View Full Version : Optimization Pathfinder Help building a third party crafter

2015-07-12, 02:31 AM
So I'm the main crafter in a continuing game, and am finding myself in need of a new character. GM has allowed use of The Artisan (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/3rd-party-publisher---drop-dead-studios---classes/the-artisan) class, a third party non spellcasting crafting class. I'm looking to optimize this class some without having to use racial benefits (GM gave me a custom race for story, basically perfect darkvision, +2 STR and WIS, and proficiency with stone/bronze age weapons)

Creation rules are
Level 3
Starting gold 1,300 GP
Two traits
20-point buy
Game ends around level 10, hitting Mythic around 5th (No clue how far mythic will go)

Current party is a blade bound Magus, a Cleric/Oracle, and a tanky druid.

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-12, 02:43 AM
Well, it's an item-crafting class. So you'll be breaking the game as soon as you get some downtime.

In-combat, you're a Magus without spells. Grab a two-handed weapon, power it up, and go to town. Ask your DM if you can take the Martial Training feat from Path of War, because it'll let you do more than just attack. Good combat Techniques are Improved Enhancement (armor + weapon) and Greater Enhancement.

Alternately, wands wands wands. Pick up Wand Mastery, Wand Empowerment, and Metamagic Rod Mastery, find a nice low-level high-scaling spell, and spam that every fight.