View Full Version : Pathfinder City of Progress Campaign Journal: Chapter 14 (Sidequests-schmidequests)

2015-06-30, 01:21 PM
For those of you just tuning in – get acquainted with the game here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?330770-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal).

For those of you who missed the last session – click here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?398488-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-12-1-and-13-(Irixia-and-Serena)&p=18816803#post18816803)

Joining us at the table were the usuals:

Beable Bamford - Halfling siege mage and Golem Lord for Rab's Progress, and his trusty Golem "Mouse 2.0" which is a cannon golem (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/golem.html#golem,-cannon) in the general shape of a giant Foo Dog. One of the cannons is decked out with plenty of enchantments and the other is just normal.

Galarend - Human Shining Knight Paladin of Iomedae and General of Rab's Progress' standing army. He is never far away from his trusty steed "Bolba" (A huge flying Triceratops decked out in spiked full-plate armor. (yes, it flies. I approved a permanency of a Fly spell in his case due to particular circumstances.))

Lady Wisteria - Human Verdant Sorcerer who is the Rab's Progress' herbalist and "tea-master." (In the front yard of her home stands the only tree in the entire city - a huge oak tree)

Dr. Jarvius Havishim Worcestershire – (Yes, he “invented” Worcestershire sauce in the game) Dr. W. is a paraplegic cleric and surgeon of Cayden Cailean. He built a small golem by the name of Sprocket to be his legs. (Using a de-netted Clockwork Servant (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/clockwork.html#clockwork-servant) to carry him) The good doctor may be solemn and serious, Sprocket, on the other hand, is annoying and serves as comical relief (as well as a foil to Dr. Worcestershire’s stern attitude).

It’s been a while since our last game, four and a half months to be precise. But we’re all anxious to get back into the swing of things. The game started with a recap of everything that’s happened since the beginning of the game to reacquaint them with the goings on.

Over the last four and a half months of real world time, we’ve been participating in roleplay sessions via email. The two that are the most important where Beable’s and Galarend.

Beable Bamford heard mention of something going wrong with Rab’s Progress Transportation system – the Spyders. After investigating, he discovered that a Magic consuming entity (think a leech) from the positive energy plane called the Eigal Vurm (Homebrew creature, don’t bother looking for it) was reaching through the planar divide and feeding on the energy that drove the Spyders – causing them to break down more quickly. His solution was to create several “lamp posts” around the city which would act as lightning rods for this hungry leechlike creature. In the middle of this, he met with a professor of Conjuration at the Mages College (called the Academ). This professor is a Gnome named Dr. Smithenheim – who helped with the construction of the “lamp-posts.”

Galarend’s sidequest involved the Duke having Galarend escort him to a Gambling Hall. On the way, the Duke mentioned that during the festival that Galarend commissioned a few weeks ago, there was no increase in theft. Since large gatherings promote thieves – he finds it suspicious that the occurance of stolen items did not increase from the norm. The implication is that there is most likely an undetected guild currently operating within the city. Since the Duke and Galarend are extremely vigilant in removing all forms of organized crime from within Rab’s Progress, the suspicion is that if there is a organized crime syndicate, they are very well hidden and very deeply rooted in the system. This, the Duke needed an excuse to speak with Galarend alone – and this was it. The night gambling at the Hex Dice Dropped was uneventful.

The game started with the PCs coming out of 2 months of down time in the game (and the sidequests that they participated in). The game started with several slips of paper being handed out – informing the PCs of the wrap-ups of their individual sidequests, and any things that they have been working on. These slips are paraphrased below:

Her inquiries into the rising tea prices revealed the town of Luddex (where one of her suppliers is at) has several farmers reported wide scale crop failure of not just tea but of everything the village has to offer. Several of the townsfolk have made mentions of witches, but many believe that to be superstition. Others, however, believes that the unusually longer rainy season may have damaged the crops. Nevertheless, prices have jumped from farmers trying to recoup losses on their crop.

His slip mentioned the creation of the lamposts.

The Duke asks you to keep an eye on the guard reports and to be aware of anything unusual that may be going on. This is in reference to his individual side quest.
Military preparations are going well, and the citizens seem a little concerned as no one knows what they are preparing for. The Duke tells Galarend that the divinations cast by the Priest Council continue to state that war is coming, but no other information can be gained. Something big is on the horizon, and the Duke asks that he keep your ears and eyes open for internal as well as external threats.

The medication he prescribed to Shay Reddy (an elderly woman who has been having trouble sleeping) has led to a small friendship of sorts. She comes to his home every couple of days and brings small gifts – baskets of blueberry muffins and loafs of poppy seed bread. She reports being able to sleep like a rock now, thanks to your prescription of sleep aids.
On a side note, she has brought by another gnome. A younger (and by younger I mean approximately his age) Gnome friend of hers to meet him. This Gnome’s name is Penelope Nixia. Her brother runs the Guilded Rose (a bar in the City Proper) and is distantly related to one of the “nobles” in town – Mim Nixia. Penelope asks Dr. Worcestershire to call on her anytime he wishes at her home in the City Mains.

Herrings, red herrings and other fish-like substances

I open the floor to PC interaction and Lady Wisteria immediately chimes in about crop failure and witches to the rest of the party, while Galarend asks for a report of anything strange from his guards.

He immediately gets a ding on “strange” when it’s mentioned that small pets (cats and dogs) are going missing in the southwest quadrant of the City Mains. Further inquiries reveals that even the rats and various rodents are dwindling in the area.

The report of witches was forgotten for a moment as the Players and PCs energies turn toward the dangling thread of missing animals. Dr. Worcestershire contacts his “Clockwork Irregulars” to canvass the area. (The clockwork irregulars are a group of gnome and halfings who pretend to be children, beggars and homeless, but are actually seasoned investigators and sneaks who work for the Dr. for a hefty price) The Clockwork Irregulars charge their fee of 1000gp and head off toward that part of the city.

Lady Wisteria (who had commissioned the creation of an item called “The Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/last-leaves-of-the-autumn-dryad)”) decided to use its ability to canvass the city.
However, this item has been refluffed to that of newspapers, to fit better with the city-scape setting. So instead of leaves tumbling through the city – instead its newspaper leaves. Regardless, she goes searching the area for anything that may spark her interest.

Galarend goes to his head Lieutenant and asks if there has been anything unusual of late that he wasn’t aware of, that the other guards might not be aware of either. His head Lieutenant makes mention of the dead body that showed up in the same area of the missing rodents. He mentioned that it was determined that he probably died of a heart attack, but considering the reports he sent men into the sewers to investigate any possible connection between the two events.

It was at this time that another guard runs up and interrupts the Lieutenant. He smiles, saying that his men should be back and this should be the report on them – Galarend sticks around to listen. However, instead of hearing what the guards who entered the sewer found, he learns that they never came back up from their investigation. It was this moment when Galarend asks his Lieutenant what happened to the body, and the he replies that it was taken to the morgue. The General orders it instead brought to Dr. Worcestershire for an autopsy.

Galarend then writes three letters to each of the PCs via messenger droid – telling them to meet at Lady Wisteria’s for tea and discussion of what they’ve found and what their next steps should be. He includes an extra message for the Dr. that he’s sent a gift to his tower. He also includes the message for Beable to prepare a few information gathering spells, if he hasn’t already.

Beable, getting the idea that maybe the wizard community (and by extension their familiars) may have experienced anything along the lines of “animal disappearance.” He heads to Professor Smittenhiem (a gnome) to inquire about any of his students who may have lost their familiars or such. Instead of discovering that familiars have gone missing, one of the Academ’s students (who goes by the name of Jak) has been missing for the last few days. (Beable asks the DM if the Academ is near the area where the pets are going missing, and my response is yes.)

In the meantime, the Clockwork Irregulars report back to Dr. Worcestershire, animals are indeed going missing, and the only thing that they could find to report was a sneaky looking Kobold which darted behind an alley before the Gnome could follow. Kobolds are not a normal thing in Rab’s Progress, but that doesn’t mean that they are not some which are inhabitants of the city.

However, when Lady Wisteria – in the form of her “Last ‘Newspapers’ of the Autumn ‘Printing Press’” spies a different Kobold, looking around hastily, shoving a rat into his mouth and lifting up a manhole cover before disappearing into the sewers, she now has an idea of what to report.

At this point, Lady Wisteria calls a passing messenger drone down from its path along the city rooftops, she composes three letters (one to each of the PCs) telling them what she has found, where she found it and a suggestion that they follow it into the sewers.

As Beable makes preparations for info gathering, and Lady Wisteria begins to prepare tea and crumpets, and Dr Worcestershire receives a body at his door.

