View Full Version : Planescape - No Clue

2015-07-09, 05:44 AM

Another day has passed, and once again you have fought the good fight and returned wiser, stronger and richer.

You are regathering your strength at the Of Course Tavern, where your dear old friend Gwendalf has asked you to meet him. The old man was always a good friend, mentor and employer to you, and each of you got where you are now pretty much thanks to his guidance and help.

The old wizard seemed worried, but also excited, last you spoke to him. You remember him saying the Of Course was the closest tavern to his secluded home.
As you enter the tavern, there's no Gwendalf to be found. After waiting for at least an hour, you overhear the following conversation:

"Hey, Ranph, did ya hear 'bout Farnie and Jeya? Them and Cari went out to that old wizard's place, you know, the one everyone says is crazy..."

"Sure, 'n' I heard that they was just looking 'around to have some fun, but the wizard wasn't there, it seems, and they musta tripped something, 'cause they heard this great big roaring outta this secret room.
Then Cari disappeared. Jeya and Farnie took off from there, and who wouldn't?"

"Y'bet I would! Where'd they go to?"

"They're hidin' now, afraid somethin's gonna come after'em."

A few locals gather 'round Ranph and his pal to join in the discussion, tossing off chant about the mound, that the wizard was always good to them, but he did conduct crazy experiments, some even dangerous, and speculating about what Farnie and Jeya might have "tripped", before moving on to other news of the burg.

2015-07-09, 06:52 AM
A good looking fellow, Gaius sits back in his chair, where he's sat for the last hour, flirting with the barmaid, as he often does, and enjoying some decent ale, at an excellent price. He cuts quite a striking figure, flamboyantly leaning back in his chair, with a broad rimed, feathered hat on his head, and dark leather armor on, rather than his more standard loose silk shirts.
After hearing the conversation, he looks at the others.
"Well, sounds like Gwendalf isn't going to be coming here; Sounds like he's gotten himself into trouble, and that Cari's, presumably, caught up in the middle of it as well."
After he finishes speaking, he takes another sip of his ale, before he continues.
"Sounds like we should be investigating, really. Gwendalf's been pretty good to us, all things considered, and it would be most uncouth to leave a damsel in distress..."

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-09, 08:09 AM
Smaragdine, a slight, then frame of a human, was barely paying attention, instead trying to visualize how many bar stools he could stack on each other while STILL being able to place some of the empty bar mugs on top of the structure.

"...weight distribution... even across surface... can't forget glass density... liquid beer slickness must be taken into effect..." Smaragdine mumbled to himself, lost in thought. Then, upon suddenly realizing the entire conversation around him at once, he piped up.

"Wait, did you say Gwendalf? I do so appreciate all the help he has given me in my studies. It's fascinating the properties on both light and the psyche simple magical manipulation can provide..."

His face scrunches up in discerning thought. "A loud boom, you say? This could be caused by a number of things. Unstable reagents, improper spell forms, disruptive mundane influences... did I ever mention the time my first transmutation spell circle was crossed by a common mouse scuttling by? That walking banana chased after cheese for weeks before being eaten."

"I'm unsure what Gwendalf's latest research was... what could it be? What could have caused it..." Smaragdine, using absolutely zero context, tries to figure out what could be wrong.

Arcane Skill Check [roll0]
(Possible disadvantage roll, if deemed necessary) [roll1]

2015-07-09, 08:40 AM
Gaius laughs at Wenge's reaction.
"Wenge, for someone who's really smart, you're not too good at seeing the big picture. We're going to head up to his home, so... you'll get the chance to see... no need to ask."

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-09, 08:45 AM
Smaragdine's eyes light up.

"Yes... yes! An investigation! We shall determine root cause through our thorough review of the facts."

The rogue seems quite smug that he put all of this together.

2015-07-09, 08:48 AM
Gaius shrugs.
"Maybe, but if Cari vanished, then I'm thinking Gwendalf is in the same place, and, whatever that route was, it, presumably, was still open, so it might still be open. We might be going, well... anywhere. But we won't do it sitting here."
He looks around, catching everyone's eyes.
"Everyone ready? This should be an interesting trip."

2015-07-09, 10:40 AM
Aye. Orsik grunts in affirmation. We'll go to rescue the old coot.

2015-07-09, 10:51 AM
Mona stood off to the side, listening, but not participating. When Wenge finally suggested some action, she nodded silently. Mona wasn't much of a talker. Or planner.

2015-07-09, 11:06 AM
The door to the tavern burst open gales of laughter roll in followed by Undoru and some locals, all wiping their eyes and slapping each other on the back.

