View Full Version : Rules Q&A Giantbane teleportation?

2015-07-02, 01:50 AM
The Duck Underneath section of Giantbane lets you move immediately (on your turn as a free action) to the other side of an opponent after they miss you, assuming all the conditions are fulfilled (total defense action, attacked by creature at least 2 size categories larger than you, unoccupied square on the other side of the enemy, and succeeding on a tumble check).

However, as far as I can tell, nothing about this feat specifies that the attack has to be a melee attack. Would this work if an enemy attacked the character with a ranged attack? The maximum range for archers can get pretty ridiculous, judging from some of the TO builds I've seen, and that could give this character a mundane form of "teleportation" as early as sixth level. The only thing that makes me think it wouldn't work is the "move immediately" part, which might be interpreted as being limited to the characters maximum move per round, like jumping. Can any of you think of a use for this ingame, assuming it works?

2015-07-02, 02:00 AM
I would assume it only works on melee attack rolls that miss you, but by RAW it doesn't say anything that it has to be that way, so technically you can 'teleport' behind you enemy.

2015-07-02, 08:31 AM
While it wouldn't be limited to your character's max move, it would still be moving. You'd cover the intervening distance, taking any relevant damage from falling and the like in between.