View Full Version : IIWWGTTPYUWIAD? (Yuri Adventures in Not-Narnia Edition, IC)

2015-07-07, 09:14 AM
Roughly one week has passed since the summer vacation has ended. Of course, for most of the student body, this means that school is now unbelievably banal again, and they count down the days to the next vacation.

For you, however, there is a small light on the horizon. As you all know by now, there are three new transfer students who, well, transfered to Heisenberg-Cilton, and they all landed in your class! Although you mostly ignored the male students, seeming as the first is just a nerd and the other is a huge jerk, you became either fascinated or infatuated by the new Japanese transfer, Sora Kosukegawa. She just has that allure hanging around her, I suppose.

Anyway, you are now getting a not-so interesting history class right now, by one Mr. Gallinger, and although he tries his best to explain the cause of the Storming of the Bastille, you are mostly preoccupied with other things, such as Sora. Maybe you can, ahem, "grab" her attention now?

Allure: "Accidentally" grope Sora.
Luck: Sora gropes you instead by accident.
Skill: Impress her with your superior knowledge about the storming of the Bastille.

2015-07-07, 09:32 AM
David is following the class, taking a spare note or two, but is mostly thinking about basketball. ((Taking the luck roll))

2015-07-07, 09:48 AM
Luck roll.
Rolling two times, it would be bad idea to use more than one reroll so early. (To remind, if first roll is not 1, reroll does not happen - doing this to avoid 4 posts in row)
+1 from Sora's "Accidental Pervert" protagonist trait.
She is... beautiful... - Anna thought, looking at new girl. She placed herself where her victims were placed, yet... she did not wanted to start. Not so fast.
- Kosukegawa... Sora, right? - she asked, leaning slightly toward her - I'm Anna.

2015-07-07, 12:34 PM
Kara Ramone tried to focus on the text book in front of her, but as it had been for the past week, sitting next to the lovely Sora was a rather huge distraction. Kara was well aware of her preferences, but she had never sat right next to one of her crushes. She was so close, Kara could reach out and touch her...Or Sora could do that...

A voice broke through Kara's daydream. It was that girl, Anna, trying to get Sora's attention. Kara really should have been surprised- Anna did that to everyone-but something in Anna's tone sounded different. And made Kara want to break off the conversation, and bring back the class to where the topic was supposed to be at. Her hand shot up in the air, practically waving it to get the teacher's attention.

Actually kinda glad Sora's roll was so high. I think a hilarious failure would be as amusing as a success at this point.

Not that I'm not going to do my best to succeed.


2015-07-07, 12:54 PM
Sora sat at her desk, trying to pay attention and take notes, but in truth, her heart just wasn't in it. She'd been resistant to this whole transfer, having left behind her school and friends...really, the entire world as she knew it. Everyone around her kept saying that it would be for the best, that she'd meet new people and find new friends. Perhaps they were right, afterall, her classmates had been very welcoming. But at the moment, she was feeling rather homesick, and no amount of history lessons could fix that.

2015-07-07, 12:58 PM
- Sora... Sora, is there something wrong? - Anna asked, leaning bit closer. It seemed like she did not heard her last sentence... Or other things. Just in case she placed one hand on her shoulder, just for moment... Strange, usually she would go "all touchy" already. Something about that blonde made her stop... for now.

It was luck roll, not allure XD Sora is one supposed to touch her :P

2015-07-07, 02:49 PM
David: Failure! You just sit there thinking about basketball. No accidental groping action for you!

Anna: SUCCESS! You succeeded in roping Sora into a minor conversation, and due to an large amount of improable minor accidents in a short timespan (like Sora accidentally dropping a pencil between you breasts, a convenient wardrobe malfunction and the like, Sora somehow found herself groping your entire body, including your, er, ample breasts and butt. This has caught the attention of Mr Gallinger himself, which, due to having to put up with your antics for a whole year, seems more annoyed then anything. "Would you please keep your tomfoolery outside the class?"

Kara: Failure! The teacher seems to be more focused on Sora accidentally groping Anna than anything about the Bastille. Your hand gets ignored.

