View Full Version : Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. This, is my TV SHOW! [Ash vs Evil Dead]

2015-07-11, 11:50 AM
So, Ash vs Evil Dead released it's trailer (https://www.facebook.com/ashvsevildead/videos/468987929949671). First episode premiers Halloween.

The trailer is funny, I have to admit I'm a bit worried it'll suck, considering Bruce Campbell has gotten old, and if there is really enough story to do a whole season's worth of episodes about beating up monsters in various chainsaw related ways. But, I know I'll tune into the first episode regardless.

2015-07-11, 12:27 PM
I don't know what just happened to my genitals but I'm somewhat afraid it's not entirely healthy...

Anyway: Agreeing with Diekenes: This could get old fast, but I'm sure at least in the beginning it will be a blast. And if we're lucky, it might stay that way. For the moment at least, I'm totally hyped.

2015-07-11, 12:45 PM
I may be a jaded old cynic, but I was squeeing like a little girl when I saw this. Not only does it capture the style and spirit of the Evil Dead franchise, but it adds Lucy Lawless. I am officially stoked.

The Glyphstone
2015-07-13, 12:41 PM
At least it's fully aware that its star is washed up and entirely too old for this sort of thing, and gleefully able to laugh at itself regarding that fact. I think it'll go a season before it runs out of jokes, but that will be a nice season.

2015-07-13, 01:24 PM
One glorious season of cheap jokes, Lucy Lawless, and the Chin.

I may be able to die happy afterwards.

Giggling Ghast
2015-07-13, 01:33 PM
Age issues can be mitigated by the presence of young sidekicks.

That trailer was hilarious and I'm loving some of the creature effects I've seen. In general, I just adore the Deadites, because they're self-aware undead pricks that toss around buckets of blood. I'm starved for a good horror-comedy right now, so I say bring it on.

2015-07-13, 03:02 PM
Ok, this is something I want to see. I just hope its more than a ton of in jokes and self referential humor. Oh I know that will be a big aprt of it, but if there is something real attached to it it will last longer.

Killer Angel
2015-07-14, 06:08 AM
So, Ash vs Evil Dead released it's trailer (https://www.facebook.com/ashvsevildead/videos/468987929949671). First episode premiers Halloween.

The trailer is funny, I have to admit I'm a bit worried it'll suck, considering Bruce Campbell has gotten old, and if there is really enough story to do a whole season's worth of episodes about beating up monsters in various chainsaw related ways. But, I know I'll tune into the first episode regardless.

Yep, I'm torned too.
A movie would be epic. A season of episodes? I don't know... but it's definitely worth a watch! :smallbiggrin:

2015-11-01, 04:36 PM
So the first episode has aired. Really, it just set up everything that the trailer said was gonna happen.

Some of the best bits:
Ash 'finishing' after seeing the Deadite.
How the Deadites were released in the first place.
The last fight in the trailer was fun.

Overall it was fun, cheesy, some good creepy imagery, but not very serious. Pretty much what I expected. It does go more toward Army of Darkness's boisterous badass and pure goofball type of humor as opposed to Evil Dead 2's creepy humor. Which is what I was expecting, but I know a few people who wanted it differently.

So yeah, I'd watch the second episode.

My only real complaint was: He isn't working at S Mart anymore! But then how can he Shop Smart?

Killer Angel
2015-11-02, 07:01 AM
It does go more toward Army of Darkness's boisterous badass and pure goofball type of humor as opposed to Evil Dead 2's creepy humor.

I suppose it's a better formula, especially for a TV show.

2015-11-02, 10:47 AM
The only downside is, I wonder how long it will last. He did an interview where he admitted the action scenes were absolute murder on him, ending each day with excessive amounts of icy hot and massages. It also sounded like walker texas ranger level stunt coordination. That may end up being the real limiting factor of the show. How long his body can handle doing this.

2015-11-03, 01:49 PM
Somehow I hadn't heard about this before. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for it now. When/what station does it air?

2015-11-03, 01:54 PM
I liked it, pretty groovy. I just wish that the chosen warrior was El Rey instead of El Jefe to set up the "Hail to the king baby" better, and it seems like they are ignoring the time travel. Also yeah, what happened to S-Mart?

2015-11-03, 07:50 PM
Okay, that was pretty good. Bruce Cambell is MAGNIFICENT with those 'dawning realization' moments.

And don't quote me on this (it's been a while since the comics) but S-Mart was sucked into an evil wormhole by Ash's boss who may or may not have been a deadite all along. (I think) That leads to Ash getting stuck in an insane asylum.

Edit: That's from the comics, the continuity goes something like: Army of Darkness -> Evil Dead Comics -> Evil Dead Video game -> More Evil Dead Comics -> Marvel Zombies -> Comics again, other crossovers -> Ash Versus Evil Dead.

2015-11-05, 10:57 AM
So the first episode aired Halloween on Stars. For the most part I enjoyed it. Good to see Ash back.

It was interesting that it crossed between Evil Dead and Army of Darkness in tone. Parts of it were played extremely serious (like Evil Dead was), and parts were straight up camp (like Army of Darkness). It created some nice contrast.

But far and away the scariest part of the movie was...

Bruce Campbell's "O" face.

2015-11-05, 11:16 AM
Pssst, we already have a thread titled "Alright you primitive screwheads..." for the show :smallwink: There you go. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?427183-Alright-you-primitive-screwheads-listen-up-This-is-my-TV-SHOW!-Ash-vs-Evil-Dead)

2015-11-05, 11:36 AM
Army of Darkness isn't going to be canon to the TV series (at least for now) because they couldn't secure the rights to it- hence the lack of mentions of time travel, Bad Ash, S-Mart, etc.

Aside from that, I liked the first episode a lot, and I hear the series has already been picked up for a second season.

2015-11-05, 01:50 PM
Ahh, missed it completely. I'll ask for a merge.

2015-11-05, 02:50 PM
So that was why they changed the name of the store? Makes sense.

Well, time travel could be mentioned later: it isn't relevant now to the story.

2015-11-05, 10:19 PM
So, for those of you who were wondering how long it's going to last, I saw an article earlier that said the show has already been picked up for a 2nd season. If it goes beyond that...who knows, but we definitely get more after this season ends. Apparently I was ninja'd hours ago and just didn't notice ^^

@Chives: I've never heard of the comics or the video game, or any crossover into Marvel, could you give me a link to any of that please? Evil Dead series has been one of my favorites since I was a teenager.

2015-11-06, 10:23 AM
So, for those of you who were wondering how long it's going to last, I saw an article earlier that said the show has already been picked up for a 2nd season. If it goes beyond that...who knows, but we definitely get more after this season ends. Apparently I was ninja'd hours ago and just didn't notice ^^

@Chives: I've never heard of the comics or the video game, or any crossover into Marvel, could you give me a link to any of that please? Evil Dead series has been one of my favorites since I was a teenager.

Marvel has a meta-series called Marvel Zombies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Zombies_(series)). One of the series in there is called Marvel Zombies versus Army of Darkness (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Zombies_vs._The_Army_of_Darkness).

2015-11-06, 10:37 AM
Humble Bundle's got a sale going on all of them! can't post links yet, but they're around the seventh google result down (Twenty trade paperbacks in PDF format for 15$) They all have previews too so you can see what you're getting into! (missing the marvel crossover though...)
There's two games: Hail to the King and Regeneration. Ash is a guest character in the Telltale Poker Night series as well.
Also! the Evil dead world is Earth-818793 in Marvel Cannon. Bruce Campbell could TOTALLY lead the third wave avengers! :smallbiggrin: