View Full Version : Megafuana, Dire Animals, and Dinosaurs

2015-07-11, 08:07 PM
Need some good encounters relating to the aforementioned creatures. My party is on the run from a bunch of rival treasure hunters, and the only way to shake them is to enter the ancient jungle of the south. Any ideas/suggestions for some fun escapades. Party is level 12/13.

2015-07-12, 11:37 AM
Well, Monster of Legend and Paragon are solid starts. For a smaller boost, Warbeast, Horrid and Magebred are all templates that keep the animal type.
Otherwise it really depends what you're going for on the OHGODWHY scale. Any thing from Advanced Dire Bat to Advanced Horrid Magebred Warbeast Shadow Corpse Creature Hivenest Swarmshifting Dire Bat.

As for plants, I do love running packs of Shocker Lizards or Arrowhawks with Shambling Mounds. I've also seen pretty epic things done with cracked out Assassin Vines.
This site http://monsterfinder.dndrunde.de can help as well.

2015-07-12, 03:40 PM
Ever escalating scale seems appropriate. Say the group gets in a fight with a T-rex, and then after killing it they are attacked by a large pack of Allosaurus, and when the group is losing a fight have something like a Garngrath, Tarrasque, or elder dragon swoop down and eat the predator before chasing the party.

2015-07-12, 04:01 PM
Want to also suggest the Feral template, the Insectile template and swarms of things.

2015-07-18, 12:24 AM
I've decided to have the jungle to have a kind of King King feeling to it(you know, the one with Jack Black). So far on the list:

Pack of Shocker Lizards and Shambling Mounds(Nice pairing!)
A pair of Allosauruses(Party druid will have something awesome to Wild Shape into in the near future)
A "swarm" of 4 two-headed Dire Bats(With a nasty disease that I have yet to come up with)

Thanks for the help everyone.