View Full Version : The Roads of Elara

2015-07-09, 04:20 AM
Today the small town of Carteia is bustling with laughter and uproar. A travelling circus, heralded by the impressive declamations of a portly ringmaster, has arrived and set up a series of sprawling pavilions. The tough canvas of the pavilions has been dyed in enough colours to daze a painter. Brilliant scarlet streamers whip in the wind from atop the tents. Jugglers move a dozen balls in a dozen patterns, serving as both advertisement and exhibition. Villagers from miles away flock to the spectacle. Crops can wait in fields another day, and bent ploughshares won’t get bent further in the blacksmith’s absence. Today the sun is shining, and hardworking men and women treat themselves to some well-deserved downtime.

You find yourself in a cramped canvas tent of curiosities and caged beasts. Bright lanterns blaze brightly enough to match the sun outside. Several beasts are kept here, in sturdy iron cages. A lion paces irritably in its straw filled cage. A gaggle of children wearing rough woolen smocks peer nervously at a cage in the corner. A massive snake, its coils thicker than your head, watches them motionlessly. A cage of large-eyed owls hoot softly behind you. The rushes underneath your feet rustle as you walk amongst the displays.

The center of the room is dominated by a massive tank of water, in which stands a submerged suit of armor. The suit looks dirty and corroded, with bits of green and white moss-like growth creeping across it. The most distinctive feature is the full-enclosure helmet, which is not only unusually large but also houses no vent or visor. Instead, what appears to be a small view-port of darkened glass occupies the face. The armour and helmet bear unusual extra features that look rather out of place, including a number of fine tubes, knobs and small hatches. On a stand beside the tank rest a buckler and a fearsome barbed trident.

There are three adults in this tent. A wiry gnomish woman peers eagerly around, taking the sights in with unmasked wonder. A muscular man, his brown hair cut in what could be a military style, leans against a cage as he watches the animals within. Finally, a tall, wiry man uses one hand to scratch his horseshoe mustache while his blue eyes scrutinize the room.

You have a bit of time to roleplay and get to know each other's characters (if you choose), but things will get eventful real soon.

2015-07-09, 04:39 PM
Harald ventures towards the tank and reads the plaque, then peers closely at the suit of armour. He raises a hand to knock on the glass, but then thinks better of it, simply resting his palm against the cool surface and continues to skeptically watch for a sign of life.

2015-07-09, 10:43 PM
For a moment, nothing happens. Then the armour's right arm raises, placing a gauntlet-clad hand against the opposite side of the glass under Harald's. Then, both hands move up to remove the suit's helmet, revealing an exotically attractive face with piercing black eyes staring back. Gills like those of a fish can be seen pumping water on the Undrownable Man's neck. He stares blankly and unblinking through the glass at Harald for a moment, then re-attaches his helmet and lets his arms drop to rest at his sides again.

He hated being stared at like a freak, and especially being put on display to be gawked at. He had never been treated with dignity back home, but he never imagined a fate a bad as this. Unfortunately, he had learned early on in his captivity that he had to play along and keep his captor's clients satisfied if he was to be fed that night.

2015-07-09, 11:35 PM
Dark brows raise in surprise, an expression which changes quickly to utter fascination. Harald tilts his head quizzically when the water-born man meets his gaze, lowering his eyes and nodding when those characteristic gills make sense of the Undrownable Man's title.

He takes a deep breath and exhales onto the glass, creating a temporary canvas on which he writes "Hail." backwards, with his index finger. He waves afterwards, quietly hoping he didn't make himself look silly by scribing in a very likely unfamiliar language.

Dodge Magnum
2015-07-10, 01:39 AM
The military man breaks his gaze from the lion at the sound of fingers rubbing on moist glass. He wasn't particularly interested in animal displays that aren't griffins, and this half-griffin could only hold half his interest anyways.

Looking through the tank with the seemingly motionless armor, he sees the word "hail" just as it evaporates off the far side of the tank wall. For some reason this mustachioed man is attempting to contact him in silence. What could that be for? The military man makes a breath mark on his side of the glass and writes the phrase: "What do you need, stranger?" in forwards script with his index finger.

This whole secrecy thing seems rather silly when there's nobody but some children and a gnome darting about.

2015-07-10, 04:00 AM
The Undrownable Man rolls his eyes inside his helmet as the latest zoo-goers drag their fingers over the glass in an attempt to provoke a reaction. However, his attention is quickly gripped when he recognizes the symbols left behind.

He removes his helmet again in order to better examine the curving lines, and he traces their shapes with his finger as he struggles to remember the sound of each one. Slowly, he pieces the word together in his mind: "HAIL"

He looks meaningfully out at the outsiders' faces. Perhaps these are more of the good ones. This is the first time since his abduction by the zookeepers that any of these aliens had attempted to communicate with him as an intelligent being rather than an animal oddity. A surge of hope springs up inside him as he scrambles to figure out how to answer. He had been stripped of his tools he could scratch the glass with, and the walls are too thick for his voice to be audible. An idea strikes him, and he digs through his few remaining possessions to produce a small pouch.

From the pouch he draws a length of fine string and a number of small, colourful beads made from shells, stones and other marine materials. Expertly, he begins adding the beads one by one to the string and trying them in place, each new addition unlike any of the previous ones. As he works, he scrutinizes the second message.

OOC: I have more written, but I'll break up my post to allow for roleplay while my guy does his thing.

Dodge Magnum
2015-07-10, 11:02 AM
Niles lets out a short cry of "By Dolum!"

The armor he previously assumed to be lifeless now appears to be moving through a will of its own. He circles around the tank, now beside the man in the mustache, trying to get a better look at the actions going on in the water.

2015-07-10, 11:37 AM
Harald gives the other man a sidelong glance before his eyes return to the glass, watching intently as beads are tied onto string.

"Aye." he acknowledges, "Look, I think he's trying to make a message of his own."

2015-07-10, 01:56 PM
The Undrownable Man holds the completed string of beads up in front of each of the figures peering in at him. He points to it meaningfully before grabbing it with his teeth to free up his hands. Then he quickly assembles a shorter bead string with a large knot in the middle and holds it up with great enthusiasm.



2015-07-10, 08:31 PM
Breena had hoped the menagerie tent would have creatures more fantastic than the ones she had read about at the monastery. And they all seemed so sad and bored! She was contemplating poking the snake with a stick when she noticed the two giant men staring at the suit of armor intently. Wait, it was moving! No fair!

She abandons her stick and pushes between the pair to get as close as she can to the Undrownable Man. He appears to have produced a multi-coloured rosary. Was it trying to communicate?

Breena cranes her neck to look at the men behind her. The giant with the mustache appears to be the more intelligent one.

"Is this part of the show?"

Dodge Magnum
2015-07-10, 09:37 PM
"Fascinating! He's clearly trying to communicate with us! I would assume that each of those beads on the long thread is a letter, probably having to do with the different colours. Now what if we were to take the first letter of each of those colours in the smaller thread, let's see... Red... Olive... Green... Tan... then a new word seems to begin after that... Periwinkle... Olive. Rogt Po! It must be a traditional merfolk greeting - or possibly his name? I wonder what it translates to in our language."

