View Full Version : Tie Fighter: Rise of Thrawn IC

2015-07-13, 07:51 PM
Tie Fighter II:
The Rise of Thrawn

Defeated at Endor, the Empire has suffered Defeat after defeat at the hands of the Rebel Alliance, pushed back now to the fringes of it's former glory. As former high officials squabble over control of the Imperial Reminant, the rebels have claimed Imperial Center and have begun to call themselves a New Republic. But rumors claim a new player has entered the scene, and that the imperial warlords are falling in line behind a Grand Admiral returned from an exile to the Unknown Regions.

As Patrol Flight Besh prepare for a training excercise over Dantooine, they have little reason to realize they will soon become the blade pointed at the very heart of the Rebelion...

"Alright, flyboys, time to see what you've got," the trainer said from his Tie Intercepter, leading a full dozen Imperial Line fighters toward an asteroid field. "I've paired you up with the closest in skill, so pay attention. Renex, you are now Rookiee 1, your wingman is Rookiee 2. Spoon, you and your wingman are Rookiee's 3 and 4. I expect big things from the four of you. For Second flight, DeeDee you're Rookiee 5 and your wing is 6, Farmboy is 7 with 8 on his wing. Try to make sure everything you take off your fighter gets put back on, or bad things will happen. Flight 3, after that stunt this morning I've got a new punishment for you- Jai is now Rookiee 9. Your in charge of the rest of you screwballs and aliens. Everyone got that?"

2015-07-13, 08:00 PM
At least training exercises were more interesting than custom patrols. Kane adjusted his flight harness and then dialed back his inertial compensator to 98%.

"Rookie 1, copy."

Master Waldo
2015-07-13, 08:05 PM
Delvira 'DeeDee' O'Doole

"Copy that Lead," Delvira responds. "Rookie 5 and 6, standing by". She looks over at the fighters alongside her.

"Try and keep up with me this time, will you Farmboy?" she says with a smile. She saw him monkeying with his maneuver thrusters earlier, and was curious to see the results.

Hollow One
2015-07-13, 09:44 PM
Mirya 'Spoon' Ozzel

"Rookies 3 and 4 standing by."

Mirya rolled her eyes at the name, inwardly rather annoyed by the title but not letting it carry over into her words. She wasn't fresh out of the Academy, after all. She had flown combat missions! Had risked her life against the Rebellion! But things were different now, the pilot reminded herself, and she would need to prove herself again.

2015-07-13, 10:16 PM
"Rookie Seven, I copy." Mikal checks in as he adjusts the sensitivity on his control stick to account for the modifications he made to the thrusters. "I might have a trick or two ya ain't seen yet," he drawls in reply to Delvira ribbing.

2015-07-14, 12:23 AM
Arozir couldn't help but grin a little as Jai was given the reigns for him and the other aliens in the crew. "Acknowledged, sir." He swapped over some communications to open up Ship to Ship communications with Jai. "I saw that trick that got you landed handling us Jai, was some pretty good work, next time try and do it without getting caught though hm?"

2015-07-14, 11:02 AM
"Rookie 9 copies, lead." is the only response Jai gives on the squadron channel, having learned a long time ago how little Imperial Flight Instructors value the finer points of comedy when calling for check-ins.

After switching off comms (and verifying it, he only had to make that mistake once to learn to always verify comms are off) he rolls his eyes and comments to no one in particular. "Joy...stuck in command of third flight...so I get to be responsible when we get given the junk duty and can't pull it off..."

As the direct message comes in from Arozir, Jai smiles. It had been a pretty good prank hadn't it? Who would have expected he'd be able to find a perfect match for the container the commander's favorite brand of shaving cream came in, and on short notice too? Too bad about the whole getting caught thing, but them's the breaks.

In the most serious tone he can muster Jai replies, also on Ship to Ship, "I will make a note of that Eleven. Hang on, I have some flimsy here. 'Do not get caught next time.'" he says, speaking slowly as though concentrating on remembering it.

2015-07-14, 06:16 PM
The intercepter pilot rolled slightly as he approached the asteroid cluster. "All Rookiees, Bring up navigation excercise 2. There should be three sets of waypoints labled Easy, Medium and Hard. Pick a route and fllow it to the best of your ability... I will be grading on time for wingpairs. Dont need to stand on ceremony, just pick one and go."

This will be three rounds of pilot checks though hazards. Easy route difficulty is your speed in purples, with 2 of them then replaced with reds (half of 3 rounded up) for the size of your ship (assuming a speed of at least two) Medium route adds 2 blacks, hard route adds 4 blacks.

Lets see what you can come up with. :3

2015-07-14, 08:54 PM
Training Exercise, Hard Course, First Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/308697): 2eA+2eP+1eD+2eC+3eS 2 failures, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308697)

Extra 3 blues (handling) (http://orokos.com/roll/308836): 3eB 1 success
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308836)

Net result, 1 failure, 2 threat.
Jai brings up the nav exercise within his cockpit, following in formation until the breaking point. As soon as he is cleared to go he veers straight for the hardest course, hoping that a little showboating might get him a better spot...or an abject failure might move him out of a flight lead position. Either works.

