View Full Version : Interesting feats for a toned-down Warblade?

2015-07-06, 12:04 PM
I'm not going to be doing many of the feats I usually do - shock trooper, robilar's gambit and the like - because this isn't a campaign to be going all out in. I just want to make someone cool, flavorful, and reasonably versatile. We're starting level 5.

So far I've only written down Power Attack, Exotic Weapons Proficiency for my bastard sword or whatever else may show up, and one bonus feat or another. Not sure what I'll do down the line, but I want this guy to fight kind of generically. Not so much of the leaping about and immersion-straining gimmicks and the like. I just want some general combat efficiency and a little bit of fluff. Like some of the weirder dragon magazine stuff.

Any ideas? This is just a generic sword-fighting hero.

2015-07-06, 04:07 PM
Um.. basic boring ones like Weapon Focus/Specialisation? Cleave/Greater Cleave? Iron Will? Combat Reflexes? Improved Critical?

2015-07-06, 04:48 PM
You only need EWP (Bastard Sword) if you're a TWFer. As a two-handed weapon, it's martial. EWP is still a pretty good feat for Warblades because of Weapon Aptitude though.

Stormguard Warrior is pretty fun, though it does a lot of damage for a low-op game. Clarion Commander is a little worse, but also a little more party friendly, so that might be a good way to go.

If you don't mind a little splash of Psionics (which would almost never show up as anything other than "I hit harder" on screen) in your generic melee build, then Hidden Talent/Wild Talent->Psionic Weapon->Deep Impact->Psionic Meditation is a pretty respectable little feat chain, and one that works nicely with the Nightmare Blade line and Diamond Mind in general. Maybe go for Combat Brute as well, while you're at it.

2015-07-06, 05:13 PM
You only need EWP (Bastard Sword) if you're a TWFer. As a two-handed weapon, it's martial. EWP is still a pretty good feat for Warblades because of Weapon Aptitude though.

Stormguard Warrior is pretty fun, though it does a lot of damage for a low-op game. Clarion Commander is a little worse, but also a little more party friendly, so that might be a good way to go.

If you don't mind a little splash of Psionics (which would almost never show up as anything other than "I hit harder" on screen) in your generic melee build, then Hidden Talent/Wild Talent->Psionic Weapon->Deep Impact->Psionic Meditation is a pretty respectable little feat chain, and one that works nicely with the Nightmare Blade line and Diamond Mind in general. Maybe go for Combat Brute as well, while you're at it.

I took the exotic weapon proficiency to be able to one hand it in various situations. I'm going to be carrying a shield for a number of reasons and will occasionally whip it out. Besides, I like the idea of having flexible, thorough ability with the weapon. If I didn't want to one hand it I would have gotten a greatsword. As for weapon aptitude, that was my thinking. If some awesome exotic weapon shows up I'd be able to use it.

Stormguard warrior is pretty cool though.

2015-07-06, 05:39 PM
Keen Intellect, Combat Panache, Knowledge Devotion, Bind Vestige, Combat Focus, Martial Study, Darkstalker, Shield Focus, Steadfast Determination (after Endurance being the bonus feat), Quick Recovery ...

... a few of the feats I've put or considered for Warblades over the years.

2015-07-06, 05:51 PM
Improved Grapple, Scorpion Grasp. Fling Ally and Fling Enemy.

You can grab someone and hold them in your offhand while you do other stuff. I mean, how cool is that?! A dude charges you, you pick him up and just hold him up in the air while he flails around pointlessly, and you do all the rest of your fighting, and then you toss that bad boy off a cliff without looking. Optimize the hell out of your grapple so you can reliably use the -20 option, just when it'd be cool to do so. Maybe use the Setting Sun maneuvers to further your ability to toss people around.