"Rogt Po, my good man!" shouts Niles, waving excitedly at the Undrownable Man.

2015-07-10, 11:25 PM
Suspecting that his message has been misunderstood or ignored, he pounds on the wall of the tank in frustration. He points at the faded letter H on the tank's exterior, then to the very top of his short bead string.

2015-07-11, 04:00 AM
The man strokes his mustache as he attempts to decipher the message, looking to the military man with a hopeful expression when he appears to be making progress. Harald sighs, leaning with his elbows against the glass and shifting respectfully out of the way of the tiny woman, tapping the glass with a finger after having observed that non-circus like outburst of emotion. "I'm no expert in exotic languages, but I'm afraid this might not be a show at all."

Harald's eyes follow carefully, quickly redrawing the letter H as it is referred. "He reads common, too, or something close to it." He rubs out the remaining letters and with another breath of air, replaces them. To the Undrownable Man, the word now reads "Help?"

Dt. Vorix watches very carefully for a reaction.

2015-07-11, 04:45 AM
The Undrownable Man's deep black eyes widen, and he enthusiastically points at the new message while nodding vigorously.

2015-07-11, 02:47 PM
Your discussions are interrupted by the screams of children. The door of the snake cage lies open, and the snake itself has wrapped itself around one young girl. Her sandy blonde hair is barely visible over the thick coils of the snake. The snake's maw opens, revealing its fangs, as it hisses at the remaining children.

Everyone roll an initiative and a perception check in the Out-of-Character thread! (We do it there to avoid clutter)

To do that, you want to roll a d20, the standard die for skill checks and attacks, and add whatever your initiative modifier is, you can do it like this, with an initiative modifier of 3: 1d20+3

I put an extra l in roll so that the website won't recognize my typing and hide the code

You can also click "Combat Grid" in my signature to know exactly where everything is right now, sometimes I can be in a hurry and the grid can be confusing so don't think you'll offend me to ask clarification on anything

speaking of which the brown tiles are exhibits you can't walk through, I was just too lazy to label each one

2015-07-11, 02:53 PM
The Undrownable Man pockets his beads and dons his helmet once again.

2015-07-12, 10:16 AM
The snake lashes out at a young boy, but he stumbles backwards to fall in the dirt, evading the powerful maw. The girl being constricted by the snake feebly waves her arms in desperation.
Harald and Breena notice that the Lion's cage doesn't have a lock on it!
Harald's turn now!

2015-07-12, 06:20 PM
"See? H-" Harald turns away from the glass at the sound of screams and his hands fall to his belt. "Yeeeeeegh!" he exclaims anxiously as he moves quickly towards the lion's cage, and mutters under his breath, "Kidnapping, illegal slavery, failure to secure dangerous animals..."

He produces a set of manacles from his belt and swiftly clamps it around the bars of the cage to make sure it stays shut, at least for the time being, closing each restraint around both of the bars if possible.

Harald moves to D7 and tries to handcuff the gate shut.

Manacles can be broken with a DC 20 strength check, which unfortunately is probably not all that hard for a lion. I'm just banking on the deterrent factor.


2015-07-13, 08:53 PM
Breena rushes towards the children, readying her quarterstaff. Reaching the snake, she brings the weapon down on the creature's head.

Hopefully I'm doing this right.

Breena moves to M8.

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2015-07-14, 07:26 PM
The monk brings her quarterstaff down with a solid thwack! The snake uncoils itself from around the unlucky child, who scrambles to safety.

Dodge Magnum
2015-07-15, 01:12 AM
Noticing the flurry of activity in the room and feeling great confidence in his new allies' abilities to handle said activities, Niles turns his attentions towards THE ASTONISHING UNDROWNABLE MAN.

"Well my friend, it's a good thing you've gotten your suit put back together. Hold on tight!" Niles readies his morning star in an attempt to demolish the tank.

Strength Check! - [roll0]

2015-07-15, 09:41 AM
Niles' morning star slams into the glass at a bad angle. A small hairline crack in the glass develops, but does not break.

2015-07-15, 03:12 PM
Excited by the potential of freedom and unable to do anything more useful, THE ASTONISHING UNDROWNABLE MAN pounds at the hairline crack with his gloved fists.


Because being underwater would nerf the effectiveness of this, I'll assume this check is taken at a disadvantage. So here's the second roll for that if the DM agrees with my assessment: [roll1]

2015-07-15, 11:02 PM
Your armored gauntlet punches clean through the glass. Cracks spread rapidly, and the face of the tank bursts outwards in a spray of glass and water. The water soaks Niles, but the glass at least bounces off his armor.

The children flee to safety as the snake lunges out at Breena, who nimbly dodges to one side.

I'd say that you're used to doing things underwater, so no disadvantage!

Lion (Safely caged)

2015-07-16, 06:22 PM
Satisfied that the big cat is not going anywhere, Harald draws a hand axe from his hip and turns his attention to the snake. He moves across the open area of the tent, feet sloshing through water as it spills out of the shattered tank, edging around one of the other exhibits to fling the axe.

Harald moves to J8 and throws a handaxe at the snake. Since Breena is within 5 feet of the snake, I'm applying Sneak Attack as well.


2015-07-17, 02:12 PM
The axe goes wide, slicing into the canvas of the tent. It doesn't go far, you can see the handle poking out of the hole.

2015-07-17, 09:19 PM
Breena readies her weapon again and aims it at the snake, followed by her fist.

Quarterstaff Attack - [roll0]
Quarterstaff Damage - [roll1]

Unarmed Attack - [roll2]
Unarmed Damage - [roll3]

Dodge Magnum
2015-07-18, 02:56 PM
After helping THE ASTONISHING UNDROWNABLE MAN gain freedom from his enclosure, Niles turns his attentions to aiding the Gnome woman in her tussle with the giant snake.

He moves to M9

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-07-18, 05:31 PM
THE ASTONISHING UNDROWNABLE MAN grabs his weapons from the display rack. He moves towards the snake and attempts to capture it in his net.

on phone and can't access the grid, I move to whatever seems like a logical location for this action.

Net attack [roll0]

2015-07-19, 01:04 PM
Weapons fly, fists flail, and jaws lunge out to snap at air. In the confusion of the fight, no one lands a blow.

Everyone misses! Harald's turn!

2015-07-19, 11:46 PM
Harald squints slightly in one eye, and hurls another axe at the snake.


2015-07-20, 02:30 AM
The axe hits the snake dead on. Blood spatters the canvas and the snake crumples to the ground, dead. The lion makes a low rumbling growl as it smells the fresh blood.

2015-07-20, 02:56 AM
THE ASTONISHING UNDROWNABLE MAN looks around at his rescuers through his small viewport.


"Thank you for my release. My name is Nepostakril. I must escape here before I am caught again."

His slow and deliberate words are difficult to understand, obscured by both his thick water-filled helmet and his even thicker foreign accent.