"Never fear, Never fear lads... ye won, even if ye winning were not fair and square. No doubt I could have lifted that donkey over my head in one try, if ye had not made me laugh at the critical moment! Drink up, ye serpents! Barkeep! a round of your most watery ale for these unworthy lads."

Then his eyes narrow as he senses the mood of his companions. "What's wrong mates? Ye seem even more dour than usual."

2015-07-09, 11:20 AM
Gaius just looks over at Undoru, still leaning back in his chair, clearly a man(Or a half elf) at ease. His voice is laconic.
"Guessing you lost the strength contest? Gwendalf seems to be missing, as is a fine young lady. Might need your strength for more than just a contest."

2015-07-09, 11:37 AM
"Guessing you lost the strength contest? Gwendalf seems to be missing, as is a fine young lady. Might need your strength for more than just a contest."

"Lost? There's no loosing among ye friends when good times are had by all."

"But, Gweldalf, the old stick, is in trouble?" He raises a tatooed eybrow.

"Well it's about time that we get a chance to pull him out of the soup, for a change! Where's Ember? Let us depart!"

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-09, 11:42 AM
Smaragdine, Human Arcane Trickster

Smaragdine has gone back muttering to himself, lost in thought.

"So many possibilities... could he have been making a new spell? Or modifying an existing spell? What could go "boom" if meddled with...? Not-So-Delayed Blast Fireball? Overly Gassy Geas? Warding Glyph: Exploding Prunes...?

...so many possibilities... so many ways to go boom..." Smaragdine's muttering becomes too low to make out any longer.

2015-07-09, 06:11 PM
After listening to her comrades discuss their options amongst one another Ember finally decides to chime in "He's an old geezer... maybe he just got lost in the woods or something" she said almost rolling her eyes I never much cared for the man anyway... she thought to herself taking a sip of ale, her fiery hair lighting up the area around her. An eerie warmth filling the area as she spoke.

2015-07-09, 06:13 PM
He's helped us before. Least we can do is check it out. Orsik glares a bit at the genasi, angry that she would be so ready to give up on a companion.

2015-07-09, 06:21 PM
Ember mutters to herself, ignoring the glare. She sighs and finishes her ale "Fine, we save the old man... Wouldn't want something else to kill him before time does" she rises to her feet and with a gesture of her hand, motions to the door.

2015-07-09, 06:28 PM
Gaius, seeing that everyone was ready to go, lets his chair come down to rest on all four legs, before he stands, and casually downs the rest of his ale, and starts heading towards the door, clearly expecting everyone to follow. Once he arrives, he courteously holds it open, with a charming smile.
"Ladies, of course, go first."

2015-07-09, 06:29 PM
Orsik follows Gaius, stopping on the brink of stepping outside when he says "Ladies first". Right then, get going, Gaius-I'll hold the door. he says with a chuckle.

2015-07-09, 06:31 PM
Gaius graces him with a smile.
"Oh, no my dear, you go ahead. You'll get chances to follow later, don't worry."

2015-07-09, 06:44 PM
Mona silently rolled her eyes before exiting.

2015-07-09, 06:52 PM
Ember likewise follows behind Mona shaking her head at Gaius.

2015-07-09, 06:57 PM
Gaius seems only to grin even more broadly, before following, walking so as to give Orsik a good view.

2015-07-09, 06:57 PM
Buncha dunderheads, you lot are. Orsik mutters as he walks out, letting the door close behind him.

2015-07-09, 07:28 PM
Your spirit raised by drinks and donkey-lifting, you set out; the sky is bright and remains clear during your uneventful trip to the wizard's home. The local animals you see seem focused in doing what local animals do to keep things lively and loud. Birds scold each other and insects hum lazily in the undergrowth.

As you approach the wizard's mound, you seem to notice some unusual claw tracks: evidence that a creature not quite natural has been this way not too long before.

The tracks lead right past the old house, clearly visible from the trail.

You have a decision to make: ignore the tracks for now and head to the wizard's home, or follow the tracks and be back later.

2015-07-09, 07:30 PM
Right, I say we split the party. Half of us follow the tracks, half go to the home.

2015-07-09, 07:37 PM
Gaius shakes his head.
"Nah... if whatever happened in his home is still going, then it's probably going to keep going, until something changes. But... a more important question: Can any of you actually follow tracks, if this creature stops leaving blatantly obvious tracks?"

2015-07-09, 08:01 PM
Mona shrugged. "Never done tracking, but I've got pretty good eyesight"

2015-07-09, 08:05 PM
Gaius smiles once more.
"Well then, in that case, my lady, lead on."
He gestures broadly in the direction of the tracks.

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-09, 08:07 PM
Smaragdine Wenge, Human Arcane Trickster

"...Ballisitic Magic Missile... Tasha's Hideous Slaughter... so many ways to go boo-"

Smaragdine stopped in his tracks. His eyes snapped to the trail and immediately began to analyze it in earnest, gleaning what information he could from them.