Taking a moment as he heads in Jai sets his comms to Flight 3's channel. "Good luck." is all he says to the flight before entering the course at a moderate speed, slow enough to be at least relatively safe, but fast enough to hopefully impress a bit. Wingmate tucked in tight behind him he concentrates on the task as best he can.

2015-07-14, 09:41 PM
Roll1 (http://orokos.com/roll/308700) Handling (http://orokos.com/roll/308740)

Arozir chuckles at the serious tone in Jai's voice, knowing the pilot was doing his damnedest to not let the grin seep through to his voice. "I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and say that you're going to want to go for the hardest route possible." He quickly opens up the navigation exercise, looking through the different routes available. Well, the Easy route would probably have gotten just what they needed, but Jai was in charge of the rest of the pilots.

With a nod of his head he put the exercise into the navcomputer and followed after Jai into the hardest course, matching his speed.

Master Waldo
2015-07-14, 11:11 PM
Delvira "DeeDee" O'Doole

Delvira took a deep breath. Exercise 2 was her least favorite on the simulator, she'd been hoping it was pretty much any of the other ones.
Well, here goes nothing she thought. Throttling up to 80%, she headed into the medium course. Damn, controls feel a little sluggish. Did I remember to tighten back up the power converter?

Hollow One
2015-07-15, 12:58 AM
Mirya "Spoon" Ozzel

Mirya's brow twitched in irritation as she realized what was happening. She was bothered by the idea of being 'tested', but there was very little she could do about it. With a mild sigh, she keyed to her wingman's comm and ordered, "Rookie 4, follow my lead." Rolling her eyes, Mirya guided her TIE toward the Medium course.

2015-07-15, 08:58 AM
"Let's try tha Medium course, Rookie Eight,", Mikal radios his wingman while punching in the necessary commands into his navcomputer.
<Are you sure? We've never tried this one before...> Rookie Eight replies with a slight hint of nerves in his voice.
"Yeah, it'll be fine. Start at Eighty Percent," Mikal radios his wingman before beginning his run. It starts out fairly smoothly despite his relative high rate of speed, until his TIE fighter drifts further than expected during a curve, causing him to miss one of the rings.
"Dang, I musta souped-up the manoeuvring thrusters more'na thought," he voices to the empty cockpit, trying to make mental adjustments to account for the improved handling.

2eA+1eP+4eB+2eD+2eC+2eS: 1 failure, 1 Triumph (http://orokos.com/roll/308746)
If this is acceptable, I'll type up the result of the rest of my rolls later today.

2015-07-15, 12:38 PM
The following are meant to be examples- if they are out of character for you, then come up with something better next check. :3

Training Exercise, Hard Course, First Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/308697): 2eA+2eP+1eD+2eC+3eS 2 failures, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308697)

Extra 3 blues (handling) (http://orokos.com/roll/308836): 3eB 1 success
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308836)

Net result, 1 failure, 2 threat.
Jai brings up the nav exercise within his cockpit, following in formation until the breaking point. As soon as he is cleared to go he veers straight for the hardest course, hoping that a little showboating might get him a better spot...or an abject failure might move him out of a flight lead position. Either works.

Taking a moment as he heads in Jai sets his comms to Flight 3's channel. "Good luck." is all he says to the flight before entering the course at a moderate speed, slow enough to be at least relatively safe, but fast enough to hopefully impress a bit. Wingmate tucked in tight behind him he concentrates on the task as best he can.
Hard course, Speed 3 (1 missed ring), 1 system strain
The hard course spiraled through the densest part of the asteroid field and adrenine surged through Jai as his approaches to rings were fouled at the last moment by the rocks, forcing him to miss one entirely. With one eye on the timer, he raced toward the first of the three checkpoints. As another rock threatened to interfere, he brought up his targetting computer, firing a long burst. The asteroid detonated, spraying his fighter with gravel (system strain) as he burst through the checkpoint, wingman hot on his heels.

Roll1 (http://orokos.com/roll/308700) Handling (http://orokos.com/roll/308740)

Arozir chuckles at the serious tone in Jai's voice, knowing the pilot was doing his damnedest to not let the grin seep through to his voice. "I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and say that you're going to want to go for the hardest route possible." He quickly opens up the navigation exercise, looking through the different routes available. Well, the Easy route would probably have gotten just what they needed, but Jai was in charge of the rest of the pilots.

With a nod of his head he put the exercise into the navcomputer and followed after Jai into the hardest course, matching his speed.
Hard course, Speed 3 (2 bonus time), 1 system strain.

Though Arozir started behind the flight leader, he soon pulled ahead, draining power from lasers (system strain) for extra speed and boosting past asteroids before they got in Jai's way. As you cross the checkpoint, however, your target lock warning goes off as an asteroid blows up behind you, dodging out off the way of Jai's burst.

You two, go ahead and do your next piloting check, and narrate the effects of your roll like I did til you reach the second checkpoint, while I get the others started....

2015-07-15, 01:07 PM
Delvira "DeeDee" O'Doole

Delvira took a deep breath. Exercise 2 was her least favorite on the simulator, she'd been hoping it was pretty much any of the other ones.
Well, here goes nothing she thought. Throttling up to 80%, she headed into the medium course. Damn, controls feel a little sluggish. Did I remember to tighten back up the power converter?