2015-07-20, 03:56 AM
The characteristic feline rumble doesn't stir the detective at first, because he is for the moment distracted by the watered voice of the outsider. The Astonishing Undrownable Man, in common language, and with a name, no less.

"Aye, though this may not be over yet." he gestures to the lion cage, keeping one dreading ear open for the sound of rustling feet and the rattle of steel.

"I am Detective Harald Vorix. I shall like to have a word with your captors soon." he says, tapping a finger to a spare set of manacles on his belt. He ventures a nod of acknowledgment, when his blue eyes shift to the others; the iron fisted gnome and the man-at-arms, before glancing back at the one remaining beast. Another axe finds Harald's grip.

Readying a throwing axe attack at the lion in case he suddenly breaks free.

2015-07-21, 03:48 AM
"I do not think that animal knows it can escape, or it would be leaving as fast as able, just like me."
Nepostakril's voice bubbles faintly inside his helmet as he walks to the back of the tent. "You can wait here for the captors if you like, but I'm leaving now while I have the chance."

He produces a knife and cuts a slit in the canvas wall for a peek outside.


2015-07-21, 12:38 PM
Nepostakril peers out through the new hole in the tent. He can look up into the sky, still such a odd sight even after these months on land. Its blue expanse has no reassuring weight of water within it, just a huge void of emptiness between him and the sun. He catches the scent of fresh air as it enters his intakes and is dissolved into his water. It is pleasant, and a welcome change from the stale tent air that has dogged his nostrils for weeks in his prison.

This is his first view of the town. Carteia is situated on a a hill, surrounded by the fields of farmers. There are several dozen houses of light coloured bricks along one main paved road. Smoke rises from a few chimneys, but it is too hot outside for most to suffer cookfires or ovens. Strange beasts, huge and muscular, stand unmoving but for their flicking tails as a man loads a cart for them to pull.

The circus tents have been set up in a ring on a grass field a moderate distance away from the town. Nothing obstructs his view of the circus ringmaster, a powdered and portly man, being restrained by what looks like a local guardsman. He is protesting loudly. A small crowd of townspeople mills about, unsure of what is happening. Nepostakril recognizes two of the children in the crowd as two of the three small humans that were attacked by the snake. They are clutching a man's hand protectively.

It appears that this tent is on the outside of the ring of circus tents, facing towards the town. The back wall of the tent would be the worst place to try to escape without being noticed.

A muscular woman enters the tent in a rush. She wears thick boots and roughly woven pants, with the leather apron of a blacksmith. She has a huge iron hammer hefted and readied. She stops abruptly when she sees the dead snake. She stows her hammer in its belt loop and holds out a leathery hand for a handshake. "Hail! I am Decima Smith, and I believe I must thank you all for saving my daughter."

Dodge Magnum
2015-07-23, 12:16 AM
"You never had reason to fear, madam; we are all protected by the benevolence of the great spirit! I introduce myself as Niles, Niles Thourgood - paladin of the wondrous spirit of the Great Dolum. Why, that serpent was completely unable to land a fang on us no matter how hard he tried. And that's just one of the many wondrous miracles I've seen Dolum perform for the faithful! Why the other day, he foretold that I should check my pocket for riches - and behold! I found two whole gold coins! And how fortunate, as a nearby man was lamenting his recent loss of that exact amount! What are the odds! It was a wonderful chance for me to pass on my blessings to others! I tried to pass along the good word to him with the donation, but he said he was in a terrible hurry and would catch one of my later sermons in the square. Everyone around these parts seems to be in such a rush when I begin spreading the good word. If only they would..."

Niles' proselytizing continues for some time.

2015-07-23, 12:33 AM
Breena listens to Niles, but her eyes soon glaze over. She tuns her attention to Nepostakril:

"My name's Breena, it's nice to meet you! Your name is too long, can I call you Neppy? What exactly are you? Isn't that armor uncomfortable? How does the water stay in your helmet? Can't you take it off?"

2015-07-23, 04:04 AM
Nepostakril freezes when Decima Smith enters the tent, torn between asking for help or simply making a break for it while he has the chance. He doesn't want to linger, but sticking close to those who helped free him might be his best bet.

His train of thought is interrupted by the tiny warrior who seems more skilled than any human child ought to be.

"Nice to meet you too, Breena. You may call me that if you like. I am what your kind calls merfolk... but a different kind of merfolk, I think. This armour is my airsuit, it was built so I could explore your dry world. If I take it off, I can't breathe."
He struggles to keep up with her rapid questions.
"I am curious about you also, but I very much want to leave here first. Will you help me with that?"

2015-07-24, 04:12 AM
Harald seems to mouth the names of these people to himself under his breath, first that of Niles Thourgood before his interest fades beyond the word "miracle". With ears still open to the conversation going on around him, he returns to the dead snake to retrieve his hand axes, and seeks to get a word in edgewise with Decima Smith at the first lapse of speech.

"Detective Harald Vorix." he declares, offering the woman his free hand to shake, then nods towards each of the cages "If you hadn't noticed, these were both left unlocked before we managed to cinch the lion cage shut. I don't quite understand that level of incompetence, but nevertheless it is a crime."

His eyes turn to Nepostakril, and continues "This man was kidnapped and put on display against his will, so the ringmaster will have that to answer for as well." he pauses, and looks back to the blacksmith, "I don't suppose you know where he is, do you?"

2015-07-24, 03:10 PM
Decima appears to be give Niles' theological discussion her utmost attention. "I don't know much about gods, if they want to straighten iron at my forge they're welcome but otherwise we're happy to leave each other be. But for bringing you here, I'll light a candle of thanks to this Dolum tonight." Working with iron has given her a handshake to match.

"Unlocked, you say?" Decima walks to the cages and inspects them. She talks while she peers around the metal bars. "The ringmaster is under arrest for nearly killing a Citizen's daughter. He will be held until a magistrate arrives to decide his fate. I don't know the particulars, but it sounds like Nepostakril has been taken as a slave and is legally his property. I don't mean any offense, I'm sure you're a good man. I think I can do something about you. But I'll want you to do a task for me."

Decima points at a section of the snake cage. "Look here," she says, pointing at a small pile of rusted fragments. "There was a lock here, but it has crumbled to rust. No iron is this flawed: sorcery is at work here."

She turns to you. Her stance is strength, but her eyes are worried. "I fear for my daughter's life. Strange occurrences are happening more and more frequently to my family. Four days ago I came into my forge and every piece of metal was stuck into the ceiling. Some were bars as thick as my arm. And now this. I believe my daughter is cursed, though the hows and whys of it I do not know. I beg you, journey to the Oracle of the gods, by the Stillwater Sea. Ask them how to remove the curse. Do this, and I will exercise my right as a wronged Citizen and seize the ringmaster's property, and give to Nepostakril his freedom. To you others, I will pay richly."

2015-07-27, 03:57 AM
Nepostakril steps forward.

"I will go to the Oracle to help your daughter."

How hard could it be, anyway? Some special ritual to remove the "curse" and he would be free to complete his mission and find his way home again. Too easy. Secheltians have their superstitions, but the amount of importance these creatures place on their gods and magic is astounding.

"Though, I do not know the way..."

Dodge Magnum
2015-07-31, 12:33 PM
"How strange that a Mer not know the lay of the water. All we need to do is take the Sea Road off yonder and we'll be there in no time."

(Niles points in a south-easterly direction)

2015-07-31, 01:48 PM
"Let us not waste any more time, then!"
Nepostakril readies his trident and marches through the tent's exit, not sure of what he'll find outside.

2015-07-31, 03:55 PM
Decima heaves a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I've lived in Carteia my whole life, I'm no adventurer. One more thing. My daughter wanted to thank you."

The little girl who you saved from the snake is sitting patiently on a barrel outside. She looks bruised but happy. She runs up to Breena and almost knocks her over with a hug. "Thank you for saving me, ma'am. I'm gonna grow up to be a hero just like you!"

2015-08-06, 05:00 AM
In his weird foreign accent, Nepostakril mutters "I'll be back" as he exits the tent. Without any better plan, he begins walking confidently in the direction indicated by Niles.

2015-08-08, 03:02 AM
Breena looks over the shoulder of the little girl from one stranger to the next, unsure of what to do. The giant woman seemed to think she was allied with the others, and Nepostakril had already exited the tent.

I left the monastery to see the world, what better way to do so than with companions?

She extracts herself from the girl's embrace and pats her on the head. She beams at Niles and Harald then runs out of the tent.

"Wait for me!"

2015-08-08, 11:25 PM
Harald seems to mull over Decima's words, nodding slowly and carefully watching Nepostakril's back as he exits the tent.

"I don't see a brand." he says skeptically, brows furrowed as the passionate sincerity of the blacksmith clashes with Harald's nagging distrust of the story. Magic? Perhaps she is covering for the ringmaster. A perfect cover, to fill the room with smoke in order to keep a valuable prize... The water man.

Before picking up his step to follow the suited foreigner, he places a small key into the woman's well worked hands. "The lion cage." he explains simply, and nods "Decima Smith. We shall meet again soon."

Harald is not sure if he believes her.

2015-08-10, 07:46 PM
Nepostakril turns to see Breena running after him.
"I am glad you can join me. Your world is more strange than I imagined, and I could use a travelling companion. I do not know how long the journey is, or where exactly it is we are going. Will we need to visit the town first for directions and supplies?"

Dodge Magnum
2015-08-14, 07:51 PM
"We can stop in town if you'd like, my friend - but I'm always packed and ready for a journey," Niles huffs while jogging to catch up to the rest of the group. "There's nothing quite like traveling the open road, so I'm anxious to start this little quest!"

2015-08-14, 08:24 PM
"Let us go forth then, unless Breena or Harald wish to make a stop there. I too am as prepared for whatever is ahead."


2015-08-14, 09:16 PM
The newly formed adventuring team begins to walk southeast. You walk through gentle hills covered with golden, wind-rustled wheat. Small stone walls separate the acres of each farm. You find no road, and leave a trail of trampled wheat behind you as you walk. You reach an orchard of dense fruit trees, and clamber into the property, still moving southeast. The air here is pleasantly cool, shaded from the hot midday sun. After about ten or fifteen minutes, Niles and Nepostakril hear something. It sounds like furiously barking dogs coming towards you!

2015-08-14, 09:52 PM
"A school of wild beasts approaches!" Nepostakril exclaims as he readies his trident and faces the direction of the alien noise.
Initiative if needed [roll0]

Dodge Magnum
2015-08-15, 04:07 PM
"Oh, Neppy - it's probably just a pack of farming dogs," says Niles nervously (more to convince himself than the merman). "Do your people not keep pets like dogfish or catfish?"

roll roll roll [roll0]

2015-08-17, 11:43 AM
Breena cautiously steps to the front of the group and pulls out her staff.

"Maybe I can talk to them. I can talk the the dogs at the monastery. Sort of."

Roll just in case?

Initiative - [roll0]

2015-08-17, 12:14 PM
Three vicious looking black dogs crest the hill ahead of you. Their sleek fur shows their raised hackles, and you see long teeth during their frenzied barking. They prowl forwards, snarling.

You can hear approaching a man yelling obscenities, from the same direction as the dogs.

Breena, Neo act first before the dogs!

2015-08-22, 10:05 PM
Breena glances over her shoulder at the others nervously. Crouching down, but keeping her staff at the ready, she makes a series of barks and whines.

"Friends! No threat! Friends! Safe!"

2015-08-23, 11:06 AM
I rolled you an animal handling check, you got 17 - more than enough to calm the dogs.

I was gonna have them tear the seat out of someone's pants but I guess life is full of disappointments:smalltongue:

"My home! Mine!" barks the middle dog. He seems a lot less aggressive, though.

2015-08-24, 04:00 PM
Harald squints, and waves his arms at the approaching man. "Hail, stranger!" he calls, then places a hand on the armoured shoulder of Nepostakril, "We should try to find a road."

2015-08-24, 08:42 PM
Nepostakril maintains a defensive stance, ready to fend off the dogs should they follow through on their attack.

"I can see how a road might be easier to move on than this."

2015-08-24, 11:32 PM
You get a good look at the stranger as he comes closer. He is wearing a rough brown tunic, and a woven, wide brimmed hat. He looks old aged, but prepared to fight anyone who calls him "elderly." His limbs are muscular and bronzed from farming all day. His hair is white and patchy, like a layer of clouds around the mountainous dome that is his bald head. He is carrying a thick quarterstaff. He whistles, and the dogs completely ignore it.

"Trespassers eh?" He eyes your weapons but doesn't seem worried. "Not much to steal here except peaches. What're you doing on my property?"

2015-08-25, 12:07 AM
Nepostakril's distant, oddly-accented voice echoes out from his ridiculous helmet. "Apologies! We are passing through, and not here to steal anything. We are on a voyage to the Oracle of the Gods, by the Stillwater Sea. It is a noble quest to undo a curse!". Yes, mention all that superstition they love so much!

2015-08-25, 01:28 AM
"Our friend here is not familiar with the area." Harald clarifies, "We need to get to the Sea Road. We don't mean to trespass."

2015-08-25, 11:42 AM
"A curse eh?" The farmer makes a sign with his hands, a ward against evil. "Better you than me. You'll want to head to Carteia, northwest of here, then take the trail west until it meets the Sea Road." He pauses, then continues, apparently deciding that you need all the directions he can provide. "Take the Sea Road to Heirovum, then find Petitioner's Path. It'll take you northwest to the Oracle, or so I hear."

2015-08-25, 11:47 AM
Nepostakril turns to face Niles. Although the merman's eyes cannot be seen behind his darkened viewport, it certain that the merman is glaring at him in a displeased manner.

2015-08-27, 07:39 PM
While waiting to see if anyone else in the party has anything more to say to the farmer, Nepostakril pulls out his bag of beads and begins stringing two seemingly patternless series whist observing the dogs and peaches closely.