Investigation Check [roll0]

2015-07-09, 08:17 PM
@Smaragdine Wenge
You identify two different sets of tracks. You are certain these were made by two creatures of the same species,one bigger than the other ...you cant seem to determine which creature,though - the footprints look like mammal paws,but at the same time, like bird claws...

2015-07-09, 08:27 PM
Mona turned to examine the tracks, and more importantly, where they were going.

Stupid tracking not running off Perception :smallyuk:


2015-07-09, 08:32 PM
I'll take a look, see what I can find. I've done some tracking before, you know.

Survival roll of 23. Rolled OOC.

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-09, 08:46 PM
Smaragdine Wenge, Human Arcane Trickster

"Hmmm... more than one...yes, two different sets. Two separate animals... one small, one big... both have paw prints, also has claw marks... odd.

He looks around at the others looking at the tracks.

"Are you all able to tell where these creatures came from? Whatever they are, they could be in danger... or dangerous?"

"...so many ways... so many ways to go boom..."

2015-07-09, 09:17 PM
The hold-up at the tavern door barely ended before the massive Elephantine lost his patience and shoved everyone through.

One they arive at the home, Undoru ignores the discussion on the tracks and strides to the door knocking loudly.

"Don't ye all be so easily distracted," he chides. "We can hunt the big game after we find out what has happend to the old stick."

After waiting the minimally polite amount of time, he will open the door.

OoC: clarification the tracks just go by the house, they don't go in, right?

2015-07-10, 06:14 AM
Ember stares at the tracks. Then walks up to a footprint, taking a knee to get closer to the ground.

Survival Check: [roll0]

2015-07-10, 06:19 AM
Gaius looks back at Undoru from the tracks.
"You... might just have a point there."

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-10, 06:49 AM
Smaragdine Wenge, Human Arcane Trickster

His curiosity getting the best of him (as it always does), Smaragdine opens the door of the wizard's mound and glances around. He'd been in Gwendalf's home in the past, but never before when he wasn't there. His curiosity suddenly grasped him fully. He would check out everything he could here without the risk of distractions.

OOC: Made slight post edit based on OOC discussion.

Open Door;
Perception Check inside Gwendalf's house [roll0]

2015-07-10, 02:03 PM
From the outside, the dwelling built into the mound appears decrepit, cracked, and violated. Its wooden door swings open, producing an eerie creaking. The little hill, a rounded spot just off the trial, looks curiously bare, though trees stand all around the base of the slope. The hill is covered with dry, brown grass and dotted with the occasional boulder. It rises 50 feet above the door, which is set in its very base.

Once inside the wizard's home, you find it has been thoroughly looted. Furnishings have been pushed around, piled in heaps on the floor and thrown haphazardly around the rooms. Nothing of much value seems to remain in the mound, at first glance.
The dust on the floor lies fairly thick and undisturbed, except for some recent tracks that trail into every room.


1 - Entry hall and Main Hall
The open door has all but invited in the elements: leaves, both withered and fresh, lie heaped on the floor and pushed into piles against the walls. Only a few lie scattered across walkways.
Evidence of the looters is just as obvious. Someone looking for secret compartments has gouged holes in the walls and pulled down paintings and plaques.

The main hall is a large room capped by a dome of bronze. Ivory paint peeling on the walls attests to its former glory. Doors and passageways lead off to the other rooms. Dust thickly coats everything in the chamber, disturbed only by the recent tracks.

2015-07-10, 02:25 PM
"Wow." Mona said, looking around. I somehow don't think this was done by some ordinary monster."

Hoping I don't botch this one as badly as the first one.

2015-07-10, 02:29 PM
Gaius has a look around as he enters.
"Well... this is strange. It looks like he hasn't been here is years, but... someone sent us a message, asking him to meet him... And those villagers... they didn't talk like they had seen this kind of devastation..."

2015-07-10, 02:44 PM
I've got a bad feeling about this. Anyone else feel like we shouldn't be here?

2015-07-10, 02:46 PM
Gaius shakes his head.
"Nah... whatever happened here, happened a long time ago. But... if you're willing to wait a few minutes, I could have a look around for magic."

2015-07-10, 02:47 PM
Be my guest, Orsik says with a gesture at the other man. Something odd had to have happened here.

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-10, 02:48 PM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine hones in on the tracks on the floor, to investigate what types of track they are.


2015-07-10, 02:48 PM
Gaius starts focusing, for his ritual.