Pilot check 1, medium course (http://orokos.com/roll/308736): 2eA+2eP+3eB+2eD+2eC+2eS 1 failure, 5 advantage, 1 Despair
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-d.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308736)
Medium course, Speed 3 (1 time loss), Wingman destroyed (despair), Wingman rescued (3 advantage), 1 bonus blue die to your own next roll (2 advantage)

With a surge of power as your aftermarket ion stabilizers kick in, you blaze through the course, your wingman forced to redline his drive to try and keep up. You are well on your way for a course record, when you hear a scream over the radio. Your wingman, having lost control, glanced a rock with one of his hexagonal panels, and as you round a switchback you see his crippled craft spinning deeper into the asteroid field. already heading in his direction, you chop the throttle back to pace him, radioing in the loss. You glance at the course timer, then back at the crippled tie, where Rookiee 6 ha the hatch open and lept free before his craft crashed into another asteroid. MAneuvering alongside the EVA pilot, you open your own hatch, and Rookiee 6 gratefully climbs inside. It's tight- the tie fighter was never meant as a 2 man fighter- but if you turn the compensater all the way up and the gravity off, he shouldnt get in your way TOO much.

As you cross the checkpoint, you're suprised to hear you're still in the runnings- despite how long the rescue felt like it look, you're only a few seconds behind the course par.

2015-07-15, 01:15 PM
"Let's try tha Medium course, Rookie Eight,", Mikal radios his wingman while punching in the necessary commands into his navcomputer.
<Are you sure? We've never tried this one before...> Rookie Eight replies with a slight hint of nerves in his voice.
"Yeah, it'll be fine. Start at Eighty Percent," Mikal radios his wingman before beginning his run. It starts out fairly smoothly despite his relative high rate of speed, until his TIE fighter drifts further than expected during a curve, causing him to miss one of the rings.
"Dang, I musta souped-up the manoeuvring thrusters more'na thought," he voices to the empty cockpit, trying to make mental adjustments to account for the improved handling.

2eA+1eP+4eB+2eD+2eC+2eS: 1 failure, 1 Triumph (http://orokos.com/roll/308746)
If this is acceptable, I'll type up the result of the rest of my rolls later today.

Medium course, Speed 3 (1 time loss)
Triumph for an extra blue die for the rest of the scene, I assume?

a bit sparse, but it works. (obvously you wrote this before rookiee 6 went extravehicular, otherwise I'd expect something tying it in)

2015-07-15, 01:29 PM
Training exercise, second course (http://orokos.com/roll/308866): 2eP+2eA+3eB+2eC+1eD+3eS 0 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308866)

Going to assume that no failures means no missed rings, but no successes means I took a lot longer than a good run would have. Threat as system strain (at this rate I'll nicely disable myself :P)
Still on Flight 3's channel Jai takes a moment past the first set of obstacles to trigger his comms. "Sorry 'bout that eleven. One of those rocks just looked so much like rebel scum I couldn't help myself." he says with humor (and a bit of apology) clear in his tone.

Flipping his inertial damper down a couple notches, to 94% instead of his typical 97%, in order to improve his handling on the next course Jai sets off. Looping and dodging through the asteroids, wingmate tucked in behind, Jai heads in, watching his sensors more closely to time so no more rocks catch him off guard.

As he comes up on one of the rings ring his sensors clearly show he won't be able to pass through before one of the shifting rocks gets in the way. Torn momentarily between gunning it and trying to beat the rock or caution Jai elects to maintain his speed and yanks back on the stick, intending to perform a textbook loop in the relatively clear area he has on approach, delaying his approach long enough for the rock to pass by.

The sudden high-G manuever dislodges a chunk of rock from the previous asteroid that had become trapped in the right wing connection of the TIE, sending the piece of debris flying into the right wing where is scrapes against a small power line. In the cockpit Jai notes (at the end of the loop as he wrestles the TIE through the ring) a small yellow light start blinking on the edge of the control panel, indicating a power failure on one of the TIE's solar panels. It's a minor issue, a few percentage points of power lost, and Jai ignores it as he finishes out the second course.

2015-07-15, 01:37 PM
Mirya "Spoon" Ozzel

Mirya's brow twitched in irritation as she realized what was happening. She was bothered by the idea of being 'tested', but there was very little she could do about it. With a mild sigh, she keyed to her wingman's comm and ordered, "Rookie 4, follow my lead." Rolling her eyes, Mirya guided her TIE toward the Medium course.[SPOILER=Piloting Check 1]Medium Course (http://orokos.com/roll/308755): 2eA+2eP+1eD+2eC+2eS 3 successes, 3 threat, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308755)
Medium course, Speed 3 (3 time advantage), 1 black die to the next check (2 disadvantage), Wingman hopelessly lost behind you. (1 disadvantage) (he will be rolling 3 greens for piloting checks, separately, until he can catch up with you.), extra blue die (not upgrade a green to a yellow?) to next check. (triumph)

You easilly drop into "the zone", keeping up with Deedee's heavilly modified fighter. As you pass a switchback DeeDee suddenly drops back and you race fit the checkpoint, and you have time to smile, knwing you have the new lap record, beforeyour radio starts sceaming at you, something about a crashed Tie.

