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View Full Version : Pathfinder Region Feat Ideas

Milo v3
2015-07-14, 05:00 AM
With the campaign setting my group'll be playing in, we thought it'd be interesting if cause the flavour of the setting magic is very tied to different locations, which infuses the people and life that lives in those regions. So if your on the continent of Plecehuld you get Shape Veil[AM] as a bonus feat. If your from the place where magic was first taught to mortals, everyone might have eschew materials.

The area the next campaign will be in is a large collection of islands, where the magic of the area is associated with life and positive energy, but we aren't sure what feat to grant with that theme. Best we've got so far is toughness or self-sufficient, but those aren't exactly the most interesting of feats. So any ideas?

2015-07-14, 05:26 AM
This one (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Golden%20Legion%27s%20St ayed%20Blade) could be right up your alley.

Edit: You could also go with Amateur Swashbuckler to represent everyone being lively and full of energy

2015-07-14, 07:44 AM
Die Hard might be a good choice if you're leaning towards "hardiness". Or maybe Believer's Hands (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Believer%27s%20Hands)if you're willing to waive the pre-reqs.

2015-07-14, 02:18 PM
I think Elan Retainment, Enhanced would work really well to represent how full of life everything is- nobody needs to eat or drink! Of course, you would be waiving the racial requirement for the feat, but I think it could lead to some very unique circumstances for the people of those islands. With no need to eat or drink, they don't need to waste their time fishing, farming, or hunting. Eating would be a luxury, drought would be an annoyance, and they would probably be wierded out by the strange foreigners who seem to have an odd affliction that requires them to eat. Maybe everyone else in the world is cursed in their opinion. In any case, if they also benefitted from Rapid Metabolism (a generic feat in the expanded psionics handbook) they could also recover faster from injuries and sickness. Which could be super helpful in establishing the place as the most martial location in the world....after all, they don't need to waste their time eating, drinking, or obtaining food, so they can instead focus on being super weeaboo swordsmen with a katana culture to rival Feudal Japan.

Oh wait, this is pathfinder...I just noticed that. >.>

do it anyway. You can rename Elan Retainment to Blessing of Life, and this location could be the origin point of the Path of War classes in your setting. Rapid Metabolism could be renamed Recouperation Of The Living World. And if you feel the need to balance those two feats, you could have them deactivate if they get too far away from the homeland (encouraging them to fight over their islands instead of trying to conquer the world).

Milo v3
2015-07-15, 07:59 AM
Rapid Metabolism works, since my group didn't want to ignore prerequisites and it's prerequisites are very very easy.