View Full Version : more reach weapon questions.

2015-07-08, 01:45 PM
Char summery:
im a paladin of aincients lvl 12, variant human, 27pt buy (15,10,13,8,10,15) ability/feats: polearm master, Resilient(con), and 2x ability improvements, currently (20, 10, 14, 8, 10, 16)
I plan on going +2cha and perhaps another +2 cha or sentinel or greatweapon master or some other stuff when I level.

So im a medium sized human, and im standing behind a medium sized halforc with shield and plate and sword. Can I reach through him and hit monsters 5ft from him and ofc 10ft from me? if yes where does it say so? (scource and page) and with the polearm master feat can I really use the buttend of the glaive to hit the monster as a bonus action if im in the above mentioned situation.

I feel its wierd looking that I can use front and back end of a glaive past an ally standing infront of me, let alone at 10ft reach. But I love it! I just need to get the rules straight.

I have one uncommon item, barring a few like winged boots, or every items had to be accepted by DM, he told me that weapon of warning was alright, but what would you choose: +1 glaive or glaive of warning, and glaive of warning is magic right? (negating dam reduction on devils)?

Thats it for now, ill probably have more, before the game saturday

Thanks for your help!

kind regards


2015-07-08, 02:02 PM
Char summery:
im a paladin of aincients lvl 12, variant human, 27pt buy (15,10,13,8,10,15) ability/feats: polearm master, Resilient(con), and 2x ability improvements, currently (20, 10, 14, 8, 10, 16)
I plan on going +2cha and perhaps another +2 cha or sentinel or greatweapon master or some other stuff when I level.

So im a medium sized human, and im standing behind a medium sized halforc with shield and plate and sword. Can I reach through him and hit monsters 5ft from him and ofc 10ft from me? if yes where does it say so? (scource and page) and with the polearm master feat can I really use the buttend of the glaive to hit the monster as a bonus action if im in the above mentioned situation.

I feel its wierd looking that I can use front and back end of a glaive past an ally standing infront of me, let alone at 10ft reach. But I love it! I just need to get the rules straight.

Creatures only control the 5' around them, they do not take up the entire 5' section. I think that may be where you are seeing this in a way in which it gets weird.

You aren't reaching "through" the other creature but attacking the creature behind him when the orc isn't in your way.

Now a DM may decide that the creature has a +2 AC as the cover rules say the following...

Walls, trees, creatures, and other obstacles can provide
cover during combat, making a target more difficult
to harm. A target can benefit from cover only when an
attack or other effect originates on the opposite side of
the cover.

A target with half cover has a +2 bonus to AC and
Dexterity saving throws. A target has half cover if an
obstacle blocks at least half of its body. The obstacle
might be a low wall, a large piece of furniture, a narrow
tree trunk, or a creature, whether that creature is an
enemy or a friend."
Page 74 Basic PDF

2015-07-08, 02:20 PM
Creatures only control the 5' around them, they do not take up the entire 5' section. I think that may be where you are seeing this in a way in which it gets weird.

You aren't reaching "through" the other creature but attacking the creature behind him when the orc isn't in your way.

Ahh this reminds me of another question about my auras.

Question 3: Paladin auras, 10 ft... is this only given to people adjacent to me? or are there an argument to be made that the 10ft is radiating from the edge of the chars 5ft square or is it RAW that its countet from the center of the character 5ft square? (do I make sense?)

2015-07-08, 02:38 PM
I agree with the above that by RAW, using a reach weapon to attack an enemy on the other side of an ally is valid, but they get the +2 AC bonus from half cover.

For the polearm feat, I can't find anything that says or suggests that your bonus 1d4 attack doesn't keep the reach property from the weapon, so I would rule that it does. 10ft range for the bonus attack. It's a little weird, but I can imagine someone swiftly twirling the weapon and jabbing out with the butt end. Probably totally not feasible in real life, but whatever.

I believe your auras are meant to extend 10ft away from your square (for a 10ft aura). So, someone one or two squares away would be in your aura, but not someone three squares away. I looked at the rules for spell effect areas on p. 204 and 205 of the PHB, but surprisingly they don't unambiguously resolve the issue. But, my gut tells me that RAI is what I described above, and since the entries for circle effects form cylinders and spheres feel the need to point out that the area of effect also includes the point of origin, I'd rule it as above. (I realize that the words for these circle effects could be read as causing the point of origin to count against the radius, as well, but I still lean the other way.)

2015-07-08, 02:49 PM
Ahh this reminds me of another question about my auras.

Question 3: Paladin auras, 10 ft... is this only given to people adjacent to me? or are there an argument to be made that the 10ft is radiating from the edge of the chars 5ft square or is it RAW that its countet from the center of the character 5ft square? (do I make sense?)

You can attack a creature within 5' of you with your with a melee weapon or whatever spell that says touch. If the way you are describing range worked, you would never be able to hit someone without moving into their space and squeezing before attacking.

10' away is given to everyone within 10' of your current square/area of control/whatever. Count your square as "you" when determining distances like this. You are able to be any place in your square at any given time after all.

This is one of those things that the designers assume that everyone knows.

I agree with the above that by RAW, using a reach weapon to attack an enemy on the other side of an ally is valid, but they get the +2 AC bonus from half cover.

For the polearm feat, I can't find anything that says or suggests that your bonus 1d4 attack doesn't keep the reach property from the weapon, so I would rule that it does. 10ft range for the bonus attack. It's a little weird, but I can imagine someone swiftly twirling the weapon and jabbing out with the butt end. Probably totally not feasible in real life, but whatever.

By RAW/RAI I think the partial cover applies.

Just remember that this is a fantasy game and don't judge things based on how feasible it is in real life. Think of D&D more like an action movie.

I mean, hell, falling down stairs will break a rib/give you a concussion easily in real life but in D&D and movies (think die hard) we pretend that these falls can be ignored except for the fact you are in a new place.

In a fantasy game you want your characters doing things that aren't feasible in real life, or else you don't really have a fantasy game.

2015-07-08, 03:18 PM
You can attack a creature within 5' of you with your with a melee weapon or whatever spell that says touch. If the way you are describing range worked, you would never be able to hit someone without moving into their space and squeezing before attacking.

10' away is given to everyone within 10' of your current square/area of control/whatever. Count your square as "you" when determining distances like this. You are able to be any place in your square at any given time after all.

This is one of those things that the designers assume that everyone knows.

By RAW/RAI I think the partial cover applies.

Just remember that this is a fantasy game and don't judge things based on how feasible it is in real life. Think of D&D more like an action movie.

I mean, hell, falling down stairs will break a rib/give you a concussion easily in real life but in D&D and movies (think die hard) we pretend that these falls can be ignored except for the fact you are in a new place.

In a fantasy game you want your characters doing things that aren't feasible in real life, or else you don't really have a fantasy game.

HAHA I agree! I do this to be better than myself! If I fail at that (im awesome) i might aswell not play :D:D:D

Jokes aside, so +1 weapon or weapon of warning, or cloak of protection?

MY stats:20str, 10dex, 14con, 8int, 10wis, 16cha ;100 HP ;18 AC; Saves: 8str, 3dex, 9con, 2int, 7wis, 10cha Resistance: spells