2015-07-10, 02:59 PM
Mona resisted the urge to punch the wall in frustration. She hated feeling useless, and in this house, she didn't have a clue what there was to find out in the first place, much less what it was. Gwendalf could be in all sorts of trouble, and she wouldn't know. But she needed to learn peace. Just because she wasn't doing anything at the moment, didn't mean she had no use later. When you work in a group, it is about what the group accomplishes, not just what you do. That's what her mentor would say. Mona took a deep breath to steady herself instead.

2015-07-10, 04:43 PM
Ember begins following the tracks on the ground. Trying to follow the path. Looking for any abnormality in its pattern. As she does so, she plays with a small ball of fire in her hands. Rolling it between her fingers and around her hands, a typical hobby of hers when she ponders.

Looking to see if the tracks seem to stop at an odd place, where a secret room might be for example. Ember would assume that if anyone intends on looting a wizard, they'd be looking for one big thing in particular. Petty house theft of a wizard seems.... like a very poor life choice.

2015-07-10, 05:02 PM
"But... if you're willing to wait a few minutes, I could have a look around for magic."

"Ha!" Undoru booms. "Would ye like to make a wager on the outcome of that ritual? This is a old wizard's den. There must be magic everywhere!

But such a search is wise-- proceed. However there are footprints here already, me thinks we should not fear to walk where someone has already passed and lived."

Then the burly captain notes the human and genasi pacing around with their noses to the ground.

"But let us not assume this place is safe. I shall watch Smolder's back as she searches. Little Mona, why do you not similarly guard Stickyfingers, while the Brick stands over Smiley?" Fear not! Soon the tedious searching will be over and dread foes will be confronted and made to pay for their untidy housekeeping!"

"Let no one be alone before we depart this place."

2015-07-10, 05:07 PM
"Anything pops up out of a shadow, I punch it in the face, or throw a dart in it neck. Got it." Mona moved to stand over Gaius, taking out a dart from her belt and twirling in her hand. She would like something to punch. At least something that she was supposed to punch. Some of her party members could be fairly punch-able.

2015-07-14, 01:47 PM
@Smaragdine and Ember

You identify the track as a mix of human footprints, going in and out all of the rooms, and dog tracks. Sure, they seem to head into odd places, like walls, but remember the people who were here moved furniture around and vandalized the walls in search of valuables.


I assume you are detecting magic. And you do find it.
- You detect a magical presence coming from room #4.
- room #8 is filled with an unknown magical aura.

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-14, 02:16 PM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine follows one set of the human tracks right up to a wall.

"Curious. Why walk into a wall?"

He pulls out one of his thieves kit tools and inspects the wall, searching for any gaps or holes with which to poke the tool through that might hide a secret door.

2015-07-14, 02:19 PM
Gaius, his ritual complete, looks around, and spots magic in two areas.
"There's magic here, in two places. A presence, over that way, and an aura, in that room."
He points them out, and maintains concentration, heading over to Room 4, to investigate more closely.

Sorry about the lack of specificity, but... I can't access the map while at work.

2015-07-14, 03:37 PM
There's magic here, in two places. A presence, over that way, and an aura, in that room."
He points them out, and maintains concentration, heading over to Room 4, to investigate more closely.

Undoru's massive head swivels as the half-elf points to the south-west wall (room 4).

"Yes, let us see who is there..." he rumbles in his closest approximation to a whisper.

He wants to investigate room 4, and will attempt to preceed everyone but the dwarf. However if Ember doesn't go, he will stick with the buddy system.

2015-07-14, 05:05 PM
Ember examines her walls closer. Responding to Smaragdine "Why indeed..." she says waving her hand, creating a small amount of smoke over the walls, checking to see if the smoke enters any unseen cracks in the wall that may belie a secret passage. If nothing seems odd, she follows into room 4 to see what the half-elf has found.

2015-07-15, 06:44 PM
Mona nods and follows. While she was curious about the aura, she wouldn't be much use against it, compared to a possibly hostile person.

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-16, 06:07 AM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine, able to determine the tracks were from looters and nothing else, turns his attention to where everyone else was exploring, hoping to better unravel this mystery.

Smaragdine enters room #4

2015-07-21, 02:09 PM
4 - The Kitchen

It seems that the wizard's store of food has been stolen or eaten. Flies buzz around. In a corner, you see a puddle of green ooze. It does not seem to react as you enter the room.


2015-07-21, 02:11 PM
Still concentrating on his magic as he walks, Gaius seeks the source of the magical aura in the room, keeping well clear of the ooze.

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-21, 02:59 PM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine pulls out his magnifying glass and strolls directly towards the green slime, trying to get a better look at what it is made out of.

"Fascinating composition. I wonder... is it magical in nature? A type of fauna? Or is it a plant?"

Smaragdine sticks his head even closer to the slime... "Hmmmm... could it go boom? So many ways.... so many ways..."

Move into the room, within five feet of the slime. Using the magnifying glass, Smaragdine will try and attempt an Investigation Check and a Arcana check on the slime for any information he can find... assuming he does not get attacked in the process.

Investigation [roll0]
Arcana [roll1]

2015-07-21, 04:52 PM
Ember walks up to the ooze next to Smaragdine. She places a hand on his shoulder and pulls him back a bit "There's only one way to find out if it goes boom" she says, a cynical happiness in her voice as she fixes her other hand into a finger-gun and shoots a bolt of fire at it.

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] Fire dmg
Ignores resistances due to elemental adept.

2015-07-22, 12:53 PM
"Know ye what manner of ichor this is?"

Warhammer in hand, Undoru shoulders his way between the ooze and the rest of the party, prepared to shield them with his armored bulk.

(except probably Ember since doing so would invalidate her action)

2015-07-22, 05:39 PM

The magical source comes from within or underneath the ooze.

The ooze is alive, for sure, but it does not react as you approach. You notice there's a flask floating inside it.

Ember shoots at it and it finally moves, twitching and bubbling in a somewhat aggressive way.

Initiative rolls



2015-07-22, 05:41 PM

1- Smaragdine, Gaius, Orsik, Ember, Mona
2- Ooze
3- Undoru

2015-07-22, 06:09 PM
As he realizes that there is something magical in the ooze, Gaius thinks.
A magical item? Those are really rare... and really nifty... I would rather like one, but... I don't think I could keep it a secret, certainly not for long, unless it looks like random junk... And if I don't speak up... I'll lose all of their trust. So, best to be open, here and now.
His thinking complete, he speaks, loudly enough to be heard.
"Looks like there's something magical in or under this thing. Once we deal with it, maybe we'll be able to find it."
With that, he makes a gesture, and a crackling black and purple beam arcs out, striking at the ooze.

Casting Eldritch Blase
[roll0] Beam 1
[roll1] Force Damage 1
[roll2] Beam 2
[roll3] Force Damage 2

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-22, 06:16 PM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine, taking a cue from Ember's Attack, seamlessly draws his two Hand Crossbows and deftly fires them at the ooze, quickly putting two bolts into its formless body.

Noticing the flask in the ooze as he is aiming his crossbow, he tries to take a look at the flask to see if there is any identifying markers, writing or characteristics.

Crossbow 1 Attacks with , if it hits it does [roll1] damage
Crossbow 2 Attacks with [roll2], if it hits it does [roll 1d6+4 10 damage - correct roll done in OC thread.

Smaragdine tries to Investigate the flask [roll3]
Smaragdine tries to Perceive the flask [roll4]

depending on which one you'd like to use.
HP: 31/31 | THP: 0 | AC: 16 | HD: 5d8 / 5 | MP: 3/-

2015-07-22, 06:32 PM
What was it about mages that made them feel the need to poke mysterious objects? Or was it simply Wenge and Ember?

Either way, Mona was at fault too, because she agreed to come, and despite her misgivings, she was going to get much closer and punch and kick it. Or at least kick it. At least try to avoid getting the potentially dangerous Goo on her bare skin.

First off, the unarmed strike:

Second Attack:[roll2]

Spend 1 Ki point for Flurry of Blows
Bonus unarmed strike 1: [roll4]
Bonus unarmed strike 2:[roll6]

If Flurry of Blows is successful, using Open Hand Technique to deny the Goo reactions.

Now here's hoping the Goo isn't resistant/immune to Bludgeoning Damage, since Mona's still one level from Ki-Empowered Strikes.

2015-07-22, 09:56 PM
Ember takes a few steps back, fixes her other hand into a gun. "Then how about this!" she says with a confident smirk as she fires this time 3 larger fire rays at the ooze.

Scorching Ray:
Ray 1: [roll0] for [roll1]
Ray 2: [roll2] for [roll3]
Ray 3: [roll4] for [roll5]

Fire damage, and elemental adept negates resistances.

2015-07-23, 07:42 PM
Turn 1
(for when it is my turn)

With his snouthorn held in his trunk, Undoru blasts out a note of challege, as he bellows with his voice,

"Ye are most VILE and shall surely fall before these noble companions! Shrivel in Shame NOXIOUS ICHOR!"

Save WIS 14, else:
Damage: [roll0] Psychic, and disadvantage on next attack.

2015-07-27, 10:02 AM
The combined attacks of Gaius and Smaragdine strike down the ooze with blasts of energy and bolts that pierce right through the gelatinous form. Then, Mona kicks it a bunch of times, but the acid splashes resulting from the impact burn her skin a little.


