorhies." Val sat down at a stump and rubbed his legs. It had been a long day's walk. "Been lumberjacking here since I was a lad. Mostly been traveling of late, though. I've seen you lot around once or twice."

He glanced sideways at at Chance after he stopped talking. Note to self: never ask him if he wants to have a cup of coffee. "Bears and wolves shouldn't be a problem as long as we have a fire. They don't like it much. Watch is still a good idea, though, incase the villagers try another prank. I'll take second."

The Hellbug
2015-07-21, 10:11 AM

"You two seem like fine folks," Felix responds to his recently-introduced companions, shaking Chance's hand as he does so. He thinks for a moment about what Chance said. Used to think I knew what I'd end up doing: take over the farm when father's to old to work it, find a nice girl, live a nice normal life. Maybe I've got more in common with the Halfling than I thought.

Felix is then interrupted by the discussion about setting a watch. With five of them here, he doesn't think it's strictly necessary but responds, "If it'd make you all feel safer, I can take one of the watches--don't much care which one.:

Master Waldo
2015-07-21, 12:16 PM

Alston smirked to himself as he ate a handful of berries, watching Chase bounce back and forth between the other party members. He generally avoided other townspeople, but did get along fairly well with the halfling. Smallfolk need to stick together after all. That incessant gibbering though.

He moved a little closer towards the fire as the other began setting watch.
"I suppose I'll take third watch. We should set out bright and early tomorrow too. That way if we wind up getting lost, it doesn't put us too far behind.

2015-07-21, 02:16 PM
You manage to find a suitable, nice spot, surrounded on three sides by a thicket of bushes. There is plenty of dry wood to start a fire.

Your rations can be cooked into a fine stew if everyone contributes.

You've been hearing howling in the distance for the past few hours, and it seemed to grow closer, before becoming eerily silent.

Take your precautions. If all of you go to sleep and Chance takes 1st watch, I'll ask him to roll perception please.

2015-07-21, 08:01 PM

Chance climbs back up the tree after having a meal of "ration stew," and sets up a nice little perch for himself, using some rope to construct a rudimentary hanging chair. He draws his shortbow and an arrow and sits listening, watching, waiting for something to happen. He taps his feet, hums to himself, and drums on a branch using two arrows as drumsticks - getting bored. I never knew keeping watch could be so DULL. And no one awake to talk to. Maybe I should wake one of them up so I'd at least have company. Besides, two pairs of eyes and ears are better than one on watch, right? Wait... what was that?


2015-07-22, 05:18 PM
Chance spots a lone wolf at the edge of the firelight.


2015-07-23, 07:32 AM
Oh boy, that is one big dog. Chance knocks an arrow and lets it loose at the wolf, yelling Go on, git! as the arrow lands.

I'm not sure if I have advantage in this scenario (ie if the wolf hasn't seen me or for having high ground), so I'll roll 2 d20s; take the first if I don't have advantage, or the best of the two if I do.


[roll3] - this is extra sneak attack damage if I have advantage.

Also whichever of these might apply.

Or Animal Handling

2015-07-23, 09:02 AM
Chance hits the wolf in one of its legs. The wolf immediately disappears into the night, howling louder than before. You're certain more wolves will be here soon.

2015-07-23, 12:07 PM
YEAH! WHOOOOP! Chance shouts in triumph! That'll show 'em not to mess with Chance "Double-8" Timmins!

If Chance's shouts don't wake the party, he'll let them sleep for now, but he's got his eyes peeled for more interloping lupines.

2015-07-23, 02:15 PM
Some time passes. No sign of the wolves.
As Chance awakes Val to take the second watch, the two of them can spot the wounded wolf. He came back, and he brought friends.






2015-07-23, 02:16 PM


2015-07-23, 02:18 PM
Sorry for the spam...


2015-07-23, 02:22 PM
Wolf 2 moves in to bite Chance in the arm

Initiative stack

1 - Wolf 2
2 - Chance, Alika(asleep), Alston(asleep)
3 - Wolf1(wounded)
4 - Felix(asleep)
5 - Wolf 3
6 - Val

People who are asleep are considered unconscious. You can roll perception to wake up on your turn. The DC for this will get lower as the fight progresses.

Master Waldo
2015-07-23, 03:17 PM

zzzz...huh, wazzat?


2015-07-24, 07:12 AM
Back for more, hey? Chance beams at the wolf he had shot as he narrowly yanks his arm out of the jaws of the new one. And I see you've brought friends. WAKE UP EVERYBODY, WOLVES IN CAMP!

