View Full Version : [LS] Requiem For The Fallen: Act V - The Star's Fury

2015-07-07, 04:15 PM
Requiem For The Fallen: Act V - The Star's Fury
"...Most of them are to young to remember how the world ended. How, 'the old world', ended. Most of them can't remember the times before. Not like you and me. They don't know how or why we came back, why we remember."

"I was scared, alone and afraid like you when I woke. Woke to this world... But I learned quickly, you will too. You live by being quick. You live by hiding down here. Take a good look. You remember when these tunnels were filled with people, when the station was filled with life, right? ...The subways stopped running a few years ago. We think the power finally died. Most of us stay below ground, we hide from 'them', on the surface. It's something about the air down here, they don't like it. So they send their pets to flush us out... But we're faster, we're smarter."

" 'The Rise', the world above... It's poisoned and dangerous. They like the air like that, filled with the smog that shades the sun... Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. But that's how it is. Some of them fight above, they follow Julian Burlow. One of us. They say he was the first one to wake up after it happened... He refused to run, he fought back, he's still fighting. The Risen, the ones who stayed above, they say there isn't much time left for us down here. The Hunters are preparing to take the under-city too. But if that happens... there won't be any hope for anyone... Hm, what was that? You can't remember what happened? Well, maybe it's better not to remember what you saw. Sometimes I wish I didn't.... Let me tell you a story..."

Earth: 1998 - The Beginning
"No one knows the day anymore. The day the world ended. It began as a rain that would not end. It lasted for months, the clouds obscured the skies and spread everywhere. People begun to forget who they were, people begun to forget where they were from, forget family..friends. Then the darkness came. The rains parted... there was only a long night, as if the world had been consumed by some creature's maw. A lightless night, without stars or moon. Many succumbed to the cold that froze the surface. Men fought one another for food and supplies, but the chaos did not last long. The people recovered, order returned, for awhile. Until The Night began... There was no moon, but the star's, the sea of stars... they returned after so long. We don't know their names. But we call them The Hunters. They descended upon us... upon the world. They couldn't be stopped... like creatures from legend and mythology, The Purge began."

Earth: 1998-1999 - The Purge
"The death was thought to be indiscriminate at first. They murdered everything, everyone. Targeting humanity. The titans washed away the cities with a wave of their hand. The smog began to roil forth from their mouths and every orifice, like massive fuming smoke stacks into the sky. The mist was strange, blue and unearthly. Men prayed, cried, and died before the titans. Nothing could stop them. We still don't know how many died, men could barely remember who they had been. Civilization as we knew it had ended in a matter of weeks. No weapon, no bomb, was enough. Then, when the surface was covered in the Miasma, The Hunter's came out. Strange creatures living in the mist. That was when we discovered they were hunting the grownups. They killed them, or captured them and drug them away to their pits. But they left us alone... They ignored the young ones. The killing never ended... I can still hear the screams. After a long time, we learned to hide, to run. But the mist changed some people, they began to change... We don't know why. But many of the young ones, like you and me. We fell asleep for a long time. We don't know if we all did or if only some of us did. But we began to wake up, and we woke to this... The ones who could remember, the ones like us, are rare. Most of them can't remember anything anymore. Only this world."

Earth: 2002 - The Present
"Everyone has to choose how they live now, in this strange world. The Risen fight tirelessly above. They say The Night never ended above... We don't go out their. We live in the Undercities. Some leave for other undercities, rarely do we know if they make it alive. We, The Fallen stay below the ground. We live here, we thrive and survive. We have order and safety, we only have to defend ourselves from The Tainted, the creatures who have turned into beasts from the mists. Sometimes The Hunter's pets too, but nothing we can't handle ourselves. We all dream of life beyond this place, but that is just a dream..."

"There are the few though, The Cardinals. They are even more crazy then The Risen. They are great adventurers who travel the world above and below carrying letters to those places they venture. They protect us and The Risen from the dangerous ones, The Hunters that can't be stopped by normal people... We don't know where they came from. They just sort of showed up... or rather, they stood out. Perhaps they were always here, waiting. They fought for us and protected us when the world ended. Now they train those worthy of taking up the cause. Guys like us. That's why we're here. I don't know where you came from, but I came from far away. They told me when the young-ones went to sleep, they gathered those they thought could be trained to defend the people. Shelters like this place were put up, and people like us gathered until we woke... still the choice is ours to make. I don't know if I want to die out their. I don't know if I'm cut out for it... I saw what those things do to people.... I don't want to go like that. So, what's your name?"

2015-07-07, 04:16 PM
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