View Full Version : Cursed Magic Items

2015-07-08, 06:34 PM
So, I saw this thread:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?423166-GiP-Regulars-as-Wondrous-Items

And I thought to myself 'What magic item would fit me best?' And I considered how many times I've earned the title, and not on purpose, of 'world ****er' with my dnd group. Being that I've earned that title more than once from the GM, I figured a cursed item would fit best. But what? I generally try to do the right thing and usually with good intentions, so what item could embody that and yet still cause problems?

So, the purpose of this thread is: help me elaborate on this cursed magical item. Play around with it in your head for potential exploitation, or even introduce cursed items of your own. The point is to have some fun with a thought experiment about cursed magic items.

Sagetim's Big Bag of Stuff
Caster level: ? 15?
Description: The Big Bag of Stuff is actually a cursed item. It appears to be a Bag of Holding at first glance (And lesser divinations like Identify show it as a Bag of Holding) stuffed with a variety of mundane objects. When drawn forth the objects act as normal items, and are, indeed, just normal crap. However, When someone puts items into the Big Bag of Stuff, it is checked against the Item List for the Big Bag of Stuff. Any items of similar value to those that are on the Big Bag of Stuff list are replaced by those items. For example, a gold piece placed into the bag is turned into a goat (preserved in stasis within the bag until drawn forth). Copper pieces tend to become chalk, pounds of wheat, or on a 2 copper piece per basis- Chickens and pounds of flour, and so on. Did I mention this bag is cursed? When you are putting something away, you have to succeed a dc 16 will save not to put it away into the Big Bag of Stuff (If your character has a will save high enough to succeed on a 1, they are immune to this effect). If you are compelled by the bag to put an item away into it while the bag is already full, then you manage to somehow stuff the item in, even though this goes beyond the supposed capacity of the bag. However, to get any items out, you must first remove any goats, followed by the heaviest items, before you can get at anything else.
Furthermore, the Big Bag of Stuff will consume high quality items that are beyond the value of anything on the list and transform them into lesser items on the list. Magical items are exempt from this. If you store an item that is on the list in the Big Bag of Stuff, nothing bad happens to it. Masterwork weapons are broken down into vials of multiple colors of ink, masterwork armors are transformed into the scribing materials for wizard spells, and other masterwork items find themselves transformed into blank wizard's spellbooks. These transformations are on an equal value basis, but if enough material is transformed within the bag, no new items can be placed within it until it has been emptied first. For example, a masterwork longsword is worth 315 gold, so it would become 39 vials of various colors of ink, and one vial with about a third of an ounce. If you put 500 gold pieces into the bag, it would become 500 goats, but you would overweight the bag to the point that you would need to empty the goats out before you could put anything else into the bag.

The bag has a weight capacity of 500 pounds and always weights 10 pounds, even when overweighted.

Item List for the Big Bag of Stuff:

1 cp - 1 pound of wheat or 1 piece of chalk, or 1 candle
multiple copper pieces- 1 pound of flour (2), 1 chicken (2), 1 loaf of bread (2), 1 mug of ale with ale in it (4),
1 silver piece- 1 inkpen, 1 bedroll, 1 sack, 1 pound of iron, 1 lonely piton (the bag will never provide more than one at a time)
5sp- 1 pound of copper, 1 pound of tobbacco, 1 pound of soap, 1 sewing needle
multiple silver pieces- 1 square yard of canvas per silver piece, 1 square yard of silk per 100 silver pieces
1 gp- 1 goat
1 pp- 1 cow

The bag is quite literal in it's values, it does not do monetary exchange for you, so you cannot get, for example, 10 pieces of chalk for a single silver piece, but you could get that for 10 copper pieces. Should this item provide anything other than goats and cows for coinage in the form of gold pieces or platinum?

2015-07-08, 08:36 PM
While the bag is carried within the confines of a Lawful community, any search performed by a legal official of the community will only produce items that are considered unlawful contraband within the community.

2015-07-08, 10:44 PM
Ah, thank you. Additionally all contraband found will be embarassing items of contraband when possible.

"How dare you bring cheese into the cow lord's realm! And what's with all these cows? You Monster! Further, why are these cheeses emblazoned with a symbol of a cow in a harlot's makeup!? Deviant! Burn him!"