2015-07-07, 03:00 PM
Sora's melancholy daydreams were interrupted by a whispered words coming from behind her. Not that this was unusual, mind you. Anna was usually pretty talkitive, which was nice, though sometimes unwanted. Still, Sora was still adjusting to the social norms of her new school, and didn't want to offend anyone by objecting to behaviors that would otherwise seem the norm.

Turning to face Anna, Sort opened her mouth to respond. However, as she turned, her foot hit an unexpectedly slick section of the tile flooring, which caused her leg to slip out from under her. Losing her balance, Sora flailed her arm about for anything she could get a hold of to steady herself. What she found was something warm, soft, and round. And, as a few curious squeezes confirmed, squishy. Two such somethings, in fact. And when she saw what exactly it was that she'd grabbed hold off, Sora felt her face begining to blush with embaressment. The moment seemed to drag on far longer than it should have, before the teacher's scolding knocked her back to reality. Yanking her hands back, Sora mumbled out "S-so Sorry, Anna-san", before turning back to face forwards, hiding behind her textbook to cover the redness spreading over her cheeks. Although, aside from embarrassing and inappropriate, it hadn't been an entirely bad experience. Not that she'd let herself admit that, however.

2015-07-07, 03:04 PM
She turned back and yet again Anna was surprised by her own feelings. She found herself talking more to hear Sora than to persuade her into something...

And then she fell on her. And while falling down she grabbed one of her...

She just grabbed her breast! But... but it's what I... - she said surprised, but then second hand made her just do small "Kyah!". And Anna just did not knew what to do when Sora squeezed them few times. This felt... nice. Even when it left her shirt "slightly" off, and she forgot her bra today.

After few seconds she realized that Mr Gallinger, and probably half of class, is looking at her and Sora, as well as she understood what he said... well, to be honest, she did not heard WHOLE sentence.
- W...would you like us to get out? - she asked, making shocking exception to well-known rule of "Anna always know what to say in such situation".


2015-07-07, 03:56 PM
Kara watched the conversation side eyed, as she tried to get the teacher's attention, which meant she saw teh entire messy sequence. Once it was done, however...

"Are you okay?"Kara asked, jumping to her feet. She offered up a hand to Sora, who took it gratefully. ""I don't believe we've spoken. My name's Takara Ramone. Most people call me Kara." Sora's hand was warm and smooth in Kara's hand, lingering after Sora had gotten to her feet...

At least, that's what Kara wished she could do. What she actually did was blush furiously, and curl up in her desk, watching while trying to desperately look like she wasn't.

2015-07-07, 04:02 PM
David was hardly managing to keep a loud laughter in, until he noticed Anna had lost her cool, something he hadn't seen before. Behind his hand his half-opened mouth had changed to an amused smile, one of his eyebrows raising in interest at the situation.

2015-07-08, 12:32 AM

"......honestly, I'd rather want that you leave the class for a while.", Gallinger said, while ever-so subtly gesturing at the door.

2015-07-08, 01:18 AM
Kara froze. Sora going off with Anna. Alone. And even if Anna was acting odd lately, she was still Anna.Impulsively, Kara raised her hand.

"Umm, sir? I need to go to the bathroom."

Unfortunately for Kara, she's not wearing swimwear, and there's nothing scary around, so no bonus to Allure here. If I want Kara to tag along, I need a different strategy. Like... a contingency plan.

Roll twice on next roll, take higher result.


2015-07-08, 03:12 AM
David's stomach suddenly pained. He recoiled a bit in his seat, before saying: "Shouldn't have tried to break the hambuger eating record last night...GOT TO GO!" The basketball student then stormed away from class, rushing to the bathroom. A couple minutes later, as he exited the bathroom, now in much better condition, he wondered what to do. Probably, seeing what Anna was up to was more interesting than whatever the teacher would talk about in class.
He also knew the most important part of the French Revolution: Guillotine decapitations everywhere.

2015-07-08, 03:25 AM

Although Gallinger was getting suspicious about students converging in the hallway, he'd decide to let it slip for now. After all, it's just Ramone, and she couldn't really cause trouble anyway, so...