Ember sets the ooze on fire. It shrieks in pain. It looks like it's almost done for, but not before he retaliates against Mona...
[roll2] and [roll3]
In addition, non magical armor worn by the target is partly dissolved and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.

Meanwhile, Undoru insults and taunts it.

Smaragdine finds no label on the flask, but he is certain this is some kind of elixir of potion. The liquid inside seems muddy,from where he's standing.

Fast Jimmy
2015-07-27, 10:22 AM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine, unable to get a close enough look at the flask with all of the hustle and bustling attacks of his compatriots, decides to take matters into his own hands.

"Curious liquid... what could it be? A drink? A poison? A plant fertilizer? ...something that goes boom? So many ways... so many ways..."

Conjuring up an invisible force, he guides it over to pick up the flask, carefully attempting to lift the flask without attracting the attention of the semi-aware blob.

Action: Cast Mage Hand; with Mage Hand Ledgerhmain, it is both invisible and capable of performing various rogue acts.
Bonus Action: Guide the Mage Hand over to the blob and use it to take the flask from the blob's possession, using Smaragdine's Sleight of Hand skill, then bringing it back to Smaragdine to investigate:


HP: 31/31 | THP: 0 | AC: 16 | HD: 5d8 / 5 | MP: 3/-

2015-07-27, 10:28 AM
Seeing that the ooze was still standing, Gaius's pointing fingers fire off more beams of crackling black and purple energy.

[roll0] Attack 1
[roll1] Damage 1
[roll2] Attack 2
[roll3] Damage 2

2015-07-27, 11:43 AM
Mona winced slightly at the acid damage, but managed to dodge the tentacle attack entirely. One of the advantages of not wearing armor, better mobility. "Oh no you don't" she said with a warning, before launching another flurry of kicks, this time with the aim of completely disabling the blob.

First attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Second attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Bonus attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Instead of Flurry of Blows, spending 1 Ki to use Stunning Strike. And in case that doesn't work, Open Hand Technique denies the Goo its reaction.

2015-08-01, 03:32 PM
Ember drops one hand, just one finger now pointed at the ooze as she launches another blast of fire.

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] Fire dmg
Ignores fire resistance

2015-08-05, 07:55 AM
The ooze is dead. Each of you gets 183xp.

The flask slowly drops to the floor as the green slime dissolves around it.

2015-08-05, 08:00 AM
Still detecting magic, Gaius looks around, making sure that the flask was the source of the magic.

2015-08-05, 10:10 AM
The danger averted, Undoru hovers over his wounded comrade looking concerned.

"The sizzling touch of the ichor did ye no good! Shall I heal yer wounds, little Mona?"

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-05, 10:25 AM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Upon seeing the slime puddle dissolve, Smaragdine continues to use his Mage Hand to bring the flask over and inspect it.


HP: 31/31 | THP: 0 | AC: 16 | HD: 5d8 / 5 | MP: 3/-

2015-08-05, 03:26 PM
"Thank you, I could use a bit of a heal."

2015-08-05, 08:17 PM
You manage to identify this as a Potion of Animal Friendship.

When you drink this potion, you can cast the animal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will. Agitating this muddy liquid brings little bits into view: a fish scale, a hummingbird tongue, a cat claw, or a squirrel hair.

2015-08-05, 08:22 PM
Accompanied by mellow notes from his snouthorn, Undoru chants a request to Torm, Champion of Courage. In answer Mona's wounds briefly glow with warm light, as the acid burns fade...

Healing Word: [roll0]

2015-08-06, 06:55 AM
Embers wry smile fades. Her fun was over. "Don't suppose that was his family dog?" she says, beginning to look around at the others.

2015-08-06, 07:04 AM
Undoru surveys the small room sized for lesser creatures, careful not to knock anything over.

"Well now. Seems unlikely that sludge was the cause of our wizard's disapearance. There would be acid burns everywhere. Perhaps it was an exparament that escaped. But would the old stick keep an exparament like this in the kitchen?"

Would the wizard keep a slime in his kitchen?
Insight [roll0]

2015-08-06, 07:08 AM
Gaius shrugs, a slow, almost sensuous motion.
"I don't think it was turned into an ooze... it could have been an escaped experiment, but... I think it was more likely a guardian, triggered by whatever happened."
He looks around, and shrugs once more, clearly not too bothered by the source of the ooze.
"I'm not seeing any other magic here, but there is something in a room that way. Perhaps it will prove to be less painful than the ooze?"
He points, towards room 8.

2015-08-10, 09:41 AM
@ Undoru

It probably escaped from somewhere else...or maybe it formed around mold and spoiled food.

Are you moving to room 8?

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-10, 09:57 AM
Smaragdine follows Gaius and his elephatine companion into the next room, still staring curiously at his potion of animal speaking.

