View Full Version : Stillness of Mind - Magic Item

2015-07-11, 08:51 PM

A character in my game is wanting to make a magic item that will help him avoid charm and fear effects.

I plan to create an item that allows him to have the "Stillness of Mind" monk class feature. What level of rareness do you think such an item should be? (uncommon, rare, very rare, or legendary)?

I am thinking since it is a level 7 class feature, rare or very rare.


2015-07-11, 10:09 PM
I would say Rare for a magic item based on that monk ability, personally. For me, Very Rare would be if it was instead based on the level 7 Paladin of Devotion feature "Aura of Devotion".

2015-07-12, 08:40 PM
I would say Rare for a magic item based on that monk ability, personally. For me, Very Rare would be if it was instead based on the level 7 Paladin of Devotion feature "Aura of Devotion".

Thanks for the reply. I'm assuming with the large numbers of views and no dissenting opinions that the playground is in one accord?

Dark Ass4ssin 1
2015-07-12, 09:51 PM
If avoid means immune don't do it.

Looking through the DMG there is no other magic item that makes you immume to charm or fear affects individually, forget both in 1.

However an item that gives him advantage on the saving throws would be balanced, but I would say very rare considering the spells and abilities that nullifies.

2015-07-12, 09:52 PM
I'd say Rare, also.

2015-07-12, 09:57 PM
Proficiency in saving throws versus charm and illusion - maybe Uncommon

Advantage in saving throws versus charm and illusion - Very Rare

Immunity - Legendary

2015-07-12, 10:07 PM
let him find an item that casts protection from evil and good every so often. that should cover most of his needs but won't make him truly invulnerable.

2015-07-12, 10:21 PM
Thanks to all for the alternative recommendations, I'll keep them in mind!

So far however the ones responding to my original question have all said rare. If anyone was misled by my OP, my question is, how rare should a magic item be that grants a character the Stillness of Mind monk class feature?

2015-07-13, 05:56 AM
I'd say rare, for frighten I don't use stilness of mind often.
Charming isn't often in the midle of a fight, and is very usefull.

2015-07-13, 11:31 PM
Thanks to all for the alternative recommendations, I'll keep them in mind!

So far however the ones responding to my original question have all said rare. If anyone was misled by my OP, my question is, how rare should a magic item be that grants a character the Stillness of Mind monk class feature?

I'd hesitate to hand any other player a class feature gratis with no modifications. If a player has a character of that class, it might cheapen it to know that an otherwise distinctive class feature is just a magic item away. Feats do this to some extent, but generally fall short of explicitly granting a class ability (maneuver, for instance, as a feat is only two maneuvers, and 1d6).

If anything, I'd steer away from this and give it a purpose of its own, drawing from some of the inspirational features you can add to items to give them a unique history.

2015-07-13, 11:39 PM
I'd hesitate to hand any other player a class feature gratis with no modifications. If a player has a character of that class, it might cheapen it to know that an otherwise distinctive class feature is just a magic item away. Feats do this to some extent, but generally fall short of explicitly granting a class ability (maneuver, for instance, as a feat is only two maneuvers, and 1d6).

If anything, I'd steer away from this and give it a purpose of its own, drawing from some of the inspirational features you can add to items to give them a unique history.

I want to say that I do agree with this to an extent. IF another player is playing a class, I would not give away their class abilities to another player. Rare is my answer assuming someone is not already playing Monk. But if there is a Monk in the party, I'd change the design a bit. Do you have a monk in the party in question?

2015-07-14, 12:18 AM
I want to say that I do agree with this to an extent. IF another player is playing a class, I would not give away their class abilities to another player. Rare is my answer assuming someone is not already playing Monk. But if there is a Monk in the party, I'd change the design a bit. Do you have a monk in the party in question?

No, there are no monks and I agree, I would not do it if there were. My group is and will remain small (only 2 players atm). The character has put a lot of work and time into this item.

My idea, atm, is for it to be rare in quality and grant the same benefit as stillness of mind with the exception that when its used it deals 1d10 psychic damage to the user from a "jarring of the mind." I think with this balance it will be an acceptable item.


2015-07-15, 08:51 PM
You probably don't have to go as far as 1d10 psychic damage. You could go for a less consequential but more dramatic 1hp unpreventable damage as blood runs from the nose or corner of the mouth or eye, and a concentration save as the stillness is instituted by providing an unignorable pain which draws all focus.