2015-08-28, 02:49 AM
Gesturing to the peaches, the detective gives the suited man a nudge, "Those are peaches, " he explains, "A fruit. You will see a lot more fruits like these, I'm sure."

Looking back to also regard the other two adventurers, Harald begins to follow the directions given, "Come, lets find our path, and perhaps we can pick up a map along the way."

2015-08-28, 03:37 AM
Nepostakril follows Harald's lead, all the while asking more questions about peaches (and dogs) than anyone in the party would have ever thought possible. With each new morsel of information, the metal-suited merman adds a few more beads to his strings. Once clear of the farmer's view, he picks a single peach from the nearest tree and stashes it in his bag.

Dodge Magnum
2015-08-28, 09:44 PM
"Ah, well yes, southWEST of course - I knew that. Now I just wasn't entirely sure after all that excitement in the circus tent. Must've gotten turned around some."

"That was some quick thinking with those farm dogs Breena - can all you monks speak with such animals?"

2015-08-28, 09:45 PM
You arrive back in Carteia. It looks little different. The townspeople still appear to be enjoying the sights and wonders offered by the circus.

You find the west road described by the farmer. It is a rutted wagon trail of packed dirt leading out beyond the wheat fields. A man with a simple tunic and the bag of a messenger approaches you as you leave.

"Hallo there!" He says, as he jogs forwards. He rummages in his bag, and pulls out an unornamented scroll case. It is sealed with wax. He hands it to Nepostakril. "Message from Madam Smith. I was told you were heading west, I didn't expect to run in to you so soon!"

2015-08-29, 11:20 PM
"Thank you."

Nepostakril opens the case, unravels the scroll, and holds it directly in front of the view port. He very slowly reads the message.

2015-08-30, 10:52 AM
The scroll inside is of heavy vellum, the handwriting upon it has the messy letters of an unpracticed hand.


Though by now you are well on your way towards the Oracle, I hope this message reaches you with speed. I am not one to hold a person's freedom in front of them like a carrot before a mule, so I had your papers of manumission drawn. I trust my assessment of you as a person of quality, who will help my family without coercion.

I, Decima Smith, Citizen and owner of the slave known as Nepostakril, formally release him from any binding or servitude placed upon him. I guarantee that he is no threat to the Realm or to its inhabitants.

Keep this scroll with you for proof of manumission, and may the Gods speed you and your companions on your quest."


2015-08-30, 11:20 PM
After painfully working his way through the alien words and pondering on the nature of "carrots" and "mules", Nepostakril stashes the letters in his bag, retrieving his stolen peach in the process.

"Let us be on our way, I am eager to explore these lands!"

As he speaks, he unscrews a hatch on the very top of his helmet, and drops the strange fruit inside with a splash before re-sealing it.

2015-08-31, 06:15 PM
The adventurers set out from Carteia... again. This time, they are able to make much faster progress without having to clamber over low farming walls and trample fields.

By late afternoon, the carefully tended fields have given away to a thick forest which crowds the trail on either side. The high foliage blocks the sun, and rich smells of soil and moss fill the forest air. The trail is narrow here, barely larger than the width of a wagon. You hear the swooping calls of forest birds as you travel.

The trail takes you to a milestone marker, a large boulder stood on end in a clearing. Into it is carved the name of the current emperor, Sextus Palatine, and the distance to Carteia, 20 miles. The clearing has a few small saplings poking out of the grass, as well as a few small woody shrubs, but is mostly soft grass. The sun, glimpsed occasionally through the trees, is beginning to set before you.

2015-09-03, 02:42 PM
Nepostakril is eager to show off his well-studied knowledge of the dry world. "It is probably best if we make camp for the night while we have light, I'll find us some water and food!"

2015-09-09, 09:14 PM
You put down your packs and begin to set up a campsite. Nepostakril begins to look for food and water, moving to the edge of the clearing. Breena starts to set up her tent. Thinking that she would anchor one end of the tent's waterproof covering to one of the small saplings, she grasps the plant.. which twists in her grip and lets out a piercing shriek! She drops it quickly, her hand bleeding and scratched. The other five shrubs in the clearing uproot themselves, twisting into humanoid shape. They make a low buzzing noise while aggressively moving towards you. Three of the shrub creatures are tiny and made of twigs, and three have their small, woody figures bristling with sharp pine needles.

Breena takes 1 damage.
Everyone roll for initiative!
You can know what these creatures are with a successful Knowledge: Nature check

2015-09-18, 06:53 PM
Harald flashes Breena an alarmed look at the sight of her blood, then briefly swivels around to observe the sentient vegetation. He draws two of his axes, and flings one of them at one of the twig monsters.

Harald throws an axe at the monster at M4.

2015-09-18, 08:31 PM
Harald's axe obliterates the twig monster. The small sticks that make up its body snap with a tiny sound as the axe hits dead on. Harald doesn't have time to celebrate, he feels the hot, sharp pain from a dozen razor sharp needles embedding themselves into the back his neck. The needle monster behind him has flung its needles. A twig monster tries to scratch him but isn't able to find skin.

You take 7 damage from needle plant monster 1

Twig Plant Monster 1
Needle Plant Monster 1
Twig Plant Monster 2
Twig Plant Monster 3 AXED
Needle Plant Monster 2
Needle Plant Monster 3

2015-09-18, 10:54 PM
Nepostakril grips his trident in both hands and charges at one of the plant aliens.

Attacking J3
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2015-09-19, 01:57 AM
You miss! So does twig monster 2! Breena's turn!

2015-09-21, 05:00 PM
Breena scrabbles to ready her weapon. Gripping it tightly, she rams the weapon's tip into what she hopes is her assailant's face.

Breena attacks L3

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2015-09-21, 09:24 PM
Breena's aim is true, and she smashes her weapon into the animated wood. You hear the cracking of dead wood, and the monster reels away, its head staved in. It does not collapse to the ground, apparently not needing its head to function, and readies itself to strike back. The needles coating its wooden frame quiver violently.
You hit! It's fairly badly injured. Niles' turn!

Dodge Magnum
2015-09-24, 01:15 AM
With a battle cry, Niles approaches the nearest assailant and swings his weapon wildly.


Attack: [roll0]
Damage?: [roll1]

2015-09-25, 10:53 AM
His wild swing misses completely. Behind him, Breena dodges the spray of needles erupting from the unnatural twisted wooden man.

Twig Blight
Needle Blight
Twig Blight
Needle Blight
Needle Blight

2015-10-02, 09:59 PM
Harald roars in pain, looking quite badly hurt from the last attack. Holding back a wince, he attempts to dish out two blows at once to the assailants.

Harald attacks K7.

Harald attacks J8.

2015-10-05, 05:40 PM
Harald strikes out with his two hand axes, and his left axe slashes the tiny twig monster. He isn't able to put his weight behind the blow, but the little creature reels, its left arm missing. Black sap oozes from the stump. It hisses in fury. His right axe bounces off the gnarled wood of the needle covered creature to no effect.

