View Full Version : So.... (spoilers)

2007-04-30, 04:16 PM
Alright, so in this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0331.html)strip it is stated that Belkar "might" get to cause the death of Roy, so with Roy's recent death i've been wondering, is it Belkar's "fault"? Or is someone else going to die soon(er or later)? Or will this death be less direct IE: Miko dies in prison and without Belkar's intervention she would have escaped and not have died?

Any thoughts?

2007-04-30, 04:42 PM
My thought is: Meh. Because the Belkar question has been discussed to death.
Like here:


2007-04-30, 04:43 PM
It's been discussed repeatedly, maybe someone can link to the threads. /nudge,nudge

E: Ninja'd!

2007-05-05, 07:42 AM
How about this one for Belkar and Miko: If Belkar had not been trying to push Miko over the edge, she would not have been nutty enough to kill lord Shojo.
If she is executed for her crime, Belkar is indirectly the cause of her death, at least as much as he was for Roy.

but I still think Belkar's day is yet to come: he'll get to kill somebody in an unambiguous way.

My vote: Miko joins the Linear Guild (rationalizing that if they oppose the OOtS, they must really be Good, and Sabine is just Chaotic Good). Eventually Belkar faces Miko in combat. By now, he will have taken a liking to her. Add to that the fact that if she doesn't regain her Paladin abilities he won't ever get the chance to kill her horse, and you have a situation where Belkar might be forced to kill her, and regret it. :)

2007-05-05, 07:55 AM
How about this one for Belkar and Miko: ......
My vote: Miko joins the Linear Guild (rationalizing that if they oppose the OOtS,...

Personally, I don't think either of those work. Short of going insane, there is no way Miko would ever think Sabine is chaotic good. Heck, Sabine flat out told Miko she's evil, and tried to get her to become a blackguard (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0419.html)

As for Belkar, yes he was partially responsible for the fall, but Miko's own delusions and Shojo's conversations with Roy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0405.html) were what put her over the edge. Right before she kills Shojo, Miko accuses Roy of working with Xykon - not even mentioning Belkar who is standing right there. While Belkar's antics no doubt helped get her mental state to where it was, they were far from the only thing.

Personally, I think that the Oracle's prophecies are all going to be fulfilled far in the future. After all, Xykon hasn't reached Girard's gate, V doesn't have ultimate power, Durkon isn't dead, Elan hasn't gotten his happy ending (he's on his way there, but from the look of things the AC battle may put a big damper on things). Only Haley's has been fulfilled, so why does Belkar's need to be done right away? We know he gets at least one more birthday cake.