View Full Version : Grimley Windsteel

2015-07-01, 01:41 PM

You're under a stage. That much is clear from the shape of what you're trapped under, and also the momentous applause from the audience of whatever event is taking place. As you get your bearings, you consider what exactly this place is.

(Knowledge: Local 14+6=20) You know that people meet here practically every day, whether there's a speech happening or a musical event. They even hold concerts through the night, which would make it hard to sleep here. At the very least, it would be easy to lose oneself in the crowd. You figure you know about 2 more things about the town hall. Now, what would those be?

(Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering 6+1=7) Certainly, if you know anything about the structure of this place, it's from hearsay and not from knowledge of the way these places are made.

Anyway, you can't sit here all day, and everyone's leaving. In a minute or two, you'll have breathing room again. What do you do?

2015-07-01, 05:50 PM
Does Grimley know he's in the town hall? Does he have the map with him? Does he know where the other contestants start? What are the distances and time of travel between points in the city? What kind of cover is there between them? Can he tell what time is it? What kind of informations can he get through the Knowledge (Local) check? The layout? Hiding places? Exits?

EDIT: Are there any temples in the town? What about other kinds of shelter? Inns? Or only sleeping in the streets? Are there any areas with heavier brush, for hidind and ambushing?

2015-07-02, 10:08 AM
Re map: Unfortunately, all the sites I upload it to resize it; the original was legible.

The wall says "This is a freaking gigantic wall. Even if you could get through it, you wouldn't want to."
The tower says "These are guard towers. They contain soldiers tasked with defending the city - including from you!"
The next four rows of houses are where humans, humans and dwarves, humans and elves, and other races respectively of higher social status live.
1 reads "This is a public house, where alcohol abounds. One contestant wakes up in the basement."
2 reads "This house is owned by Jhenna, an elven ranger of some renown. One contestant wakes up in the basement."
3 reads "This is the Thieves' guild hideout. One contestant wakes up in the basement here.
4 reads "This is the town hall, which is used for speeches, musical events, and practically any other gathering one might care to name. One contestant wakes up under the stage."
5 reads "This is the marketplace. One contestant wakes up in the pavilion."
6 reads "This is common land. One contestant wakes up in the field here.
The westmost shop reads "This shop sells adventuring gear. They're about the only people who like you, but they won't shelter you."
The bottom building reads "This is the guardhouse. It is swarming with soldiers who probably want to kill you." The street above it says "These are the houses of the soldiers and guards who protect the city."

As to your questions, yes, yes, only that one will start at each number not who is where, you can only guess from the size of the houses on the map, you don't know, probably some time in the evening but he doesn't know, anything that's covered by local about the hall, so yes that might include any of those three things.

You don't know on all questions in the second paragraph.

2015-07-02, 11:14 AM
As Grimley gets his bearings, he realizes he has to move soon or he'll lose the cover of the crowd.

I'd like the layout of the Town Hall, including places like hiding and ambush spots.

Grimley wants to move along the city wall to the south and attempt to ambush the character that started in there, while keeping an entry into the town hall for shelter.

2015-07-02, 11:43 AM
The town hall is a very simple layout of, essentially, just a hall and then some rows of chairs. The stage curtains are winched manually and there's a trapdoor to get into and out of the location you're currently in.

You start trudging towards the town common. It's going to be a long walk there. You wonder idly if there's anything useful you might want to do on the way.

2015-07-02, 12:04 PM
Making sure to keep himself under the cover of the neighboring houses, Grimley pulls his hood up, draws his bow, nocks an arrow, checks his sleeve blade and advances along the edge of the wall, looking for the closest "player" and constantly looking for threats.

How is the roof of the town hall? What about the roofs of the nearby houses? Any climbable/jumpable ones?

2015-07-03, 11:07 AM
As you walk along the wall, you notice the rooves of the house around you. (K: AE 7+1=8) While you don't have a blind clue whether any of them will sustain your weight, many of them - including that of the hall, and a building (K: L 6+3=9) that you don't recognise just north of the common. The common itself is empty apart from a little kid - presumably one of the wealthier ones - (K: L 6+3=9) who you don't recognise either, and who is walking up the side of the house closer to you.

2015-07-03, 12:29 PM
Grimley hides in the shadows, not wanting to be seen by anyone, including a kid.

My K:L modifier is +6, by the way

Oh, and I won't be able to post in the next four days or so, sorry.

For Grimley, in the next few days:
If I don't see anyone, I want to keep moving until I reach the shop, where I want to buy what's in my character sheet's wishlist.

If I see anyone and I see I can sneak up to them, I want to study him. Then I want to use my Blood Reader ability to see how many points he's got left. If it's less than 20 with heavy armor or less than 30 with lighter armor, I want to get 30 ft. away and launch a surprise attack. If, after that, I win initiative, I want to launch a full attack. Don't forget the bonuses from the Studied Target! If I don't win initiative, then I want to drop back into hiding, with only a -10 penalty from Stealthy Sniper.

I think that's all,

2015-07-03, 12:57 PM
Yes, sorry, I wrote the bonus and then the roll on both your KL checks by accident.

When you're back, post. I'll update you on what's occurred.

You start moving across the city, sneakily.

2015-07-07, 12:30 PM
I'm back!!!!...........until tomorrow at dusk...