2015-07-15, 02:11 PM
1 missed ring, 1 Strain

Kane selected the middle road, And was doing fine until he heard comm chatter about a crash and an EVA pilot. As he tried to get to the bottom, he lost track of his own ship and clipped one of the rocks, sending him off course. He recovered, but not before bypassing one of the rings.

2 Time advantage, +Boost to next Piloting roll

Now satisfied 6 was OK, Kane could focus back on the course, and he started making up lost time.

Hollow One
2015-07-15, 06:03 PM
Mirya "Spoon" Ozzel

Medium Course 2 (http://orokos.com/roll/308762): 2eA+2eP+1eB+1eD+2eC+2eS 3 failures, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308762)

Spending 4 advantages for two boost dice on the last roll.

Medium Course 2 - Handling Dice (http://orokos.com/roll/308870): 3eB 1 success, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308870)

Medium Course 2 - Setback Die (http://orokos.com/roll/308953): 1eS 0 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308953)

2 failures, 6 advantages

The rare moments of peace that Mirya could find were ones that she savored. She hardly even noticed that Rookie 4 had fallen way behind, though she would not have cared if she had. When she was behind the controls, when she was in that cockpit, she could let go and allow instinct to take over. One of her instructors at the Academy had said that she had been born to be a pilot, and as she passed DeeDee, she was certain of the truth of that remark. And then her comms kicked in with as someone shouted about a downed TIE.

Mirya found herself again and, as she did so, felt the sudden impact of an errant asteroid smacking across the side of her left wing. Acting quickly, she pulled away before her TIE could suffer further damage, but there was definitely going to be some ugly marks across the solar array's support frame. She silently cursed herself as her swerve had caused her to miss one of the nearby rings, and she took a deep breath to try and force down her anger and frustration before, with an annoyed snarl, switching her comms off.

2015-07-15, 06:05 PM
Zoom zoom 2 (http://orokos.com/roll/308955): 2eP+2eA+4eB+2eC+1eD+3eS 1 success, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308955)

Arozir grinned widely behind his helmet as he heard the apology, radioing back to Jai. "Now what kind of run would it be with you without a little added danger to the system?" The grin quickly turns to a frown as he hears the chatter about a downed pilot. "Seems that we're doing a bit better than some of the other pilots out there, let's keep it that way." He quickly checks his equipment to make sure that none of the debris from the exploded asteroid is going to cause him any issues before continuing along the path. This was shaping up to be one of his best runs yet, now if only he could maintain this run he'd be set. Arozir made sure that he wasn't broadcasting to any of the other pilots before he started humming the Imperial March to help him concentrate and focus on the exercise, it couldn't hurt his concentration any after all.

2015-07-15, 08:21 PM
Spending 4 advantages for two boost dice on the last roll.

You can only spend 2 advantages that way, for 1 die. You cant repeat it.

Master Waldo
2015-07-15, 08:30 PM
Delvira "Deedee: O'Doole

Pilot check 2, medium course (http://orokos.com/roll/308961): 2eA+2eP+4eB+1eD+2eC+2eS 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Despair
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-d.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308961)

Using success as getting back on course, advantage as catching back up. Despair is:
(74) Power Fluctuations: random power surges and outages. you cannot voluntarily take system strain to power abilities until this crit is repaired.

Slowly easing her way back onto the course, Delvira keyed her mic. "Six is safe, if a bit shaken. Getting back to it, over."

Her fighter hummed as she throttled back up to 60%, taking things a little slower to compensate for the extra weight. She hadn't lost as much time as she feared, and was staring to close the distance on her closest squadmate.

Starting to feel confident again, Delvira moved the throttle forward a bit. Her TIE groaned a bit as she did, then shuddered as she passed the checkpoint. She swore as her navcomputer suddenly turned off and rebooted, and her comms squealed. "Son of a nerf herder! I knew I'd forgotten about that blasted power converter!"

Unless a miracle happened, she could forget about setting any lap records. She just wanted to finish this in one piece.

"Cross your fingers, Six. Only one more leg to go."

2015-07-17, 10:35 AM
Training Exercise, Hard Course, Third Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/309339): 2eP+2eA+3eB+2eC+1eD+3eS 3 successes, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/309339)

3 success = get through the rings quickly I assume?
2 threat = more strain for my already strained TIE?

That should put me at 5 strain of my TIE's 8. I've rolled 2 threat, then 1 threat, then 2 threat on the rolls through this training course. Whee :P.
Easing off the throttle for a moment as he reaches the small open space before the final run Jai takes a moment to concentrate on the comms chatter before speaking to flight 3. "Sounds like everything is under control out there, and the instructor isn't calling for us to quit the exercise, so let's finish it off quickly and be available to help if required."

Matching actions to words he shoots into the next array, finally becoming accustom to this particular TIE's quirks and this blasted asteroid field. A smile grows on his face as he finally seems to be getting the hang of the course, shooting through rings and dodging around asteroids with perfect timing.

Of course, the universe seems to love making jokes out of the arrogant, and just as Jai goes in for the last ring, performing a quick 270 degree roll out of the last turn, for no reason besides being a show off, the diagnostic lights on the right side of his panel start going wild, the prior systems failure of one solar panel on the starboard wing seeming to spread to others, until half the wing's power generators are reporting errors.