He sighed. "Fine. Don't go for too long, though."

2015-07-08, 04:03 AM
Anna went in front of Sora's desk, gave her hand and winked.
- I guess we should go!
Then she basically pulled her, not too strong however. After few seconds they finally were on other side of doors.

And Anna had no idea what to say. Yet, she talked.
- Knowing my luck some people are gonna appear here really soon... And I...
Damnit, she thought, while feeling her face slowly turning red.
- I mean... It was really one of things I usually do...
All right. That's it. Now just offer her your own services, Anna.
- C...could you repeat it? - she asked.
F*ck, f*ck. This still can be fixed!
- Or... would you want me to return favor? - she asked, in more confident tone. Sora's breasts were even bigger than her own... She wondered how would it be to touch them.

...Damnit. She just realized what others could long time ago, that she *really* forgot bra. Then she proceeded to adjusting shirt so it could cover what it should cover.

Get groped (two rolls in case I have natural 1, if first result is not 4 (1+3) it's kept.)
Grope instead (same here)

+1 from strong roll, +2 from revealing (no bra, strongly dragged down shirt... you can guess effect).

Also, unless Sora stops her she adjusts her shirt back (So next rolls won't have that +2)

2015-07-08, 10:08 AM
Sora was greatful to her fellow classmate, Kara, for her assistance. However, Sora was barely settled back into her seat, before she was being yanked along by her arm, up and out of her desk, as Anna dragged Sora into the hallway.

Alone with the other girl, Sora listened as Anna spoke, noting the embarrassment on Anna's face. Sora was embarrassed as well. "I'm sorry...I don't understand what you mean. What happened in...that was just an accident. I didn't mean to...you know...infront of everyone. Please forgive me!"

2015-07-08, 10:19 AM
Anna was surprised by reaction. Did Sora really misunderstood her *this* hard?
- Forgive? T...there is nothing to forgive. It's just that noone did *this* to me earlier. I tend to be one in charge! - Anna giggled, but there was something nervous in it as well.
Deep inside her head small battle ended. "All right, it's time to ask for this before I change my mind", she thought...
- Why don't you try it again... now, that there is noone around?
"If she agrees and someone see this, my reputation will take big hit. But... there are only two of us here, right?" - she thought, at same time trying to remember where are blind spots in security. Yep, that should be camera-free area where they were. You need to know such things if you harass other people...

2015-07-08, 11:46 AM
Anna: Sucess! (2X?)
David: Failure...?

Go bananas with this one.

Anna somehow convinced Sora to grope her again and to let her grope her, but suddenly, David appeared from the toilet. You can hear several footsteps in the distance.

2015-07-08, 12:30 PM
Sora processed what she was hearing, and it dawned on her what was being asked. It was shocking, and so sudden. She wanted to say no. She wanted to rush back into the classroom, and sit quietly at her desk. Heck, she wanted to go back to her home and her old school. But, in that moment, a part of her wanted to see what it'd be like to do it. Call it curioisty, or affection, or teenage hormones. It's not like Anna was unattractive, not by any stretch. Sora took a step closer. And then another. Hesitantly, she raised up her hands. "Maybe...just one time...wouldn't hurt" She said, softly. Extending her arms, Sora closed her eyes, and then felt the same soft, warm orbs that she'd accidentally grabbed a moment before. This was all very strange. And exciting. And, maybe, a little scary to.

After several seconds, Sora retracted her hands. Her stomach was awash with butterflies, and she felt like she had a knot in her throat. "O-Ok...um...so now..." Interweaving her fingers behind her back, Sora rolled her shoulders back and stuck her chest out. The buttons on her school uniform, which were a tight fit around the young woman's ample assets, were especially strained by the motion. "Y-Your turn..."

2015-07-08, 12:46 PM
She agreed... And took them. Again, this strange feeling as blonde grabbed her breasts. This was... nice. She wanted some of it. Part of her was glad when it was over, but rest was not. Anna wanted more...

