View Full Version : PF way of the wicked and mounted characters

2015-07-10, 08:58 PM
I'm preparing to run Way of the Wicked, and both of my players will be playing characters that fight from horseback. Im curious how accommodating the AP is to this style of character. Anyone here have any opinions either way?

2015-07-12, 07:30 PM
Umm, not accomodating in book 1. Many forced encounters in book 2 are not very mount friendly. Book 3 is probably fine on many of the encounters but the later ones will be a bit cramped.

Book 4 might be doable if they can get their mounts to where they want to go. Book 5 is fine on most encounters I think. Book 6 is fine on most encounters just because it's so open ended.

2015-07-14, 12:48 PM
Books 1 and 2 have an awful lot of cramped interior spaces (e.g., underground trap gauntlet, the deck of a boat, stealth mission through a watchtower, defending cavern system + tower from the heroes), which won't be too friendly to mounts. Book 3 opens with a large battle on open ground, perfect for cavalry charges, but the latter half takes place on a mountain and in a cathedral (admittedly a massively large one). Book 4 features battles in a sacked city, on a dragon's rocky island with cliffs, on another dragon's rocky island but with a massive domed building, and the king's palace (and his hidden underground sanctuary). Book 5 features... the first dragon island from before, another cave system, and another massive temple/palace (wow, the latter areas get a bit repetitive). Book 6 is very very open ended, but the only strictly necessary fight is another massive battle on open ground.

TL;DR, there's a few encounters where they might shine, but otherwise it will be very hard for them unless they are Small sized with a Medium mount, or can otherwise deal with cramped spaces.