Not an immediate problem, Jai notes as he finishes out the remainder of the course, but it's going to make the flight home a little colder...and probably get him chewed out by the chief mechanic.

2015-07-17, 11:13 AM
2eA+1eP+5eB+2eD+2eC+2eS: 1 failure (http://orokos.com/roll/308747)
Medium Course, Speed 4 (1 Time advantage from speed, -1 for Failure: total Net time advantage: 0)

The news that Rookie Six crashed surprises Mikal. "Well, at least he survived," he mutters into his helmet as he hauls his TIE into a tight manoeuvre around a large asteroid along the route, upgraded thrusters easily handling the tighter turn. Despite now having an example of what could happen to him, Mikal continues at a break neck speed, holding at 80% of the TIE's maximum. "Keepin' up back there?" he asks his wingmate.
<Having a little trouble, but still on you.> the reply comes, voice sounded a bit strained. Mikal chuckles to himself, as he makes some more minor adjustments to his controls to account for the increased manoeuvrability. <Maybe we should slow down a bit? We're coming up on some tight turns, and I don't know if I'll be able to make them...> Rookie Eight transmits worriedly.
"Nah, this ain't that bad," Mikal transmits, just before a sharp turn puts his TIE on a collision course with a largish asteroid. "DAMN," he swears loudly as he is forced to fly off of the course, missing another checkpoint. "Alright, alright. Point taken, throttle back to 60%," he transmits to Eight, ignoring the smug smile that is audible over the radio as Eight copies

Master Waldo
2015-07-17, 12:14 PM
Pilot check 3, medium course (http://orokos.com/roll/309087): 2eA+2eP+3eB+1eD+2eC+2eS 4 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Despair
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-d.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/309087)

Once her navcomputer finished rebooting, Delvira took a moment to look around. She was still on course, and leg 3 of the exercise was the easiest, in her opinion. Keeping a close eye on her instruments, she slowly eased the throttle back up to 60%.

Flying at this speed wasn't nearly as exhilarating as opening the throttle all the way, but it did give her better control over the nimble craft. She was whispering under her breath to it, promising that she'd open it up and take a good look at the electrical system as long as it got her home in one piece. Come on baby, don't give up on me now.

Talking to her fighter gave her a chance to calm down, and for the first time since the exercise started, she felt in control. The craft flew a bit heavy with the extra weight from Rookie 6, but she got a feel for it before long, and was passing through checkpoints one after another. Mirya's TIE started to grow large in her viewport as she slowly started catching up.

As she rounded the final checkpoint, she risked putting on a little more speed. Sparks arced across her console as she did, causing her to yelp in surprise. Screens went black and an alarm blared as a power surge knocked out every system at once. For a terrifying moment, everything was dark.

Seconds later, the main screen on the console flickered back to life. Life support came back on, then navigation and engines. Slowly, her fighter returned to life, and Delvira let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding.

Next time I mess with the electrical system, I'm going to actually read the manual first.

Hollow One
2015-07-17, 04:02 PM
Mirya "Spoon" Ozzel

Medium Course 3 (http://orokos.com/roll/308766): 2eA+2eP+2eB+1eD+2eC+2eS 3 successes, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308766)

Will spend my Triumph on a Boost if there's another roll after this. :P

Medium Course 3 - Handling Dice (http://orokos.com/roll/308871): 3eB 1 success, 3 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/308871)

4 successes, 2 advantages 1 triumph

And, just like that, Mirya was back in the zone. She tuned out all of the distractions, cleared her mind, and just let go. Several more asteroids slowly floated into her path and she deftly maneuvered around them, recovering from the time she had lost with her near crash. The controls were practically moving on their own, Mirya's hands lightly guiding them in infinitesimal nudges and the TIE nimbly dancing through the rings.

It wasn't until she was through the course that she bothered to turn her comms back on, patiently waiting to hear the results of her time. Mirya was supremely confident and relaxed in the cockpit, staring out the front window of her fighter. She wasn't out to impress anyone, but it was always nice to be praised anyway.

2015-07-17, 05:06 PM
Asteroids, round 3 (http://orokos.com/roll/309407): 3eA+1eP+4eB+1eD+2eC+2eS 2 successes, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/309407)

+2 Time advantage, Ignore terrain modifiers for 1 turn, and recover 1 strain

The final leg of the course was in sight, but Kane didn't relax yet. "Alright, keep it tight, 2. Let's finish strong."

2015-07-18, 12:54 AM
ZOOM ZOOM (http://orokos.com/roll/309264): 2eP+2eA+4eB+2eC+1eD+3eS 1 success, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/309264)

Arozir grinned as the TIE seemed to want to do what he told it to do, at least for now. So far he hadn't exploded into a ball of fiery death on this course, which is better than the fate shared by some of the others. While he wouldn't make the fastest time around, he hadn't missed a single ring, which was nice. "Good to see you didn't get yourself into too much more trouble on the route Jai."

2015-07-18, 10:48 PM
Watching his pilots struggle with the asteroid field, Erin Lightdancer ran his hands over the Intercepter's control console. these pilots had potential, but there were still green and untried. Time to show them how it was done. "All Rookies, this is Flight Leader. Not too bad, but it might help if you looked before you lept. Eyes on me... here's how it's done."