Chance moves back toward the tree in which he was perched, and takes a shot at the already wounded wolf, hoping that he can drive off at least one attacker.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2015-07-24, 09:47 AM
Val slowly drew his axe as the wolf pack approached from the shadows. This is odd. He thought to himself. Wolves shouldn't be attacking a group of people- they'll occasionally go after lost children, but an armed group?

Val moves to stand next to Chance. Taking a deep breath, he bellows:


Val will move so that he's standing infront of chance.

His action will be to ready an attack against the first wolf who approaches wihin melee range of either of them.



great weapon spec reroll:

2015-07-24, 03:06 PM
Wolf 2 never reaches Chance.

Chance shoots down the wounded wolf (1). He gets it right in the chest and the wolf falls down.

Wolf 3 moves in to bite Chance as well.
[roll1] and you roll STR DC=11 or fall prone

Val runs to Chance's aid.

Their alert awakens everyone except Alika, who is sleeping like a rock.

Wolf 2 gets intercepted by Val, who slashes it (6 damage) across the face, before it tries to bite him.
[roll3] and you roll STR DC=11 or fall prone

Initiative stack

1 - Wolf 2
2 - Chance, Alika(asleep), Alston, Felix
3 - Wolf 3
4 - Val

Master Waldo
2015-07-24, 03:23 PM

Alston bolts up out of his slumber and snatches up his bow and arrow (which is never far from his sleeping roll). Seeing the wolf attacking Chase, he fires off a shot

[roll1] (disadvantage for firing at a target in melee with an ally?)


The Hellbug
2015-07-24, 07:15 PM

It takes a few moments for Felix to be roused from his slumber. He had heard the wolves before falling asleep but hadn't thought they would be a problem. As he stands up in the melee, the hunter grabs his spear that was lying by his side. Wolves aren't usually this aggressive, especially in such small numbers; they wouldn't be in a moment, though. "Strike decisively and with overwhelming force! They'll back off if we gain the upper hand!" he shouts as he charges the wolf attacking Val.

Felix gets up and moves to attack wolf 2.

attack with spear: [roll0]
advantage/disadvantage: [roll1]


2015-07-27, 06:28 AM

Chance opens his mouth to cheer at taking down the wounded wolf, but the words are cut off as he is set upon by a third, knocking him to the ground. His head bumps against the roots of the tree he was attempting to climb, and he loses consciousness.


2015-07-27, 10:07 AM
Alston sticks an arrow into Wolf 3's chest. It bleeds, but still stands.

Felix stabs and finishes off Wolf 2.

While Chance drops, wounded, Wolf 3 tries to run away.

Wolf 3 dashes. Let's say he's about 60ft away form most of you.

1 - Wolf 2
2 - Chance, Alika(asleep), Alston, Felix
3 - Wolf 3
4 - Val

Val gets an opportunity attack against the wolf, in addition to being his turn to act.

2015-07-27, 11:35 AM
As the last wolf sprints past him in an attempt at escape, Val brutally executes it with a chop to the back of its neck. It's body slumps to a stop, while the head rolls forward three feet.

Val turns back to the wounded Halfing. kneeling besides him, he picks Chance up and turns him on his side, so that the bite wound on his other side is freely exposed. Val bends over and looks at it, furrowing his brow.

"This is pretty deep. Any of you lot any good at patching up wounds?"

Opportunity attack did 22 damage, see ooc.

Action is Help. Whoever next makes a Medicine check on chance gets advantage on the roll.

Bonus Action: Second Wind to heal himself. [roll0] hp

The Hellbug
2015-07-28, 12:27 PM

Felix had never actually had any practice as a healer, but he had seen people (himself included) who were hurt in hunting accidents or kicked by a mule or any other injury patched up by local healers. When it wouldn't be possible to take someone into town for healing, more mundane methods would have to do.

He tears off the end of his left sleeve and hands the resulting cloth to Val. "Put pressure on the wound," he orders, "he'll be fine if we can just stop the bleeding."

The farmer then begins rummaging through his bag while musing to himself, "I knew this shortcut was a bad idea." Moments later, he finds what he was looking for. Felix pulls the small bottle of brandy he had been given by the mayor and quickly moves to apply it to the now blood-soaked rag that Val is holding. He explains, "I've seen local healers doing this. I heard the alcohol helps draw out foul humors that can inhabit the wound."

Rolling medicine, no proficiency so I think it's just a wisdom check: [roll0]
with advantage?: [roll1]

edit: pretty sure that first one gets him, unless it takes a 15 instead of a 10 like I think it does

2015-08-05, 07:17 AM

Alika was exhausted from the long day, and did not react to Val's call. She thrashes, as if coming out of sleep paralysis, and pulls herself up.

2015-08-05, 07:59 AM
The wolves have been defeated! Each of you gains 30xp.

For the next half hour, you hear nor see any other signs of danger. There's still plenty of time till dawn.