- T...thank you, Sora... - she said - I guess it's my time to do it...
This felt so right. This felt so wrong. She slowly started acting more and more confident as her hands slowly approached Sora's breasts, and felt them... then she started to unbutton her shirt.
- You took mine down, Sora... - Confident? Sure. Yet, from full-scale blush it was visible that something was unusual, out of routine.

Quickly the buttons were open and Anna started to slowly, gently massage them under Sora's shirt. From way she was doing so it was clear that it was not first time... yet Anna felt like it was, and if someone was really observant, he could notice difference. She wanted to move on, but still...
- D...do you want me to grab down there? - she asked. Yep, she asked for permission and waited for it, while leaning toward Sora's cleavage and doing her best.

He said "after these rolls" so I guess we are not supposed to roll anymore. So seems like you are one who decide about permissions, Sora grabbing Anna in good idea and so on.

2015-07-08, 12:56 PM
David was walking around as he usually did, trying to see what Anna was up to with the new girl, until he heard the two talking. He then changed his pace to make his steps produce the as little sound as possible, and from behind a corner, stuck his head out to see the scene unfold. Entranced by the hot girl-on-girl action, he was there, immobile, peeping with a perverted smile on his face, but not making a single sound.

2015-07-08, 01:26 PM
Sora was...uncomfortable. Yes, it was nice to feel desired, and yes, the sensation of being touched was enjoyable. But this was all to much, too fast. Before she knew it, Anna was undressing her. "Anna-san...please" Sora started to speak, only for Anna to interrupt her. Then, Sora gasped as Anna's hands slid under her shirt. It was to much. Sora recoiled away from Anna's touch, as if the brief skin-to-skin contact had burned her. It didn't matter what she felt, this was wrong. She tried to find words to speak, but the butterflies were so strong now that Sora couldn't even open her mouth. Instead, she turned, and ran down the hallway, trying to cover herself up as she did, and paying little heed to where she went.

2015-07-08, 01:46 PM
She... she ran away. Anna was sure that Sora would be happy, and suddenly... She was left behind, alone, with one hand extended.
- Sora... - was only thing she was able to say. After moment she tried to follow her, as fast as possible, to say one word of apology.

Perfect spot to include dungeon I guess XD Sora dunno where she go...

2015-07-08, 01:47 PM
David quickly withdrew his head as Sora started running in his direction, and deciding to play a little prank on Anna, pretended to be walking in the opposite direction of the exchange student, grabbing her by the shoulders before she bumped the two of them into the ground, saying: "Hey, are you alright?"
((EDIT: Clarification: David blocks Sora, but neither of them fall. Sorry for the confusing wording))

2015-07-08, 02:38 PM
She ran like this, and noticed that Sora was stopped. She noticed it bit too late, however. Really too late. In fact she was about to fall right on blonde... in pretty unpleasant way. Instead she somehow managed to change own trajectory slightly, which resulted in her falling down. She got only about one, two seconds near Sora, yet she managed to whisper in way that was hard to hear even by her.:
- Sorry...
Before falling down. And what a fall was it, even when she managed to shield face and chest.

2015-07-08, 05:52 PM
Kara hurried out, looking to see where the two went. For once, she didn't even have a plan, just wandering quickly through the halls, hoping she would stumble across them...

And stumble she did. Tripping right over Anna, who was sprawled all over the hall for some reason.

2015-07-08, 06:36 PM
Still shaken, Sora none the less tried to put on a normal face as she shook her head "Everything is fine...thank you for your concern". Of course, everything was not fine. Strong feelings combined with a feeling of violation did not blend well. Not helping the matter was the fact that Anna chased after her, only to trip and fall. Joining Anna on the 'sudden appearance followed by faceplant' group was Kara, who'm arrived a few moments later. A bit shocked by the sight of the two girls in a pile on the floor, Sora couldn't help but laugh a little, which certainly helped her feel a bit more settled. "Are you two alright?" she asked, after she'd gotten the chuckle out of her system.

2015-07-09, 03:15 AM
Taking his hands away from Sora's shoulders, and taking a few feet away from all three girls, David says with a smile: "By the way, thanks for the service."

2015-07-09, 05:08 AM
Her laught would usually hurt, but... Maybe that mean she feels better now? Anna wasn't sure.

What she WAS sure of was who fell on her. Voice, shape of body that fell on her... Kara. Curious, she never expected her to *run* anywhere. Anyway Anna slowly, to not harm little runner, got up, then gave Kara hand to help her get up.

Then, standing there she realized that she did felt pain. Anna might have shielded herself while falling, but not when Kara fell on her... Also, it seemed like some harm was done.
- My shirt...
It was damaged, torn for bit over two inches at cleavage. Yet, the redhead grabbed own breasts and squished them few times...
- But no body damage. - she said happily. Then she started to work with shirt, trying to cover as much as possible with parts that tried to fall aside.

Also, trying to understand why she felt envy on David. After few seconds she thought on what happened and realized what he said. She almost formed fist, but then had to place hand back at cleavage.
Worry not, in next post dress problem is fixed unless someone make it harder.

2015-07-09, 10:01 AM
Out of nowhere, a random student appeared! He apparently was running towards you guys after he heard the thud caused by the pileup.

"Is everybody okay? Nobody hurt?", he said, whilst attempting to not stare at Anna's cleavage.

2015-07-09, 11:05 AM
Kara barely had time to register what happened before Sora's question made her jump, also managing to completely miss Anna's offered hand. She tried to scramble to her feet, but ended up instead falling back dow on her butt. "I am fine. Perfectly fine. Just wasn't looking where I was going." Her thoughts were racing incoherently, so much so that she missed the arrival of the new student. All that was going through her head was what she should say to Sora. "I'm Takara Ramone. I sit next to you in History." She stuck her hand out for a handshake, which was a bit awkward considering she was still on the floor.

2015-07-09, 11:47 AM
Sora avoided looking at Anna, given the girls...wardrobe malfunction. And given the context of recent events, it was better to keep her attention elsewhere. Sora willingly took hold of Kara's hand and helped the girl back up to her feet as she did so. "Its a pleasure. I'm Kosukegawa Sora, glad to see your not hurt"

2015-07-09, 11:48 AM
- You know, Kara, when someone offer you help you could at least accept it. - said Anna. After all her hand was there for few seconds, and everyone could see what was result of Kara ignoring it.
- Also, if you really wanted to fall on me, you could at least try to get on right side. - she added, smiling slightly. Darn, it's way less fun than it used to be. No wonder, however, it's Kara, newborn panda would be able to harass her.

While telling all this Anna took material from both sides of her cleavage and after few tries tied it. Instead of big hole all that was left was bit of exposure. What, everyone want to be decent... once in a year.

2015-07-09, 11:56 AM
It was actually happening. Not just a fantasy. Sora was holding her hand! Even if it didn't mean anything jsut a nice person helping her to her feet, Kara wanted to fix the moment in her mind.

Anna's voice snapped her back to reality though, and she "Oh, I'm so sorry! I should have been looking where I was going and been more carefulIhopeIwasn'tinterruptinganythingIamsosorry" Kara's face burned from embarrassment, as she shrunk away from everyone.

2015-07-09, 11:37 PM
"....well, I'd think I should probably leave.", the student said, before noticing Sora. "Wait, you are Kosugekawa Sora, right? The Japanese transfer?"

2015-07-10, 11:06 AM
Sora looked at the other student, the one she didn't recognize, and nodded. "Yes, that's me. And you are?"

2015-07-10, 11:38 AM
After while of standing Anna realized that it will take while till Sora moves anywhere. She placed herself next to wall and started to think. After while she kind of spaced out...

She also mutters to herself. If someone get close I will send part of this via pm, but it's not really important...

Just wanted to write herself and thought that it's what Anna would do while waiting.

2015-07-10, 12:17 PM
Sora looked at the other student, the one she didn't recognize, and nodded. "Yes, that's me. And you are?"

"Oh, sorry for being rude,", the student said. "I'm Kane Wright. Honestly, though, I wonder, why are you actually doing here in the hallway? It seems that-"(He then realizes that Anna was also in the hallway, too.)"....nevermind, I think I know already."