Plot the Course (Hard track) (http://orokos.com/roll/309658): 1eP+1eA+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/309658)
Fail to reduce black dice, adding a blue to the next piloting die roll in the game. (1 advantage)
Improved Full throttle (maneuver) (http://orokos.com/roll/309659): 2eP+2eA+4eB+2eD 4 successes, 7 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/309659)
Increase maximum speed, and... Gain an extra maneuver this turn (2 advanage), Add a blue die to the next check (1 advantage), Ignore penalizing terrain for 1 turn (3 advantage)

Spend 2 personal strain to use Master Pilot to take a second full action this turn to pilot...
Hard Asteroid route, speed 5 (ignore hazards for 1 round) (http://orokos.com/roll/309661): 2eP+2eA+4eB+3eD+2eC 1 success, 6 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/309661)
5 speed +1 time advantage, 1 blue to his next check (2 advantage), 1 personal strain (spent by the ability) recovered (1 advantage), Make a serious impression on the new pilots (3 advantage)

The commander's Tie intercepter darted toward the hard course, almost twice as fast as 3 flight had taken it. Multiple times you could swear he was about to careen into a rock as he boosted around the course, but clever rolling and control of his throttle kept them from actually impacting as they flew by. A the commander came up on the first checkpoint, you knew you never, ever wanted to get into a dogfight with this man...

2015-07-20, 07:30 PM
Plot the Course (Hard track) (http://orokos.com/roll/310134): 1eP+1eA+2eD 4 failures, 3 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/310134)
1 advantage to add a die to the next roll, 2 advantage to take an extra maneuver this turn.
Improved Full throttle (maneuver) (http://orokos.com/roll/310136): 2eP+2eA+4eB+2eD 3 successes, 6 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/310136)
Add a blue to the next die roll, add a blue to Eren Lightdancers next Astrogation roll, ignore terrain this round.
Master pilot taking 2 strain to turn the second maneuver into a second action
Hard Asteroid route, speed 5 (ignore hazards for 1 round) (http://orokos.com/roll/310137): 2eP+2eA+4eB+3eD+2eC 3 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/310137)
Hard course, speed 5, 3 time bonus, Triumph to save a dying thread, take 1 system strain with threat.

the Commander seemed to take the next section even faster, his lasers clearly completely unpowered to put all energy to engines. A sudden clip of an asteroid sends him spinning, but a quick roll-stabilization turns the accident into an improvised Koigran turn, just dipping past a switchback before boosting full throttle into the next turn and through the second checkpoint...

2015-07-21, 11:01 PM
(insert more flying here)

As the commander zipped through the finish line, he spun around the formation as he coasted to a stop. "I hope that was instructive to you all. Next is dogfighting drills. I'm going to lock out your lasers for saftey- right now you;re going to focus on gaining a dominant dogfighting position. If you can hold it for 30 seconds, the person you're on is considerd dead. Rookiees 1 through 6, you're up against rookiees 7-12. Everyone ready to begin?"

(Gain the advantage and hold it until your next turn, then lose your next action "shooting." Dont roll, the target is removed from the excercise. if you "kill" someone who still has a wingman the wingman is eliminated first.)

2015-07-22, 11:15 AM
Jai sat in his TIE, flipping switches and toggling power feeds until he was satisfied that the right wing wasn't going to completely fail on him and everything was stable again.

Flipping over to the squadron frequency as the instructor finishes his question he glances down at his sensor readings before speaking. "Flight 3 stands ready."

Master Waldo
2015-07-23, 06:00 PM

"Take the stick, Six, I'm going to see if I can't get the electrical system to behave itself. Here, just let me...ow! Careful of your elbows. Unbuckle that..yea, ok. Hand me that multitool, and watch your head, I'm prying this panel off."

6 sidles into the front of the seat, while Deedee opens up an access panel.<Rookie Six, standing by for combat exercise>

2015-07-26, 08:51 PM
"This is Rookiee 3, I'm getting engine troubles..."

"Rookiee 3, rookiee 4 go back to base, Rookiee 11 and 12, sit this one out, I dont want the teams unbalanced."

"But what about Rookiee 6?"

"I said you're sitting this one out. Everyone else ready? Go."

2015-07-27, 03:15 AM
"Could we borrow 12 for the exercise?" Kane asked.

2015-07-27, 11:12 AM
You are answered with a laser blast passing a good 10 meters in front of your ship. "Do NOT question orders! Acknowledge!"

2015-07-27, 02:34 PM
Engaging 9 (http://orokos.com/roll/311953): 3eA+1eP+5eB+2eD 3 successes, 5 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/311953)
Next ally +1 Boost, target +1 setback to next action, target +1 setback to next Piloting checkKane jumped and swore, thankfully off the comms. He squeezed the yoke a few times, took a deep breath, then gritted out, "Rookie 1, acknowledged."

He then opened a private channel to 5 and 6. "We're gonna have to hit them fast at the buzzer, put 'em on the defensive. I'll take 9 and 10, you tie up 7 and 8."

As the exercise started, he dashed forward, shying away from a head on pass before rolling and whipping around in a textbook stern conversion.