I rolled some misses, nepostakril's turn!

2015-10-06, 03:13 AM
Frustrated by the clumsiness of trying to fight in his landsuit, Nepostakril once again attempts to slay the alien plant-monster immediately in front of him with his trusty trident.

Attacking J3
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2015-10-06, 05:20 PM
Nepostakril swings ferociously, using his trident as a staff, and catches the little twig limbed creature as it leaps, obliterating it completely.

Twig Plant Monster 1
Needle Plant Monster 1
Twig Plant Monster 2 SMACKED
Needle Plant Monster 2
Needle Plant Monster 3

2015-10-15, 12:45 AM
Breena shifts the grip on her quarterstaff and swings it at her opponent's feet, hoping to knock it on it's back and bring her right fist through it's chest.

Shove - [roll0]

Unarmed Attack - [roll1]
Unarmed Damage - [roll2]

2015-10-15, 06:20 PM
Her quarterstaff sweeps its legs. The writhing mess of branches and needles begins to fall, and as it does, Breena's arm intercepts it. It makes the sound of a tree falling in the forest, and you're around to hear it. It collapses into a heap of twigs and dead wood, all of its eerily humanoid shape lost in death.

Twig Plant Monster 1
Needle Plant Monster 2
Needle Plant Monster 3

Dodge Magnum
2015-10-27, 12:34 PM

Niles swings his weapon again in the general direction of the monster.

Attack [roll0]
Damage plz? [roll1]

2015-10-28, 02:43 PM
This time, Niles lands a solid hit on the twig creature. It crumbles in a tangle of broken twigs and black, unnatural sap. Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpses movement from the needle covered insult to Dolum's grace. A flurry of needles strikes Niles in the back of his neck, leaving painful deep scratches. Blood drips down his back.

Nearby, the remaining needle monster swings its arm with unexpected swiftness, earning Harald a backhand across the face from agonizingly sharp fingers. The scratches throb painfully, high on his cheek, luckily just south of his eyes. His vision is undamaged, though his eyes water with pain.

Niles takes 4 damage!
Harald takes 3 damage!

Needle Plant Monster 2
Needle Plant Monster 3

2015-11-05, 03:05 AM
Harald reels from the sudden attack with a grunt, and falls to the ground, unconscious and bleeding.


2015-11-05, 03:15 AM
Armour clanking and trident at the ready, Nepostakril charges the offending creature that struck down his companion.

to hit [roll0]
damage? [roll]1d8+

2015-11-06, 10:38 PM
Nepostakril's trident sinks deep into the needle covered creature. Unnatural thick black sap oozes from the punctures with a repugnant smell. It collapses into a heap.

Breena's turn!

2015-11-10, 07:09 PM
Dismayed at the sight of her fallen companion, Breena spins around and rushes at the final creature, bringing her staff down hard.

Breena moves to O6

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2015-11-13, 02:54 PM
Breena hefts her staff, already blackened with the ooze that runs through these twisted creatures, and slams it into the final monster. It buckles under the deathblow.

All the corrupted plant creatures have been dealt with. You catch your breath, and take a moment to examine the creatures. After taking his time, Niles recognizes them from stories as needle and twig blights. Blights are normal plants, twisted by black magic. They like to lie in wait at rest areas to ambush travelers and drink their blood up through their roots. They love the scent of blood, and will converge from miles around, following the scent on the wind.

You nervously look around, checking the campsite for more of the blights, but the rest of the shrubs are ordinary.

Dodge Magnum
2015-11-15, 03:56 AM
Niles prods at one of the twisted corpses on the ground.

"Well I certainly don't mean to alarm everyone, but if we stay here I doubt it will be the last we see of these creatures tonight. I strongly suggest we move camps."

2015-11-16, 10:08 PM
Harald doesn't look very alarmed, or too eager to share his opinion on the matter.

2015-11-16, 10:53 PM
Nepostakril rushes over to Harald's unmoving form.

"I think he needs help!"

Uncertain of what else to do, he begins vigorously fanning air over Harald's face with his hand.

Dodge Magnum
2015-11-20, 08:19 PM
"Oh my, Harald m'boy you seem to be a little under the weather there. I just the thing for that in my pack..."

Niles rummages around to find his healer's kit...

"I know it's in here somewhere... just give me a moment. If there's one thing I learned on the roads in my military days, it's that one should be prepared for this kind of event."

2015-11-21, 04:17 PM
Niles does what he can with his healing kit. He rummages through the kit with the practiced moves of a legionnaire. He starts at Harald's back. Using his belt knife, he removes the needles still embedded there. He uses a sterile cloth to clean the wounds as best he can, then smears honey over them to keep away rot. A field bandage covers the punctures. Niles leaves several of the punctures on Harald's shoulder un-bandaged, because a bandage would limit Harald's freedom of movement. In his experience, injuries this small typically don't get infected. With Harald's back patched up as best he can, the paladin turns his attention to the scratches on Harald's face. He smears a bit more honey into the wounds. Several of the larger scratches require stitches, so he gets out his needle, wishing he had time to boil water.

When the stitches are in place, Niles puts his kit away, having done as much as possible. What Harald needs now is time to rest and wake, a good nights sleep would do him wonders, but given an hour he would be up and moving on his own. It's unclear if you have time to spare. The forest around you is still, and shadows lengthen. The clouds overhead are already losing the rosy colour of sunset. Bats flicker overhead, chasing the first bugs of night.

2015-11-21, 05:51 PM
"A good night's rest would do him well, but I fear we won't get it if these spiny land kelp are bloodthirsty. Can we do something to mask the smell of blood?"

Nepostakril looks at the mangled remains of their attackers.

"My people use the smell of dead shark to scare off the living ones. Could that work here? Do these things even have a smell?"

The curious merman kneels down next to one and pops the top hatch of his helmet, wafting the air towards the opening in an attempt to sample the potential odor.

2015-11-21, 09:26 PM
The black sap that runs through the wood of these magic-twisted plants has a very strong, foul odor. It smells of rotting compost, mold, and sour lantern oil all mixed together. It could potentially mask the scent of blood.

2015-11-21, 10:22 PM
"Oof. Hopefully this will do."

Nepostakril finds a non-animated stick and begins spreading the sap around the perimeter of the clearing as best he can.

2015-11-24, 03:36 PM
You use the oozy gross sap gunk of all the creatures, smearing it in a perimeter. It smells absolutely disgusting, and you are sickened.
note: im away from my rulebooks right now so Im not actually sure if sickened is still in the game in this edition! you'll take some kind of penalty for as long as you hang out in this absolutely disgusting area though.

So are you guys gonna spend the whole night here- what's the plan! tell me exactly what you're doing and how you're going to do it.

2015-11-29, 08:07 PM
"Let's set guards for the night. I can take the first watch."

2015-12-03, 02:14 AM
Nepostakril leans against the milestone and contemplates the smell. The smell, finding its way insidiously even through his sealed suit.

