View Full Version : Greyhawk Campaign Help

Korben Dallas
2015-07-03, 04:01 PM
Greyhawk Campaign Help

I am playing in a campaign starting this weekend. Each player is a has six characters. One character (40th level) is the king of a territory/ country in Greyhawk. The other five characters (35th level and four 30th level characters) are the supporting council that help run this kingdom.

I have the Rovers of the Barrens area including Barren Lands, Rovers of the Barrens, Forlorn forest, the icy marshes, bluff hills, the wastes and other surrounding areas in this territory.

There are roughly five other players with the same oamount of characters, running different kingdoms, I chose the ROvers of the Barrens because it has mixed geography and is a little more challenging. The GM wants us to have a ten year background starting when our main character took over ten years ago and what has happened since to make my kingdom powerful, such as the following:

- How I took over and how I have tried to unite the nomad/ bandit tribes in The Barrens under my rule

- What I did with any indentured servants, slaves, and prisoners in the kingdom that were there before I took over.. did I keep the justice system the same? Execute them? Sell them off?

- Trade and bartering... how do I have this function or do I keep the bartering system that exists in The Barrens as the only trade source.

-What are my six characters (builds... classes... cohorts... and what are they each in charge of within the kingdom?)

Since The Barrens contains a border to the north for the sea and has multiple forests, I was going to have a background focused around uniting the various human/ elven tribes throughout the land by keeping their traditions the same but rewarding them with druidic and defensive aide. For instance, when I first took rule ten years ago (in my background) I began by aiding the elves and humans of the Fellreev Forest with the fight against the orc and goblin tribes of the forest. This gained their trust and loyalty.

The GM has stated the year is 375 CY and its the first week of summer. I want to introduce a first "real" capitol to The Barrens, a city where the nomadic tribes now have a place to travel to, trade, or live in. This will be my "center" of operations. I want to incorporate a trade depot in the north and east for both inland and sea based trade. The Barren Wastes is interesting too, since the book says no one really does anything with it, I wanted to take on the challenge of converting it to something or finding the secrets it hides if anyone has ideas on that?

In conclusion, my questions for the forum are:

What builds would you suggest for the six characters? One 'King' 40th Level, One 35th Level and Four 30th Level. What would their jobs be under the king? (Each needs leadership, epic leadership and cohorts)

What would some ideas be for ways of starting my kingdom off in a quality way? The questions above should be good enough to get me going.

Some of the other players are very versed on the books and all the little things you can manipulate in order to do extraordinary things that other players may not know about. This always gives them advantage, and I am worried about having to fight their kingdom in war or the event that I need to take them over and destroy them... I need help with this too.

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!

2015-07-03, 07:24 PM
DnD 3.5 breaks down at 21st level. Just make everyone casters with Epic Spellcasting and conquer the world in a lazy afternoon.
Starting a kingdom? With epic spells you can control the weather, create people, and generally start a civilization off at what would normally be the peak of its existence. 30+ levels is absolutely outrageous in DnD terms. If you want to keep up with other player you need total mastery of epic spellcasting. It is all that matters at those levels.

2015-07-03, 08:05 PM
DnD 3.5 breaks down at 21st level. Just make everyone casters with Epic Spellcasting and conquer the world in a lazy afternoon.
Starting a kingdom? With epic spells you can control the weather, create people, and generally start a civilization off at what would normally be the peak of its existence. 30+ levels is absolutely outrageous in DnD terms. If you want to keep up with other player you need total mastery of epic spellcasting. It is all that matters at those levels.

This. Just this. The only major difference that levels will make will be determining just how many epic spells you can manage. Since epic spellcasting stacks if you meet multiple pre-requisites, the best you can achieve is to have level 9 divine/arcane spells, and knowledge nature or religion, and arcana at max ranks. For a level 40 character this means 8 epic spells per day. With that, you can raise your own personal continent, seed it with whatever life you see fit, construct a continent-wide city, install resetting magic traps of create food and water for everyone to live off of, and well, I just can't be bothered going into more detail at the moment, because I could rant for days. Really, at level 40, kingdom building and mangement is so trivial, it's the equivilent of a 10th level character worrying about having enough gold to stay at an inn. Hell, just make a bunch of Ice assassins of yourself and boom, you just multiplied the number of epic spells you can cast daily. Use those ice assassins to reduce the spellcraft DC of all spells you cast ever to 0 and may as well just say you win the campaign and call it a day.

2015-07-04, 12:07 AM
... I already posted builds. How many of these threads are there?

Bad Wolf
2015-07-04, 12:15 AM
I'm gonna assume Epic Spellcasting is banned. If so, be a wizard anyway. For your advisor dudes.

One should be a rogue or a really stealthy class, maybe a warlock (epic feats lets them use any Sorcerer/Wizard conjuration spell up to 8th level), a Cleric, Dread Necromancer, and maybe a Paladin/Blackguard.

2015-07-05, 12:11 AM
The Winged Mod: There is already a thread about this. I'm closing this thread in favor of this one (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?425618-Help-with-Epic-Level-Greyhawk-Campaign&p=19486888#post19486888).