2015-07-10, 01:00 PM
Kara shrunk away even further. Sora...and Anna. How could she compete with Anna? Her face, which had begun cool slightly upon the new student's arrival, flared right back up.

2015-07-10, 01:10 PM
Kara shrunk away even further. Sora...and Anna. How could she compete with Anna? Her face, which had begun cool slightly upon the new student's arrival, flared right back up.

After while Anna shook her head, blushing. Seems like she had some interesting ideas... But now she realized that Kara started to basically disappear. Damn, she overdid.
- Hey, is something wrong?
Quick stare down there, no, knot was still working.

2015-07-10, 02:28 PM
Kara looked away. Her mouth didn't seem to be working properly, but she was able to shake her head. She was fine. If Sora and Anna...if they were happy...

2015-07-10, 05:31 PM
"Oh, sorry for being rude,", the student said. "I'm Kane Wright. Honestly, though, I wonder, why are you actually doing here in the hallway? It seems that-"(He then realizes that Anna was also in the hallway, too.)"....nevermind, I think I know already."

Sora blinked in suprise, then shook her head, waving her hands in front of her as she realied what Kane was implying "Oh no, no, nothing like that!" Sora scrambled a moment, mentally, to figure out what to say next. "I just...twisted my leg weird in class, and needed to take a walk to make sure it wasn't hurt. Anna came along to, so that I wouldn't get lost"

2015-07-10, 05:46 PM
Anna confirmed that lie.
- Unlike some of you, I don't *always* think about one thing, all right? - she said to Kane - all I wanted was to help Sora. Also, meeting with new people, especially foreigners, allow us to learn new things...
Small, really small dreamy tone wasn't really enough to guess what happened... yet Sora should be able to understand... Anna hoped. In fact she did not wanted that tone to be here, it just slipped out. Hopefully blonde will be grateful for help at covering whole situation...

2015-07-10, 05:56 PM
"Was on my way back from the bathroom." David said nonchalantly. After all, he was technically right.

2015-07-11, 02:45 PM
"Me too" Kara said quietly. While she hadn't been to the bathroom yet, she wasn't going to say why she really left, and that was the excuse she used.

2015-07-12, 04:10 AM
"Well, that explains a lot. Sorry for being rude again." Kane said whilst laughing sheepishly. "Geez, how can I make up for this-"

"Oh, right! Maybe I can lead you to The closet. Y'know, the one who leads to a interdimensional dungeon?"

2015-07-12, 04:52 AM
David smiles, and says: "Sure! Sounds fun!"

2015-07-12, 05:10 AM
The Closet, huh? Anna heard some *interesting* things about it. She looked at Sora, and some pieces aligned together in her head...
- We lost our class anyway. Not like there was something interesting there... If Sora want to go, I can join.
Let's check if rumors are true.

2015-07-13, 07:29 AM
"Wait...what?" Was about Sora could stammer out. "I'm sorry....my english is usually pretty good, but I don't understand what you just said...something about a closet? Or did I mishear?"

2015-07-13, 07:43 AM
- You did not. It's one of these things almost everyone heard about... I should probably tell you about it earlier. - Said Anna. How could she be so stupid? It was PERFECT place to take Sora in...
- You see, there is big, big dungeon here. It's why so many students try to get a spot in this school... I always wanted to go there, but... It would be boring to go alone...
Anna smiled.
- Sora, please, let's follow Kane there! With David it's four of us... or even more if Kara would come... We could at least get in and see how it's like!

2015-07-13, 07:58 AM
"A dungeon? Like with whips, and chains and leather clothing that was covered in straps and zippers?" Sora asked, still deeply confused, but now also a little frightful of what she might end up getting dragged into. Just what kind of school was this!?

2015-07-13, 08:02 AM
David facepalms, before explaining: "No, the one with monsters and treasure. Just like a game, only in real life."

2015-07-13, 08:09 AM
- Just what David said. - Anna confirmed - but I guess you could find some chains there if you wanted, just remember to free me later - she added, then gave a small laugh.