When a whale dies, it sinks. It sinks, and bloats, and eventually comes to a rest on the seafloor. Sharks, hagfish and baby kraken feast on its soft flesh while it rots. After the easiest flesh is removed, crabs and mussels take their place at the feast. The sharks and kraken, messy eaters that they are, can often spread chunks of whale blubber thirty meters or more from the whale. The area is filled with the smell of putrid whale fat. It was a lot like the smell currently boring its way into Nepostakril's nose.

After an hour, Harald awakens. Before he can say anything, Nepostakril has the unsettling feeling that something is not right. Nothing has entered the campground, but the woods seem... thicker. It's hard to tell in the darkness, but he thinks some of the shrubs rooted at the edge of the stench perimeter weren't there when they began their rest.

I looked through the rulebook and it looks like they got rid of the sickened status in 5th edition, so I'm just going to say you take a -2 to attacks, damage rolls, and skill checks for as long as you guys are hanging out in Stankytown, Elara.

also source: https://www.soest.hawaii.edu/oceanography/faculty/csmith/Files/Smith%20and%20Baco%202003.pdf though they have the oversight of not mentioning kraken

Andrew, roll a hit dice to see how much you regain after an hour.

2015-12-07, 06:31 PM
Feeling a little freaked out and unsure if the smell is affecting his mind, Nepostakril wanders over to Harald to check up on him. As he does so, he continues to frequently glance around him at the edges of the creepy forest.

2015-12-07, 09:15 PM
Harald slowly opens his eyes in to the silhouette of the big metal suit looming over him. Squinting and groaning, he stares, taking a moment for him to process the shape and recognize the geonaut. He stops himself from moving at first, glancing down and around the best he can to assess his own injuries.

"Ugh.." he croaks, "How long was I out?" he pauses, and his nose crinkles up in disgust, "And what is that smell?"

2015-12-07, 09:19 PM
"About an hour. We're using the stinky blood of the spiny kelp beasts we killed to scare more from coming, hopefully it works."

Nepostakril takes another nervous glance around the perimeter of the clearing.

2015-12-07, 11:53 PM
"Spiny... Kelp?" he repeats with a confused expression, eventually finding the courage to sit up when he no longer feels debilitating pain. In a moment, though, he does seem to understand.

"I suppose your guess is as good as mine. I have never seen vegetation act so violently." he gathers himself to a kneeling position, fishing into his rucksack for a box of tinder. "Tell me, Nepostakril. Have you ever made fire?"

2015-12-14, 09:28 PM
"Made fire? No, I do not understand how any of your world's magic works. But I am eager to learn if you will teach me!"

2015-12-15, 02:31 AM
"It's not exactly magic." he says, laying out the tools for Nepostakril to see, "It is a must-have skill, living on the surface. It only works where there is air." He proceeds to set about building a pile of kindling, using a combination of dry grass, twigs and bits of the fallen enemies. He shows the water-man each tool as he uses them, casting one or two sparks to demonstrate, before lighting the tinder and gently fanning the flames.

2015-12-17, 11:55 PM
The dancing, twisting tongues of manufactured light astonish the merman. He watches intently as the flame devours its fuel, leaving only charred debris and ash behind. After some time, he can even feel the heat through his suit. He finds something about the dancing lights absolutely mesmerizing. How incredible it is that such a thing can be summoned from simple tools in one's pocket!

"I think... I think I like fire." Nepostakril muses as he gazes into the flames.

2015-12-21, 12:34 AM
By the light of the maturing campfire, Harald notices alarming shapes in the wilderness outside their camp. Planted in the middle of the road to either side of the campground are shrubs that Harald recognizes as more of the twig blights. They seem to be gathering at the ooze covered perimeter created by Nepostakril. As he watches, another one of them rolls out of the darkness and joins the group. It rolls like a tumbleweed in nonexistent wind. Eerily, it stops and sinks its roots into the ground, at the edge of your firelight.

The putrid scent of their smeared blood-sap remains as strong and fresh as it was an hour ago, but it appears not enough to mask your scent, only enough to confuse the Blights nearby. Unnerved, you wonder how many Blights live within this forest darkness... and whether they will all gather here before morning.

2015-12-26, 05:04 AM
Nepostakril continues staring into the dancing lights of the fire, because EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY FINE RIGHT NOW.

2016-01-06, 03:27 AM
"It's very useful stuff, this." he says while he gently stokes and nurses the flames to life. Looking up to Nepostakril, he adds "Try not to touch it, though... It's very hot..."

Harald's eyes shift towards the flickering light cast by the flames, "It may be especially useful tonight." he reaches for one of his axes. "It seems the plants have returned."

He points them out to his companions by the still sticky blade of his handaxe.

2016-01-08, 10:04 PM
Nepostakril is shocked that the advancing enemies had evaded his careful gaze.

"TO ARMS! We fight again!"

2016-01-09, 04:44 PM
A chilling crescendo builds in the forest surrounding your camp, the sound of blights rattling their dry leaves together in murderous excitement. You can pick out the movement in the firelight. More than a dozen of the nightmarish creatures surround you. With no apparent signal, they uproot themselves and attack in concert, their sharp twigs bristling and seeking your blood!

Initiative order!
(Surprise round)


Warning: On the encounter scale, this encounter is very difficult. Don't be afraid to seize any advantage or use unorthodox methods to seize victory!

2016-01-19, 02:05 AM
"I think we should make this fire as big as possible!" says Harald nervously as he scans the area. He reaches into his bag and produces a flask of oil which he pours onto the open flames, "Hurry!"

Sorry for the wait, folks.

2016-01-19, 06:00 AM
"Can we spread the fire in a ring surrounding us? We can make a wall, and then climb on top of the big rock!"

Nepostakril retrieves a container of whale oil from his belongings, but waits before acting on his plan for confirmation from the party that fire can actually work that way.

2016-01-23, 12:34 AM
Everyone roll athletics checks!

Nepostakril and Harald each spread a flask of lamp oil in a circle around the milestone marker. Hot red flames leap up the sky. Each adventurer feels the heat against their back as they search for handholds on the cold stone.

2016-01-30, 08:44 PM
The adventurers defeat the twig blights with fire and steel. They stay the night perched on top of the milestone, cramped and cold. By chance, they find a stash of treasure atop the milestone, and fill their pockets with gems and potions.

In the morning, they are awoken by a gnomish wagon driver and his young human companion. They bargain for a ride, and are allowed to stay on the top of the rocking stagecoach to Heirovum.

In the night, Harald thinks he hears footsteps following the coach. He warns the drivers, steps off, and unhoods his lantern.. but no one is there.

They reach Heirovum in early morning, the wagoners looking a little worse for wear after their sleepless night. Harald brings his companions to Felix, a blacksmith acquaintance of his, who gives them a good deal on supplies. Nepostakril makes a visit to the docks, where he goes for a swim. The party also buys mead from Carteia, and whiskey from Manlius' Distillery. They hear rumors that the Distillery has been having some sort of trouble, and hasn't been putting out any whiskey lately.

