View Full Version : I needed to test something

2015-07-12, 03:04 AM
Is there a forum that is entirely dedicated to testing out board functions in general? If not, should there be?

I needed to test something the testing of which requires Edit, and the Dice Rolls subforum understandably doesn't allow edits.

EDIT: And it can't be tested here either, nonetheless I've also given a thing to discuss.

2015-07-12, 09:10 AM
The proper place to ask this question is in Board/site issues, two three* forums down from Friendly Banter. To get this thread moved there, report the first post (with the desire to have it moved as the content), and a mod will move it eventually.

I don't know what you are trying to test, and if you want an answer, you will need to tell us. A search of the board/site issues forum might turn up a discussion of the sort you are looking for, but unless it is still visible, it is sometimes hard to guess what terminology was used by previous people who asked the same thing. Even if you find a previous thread, if it is more than a year or two old you would probably want to make a new thread linking to the old thread and ask if the information contained therein is still valid.

2015-07-12, 02:38 PM
If your intended test involves editing die rolls, let me save you some effort:

Die rolls cannot be deleted, modified, or added in edits.
For every die roll made in a new post, the roll is saved in the database and associated with the post, and the "make a roll" tag is replaced with a "use roll number X" tag. The first roll becomes [roll0], the second becomes [roll1], and so on.
If a post is edited so that any of the available [roll#] tags for that post are not used, a red text warning about that fact is added to the bottom of the post, outside of the user-editable post content.
If a "make a roll" tag is added in an edit, it will not function. The tag code will be displayed as text instead.
The various [roll#] tags can be moved and even reordered within the post, and the text around them edited. Duplicating a single roll is also possible by using the same [roll#] tag multiple times. You can see if this has been done by quoting the post and inspecting the [roll#] tags in the new post page. Text labels outside the roll tags could still be changed without detection, which could in theory be used to cheat, which is why in-tag labels are supported for rolls.

The dice roller is enabled only in the Play By Post section of the forums. Die roll tags used elsewhere will not function.

Edit: And I suppose I should move the thread too.

2015-07-20, 08:15 AM
A related question: would it violate any rules for a poster to test something like this in the play-by-post section, assuming doing so was minimal and did not tick off fellow posters? For example, I could see someone doing so in the OOC thread for a game, stating that they are testing something at the end of a post they are otherwise using for OOC chat.

2015-07-20, 08:20 AM
A related question: would it violate any rules for a poster to test something like this in the play-by-post section, assuming doing so was minimal and did not tick off fellow posters? For example, I could see someone doing so in the OOC thread for a game, stating that they are testing something at the end of a post they are otherwise using for OOC chat.

If it's an OOC thread for a game that you're actually in, I don't see anything wrong with that.

2015-08-18, 12:55 PM
So I also wanted to test something, and in my eagerness to find the right place to do it, I found this thread.

What I wanted to test is this - I was reading old discussion threads, and I found several shots of Tarquin's head in the OOTS smiley style. I was intrigued, because his head doesn't show up when pushing the smiley button on the top. This led me to wonder - what other heads are out there I don't know about?

I offer this as a sample example of the kind of thing people might want to test. Also, while I'm here and writing, I'm just going to go ahead and do my test (inside a spoiler tag to prevent clutter). ;)


2015-08-18, 01:14 PM
What I wanted to test is this - I was reading old discussion threads, and I found several shots of Tarquin's head in the OOTS smiley style. I was intrigued, because his head doesn't show up when pushing the smiley button on the top. This led me to wonder - what other heads are out there I don't know about? There's a thread with a big collection of such smilies; The vast majority of them, like the Tarquin one, are unofficial (not hosted by the forum, so don't have a corresponding entry in the smiley button nor a text shortcut; they need to be included as images).