View Full Version : Player Help My friend is trying to figure out a certain kind of Psion

2015-07-11, 02:16 AM

So, it's not for a while, but a friend of mine is going to be making a character for a 3.5 campaign. He's looking to make a Psionic character that can be a warrior as well, so of course he's looking at the Psychic Warrior.

But, specifically he's looking to be able to knock enemies away with his powers. Something like a cone-shaped ability that might push creatures back, do some damage and such. Looking a bit, I saw Stomp, so I'll probably recommend that.

In general, he's kind of looking for that psychokinetic sort of flavor to his abilities, and I'm having a little trouble finding much. If anyone has some thoughts, I'd really appreciate the assistance. The only thing I can really think of was a shield charging feat I think I saw a while back, but he's looking to use a spiked chain in this upcoming game, as well as actually use his psychic ability for more impactful things like that.

Thanks a bunch for any suggestions!

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-11, 02:25 AM
Energy Push (XPH p. 102) deals 2d6 +1d6/2 PP damage (+1 per die for fire or cold damage, -1 per die for sonic damage), with a Reflex save for half, and the target (regardless of the save result) is pushed 5 feet per 5 damage they take if they fail a Strength check (DC = power DC). If they hit a solid object, they take 2d6 +1d6/2 PP impact damage. It's a second-level power for Psions, Wilders, and Ardents with the Energy mantle.

ETA: Oh, and it's on the SRD, too. frogglesmash linked it in his post.

2015-07-11, 02:28 AM
This (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyPush.htm) does what you want but he may not like the flavour of it. Telekinetic Thrust, and Telekinetic Maneuver are possibilities, though both have shortcomings making them less than ideal. If he intends of doing this sort of thing regularly I'd suggest he takes Ardent instead because this sort of playstyle will eat through your power points very quickly, and PsiWars don't have a lot of power points in the first place.

2015-07-11, 02:56 AM
Powers to get:
-Far hand*
-Inertial Armor
-Inertial Barrier
-Telekinetic force*
-Telekinetic thrust*
-Telekinetic manuver*

You have to get all of the starred powers with Expanded knowledge, but that is generally okay as psychic warrior gets a nice amount of bonus feats.
(You do know all of those are in the SRD right?)

Anyhow, that should get your friend's character good n' telekinetically potent.
Don't forget to tell your friend to take defensive powers as well.

2015-07-11, 03:12 AM
Control Air can also be used to push creatures away, but it takes some effort. Both this power and TK-Maneuver are Duraction: concentration though, so they work best with solicit psicrystal to pass the upkeep to your gem-buddy. This can get pretty expensive on a psi-warrior though, consider getting some levels in the meditant prc (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20020623b) for an easy access to extra pp if you don't like ardent (or if your dm doesn't allow custom mantles).

Also, Chain Power applied to TK-Thrust may give you the sort of "area push" you are looking for (it costs 11 PP though)

2015-07-20, 10:04 AM
Thanks everyone for your advice, he'll really appreciate it. I didn't mean to seem silent, but I think I have my settings wrong, as I was expecting an email to show when I got responses to the thread, ha. I'll look into these with him. I really appreciate the help!

The Viscount
2015-07-20, 02:18 PM
Knockdown Power can also help when you're using other powers, though it does have some restrictions.