View Full Version : Pathfinder Spell combos for Mystic Theurge

2015-07-11, 03:56 PM
I'm currently playing a NG half-orc Mystic Theurge in my current campaign (cleric3/wiz3/MT2). I've chosen the Healing and Protection domains. I'm simply looking for effective spell combos for offense, and buffs. Ive grown to love Spectral Hand already, so any other ideas would be great.

Feel free to add ideas for future spell levels as well. Thanks.

2015-07-14, 11:52 AM
Any other ideas?

2015-07-14, 04:39 PM
Did you cheated with the +4 caster level up to your dv feat for one casting class?(which level of spells can you access?)
If you are of a caster level of 5 you might really love phantom steed(and it keeps getting better with level) for avoiding any short range spell and run without loosing actions thanks to mounted combat with a magical horse who obeys you also when your horse runs while you cast a spell it originate from the position you have after having mover 2 times the base speed and so you can get out of range and cast a spell while being within range at the same turn

2015-07-14, 09:49 PM
At higher level you can have Haste and Blessing of Fervor. Blessing of Fervor does say it doesn't stack with Haste, but they can overlap. When someone does a full attack they can use the extra attack from Haste and the +2 to hit, AC, and Reflex saves from Blessing of Fervor. Other combinations between them are also possible.