View Full Version : Pathfinder Help findign a race for a character concept

2015-07-11, 01:50 AM
Hi Folks,

Starting pathfinder tomorrow, and my GM mentioned he hates Catfolk, which was my original plan.
Due to this I have been working on another character concept for my Mutagen Chemist.

The game is a customer world setting, and one of the Empires is the Gnomish Technocracy.
My concept is an idea based on a mix of bane, Hulk and Weapon X from the horribly atrocious Wolverine origins movie. The character will have tubes and pipes surgically added to his body. This has increased intelligence, but he relies on them to live (Bane). He can use one of the serums to turn into a raging creature that sprouts mechanical blades from his arms (Hulk+Weapon X).

The Idea is he is an experiment done by a crazed (evil) gnomish Technomage. His laboratory was raided and, the raiders thinking my character a dead experiment, left him there on the bench. Due to the gnome being dead/not there, the control serum ran out, allowing my character to awaken. I plan to have him with metal limb replacements, and be a cyborg-ish character.

I just don't know what race! I have considered are
Android - he is a robot. I was after a more human character
Tiefling - His demonic blood allowed him to survive the experiments. Can take claws and tail as mechanical additions to his flesh. Possibly Oni-Kin as a bordering nation has nobility descended from oni/genies

I am very open to suggestions though

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-11, 01:55 AM
Human, because it's fluff-generic and mechanically powerful.

2015-07-11, 02:26 AM
Human, because it's fluff-generic and mechanically powerful.

I should add i am trying toa void defalt races as the party is 3 humans and an elf so far

2015-07-11, 02:29 AM
You can either go for a Kitsune (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-kitsune) to keep the animal aspect of your initial thought, or if you want more options check with your DM if he will let you play a Skinwalker (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/standard-races-1-10-rp/skinwalkers-10-rp). Both of them can fulfill your needs.

Also, Humans suck mechanically. They have nothing but an extra feat which most of the times has to be something generic, and 1 extra skill point so if you play fighter you can also have Knowledge (Engineering) with ranks...

2015-07-11, 03:59 AM
I have mentioned Skinwalker, but the GM is also really against that idea as "without saying to much, the skinchanger race is important to the storyline and playing one wont really be compatible"

Red Fel
2015-07-11, 08:00 AM
Hmm. So you want to avoid core races? That's fine; we'll rule out the usual suspects. Let me see if I can fluff some of the less-than-common races for you.

Native Outsider races: This could be just what you're looking for. Let's face it, if I wanted to experiment on someone, I'd go with "almost human, but X," and in this case, X is "infused with the cosmic power of the outer planes." I don't think any of them are particularly ideally suited to the Mutagen Alchemist, although as noted, Tiefling is a solid choice, with Oni-Spawn making him more melee-vicious. Dhampir: These guys are the most "alive" undead you can find. I mean, that's the perfect test subject - if he dies in the experiment, who could even tell the difference? Which could explain why he was left for dead. Bonus point, they have a nice favored class option for Mutagen Alchemists. Drow: Everyone hates them, so nobody would complain if you abducted one right off of the street in broad daylight to perform experiments on him. Same favored class option as Dhampir. Goblin/Hobgoblin/Kobold/Orc: Disliked, like Drow, so that's easy. Note that really only two of them offer advantages to you - Hobgoblin has two physical bonuses and no penalties, which is nice, and Orc gets the same favored class option as Dhampir, which suits you. (And it's not hard to call one a smarter-than-average Orc. Note that the Int penalty still hurts an Alchemist.)