View Full Version : Superhero Ideas for Fate Core

Legato Endless
2015-07-09, 10:20 PM
After finishing a long saga of Pathfinder, my weekend gaming group is switching gears to a superhero game in Fate.

As since will be something of a first for me, having mostly toyed with Dresden Files rpg, I would love some character assistance for.

The campaign will probably be very much in the vein of Heroes, as one of the players is a massive fan.

So what kind of superpowers would map well to a game of Fate Core? Players are encouraged to avoid the common staples. Pyrokinesis or flight or superhuman strength would be passe for this outing. Ideally it would be something versatile for powers, as the DM rewards creative thinking and is something of a puzzle and tactics fiend.

Characterization and backstory suggestions to the concept are welcome, though not strictly necessary.

Please help me playground, you're my only hope in my sleep addled state.

2015-07-09, 11:34 PM
It sounds like you're asking as a player, which means we can't really help you without knowing what sort of framework the GM has brewed up for how superpowers work in general.