They leave the city along the Petitioner's Path, which brings them to a peninsula and the Oracle. After reaching the Temple of Ioun they are informed by some rude but unobservant guards that they may not enter. So they go around. Nepostakril provides a distraction while the party sneaks into the sewers.

Within the sewers, they fend off clinging zombies, and anger some Myconids with a lack of acrobatics.

They arrive in the cellars of the Temple, finding a sleeping Salvius, an acolyte of Ioun. He tells them the Oracle is busy speaking to the Emperor on the subject of his rapid aging. Salvius performs haruspicy, reading the entrails of a young bear. He provides the adventurers with an enchanted silver disc that will purge the girl of the negative energies.

Silver-tongued Niles convinces Salvius to let them eavesdrop on the Emperor's meeting. The party sneaks upstairs and listens in.

The majesty of the great hall of the Temple of Ioun rivals any palace of nobility. Huge marble columns support the high ceiling. A finely painted fresco of many characters noble and divine covers the ceiling. A large circular opening in the ceiling lets in the starlight from the clear night sky. The Oracle sits cross legged beneath it. Before her, the Emperor. A man, like his ancestors, who mysteriously ages rapidly and will die a young man.

"If I bear a child, I sentence them to an early death," the party hears the Emperor say. "And yet I must choose, as my ancestors chose, to pass on this curse for the good of the realm."

The Oracle, an aged woman, responds firmly. "In the Deathwoods, beyond the Vallum Palatine, you may find a woman to bear you a child. A child that would see decades pass, like the rest of us, before his return to the Gods."

"Amongst the Sleepless Ones?" Sextus muses. "Where might I find adventurers to seek her out in the midst of savagery?"

The Oracle, her eyes seeing past the Emperor, into futures and possibilities, replies. "Closer than you could believe, my child."

Salvius escorts you back down the cellar steps and to the dank entrance of the sewers. He raises his hands in benediction, his unusual earnestness forgotten in the formality. "Go in peace with the blessing of Ioun," he says, and the party feels rejuvenated.

2016-02-26, 03:17 AM
"We should return to Carteia so that I can formalize my freedom and the rest of you can get your rewards from Decima," Nepostakril says.

2016-03-10, 09:53 PM
After a quick trip back through the sewer (it felt like hours on the way in), and an hours hike along the Penitent's Path, you reach the graffiti covered walls of Heirovum, and the slums that surround them.

If anyone wants to do shopping, nows your chance! You can buy anything listed as Common, so - first level spell scrolls, potions of healing, and potions of climbing.

2016-03-20, 03:07 AM
Nepostakril doesn't want to waste any time shopping, he wants to continue the quest with all haste!

2016-04-01, 02:33 AM
Harald makes his way to his old stomping grounds and sets about making some necessary upgrades to his kit before setting out yet, of course on foot in lieu of the slower alternative, spending up some of the traveling time by explaining to Nepostakril his newly purchased playing cards.

In case you were wondering:
-Ditched the burlap sack for a proper backpack
-Silk rope 50ft
-Thieves tools
-Dice Set
-Playing cards
-Dagger (boot knife type deal)

2016-04-13, 09:12 PM
Harald leads the party through Heirovum's slums without incident, taking narrow twists and side streets with a familiar ease. Soon you reach the Sea Road. It's fitted stones are elegantly carved with a pattern of waves, a pattern somehow unmarked by centuries of booted feet. The stones are somewhat stained here by soot from the numerous forges of Heirovum.

The Great Road's stones may be sooty but its magic is pure, you feel it welling up through your being as you set foot upon it.

For Niles, well acquainted with the Great Roads during his years as a centurion, the sensation is of warm familiarity, like spotting an old friend in an inn after a hard day's travel.

For Breena, it reminds her of her first steps away from the monastary, the blend of nervous excitement she felt during the first steps of adventure.

For Harald, the magic of the road feels like the home he never truly had.

For Nepostakril, it reminds him of his triumphant first steps in his unfamiliar pressure suit. The feeling of finding a path worth traveling, after a lifetime of not fitting in.

You take a step on the Great Road. Then another. You run effortlessly, your heavy pack forgotten but for its rhythmic jostling. Elation fills your heart and lengthens your stride. Your breathing is steady. Hours pass as you sprint north. You pass milestone marker after marker, proclaiming minor roads and towns along with the Emperor who raised them. The road is empty of people at this early morning hour, but farmers have already started their rounds. Your steps are the waves sweeping endlessly over sand.

Finally, you reach the great granite marker for the Carteia trail. The thick yew and maple forest looks as full of life as it was when you were here two days ago.

2016-04-28, 11:53 PM
Along the path to Carteia, the adventurers encounter and slay a trio of bandit sisters. Harald spends the fight dazed and out of sorts, and Nepostakril sleeps through it. Nevertheless, after a bloody skirmish the heroes pocket a few coins.

Decima, in Carteia, is relieved at your return from the Oracle, and ushers you into her daughters room. Using the power of the amulet from Salvius, the negative energy was expelled from the little girl. It attempted to possess Nepostakril and Breena before settling on a wardrobe. The heroes smashed it to pieces. A thankful Decima offered her sincere thanks, and a great treasure of magical items for their service.

The heroes made their way to Palavium, the Capital of Elara, in hopes of securing a role in curing the hereditary curse of the Emperor. They join the ranks of many hopeful adventurers from across the Realm set on tasks of worth. Tasked with slaying a mighty banshee, they find and kill only bandits, who had been spreading fearful tales to deter soldiers. Though they ended up destroying much of the treasure the bandits had taken, they returned to the Emperor victorious. They have secured themselves a spot on the expedition beyond the borders of the Realm, into the Deathwood of fearful legend, where the Sleepless Ones guard their secrecy with blade and blood.

2016-07-17, 08:38 PM
The party began the day fresh from their success defeating the Banshees, a group of bandits relying on the fearful reputation of their namesake to scare away pursuit. Wanting to know what happened at the Manlius Distillery, they traveled there in time to catch the end of an award ceremony for three adventurers. A thankful Manlius presented the three with a whiskey named after them.

The party explored the Distillery, discovering that the trouble was a result of Manlius' magical experiment on demonwood, which he had acquired from Jimmy "The Hawk" Butcher. Satisfied with their investigation, and suspicious of the three newly minted heroes Lucius, Fiona and Maxim, the party headed east, to Droversend, encountering a rampaging ogre. After pursuing it, they realized the ogre was trying to get help for his trapped adoptive father. They rescued the father, and snuck the father and son out the back away from the enraged villagers.

From Droversend, they journeyed along the Great Roads to the Vallum Palatine, and the war fort of Katrovum. They met up with their commanding officer, Captain Juno, and the rest of their unit, twenty soldiers, Maxim, Fiona, Bearforce1, and a pair of twin archers to whom they have not introduced themselves.

They set out into the Deathwood, and were attacked by the Sleepless berserkers during the night. A second group of Sleepless watched, unnerving the party, but took no part in the battle and eventual rout of the raiders.