View Full Version : Librarians of the Planes

2015-07-02, 02:30 PM
So, the planes have quite a few great libraries scattered about, such as Toril's Candlekeep, or Mechanus' Great Library. But are there any great librarians out there?

2015-07-02, 03:38 PM
I'm guessing there are NPCs with 5 levels of lorekeeper or archivists, collecting as many tomes as they can. Maybe someone stated an orangutan somewhere with ranks in Profession (Librarian)

2015-07-02, 03:51 PM

That is all.

2015-07-02, 03:52 PM
I would say the Illumians. Since they had the big library on the Astral before the githyanki raided it. I think they have started to rebuild it on the Shadow Plane.

Uncle Pine
2015-07-02, 05:05 PM
So, the planes have quite a few great libraries scattered about, such as Toril's Candlekeep, or Mechanus' Great Library. But are the any great librarians out there?


Bards, Clerics, Sorcerers or Wizards with ranks in Autohypnosis and ways to cast Persistent Ocular Split ray Chain Scholar's Touch-es are literally living libraries and thus a great addition to any knowledge center.

Warforged and necropolitans make great librarians, as they can't die of old age.

Venerable dragonwrought kobolds make great librarians too, if you know what I mean.

2015-07-02, 06:03 PM

That is all.

I'm actually hoping he takes notice of this thread :smallbiggrin:

I would say the Illumians. Since they had the big library on the Astral before the githyanki raided it. I think they have started to rebuild it on the Shadow Plane.

Ooooooh, interesting! Is there any specific Illumian of interest I should take notice of? Some Master Librarian of sorts?

Karl Aegis
2015-07-02, 06:18 PM
I would also like to know who this "The Any Great" is.

I wonder if summoning Afroakuma works the same as summoning Hastur.




You might need to summon "The Gate" first.

2015-07-02, 06:48 PM

Ooooooh, interesting! Is there any specific Illumian of interest I should take notice of? Some Master Librarian of sorts?[/QUOTE]

I don't have Races of Destiny but I believe they have librarian deity. I would look there for more info

2015-07-02, 08:39 PM
Another library of note:

Master historian of Ansalon (Dragonlance continent): http://dragonlancenexus.com/lexicon/index.php?title=Astinus_the_Chronicler

Bad Wolf
2015-07-02, 08:58 PM
Well Boccob has a library containing every spell in existence, and I believe many magical items, in the Outlands. That might be worth checking out.

2015-07-02, 09:15 PM
Also MIC has two items:

Tome of Worldly Memory: This small book is bound in hammered silver and engraved with the continents of the world. A tome of worldly memory allows you to call upon the secret memories of the world to aid you in unlocking forgotten knowledge

Tome of Ancient Lore: This ancient, leather-bound book is stuffed to overflowing with yellowing sheets of parchment. A boon to arcane spellcasters of all sorts, a tome of ancient lore contains every conceivable spell.

2015-07-02, 11:05 PM
I wonder if summoning Afroakuma works the same as summoning Hastur.

Well it doesn't not work like that. Personally I'm wondering why my attention was desired in a thread posing a question that could have just been asked in my thread, guaranteeing said attention.

Anyway. Leaving aside the various gods of knowledge who curate their own collections, the most exceptional such custodian would likely be the demon lord Gresil. Erathaol the Seer, one of the Hebdomad, is also a noted librarian. I doubt very much that Adramelech counts, given that he's got more of an archive than a library. This of course excludes the many "living libraries," so to speak - Illurien and other such entities.

2015-07-02, 11:29 PM
Gilean from Dragonlance is another librarian-god. Oghma from FR is also a bookish type, but he's less about cataloguing in dusty shelves than he is actively inspiring poets and songwriters.

2015-07-03, 12:35 AM
I am reminded of an unreleased Wyrms of the North article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/archfr/wn) the author, George Krashos, was kind enough to share on the Candlekeep forums (http://www.forum.candlekeep.com/pop_printer_friendly.asp?TOPIC_ID=11779).

It was in regard to a Mist Dragon, Ouranalathra, "the Mistmaiden", who protected libraries.

2015-07-03, 12:50 AM


One of my favorite builds for a Librarian:
Barbarian9/Cloistered Cleric 1/ Pious Templar10.

When Conan the Librarian tells you to shush, you listen. :smallbiggrin:

2015-07-03, 06:23 AM
Ooooh, thanks, guys!

Well it doesn't not work like that. Personally I'm wondering why my attention was desired in a thread posing a question that could have just been asked in my thread, guaranteeing said attention.

Wait, is one of your threads still going? *looks further down the thread list* DOH! That's what I get for being away from the boards this long. *sigh*

2015-07-03, 06:40 AM
Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment, A.K.A. Catalogues of Enlightenment, Planar Handbook page 166. Plenty of librarians there. The text does not mention their position on bananas, though.

2015-07-03, 10:46 AM
The Rilmani's predecessor's (Karamel but I'm probably off on the spelling) have a self perpetuating library that automatically copies text from across the planes (via a kinda fiat epic magic precursor and mirrors likely), it has pretty much everything. Also the various 'loth towers, notably the arcane, have very extensive libraries.

And as a possible adventure hook, send the players into the depth of the shadow plane to look for ancient and lost libraries, such as Myth Drannor's before the fall. Or libraries that never existed. Because the plane of shadows is awesome like that.

Edit: oh, librarians, not libraries, read that too quickly. Well then, to amend my earlier answers the keeper of the loth's arcane tower presumably fits the bill. I don't know I'd the karamel's living spell thing makes the cut. You might want to consider a Keeper as well.