View Full Version : Storing Turning Attempts

2015-07-01, 10:14 PM
Mages have wands and other goodies that let you store spells, and that's great. What about turning attempts? I know nightsticks and a few other items give you a couple of extra turning attempts each, but is there anything that lets you "bank" turnings like you can bank spells in a wand, or a ring of spell storing?

It would be fantastic if this was available. I would love to be able to put turn attempts into a wand (as an example), using it to fuel divine metatmagic for one...

2015-07-02, 03:58 AM
I'm fairly certain not based on two things:
1) I've never seen it mentioned in any TO DMM builds and
2) Before DMM it would've been a really boring item, and afterwards it would be a really powerful item.

2015-07-02, 06:07 AM
I remembered a way to transfer turn undead attempts from one character to another, but I found out its a Hierophant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/hierophant.htm) special ability, which requires a level 14 character :/. Leadership once you are level 16 and you can have your own special Turning battery.

2015-07-02, 08:54 AM
It's frustrating. I've looked at various builds to open up turning attempts, and there isn't really out there other than a few items and feats. I figure there is a cleric spell that lets me convert some spells into turning attempts. Really, the ability is so useful someone had to think of a wand of turning or something!

2015-07-02, 09:00 AM
Nightsticks (Libris Mortis) seem better...

2015-07-02, 09:13 AM
Almost all who can use turning attempts also cast spells and can benefit from those same spell storing items. So the foundational argument is already crumbling.

But no, thankfully there is no such item.

2015-07-02, 02:54 PM
Nightsticks (Libris Mortis) seem better...

Which by many interpretations can stack.

Given the existence of the Nightstick, we can work out the value of a turn attempt and make items that give more attempts per day.

If you go with being the equivalent of a normal bonus, that would be Slotless (Owned, not held) 2 x Bonus Square x X = Cost, so 2 * 4^2 * X = 7500 or X is approximately 235.

Using the Reliquary Holy Symbol, this would be Significant Restrictions (Not a strict RAW modifier, but my general impression of costing: 1/2) * bonus squared * x = 1000, or 9/2 * X = 1000, so X is approximately 225.

That's actually pretty darn consistent.

So you could price a Uber Nightstick (+10 Turning attempts) at 2 * 100 * 230 = 46,000 GP. (Useful if nightsticks don't stack in your game).

The cost of a slotted, rechargeable, 4-Turn-attempt storing necklace would cost around 3,000gp (slotted, so half the price of a nightstick, and then a slight reduction in cost due to needing to be powered rather than auto-recharging).

Uncle Pine
2015-07-02, 04:49 PM
Given the existence of the Nightstick, we can work out the value of a turn attempt and make items that give more attempts per day.

Or you could buy more nightsticks.

@OP: Nightsticks are what you are looking for. They are to turning attempts what eternal wands are to spells, except better in every possible way if you have Divine Metamagic.

2015-07-02, 07:40 PM
Or you could buy more nightsticks.

@OP: Nightsticks are what you are looking for. They are to turning attempts what eternal wands are to spells, except better in every possible way if you have Divine Metamagic.

IFF your DM rules they can stack. Which isn't a given.

(Quite frankly, I generally agree that RAW and possibly even RAI, they do stack. I'd still don't allow it in any game I run; I also put limits on DMM, although I'm not really satisfied with any of my solutions so far.)