2015-07-27, 06:15 PM
Arozir snarled slightly, sighing as he shook his head. He desperately wanted to be in the thick of things, but there would be other chances to fight. More than enough if the filthy Rebels continued their courses of action. Instead he retrieved his datapad and started typing out what he saw going on during the team exercise. Maybe he could see something that would be of use later, see how everyone worked together, the strengths and weaknesses of the group.

Master Waldo
2015-07-27, 06:56 PM

Mechanic check: Repair power fluctuations (http://orokos.com/roll/311924): 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 3 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/311924)

1 boost to Rookie 6's pilot check, 1 boost to next mechanics roll

Rookie 6 Gain the Advantage roll (http://orokos.com/roll/311979): 3eA+4eB+2eD 1 success, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/311979)

2 advantage to give self a boost on next piloting check
2 advantage to give ally a boost on next piloting check

Delvira looked into the access panel as Six speed toward Farmboy and his wingman. Ah, there we are. Looks like the converter slipped loose of the catalyst ionizer, causing a feedback loop in... . Humming quietly to herself, she reached in and started cleaning the contact points and got to work.

Meanwhile, Six flew past Rookie 8, looking to loop around behind Seven. Bringing his ship around, he slotted in behind Farmboy.
Opening comms to Kane, he radioed <I've got Seven in my sights One, he shouldn't be bothering you>

Delvira wiped the sweat from her brow. She'd managed to route power back to the maneuvering thrusters, but she didn't think her jury rig solution was going to hold for long. She needed to get this fixed, and she needed to do it now.

2015-07-29, 10:27 AM
Maneuver - Accelerate to speed 4
Action - Use Gain the Advantage to try to cancel 1's GtA

My pilot skill is YYGG. Handling of 3. I have 2 setbacks from Rookie 1's chosen actions, but ignore 1 on pilot checks.
I'm at a higher speed than 1, so difficulty is Easy, but trying to cancel, so add 1.
So this should be my dice pool then, correct?
Break GtA (http://orokos.com/roll/312499): 2eD+1eS+2eA+2eP+3eB 4 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/312499)

So I break the GtA. 2 advantage to pass myself a boost on my next check.

Speed: 4
Strain: 5
Jai, noting Rookie 1 closing in on his tail, quickly flips his frequency over to just him and his wingmate.

"Follow my lead 10."

With that note he smoothly accelerates the TIE up to 80% of its maximum, hoping to use the speed boost to break 1's lock and get clear to setup his own run.

2015-07-30, 09:07 AM
Gaining the Advantage on Rookie Six (http://orokos.com/roll/312795): 2eD+2eA+1eP+4eB 4 successes, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/312795)

I Think that's the right roll? Going faster, should offset breaking a lock I think? AFB so let me know how I have to modify my roll. Using One advantage to give Six Disadvantage on next check, 2 to give self Advantage on next check.
Forgot boost from Vigilance Check: Forgotten Boost (http://orokos.com/roll/312798): 1eB 0 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/312798)

"Lessee if Six can keep up Eight." Seven communicates with his wingman before accelerating, easily breaking the tail and lining up on Rookie Seven's ship.

2015-07-30, 10:04 PM
Maneuver: Punch it to speed 5

Engaging 9 (http://orokos.com/roll/312974): 3eA+1eP+5eB+1eD 5 successes, 5 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/312974)
Same as last turn-two setbacks for 9, one boost for next ally.

"Oh no you don't," Kane said, pushing on the pedals to max to stay glued right on 9's six.

Master Waldo
2015-07-31, 12:02 PM
Delvira O'Doole

Mechanic check 2: Repair power fluctuations (http://orokos.com/roll/312857): 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/312857)

One power fluctuation taken care of, had to cannibalize an unimportant system for parts (1 system strain)

Pilot check 2, GTA on 7 (http://orokos.com/roll/312862): 3eA+1eB+2eD+2eS 0 successes, 3 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/312862)
Forgotten dice (http://orokos.com/roll/313090): 3eB+1eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/313090)

So total is 0 success, 5 advantage on R6's pilot roll.
0 success, don't manage to break lock :O
So, 2 adv for extra maneuver (accel to 5), 1 to give boost to next ally, 2 to give setback to Seven

1 critical hit repaired, 1 to go
1 system strain
Opponent still has lock
Moving at speed 5
1 boost to next ally
1 setback to Rookie 7

Delvira dug through the access panel, looking for usable parts. "Don't need that...have an extra one of those...hmm...if that goes here, then....Ah! There we go!" She tightened the last bolt on the port side converter, and looked over her shoulder. "Alright Six, one down, try giving her a little more juice!"

<You got it Five> Rookie Six replied. He raised the throttle to 80%, and looked around for his target. As he did so, his flight computer started beeping wildly. <Ahh shoot, he's got a lock on me! Hold on Five, I'm going to try and shake him!> Six shoved the throttle up to max, and hoped that the starboard power converter wouldn't blow.

2015-08-01, 09:24 AM
Gaining the Advantage on Rookie Six (http://orokos.com/roll/313295): 2eD+1eS+2eA+1eP+5eB 1 success, 5 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/313295)

Success, Boost to next Ally's Pilot Action, Boost to my next action, Setback to Six's next Pilot action.
Using Manoeuvre to accelerate to Speed 5.
With a bit of manoeuvring, Seven slips in behind Five's TIE, maintaining a lock.