2015-07-13, 09:30 AM
Monsters and treasure? Well...treasure was certainly better than the alternative. Monsters was a bit...concerning. But Sora had played a few of those kinds of video games, so that gave her something to ground herself in. "Well...alright then. Sounds fun!"

2015-07-13, 10:01 AM
"Well...allright then. Sounds fun!" - Sora said. Anna was afraid, at least a bit. Part about chain was just a joke...

Still, it seemed like they were going *there*... finally. She was really curious how similar it was to her dreams... Then she started to... sing? Well, close to it, but really, really quiet.
Castle in the sky.

2015-07-13, 11:35 AM
Kara had stood frozen in place as they discussed the dungeon, but once they actually seemed to have made the decision, she found her voice. "Wait. The dungeon is real? It-just-How?!"

2015-07-13, 11:36 AM
Anna stopped singing for moment, smiled and said:
- Why don't we find out?

2015-07-13, 12:13 PM
Kara's breathing began to speed up? Go into the dungeons? Where there were all sorts of monsters, and traps and things, just waiting to crush them? But Sora sounded like she was going... If Kara didn't go, would she ever see Sora again? And what if she got hurt? Kara might be able to do something to help her. Being able to work alongside Sora...

"Sounds like fun. Let's go."

2015-07-15, 09:16 PM
"Great! Let's go, then!"


"......and that's why The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was actually a biography," Kane said, whilst expertly unlocking a lock. "Hey, looks like we are finally here! I'm proud to present to you.....the Closet."

And it.... actually is kind of dissapointing. It's just your standard, slightly worn moderate oak wood closet, with room for several people to fit in. Still, if you were expecting something grand, you are sorely dissapointed.

2015-07-16, 02:59 AM
Yay. Adventure! Dungeons! Old daddy anegdotes...

Anna was bored to death long before they reached the Closet. In fact, she just grabbed part of Sora's shirt, but did nothing... And through half of way she had closed eyes, following them via this clothing. And when they stopped, she just... fell on wall. And snored. Then she woke up. At least her grab was weak enough and blonde's shirt did not went on wall with her.

She looked around and noticed the Closet.
- So... Why aren't we just going in already? - Anna asked, rubbing her eyes.

When you are so boring so you cause girl to fall asleep.

2015-07-16, 06:36 PM
The whole time they were walking, Kara was nervously fidgeting. She was doing this. She was really doing this. Kara was going to go down into a dungeon with Sora. This was really happening. And by the time they reached the closet, Kara's nerves were near the fraying point...

"The Closet"

Kara couldn't help it. She squeaked in fear and instinctively clung to Sora in fear. Even when she saw there was nothing in the closet, she couldn't quite let go.

I think Scaredy Cat Qualifies. If not, knock the +2 off.


2015-07-17, 01:13 AM
David looks at the closet with an excited grin in his face.

2015-07-17, 11:07 AM
Sora wasn't sure what to believe, since as far as she could tell, there was at least a better-than-even-chance that this was just a joke of some kind. Still, when Kara let out a little yelp of nervousness, Sora couldn't help but give the girl a pat on the shoulder "Don't worry, it'll be fun, I'm sure of it!" she said with an encouraging smile.

2015-07-19, 08:13 PM
"There's absolutely nothing stopping you from entering the interdimensional dungeon.", Kane said cheerfully. ''Of course, you may have second thoughts about entering the dungeon what with the deadly monsters, the obnoxiously large amount of deathtraps, you not being able to leave the dungeon until you win or die (did I mention that if you die in the dungeon, you die for good?), and the fact that your clothing may spontaneously disintegrate when entering the dungeon. But I'm sure it's going to be fine!

2015-07-19, 08:24 PM
As the student spoke, Kara shrunk further down in terror. All of those things just waiting to kill them all, and die for good. But instead of fleeing, she looked up at Sora, trying to guess what she was thinking. If Sora was going, well, KAra wanted to go too. No matter how scary it was.

2015-07-20, 12:22 AM
"Alright, let's do this!" Davis roars and charges into the closet, leaping as he goes through it.