CSI Pathfinder (Catchup and crumpets)

Dr. Worcestershire receives a body at his door, however he is upstairs. His Half-Orc Maid (complete with apron and rolling pin) answers the door.

“Delivery for the good doctor, Ma’am,” says the delivery boy.

Sprocket lets out a mechanical whine and a “sprockety-whoo!” from upstairs and comes stumbling down.

She accepts the delivery and pays the boy and closes the door. Just as she turns away, a rapid and annoyingly persistent knock on the door occurs. The Doctor opens the door while the Maid has the rolling pin raised, ready to brain whoever is interrupting her cooking. A messenger Golem delivers the note about the body.

Seeing that he doesn’t have much time before the tea and crumpets, the Dr. takes the body away and performs an autopsy: Hair, blonde. Eyes, blue. Race, Human. Gender, Male. Weight, 150lbs. Tattoos, none. Time of death, 3-5 days ago. No external wounds. No indication of lingering Magical Presence. No indication of external bruising. Performing the Y-Incision proved to be a bit more indicative of what happened to the man. The internal organs tissue and muscle looks to have been filled with more holes than one hundred and fifty pounds of holey-cheese. However, despite this there’s no indication of disease or poison. He inspects for entry holes and finds none, but however every orifice has be scraped and “bored” out as though something small may have entered and/or exited the body through mouth, nose and genitalia.

Running out of time, he does a swab of dirt under the body’s fingernails and places it in a glass vial. Then he teleports to Lady Wisteria’s Tea Shop (where everyone else is at at that moment) and winds up next to the counter in his wheelchair. Lady Wisteria throws a crumpet at the Dr. to which Galarend responds “that you’re not supposed to throw food at the handicapped.” Beable adds, “Yeah, you go to hell for stuff like that.” Then finally it comes full circle with Dr. Worchestershire taking a bite of the crumpet and asking, “Wait, which hell?”

The PCs sit around enjoying their tea (which Galarend makes a point – the world may be falling down around them, but they need to sit and enjoy the tea. And no one leaves until the tea is gone – so no rushing) and discussing what to do next.

Long story short – they decide that they should all go to the Dr.’s to view the body, bring along Professor Smittenhiem to identify it – and see if it was the student who went missing – and lastly to see if he can shed any insight into what’s going on.

Dr. Worcestershire also gives the vial of dirt to Lady Wisteria to see if she can identify anything odd about it – and a nature check comes up negative for oddities.

Indecision, Incisions, Decisions and Endoscopy

The PCs, along with Professor Smittenheim, go to the Dr.’s house. Dr. Smittenheim identifies the body as Jak, and mourns the loss of a student. The players discuss casting speak with dead (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/speak-with-dead) – and finally Dr. Worcestershire does cast it. When the spell fails it sends them back to the description to see why it would have failed.

They determine that the corpse has either been hit with a Speak with Dead spell in the past week or it was an undead creature. Since there was no lingering Magical Aura left on the corpse – as would be left by a Speak with Dead spell – they assume that they were viewing an undead creature.

Lady Wisteria, tries to figure out what in the realm of nature could cause holes like that in a body – she comes up with a couple of parasites, but nothing specific – however, no insect in nature could do that type of damage in the amount of time the body was dead. But that didn’t rule out outsiders.

Beable throws the Knowledge Planes check and again, comes up with a few answers, but nothing definite.

Lady Wisteria gets the idea to Arcane Eye through the “bored holes” in the organs. (At the time we were uncertain the diameter which the AE can pass through, so I allowed it – upon further investigation the following day I realized I should have said no as it can only go through openings 1 inch or bigger.) The Arcane eye, after several minutes of slowly navigating the twists and turns of the burrow, comes across a small insect wing.

They extract it, and after interviewing a Planar expert at the Academ named Dr. Finkledink Mindstorm, (another gnome professor from the Academ) he drops the name “Hellwasp Swarm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/vermin/swarm-hellwasp)” and a successful knowledge planes check finally reveals everything they would ever want (or not want) to know about devil insects that burrow into your bodies and control you like a literal meat puppet.

Aaaand that’s where we ended the game because of constricted schedules. We plan on getting together in about 2 weeks from now – and continuing our trek into the sewers most likely.

The next game starts Here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?427847-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-15-(Intrepid-Sewer-Expedition)&p=19532746#post19532746)