2015-08-06, 10:06 AM
Jai jukes and turns but can't seem to shake the lock of Rookie 1.

2015-08-06, 07:45 PM
After about 15 minutes of this, the instructor calls off the furball.

"Next up is gunnery training. Program 4 will add virtual targets to the obstical course you went through earlier. You will be competing for speed and accuracy. Any Questions?"
Like before, but you can make a gunnery check each leg, with a difficulty of 2 and black dice equal to your speed. This check represents a bunch of shots throughout the course at various virtual targets.

You may also spend 2 advantage on the gunnery check for your wingman to attacks as well, at 3 green vs the difficulty.

Remember that your wingman gives you a free blue die from assisting you.

2015-08-07, 07:38 PM
"No crashing this time, alright?" Kane said as he checked the charge on his laser cannons and maneuvered back around to the front of the course.

Medium course, speed 3, just like last time.

Round 1 maneuver 1: Stay on target
Round 1 action:Gunnery, round 1 (http://orokos.com/roll/315085): 2eA+2eP+1eB+2eD+3eS 0 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/315085)
+1 boost to next piloting roll
Maneuver: Fly the course
Round 1 piloting (http://orokos.com/roll/315091): 3eA+1eP+5eB+1eD+2eC+2eS 3 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/315091)

2015-08-08, 07:19 PM
(remember to track strain for taking 2 maneuvers, and system strain for 2 pilot only maneuvers.)

Master Waldo
2015-08-09, 03:31 PM

Pilot check 1 (http://orokos.com/roll/315628): 2eA+2eP+2eD+4eS 2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/315628)

Gunnery check (http://orokos.com/roll/315629): 1eP+3eA+1eS 5 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/315629)

Taking easy course at 3 speed, extra setback on each check for 6 in my cockpit
2 success, 2 threat, 1 triumph for pilot check
5 success, 1 threat for gunnery check
I'm away from book atm, not sure what all I can do with Triumph. Give myself a boost on next pilot check?
System strain from threat?

"Ok, that's good enough for now. Give me the stick again, Six, time to go through the next course."
Delvira enters the easy course this time, a little less sure of herself. As she slowly opens the throttle to 60%, she is forced to pull up suddenly as a large rock flies in front of her. The bottom of her wings clip the rock, but she manages to keep the craft under control.

Pulling up the exercise, she opens fire on the virtual targets. She blasts through several with ease, but frowns as she notices some instability still in her electrical systems.

2015-08-10, 10:38 AM
Taking the medium course this time, at speed 3.

Piloting check: (3 difficulty for speed, 2 upgrades, 2 black dice for medium course, remove 1 from talents)
Course Take 2 Pilot check 1 (http://orokos.com/roll/315799): 2eC+1eD+1eS+2eP+2eA+3eB 1 failure, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/315799)

What does a pilot check failure mean? I'll spend triumph to upgrade my next pilot check and 3 adv. to heal my TIE's strain if possible.

Gunnery check: (2 difficulty, 3 black dice for speed, 1 boost from wingman)
First leg Gunnery check (http://orokos.com/roll/315800): 1eP+3eA+1eB+2eD+3eS 0 successes, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/315800)

Spend 2 adv. to let my wingmate take a shot, remaining 2 to give myself a boost on next pilot check

Wingmate shot: (same difficulty, but only 3 green)
Wingmate shot first leg (http://orokos.com/roll/315801): 2eD+3eS+3eA 2 failures, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/315801)

Spend 2 adv. to pass me a boost on next pilot check, 1 to pass a boost to our next check

Course Progress - Leg 1
Speed - 3
Strain - 2
Passed 1 upgrade and 2 boosts to next pilot check, 1 boost to next general check.
Jai and his wingmate take the medium course, having had quite enough of the rolling terrain of the hard course for one trip. Unfortunately the minor damage, combined with the strain of having to take shots at the various targets this time, lead to a couple near hits as they head down the first leg of the medium course, and neither Jai nor his wingmate's shots connect with anything but random rocks and debris.

The extra power flowing the TIE's circuits as the weapons are fired does seem to have a stabilizing effect, oddly enough, and many of the blinking orange lights in Jai's cockpit flick off as the TIE's internal circuitry handles the load without complaint.

2015-08-11, 02:03 AM
(advantages can normally heal strain, but system strain caon only be healed by mechanics checks. Perhps black dice are better uses of setbacks than system strain?)

2015-08-12, 10:08 AM
"Let's try the Easy course this time Eight, figure you could use the break," <Right, and it has nothing to do with you being a bad shot,> Mikal's wingmate returns as they start their run.

2eA+1eP+2eD+4eB[/u] 2 successes, 3 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/316446)] Using 2 advantage for a boost on my Gunnery.

Gunnery Check 1 (http://orokos.com/roll/316447): 3eA+2eD+3eS+2eB 0 successes, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/316447)
Taking System Strain for Flavour reasons.

Seven lines up a perfect shot on one of the virtual targets, only to have sparks emit from one of the power couplings he re-routed for more manoeuvrability. He toggles a couple of switches to adjust for the greater load "Right, let's try that again..."