Master Waldo
2015-08-05, 09:27 AM

With Chase not being in condition to finish his watch, Alston volunteers. He also takes time to examine the bodies of the wolves and the immediate surrounding area for anything suspicious.


2015-08-06, 12:08 AM

Val gladly relinquishes the watch to Alston and beds himself down. He sleeps until dawn.

As the sun rises, Val groans and forces himself up. "Well, shall we get going again?"

Master Waldo
2015-08-07, 10:50 AM
Alston carefully approaches the dark form, bow drawn.

The Hellbug
2015-08-09, 03:06 PM

Felix is relieved when Chance's slows down to its regular rhythm once again. When the halfling comes to, he gives him a quick, "It's not as bad as it looks. You'll live," before heading back off to sleep while the ranger keeps watch over the sleepers.


"Well, shall we get going again?"

Val's question awakens the sleeping warlock, who had not quite been able to get back to a truly restful sleep after the attack. Groggily getting to his feet, Felix responds, "Whoever has the map, lead the way. We don't want another incident like last night."


Upon reaching the fog-shrouded lake, Felix mumbles to himself, "I wonder if it's always like this with a name like that." However, he then notices the dark form and Alston's drawn bow. He also readies his weapon and calls out to the figure, "Hey, anybody there?"

2015-08-10, 09:46 AM

After the encounter with the wolves, the rest of the night passes uneventfully (this still counts as a long rest).
The next day, you continue your journey through the Fangwood. Early in the day, the trail leads you to the shores of the Gray Lake, where you can refill your waterskins and stop for a quick rest.

The trees begin to thin, revealing a field of short, green grass that leads to the shores of a wide, calm lake reflecting the overcast sky above. A dense fog hangs over the center of the lake, obscuring the far side.

Near the shore of the lake, a dark form lies next to the water.

---------------------------- Sorry ----------------------------------

- You find nothing unusual on the dead wolves.
- Alston approaches the dark form. Roll stealth.

2015-08-14, 02:33 PM
As you apporach, you see a decayed body of a human male, with huge bite marks all over his upper torso.

Master Waldo
2015-08-17, 12:59 PM

Alston carefully looks around to see if the party is alone. He then examines the body to try and determine the source of the bites.

Perception: [roll0]

Knowledge(Nature): [roll1]

2015-08-17, 01:03 PM
There's no sign of anything or anyone else being around but the five of you.

The bite marks seem to have been done by some sort of gigantic serpent, probably living in the lake.

Examining the body, you find a short sword and 87 strange gold coins, not like the ones you usually see in Kassen.

The Hellbug
2015-08-17, 10:02 PM

Rotten way to go. I wonder who this could be? Felix muses as he squats down next to the body, "it's not someone from around here, I don't think, but I still wouldn't want to run into whatever beast did this."

Can I roll medicine to see about how long he's been dead? If so here it is: medicine: [roll0]

2015-08-17, 10:04 PM
This man has been dead for more than a month now. For as long as any of you can recall, it doesn't look like anyone from Kassen.

2015-08-19, 08:44 AM

When Chance finally regains consciousness, it takes him a moment to remember where he is. His eyes perk up and his mouth broadens to a grin. That was amazing! We got them good, huh? He spends much of the next day's walk re-enacting the fight as he imagines it went, complete with him heroically sacrificing his body for the good of the group.

Upon arriving at the Gray Lake, Chance peers over Alston's and Felix's shoulders as they investigate the apparently dead body. Not recognizing the man, Chance instead turns his attention to the lake and surroundings.

[roll0] to notice anything else unusual about the lake area.

Seeing nothing unusual, Chance idly picks up a flat stone and skips it across the surface of the water.

2015-08-19, 01:31 PM
The stone skips and drops in the water with a ploop. You wait a moment. Nothing happens.

2015-08-24, 08:07 AM
ding ding ding

2015-08-24, 08:41 AM

Chance glances around at his companions. What was that noise? When nothing else happens, he shrugs. So, any ideas here, guys? I don't think we should camp next to a dead body.

The Hellbug
2015-08-25, 12:39 AM
So, any ideas here, guys? I don't think we should camp next to a dead body.

"I'm not too excited about this fog anyway," Felix replies, "let's fill our water skins and be out of here; it's not getting any earlier."

Master Waldo
2015-08-25, 11:45 AM
"Agreed". Alston goes up to the lake and refills his water skin.
"Does anyone recognize the coins he was carrying? They aren't the ones we use, that's for sure."


2015-08-25, 12:41 PM

Chance follows suit and fills his waterskin. Nah, never seen them before. Still, gold is gold, even if the coins aren't worth anything here. I wonder who he was.