2015-08-10, 11:22 AM
Mona followed after the group. "So what exactly is in this vial you grabbed?" she called out.

2015-08-10, 11:56 AM
Undoru leads the way across the central room to the door that Gaius indicates contains something magical.

"Ready?" he askes in his best approximation of a whisper, before giving everyone a few moments to prepare, then he burst through the door and into the center of the room.

2015-08-10, 12:01 PM
Gaius follows Undoru languidly, moving slowly, and calmly.

2015-08-14, 02:42 PM

Room 8 - The Wizard's Laboratory

You can see that the mage's spellcraft chamber, like all the other rooms you seen so far, is covered with dust, disturbed only by the tracks, leading to the eastern wall. Gaius can also feel some magical aura from the wall. You're sure there's a hidden passage leading somewhere else.

The room's not entirely empty, though. Beakers and ingredient bottles have been smashed, and it's probably best for the weak-stomached not to look too closely at some of the dust-covered shapes lying amid the shattered glass on the floor. One thing the looters apparently missed: a book clearly marked "Lab notes". It's been brushed clean of dust, as though someone had looked at it, then dropped it to the floor.

2015-08-14, 02:45 PM
Gaius, following what he sensed, heads over to the wall, experimentally touching, trying to find a way to trigger the hidden passage.

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-14, 03:33 PM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine immediately heads over to the notes, trying to glean any information from them that could help solve the quandary that is now plaguing his mind. "What made the boom?" he mutters nearly under his breath, as he peers over the paper.

Arcana [roll0]
Investigation [roll1]
Use whichever one is most applicable

2015-08-14, 04:30 PM
Undoru Blows a few notes on his snouthorn and sings this poem taking only a few liberties with the syllables..

"A trickster arcane is Wenge,
Mysteries he solves by the bins.
If it makes no sense,
Theres no need to be tense.
It will be solve'd by Smar'dig'n"

OoC: Wenge gets a d6 bardic inspiration die to add to the future d20 roll of his choice.

2015-08-15, 04:36 PM
Ember meanders through the room. Grimacing at the dusty, grimy room. "All that magic and he never thought to clean?" she mutters, wandering around aimlessly examining the beakers and baubles.

2015-08-16, 09:42 PM
A quick leaf through the book and Smaragdine discovers the wizard had been very interested in discovering how to travel to other planes. The journal describes his initial frustrations and his later successes in contacting beings from beyond this land. Eveuntually, the book speaks of a circle the wizard created to transport himself bodily to worlds outside even his imaginings. The book ends there, as though Gwendalf left it behind as a testament to his magnificent discovery of new realms.

Meanwhile, Gaius discovers a switch on the wall, and a secret door opens as soon as he touches it, leading through a passage, into a wooden door.

2015-08-17, 05:42 AM
Gaius steps back, and smiles at the newly opened passage.
Oh, I'm good.
He then looks over at the others.
"Looks like Gwendalf had some brains after all. And enough cunning to know that some things need to be hidden. Why don't we take a look?"

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-17, 09:32 AM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine looks up from the notes. He was having a little trouble understanding the esoteric nature of Gwendalf's designs, but it was very intriguing. As Gaius opens the secrety passage, Smaragdine's old mistress, Curiosity, seduces him to go down.

He pockets the schematic notes and starts to head down the passage, drawn further by the idea of travel to other planes of existence.

2015-08-17, 10:52 AM
"Careful now..." Undoru follows closely behind ready to snatch the over-curious back.

2015-08-18, 06:26 AM
Embers eyes begin to glow a feint orange. A sign of excitement for her. "And what have we here?"

2015-08-18, 06:41 PM
On the passage, nothing happens. You reach the wooden door. What would you like to do?

2015-08-18, 06:50 PM
Gaius looks back, and smiles at the group.
"Samaragdine, I think you're up! Why don't we find out what's on the other side?"
Assuming Samaragdine moves up, Gaius smoothly moves back, ending up near Ember, casually leaning against the wall as he waits. After a moment, he speaks to her.
"Seems quite strange, doesn't it?"

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-18, 10:25 PM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Smaragdine comes close to the door at the end of the passage, slowly gazing over it, trying to identify anything remarkable or noteworthy. Remembering the stirring words of Undoru, he takes extra special care in the search based on the words offered by his companion.

[roll0], adding an additional [roll1] to the check.

2015-08-19, 06:45 AM
Nothing wrong or unusual with this door. In fact, it seems to be unlocked.

2015-08-19, 07:00 AM
Ember looks to Gaius a moment "Indeed..." her eyes trail back to the wooden door, her hair flares and flickers with a bit more intensity "Or dangerous..."

2015-08-19, 07:02 AM
Gaius smiles laughingly at Ember.
"Come now, where's the fun without a little danger?"

