View Full Version : DM Help Piecing some of the General Mishmash of Eberron

2015-07-04, 03:41 AM
K, bear with me here...

-Cyre had discovered a Huge Kyhyber Shard on Xen'Drik around the time Cannoth found the Creation Forges. It's size and potential energy radiating from the Crystal made it of great interest and secrecy, but was ultimately inactive until the Warfofed began milling out of the Creation forges.
-After a The Crystal began to Shrink noticeably which only made it a energies more densly active. This attracted a great deal more attention , and eventually caused Cure to work with an heir of Cannith, one Merrix in sworn secrecy.
-Experiments between the Creation Forges and the Khyber Shard yielded the first inherently psionic warforged, The Five Proginators.
-A short time after this, Merrix and the Cyran mages all begin to have "spontaneously" inspired visions of a Cyre protected by a Ridgefield harnessing the power the the Khyber Shard somehow.(implanted ideas from the Five, who well enough know that the Shard contains Bel Shador's essence. They sought to drain him until ultimately he would be nullified)
-A number of geneus contingencies for experimenting with the Shard are made, including self destruction, mass memory whiping (also implanted).
-When they have made all their preparations for the arcane ritual which would raise the shield, one of the Five disrupts the event at a critical moment, releasing the Shard from its bonds, allowing it to poor out it's radiation into the magic of the contingencies, and the laylinea along Cyre's borders to enact an event of mass destruction now known as the Mourning.
-The Psiforged who betrayed the others, a psychopath known as the Lord of Blades, slew one of his Brethren as they teleported themselves and the Shard to a compound they had prepared in secret.

1-Obtain Creation Forge
2-Create Vessel by manipulating Cult of Becoming God.
3-Provide propaganda fuel for Swords of Liberty, who begin terrorist attacks against governments unwilling to mass mobilize military to assault Mournland in answer to LoBsters threats
4- Recover Khyber Shard from the other Originators in Lazhaar Principalities.
5-Destroy Keeper of Flame: Humans Orcs and Shullasakar's respectively.
6-Bind Khyber Shard to Vessel, Break bond, release Demon Overlord from Prehistory
7-when all previous bad been accomplished, Bel Shador enters his new vessel, and unleashes armies of warforged created from Forge, and gathered across Khorvaire, causing dischord, and genocide.
8-Bel Shador not only relishes in his Soul being restored by the death of every Warfforged, but the soul of every good person who did evil things till they went rotten (Krozan, for example)

I was going to run Forgotten Forge to Grasp of the Emerald Claw, shortenning WoVB, making module end in Karrnath, piecing Expedition to Castle Ravenloft in (the sword was Strand's in last war) as both influence of Bel Shador, and Strand as Wizard who first cracked Kyhyber power harnessing (the cause for the mists plaguing the Barovian region, he came in desguise, planting the necessary information among Merrix's peers for the Shield.

After GoTEC then have Merrix reanimated the Primitive Warforge, who breaks (literally).out of the Cannith Laboratory and wreaks havoc on Sharn. LoBster plays his Ace with a former Orien Quarrybarge and make off with Merrix's secret creation forge while PC's & Co deal with the Primal Warforged and whatever else came spilling out of Cannith Tower.

This still leaves me with unfilled plotiness.
-What's Lady Vol doing about all this?
(Shaking things up in Karrnath? Sending more Stormtroopers? More manipulating?)
-Why was she interested in the forge at all?
-What kind of body would Bel Shador have the warforged build him?
-How to piece the Lazhaar Compound into it all (Merrix comes across Journal? Straight up siege by LoBster? Trick PC's into it)
-Wouldn't Bel Shador's Prathuku (right word?) be involved in the plot at all?