View Full Version : Roy's death was probably the best thing that could have happened for the Order

2007-05-01, 01:13 AM
Now, that I have your attention. :smallwink:

This isn't a Roy bashing thread by a long shot. Roy's my favorite character in OotS and I can not picture the comic without him for any length of time. It would be an offense against everything that is good about the comic if Roy never appears again.

So what do I mean by the thread's title? Well, besides being a nifty attention grabber, it also states what I'm thinking. I believe that Roy's death will have a lot of positive impacts on the Order and give them the chance they need to ultimately win.

For one thing, Roy's death is going to force both Haley and Elan to be a bit more responsible and grow up a bit. Roy won't be there to make them focus or keep them in line, and I can see his lack of presence coming up pretty much every day in the various little things he did to keep the party in line. I can imagine Haley's relief when Roy final comes back, only to maybe discover that she could potentially be an even better leader than him and get stuck with the job.

As for Roy, I can't imagine he'll be sitting on his etheral butt during the time between now and his eventual resurection.

I think Roy's going to get the chance talk with his father and mother, and perhaps resolve some of his issues, at least a little. At the very least, seeing his son die for the first time might make his dad a little less of an ass, though I doubt it.

Roy could also spend this time visiting with the dead members of the original group that sealed the Snarl's gates, who can give him some intel on where the gates are, what's guarding them, and perhaps some insight into their foes. Perhaps Xycon has some slain enemies that'll be willing to discuss at length the lich's possible flaws.

What do you guys think? Other possible positive effects of Roy's temporary death?

And lets keep the Roy bashing to a minimum in this thread, if not eliminate it all together, please.

Charles Phipps
2007-05-01, 01:17 AM
I think it'd be nice to delay Roy's resurrection, if its going to happen, into a sidequest. It would certainly work well to keep him off camera so that we can see more Durkon, Haley, and Elan.

2007-05-01, 02:50 AM
I want to know what the effects of Elan's song were. I would think that as a bard song, it would do something, and it seemed to be heard a good distance across the battlefield.

2007-05-01, 05:02 AM
Hinjo's there, too. He's not a member of the Order, but can get them in line well enough.

2007-05-01, 07:22 AM
I was thinking the same thing, actually. Roy's dead will have a great impact in the other OOTS members and if his resurrection is delayed into a sidequest, that'll be a great story!

2007-05-01, 07:39 AM
Yeah, mabye. Or the OOTS will fall apart, though I doubt it cause the Giant needs Plot

2007-05-01, 07:48 AM
I think the likelihood that his death will cause Elan to grow a bit is quite high, and I'm looking forward to seeing the potential results. I'm not so sure I'd want to see Haley permanently saddled with the leadership position, despite the fact she may be well qualified for it. And finally, I too would like to see what's happening to Roy in the great hereafter; who he's met, what he's seen, how much he's being annoyed by Eugene. (Hey, that rhymes...)

As far as Hinjo keeping the Order in line... during the battle, yes, I can see that. But assuming Azure City survives the battle, he's got a city to run, so if Roy's resurrection is delayed(a good quest idea, I'll admit), I don't see Hinjo going with them.

2007-05-02, 08:04 PM
Nice title

Anyways, i'm pretty sure that in that content, Roy's death will force the order to shape up, and is good from a plot point of view

V will have to be the int thinker, and we will hopefully see more of her character.

Haley will become the straight girl, along with V and Durkon,

Normally, OOTS only needed one, but all of the OOTS are insane except for Roy, so they need three straight men/women/FeMale.
Haley will be in charge of leader ship and direction, as she is as determained as roy, but not as smart or as wise.
Durkon will be the wisdom member, with V as the int. Major character devolpment on all three
Belkar i think will really take over OOTS, he is a good planner when trying to kill somebody
Elan will be slightly more heroic

Generic PC
2007-05-02, 08:51 PM
hmm... perhaps a new member joins, who is promptly found to be quite adept...

2007-05-02, 09:18 PM
DANGIT! I had hoped this was a roy bash thread, as I hate the guy.:smallyuk: So I was hoping for more roy bashers.

2007-05-02, 09:22 PM
DANGIT! I had hoped this was a roy bash thread, as I hate the guy.:smallyuk: So I was hoping for more roy bashers.

Haven't you started like 4 roy bash threads... you think we need more of you yelling at Roy???

2007-05-02, 11:19 PM
If I was going to take a wild guess, I'd say that Miko will pray to her own diety and beg forgiveness for her actions. As an act of atonement, she'll be ordered to kill Xykon and will have to team up with the OoTS to accomplish this.

2007-05-03, 01:21 AM
Now that is a scary thought. Miko hates the OotS... the OotS hates Miko...

If that happens, I predict all-out battle within... hmm, two panels. Or less.

2007-05-03, 08:49 PM
i hope it makes elan act more responsibly and that durkon will get more screen time

whats going on behind that little brown beard???

2007-05-03, 09:02 PM
i hope it makes elan act more responsibly

this will be unfunny if it happens. OOTS does not need more straight-men than it already has.

2007-05-03, 09:03 PM
even if not immediately rezzed, i hope roy still gets some screen time between now and the old 5k diamond dust bit, his dry sense of humor has always made him my favorite character, his towering ego non withstanding

2007-05-03, 09:05 PM
If I was going to take a wild guess, I'd say that Miko will pray to her own diety and beg forgiveness for her actions. As an act of atonement, she'll be ordered to kill Xykon and will have to team up with the OoTS to accomplish this.

I doubt it, Miko is crazy and absolutely convinced of her own rightness in everything. She'll probably decide that the gods are evil too since they took her powers away.

2007-05-03, 09:21 PM
Well, somehow I think with her Paladinhood gone that stick in the ass may as well be gone too...

2007-05-03, 09:24 PM
you kidding? the snarl in all his power couldn't pull that out without rolling a natural 20. and even then, good luck to him

2007-05-03, 10:33 PM
Roy will start appearing to Haley or Durkon in their dreams, and give them bizarre prophecies. . .

2007-05-03, 10:54 PM
Of course that tragedy is allways bad; but we can assure thaht brings the best of some people. Durkon is now the ehhh... thing-that-prevent-things-to-fall-apart (natural 1 on my bardic knowledge roll).
Elan would be, of course, a lot more focus-center
Belkar may calm down a bit whit the "murder is all around" theme; unless until Roy comes back.

I thomk that this will have a good efect in most of the party

2007-05-04, 07:23 AM
OOTS is the best part of the day:smallbiggrin: Miko needs to redeem herself and what better than the gods giving her a quest to resurect Roy, with the catch that she would have to work with Belkar leading the OOTS to do it. :smallamused:

How willing would Haley be to sacrifice a part of her treasure to Resurect Roy?

As for Roy being a ghost, what better than him bugging the hell out of Miko and Belkar :smallwink:

2007-05-04, 09:35 AM
this will be unfunny if it happens. OOTS does not need more straight-men than it already has.Elan acting more responsibly isn't the same as Elan not being funny anymore though. You can be silly and love life, but still get down to business when necessary.

2007-05-06, 08:34 PM
this will be unfunny if it happens. OOTS does not need more straight-men than it already has.

*Snicker* hehe

Yeah but seriously that would stink.