View Full Version : Undead Nereid NPC Optimization

2015-07-12, 01:13 PM
I have this idea of an NPC Nereid Dread Skeleton, who got to be that way via Planar Binding followed by death and reanimation. It's a good combination, originally chosen for the horror impact as she fascinates them and drops the appearance of a living nereid. I ran her up on PCGen and a few questions came to mind. Here's the base stat block, with no extra racial or class hit dice:

Female Nereid Dread Skeleton (Advanced Creature, Elite Array) ; CR 13 ; Medium Undead (Water); HD (12d8); hp 171; Init +14; Spd Walk 30 ft., ; AC 37, touch 35, flat-footed 22, Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +20; CMD +50;
Atk: +20 Melee (1d1+3/20/x2, *Touch ) or +20 Ranged (1d1-3/20/x2, *Spray , Range 0 ft. ) or ; Full Atk: +20 Melee (1d1+3/20/x2, *Touch ) or +20 Ranged (1d1-3/20/x2, *Spray , Range 0 ft. ) or ;
SA: Beguiling Aura (Su), Change Shape (Su), Drowning Kiss (Su), Immunity to Cold (Ex), Immunity to Poison (Ex), Low-Light Vision (Ex), Poison (Ex), Shawl (Ex), Transparency (Su), Unearthly Grace (Su), Damage Reduction 10/cold iron, Spell Resistance 21, ; SQ: Low-Light Vision; AL: LE; SV Fort +13, Ref +22, Will +17; STR 16, DEX 38, CON 28, INT 19, WIS 29, CHA 31 .
Innate Spell-Like Abilities: control water ( at will) suggestion (only against creatures that are currently fascinated by her beguiling aura) ( DC 25, at will) summon monster vi (water elementals only) ( 1/Day)

So, I have a few observations I'd like to throw out and maybe people can chime in with their thoughts.
1. The CMD is super high. As I understand it I can reasonably expect that nobody will be putting a combat maneuver over on her. Any thoughts on how she might be a good trip fighter (starting with a spiked chain)?
2. Poison: She's got it, and I like the idea of a poison touch (or ranged touch) attack with it. Does this ability apply to all her physical attacks, or just one per round?
3. She's got good attack bonuses. If I go for lots of touch attacks per round (see #2, perhaps assisted with Venomfire), how many can I make?
4. What class levels (and feats) would trick her out as the touch fighter badass (5-level limit please)? What items?

2015-07-12, 01:27 PM
You're undead with a constitution score; that's not possible. Con should be --. Instead, you use charisma, so you'll have even higher stats.

2015-07-12, 02:04 PM
You're undead with a constitution score; that's not possible. Con should be --. Instead, you use charisma, so you'll have even higher stats.

I noticed that also, but thanks. Consider it corrected to CON - :)