2015-07-20, 02:18 AM
"Clothing may spontaneously disintegrate."
Sora gave small look at Anna. Then she turned back to Closet, red on face. Even in her "career" she had no chance for something like that... especially with someone who worked on her like Sora did. Anna wanted to see it.
- H...He is right. Come, Sora!
Anna basically jumped into closet. Part of her hoped that increased impact will increase chances for desintegration. She also prepared herself to turn back as fast as she was there...

Will write something in ooc soon, please check it out.

2015-07-22, 06:37 PM
You all jump in the closet-portal; moments later, you get pushed out of said closet portal, into what appears to be an armory, stocked with weapons, armor, and the works. You'd notice a scroll popping out the floor, but you are preoccupied with something different.

Such as the fact that most of you are naked. To rub insult to injury, only Sora is still clothed.

2015-07-22, 06:41 PM
David enters first, looking at the armory. As he hears the girls enter, he asks, without turning back: "So, ladies, do you want to see the six pack?" From behind, it's very clear David has been frequently lifting. And not skipping leg day.

2015-07-22, 07:18 PM
"EEEE!" Kara had no idea what to cover first. She settled for curling up, and screwing her eyes shut. She couldn't cover everything though, and she had been frozen in place for a few seconds before covering up. Somehow, David's remark managed to penetrate her panic. and she almost shouted. "Not! Interested!"

Can't let Anna hog all the glory, even if Kara doesn't get a bonus (unless being very shy and suddenly being naked around the protagonist qualifies as a "scary situation"

2015-07-23, 04:19 PM
- Agreed! - Anna almost shouted, turning back from David. And waiting for Sora. Why wasn't she here already? She was sure that beautiful blonde would be here within seconds, and instead... Nothing.

And Anna was tired. Probably because of all that babble about old legends. So she sit down on ground. After while she just fell asleep. Still not realizing she is naked.

Because Nine don't post for long time, I think we can assume there will be like hour before Sora appear? :P

2015-07-23, 07:12 PM
Sora entered through the portal into the dungeon. What she saw was...well...unexpected is an appropriate word to describe it. But one that lacked the weight to really convey the level of shock (And maybe just a tiny bit of awe) at the sight of her classmates sans-clothing. All she could do was cover her eyes and shout "Oh no, it is that kind of a dungeon!"

2015-07-23, 07:33 PM
"Nonono, I didn't mean to-It just happened!" Glancing over towards Sora, Kara noticed with a twinge of disappointment (and guilt, because that could be very embarrassing for Sora) that she was fully dressed. "Sora! You still have clothes! Can I borrow some?" she blurted out without thinking. When she realized what she said, Kara blushed even darker. "Oh, not like that! It's just..."She trailed off and hid her face in her lap.

2015-07-23, 11:42 PM
Deciding that the joke's over, David goes to the armory and picks up some gear and clothes, including a chain shirt, wooden shield, and halberd.

2015-07-24, 02:40 AM
Meanwhile, down on ground there was quite a show...
- Sora, please stop... - Anna, all red on face, said through sleep. And then something formed on her naked body... some kind of detail-less gown.
- This is strange...
Sleeping girl shook her head while that gown got slightly ripped on top, just like Anna's blouse earlier was damaged by Sora...
- But... but it was just a joke! - this time she sounded bit afraid. After few seconds some kind of heavy chain formed, connected to some thing like collar on Anna's neck. As red as she was, the redhead WAS afraid, and it was visible not just by look, but by whole body language...
- Sora? Sora?
Anna started to shake a bit, and suddenly everything around was slightly darker, as if source of light was cut off.

So, basically, you could literally see parts of her dream. Or nightmare.

2015-08-04, 05:52 AM
Suddenly, the scroll explodes, leaving nothing behind.

Well, except for Kane. Who was for some reason teleported here. Completely oblivious to Kara's and Anna's nudity. Or the constructs emanating from Anna's body, for that matter.

"Oh, hey there! It seems that you have decided to jump into the closet, entering the Dungeon (which isn't that kind of pervy dungeon filled with tentacle monsters and other assorted rapebeasts, don't worry Sora) itself. Do you have any questions?