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-19, 07:57 AM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

After the slow, careful inspection, Smaragdine abruptly opens the door and walks inside, peering into the room.

2015-08-19, 01:30 PM
The door opens into a vaulted chamber, lit by a pale blue glow that seems to radiate from the walls.
The ceiling rises a good 30ft above the floor. Supporting buttresses meet in the center, as in a cathedral's dome.
Alchemical equipment lines the far walls, white potion bottles, chalk, and vials litter the table closest to the center of the room. Dust coats nearly everything, from floor to ceiling.

In the exact center of the room, a magical circle is inscribed into the floor in solid gold plating. The circle seems to repel the dust that has gathered everywhere else in the laboratory, though some of the traceries of the diagram outside the circle as not as immune to it.

2015-08-19, 05:13 PM
Ember's eyes stay fixed to the insides of the room, mainly on the diagram on the floor. "It's thinking like that, that'll get you killed Gaius. That or a woman" she says following into the room. Waling the outside of the diagram for a moment Ember nods in apporval to herself and looks at the others. "Only one way to find out what it does or where it goes" she says, stepping into the circle.

2015-08-19, 05:56 PM
Gaius just smiles.
"Ah, but where's the fun without that risk? Relationships... now, those are fun... all the pleasure, and the risk, that you might say just the wrong thing, and just the wrong time... But, while they last, well, what more could someone want? Beyond, of course, infinite wealth, good company, fine food, and assorted other things."
He casually follows Ember into the room, and looks around.
"Well, well... looks like this is quite the magical research room."

So... detect magic?
[roll0] arcana

2015-08-19, 06:09 PM
@ Ember
Even before you step on the circle, just as you step into the room, dust rises in little clouds near your feet, revealing more gold plating on the floor. In fact, the gold inscriptions, hidden under the dust, extend far beyond the circle in the center of the laboratory - the diagram covers the entire room! Your entrance has triggered the etching's magic.
A warm wind hurls the dust up into the air, where it sparkles and shines in the room's blue glow. The hazy nimbus surrounds you, sweeping you up in a surge of magical force, and the room spins around and around in a blur until your eyes feel as though they will fly from your head and a whirring fills your ears and suddenly-
The room stops spinning. No, it's not the room anymore. You're lying supine within a glowing lattice. And you feel hot.

Edit: This also happens to Gaius, I guess.

@ All the others

A fence of glowing blue fire leaps up around Ember from the gold-etched diagram, which you now see encompasses the entire room. The flames crackle and hiss in the vaulted chamber, and the very air begins to emit a strange whirring noise. The face and form of Ember blurs rapidly, obscured by rising clouds of dust in the laboratory. A sudden soundless explosion pushes you back from the chamber door.
The door slams shut, but not before a cloud of sulphur and ozone bathers you in its stench.

2015-08-19, 09:13 PM
Ember clambers to her feet. What in the hell... her thoughts break as she grasps her new surrounding more. Her eyes dart back and forth, trying to take in as much of the situation as she can. "Well... this could be worse I suppose"

2015-08-20, 05:29 AM
Suddenly transported, Gaius bravely holds onto his last meal as he is spun, and then... he opens his eyes, and looks around, before he stands up, and brushes himself off.
"Ember, you were saying?"
His sardonic words seem to flow casually from the handsome man, but his stance indicate concern, not calmness.

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-20, 09:47 PM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

Recoiled back after the forceful event, Smaragdine sits up. "So... THATS what went boom."

Interested in trying to understand the nature of the device and its magical effects, Smaragdine studies the pattern on the floor.


2015-08-21, 07:20 AM
It is for sure a teleportation circle,that opens a portal,as described in the journal. From what you've just seen,it activates on touch, but you have no idea where it leads to.

2015-08-23, 11:32 PM
"What in the hells..."

Mona stood in shock. Did that thing just- were Ember and Gaius-

But now wasn't the time for shock. Even if she couldn't do anything, she could prod those that could. "Wenge, are you gong to explain what happened to them, or just stare at the pretty patterns all day?

Fast Jimmy
2015-08-24, 05:07 AM
Smaragdine Wenge (Human Arcane Trickster 5)

"I... I..." Smaragdine was dumbfounded. He previously didn't know this level of magic existed, let alone how it worked. "It is a type of teleportation spell. And it appears to be activated by... touch?"

As if to test his own hypothesis, Smaragdine steps into the middle of the design, following Ember and Gaius.

2015-08-31, 09:26 AM
"Wizardy..." Undoru growls.

"Is there any way to get them back? What if we destroy this room?"

2015-09-07, 09:57 AM
After much debate, discussion, waiting and trepidation, Undoru ushers the others through.