View Full Version : Heroes of the Night IC Thread

2015-07-14, 07:05 AM
Cobolt slides into her armor with practiced ease, checking the various holsters and insuring every piece is firmly in place. After a long day of paperwork, she's eager to set out into the city and actually do some genuine good.

Cobolt can spend her time patrolling any of the districts found in Kaer Maga, though some are more volatile than others. As she's been on the job for a while, it's assumed she knows the basic operations of the existing gangs. If she wants to go after a specific district, just state which one. If she wants to go after a specific gang, they're detailed below.
Pallid Rose- Rainbow Ash is the newest drug to hit the streets. When rubbed into the eyes, it reveals a whole new world, though even just a few repeated uses can cause immense mental instability and eventually death. The few that do survive have multi-hued eyes and seem possessed. Known as the Bright Eyes, they're currently working with the Pallid Rose and practically forcing people to take Rainbow Ash. There are rumors that a dilapidated mansion in the Bis district is where they're producing it.
Sir Bones- A huge delegation from Geb has arrived in the Ankar-Te district and made their presence known by killing Horus Ilaktya, a powerful necromancer who'd been selling undead servants for years. Sir Bones has apparently gone to ground and his active supporters have bled into other parts of the city. The reason for this is unknown.
Yenfel the Green- Slavery has always been a common practice in Kaer Maga and Yenfel is making a killing. Carnage Central, located in the Oriat district, is holding more and more dangerous bouts with no concern for the lives around them. Free gladiators regularly abuse those not under Yenfel's protection while the slaved ones are slaughtered by a variety of monsters.

Regault, it is 11'pm, not am. If you wish to engage one the above threats Cobolt is considering, I will PM you with slightly more details.

2015-07-15, 03:56 AM
June rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Living a double life, naps had become part of her evening ritual and it was especially important on Oathday. Oathdays were always some of the busiest days of the week and today had been no exception. With Yenfel's group acting up, the Freemen - ever the staunch enemies of slavery - had been especially busy in the naga's territory both publicly and privately. Funds and shipments had to be diverted, messages needed to be encrypted, deciphered and delivered discreetly to their recipients, escaped or liberated slaves needed jobs, living arrangements and sometimes entirely new identities. There weren't many in the Freemen who were up to the task, so much of the work fell to June and a few other volunteers.

With a cup of coffee in one hand and her cat Scooter cradled in the other, June stood in front of her bathroom mirror. She nodded at her reflection, a quick affirmation of self and the final part of her evening ritual, before she finally suited up for the night ahead.

Cobolt climbed up on to the roof of her small apartment complex, a favorite vantage point of hers. First order of business would be a quick patrol of the Bottoms. Over the past few years, she'd pushed herself to make the Bottoms a safe district and she wasn't about to let those efforts go to waste. After that though...She hoisted up her rifle and set off across the rooftops of the Bottoms, before she got too caught up in thought.

On the one hand, there was Yenfel. The Freemen had a vested interest in seeing Yenfel's slaving days come to a close and many of Cobolt's friends in the Freemen had asked for her help with the matter. On the other hand was Pallid Rose. Cobolt had found a few...victims of Rainbow Ash creeping into the Bottoms and while she couldn't get much out of them, she'd managed to suss out more information over the past few days. Then there was Sir Bones. That a man so powerful was seemingly fearful enough of something to go into hiding was a scary enough thought on its own.

It would have to be Bis, she concluded. She wished she could help those people, help her friends in the Freemen and deal a blow to Kaer Maga's slaving business. She could not, however, leave Pallid Rose's drug operation unchecked. Something like that would only spread further and cause more mayhem with time.

2015-07-16, 02:17 PM
As you make your way quickly through the Bottoms, an unusual entourage catches your eye. Four armed Brevians are making their way to the Price of Freedom, Kaer Maga's premier fighting school for abolitionists. From their dress and predatory walk, its easy to tell they're some kind of dangerous. Your goggles enhance the image, their silk coats covering enchanted leather and dueling swords held in inlaid sheathes. There are two men and two woman, though their leader appears to be the one with brunette hair tied into an elaborate mound and her small mouth curled into a smirk while her companions bear expressions of wary disgust.

Considering the volatile nature of such swordmasters, it's fairly obvious they're here to cause some kind of trouble, but you're not sure whether to intervene. You owe the Freemen much, but who knows just how dangerous this whole situation is? As famous as they are for violence, they're equally famous for elaborate codes of honor. Besides, there are over forty different students at the Price of Freedom at any one time. Four warriors, not matter how skilled, wouldn't dare risking the ire of the entire school and who knows how long that Bis lead will remain viable. With the small party almost at the school's front steps, you have to decide now.

Stealth is nearly impossible as you make your way to Carnage Central. As bad as the city has been lately, people are looking for any kind of escape and apparently it's comforting watching a monster eat people. Yenfel had been buying up the compound for years before unveiling his master project. There are three major areas. The main pit is located at the bottom, a huge circle of stone blocks long since stained with blood. Despite the main festivities not starting for at least an hour, people have already started filing in. All told, there are probably seven hundred spectators in the arena alone. Apparently they'd tried setting up a betting booth, but the sheer number of drunk and violent gamblers caused them to abandon it and the man operating it in just a few hours. Now, two heavily scarred trolls insure people pay the entrance fee.

In the middle, set up in a couple dozen large rooms, are the specialist dueling areas. This is where spellcasters launch lightning at each other, monks exchange blows while suspended over a pit of spikes, and crime lords with too much money pit their rarest creatures against seasoned adventurers. Despite having only a third of the numbers, the middle arena probably makes the most money outside of championship night. Small betting booths take ten percent and sometimes bags of a thousand gold or more exchange hands.

Finally, the Tops is where simple games of chance are played. Well, simple for Kaer Maga. Everything from simple Bones to ancient Nidalian Crowns are played there. Of course, this is still run by the Emerald. Dates excited for a night on the town find themselves shoved into slavery as their boyfriends lose another hand, rather than literally losing a hand. It's also one of the only places where Yenfel still shows his scaly face. The unsavory serpent can occasionally be found betting on games of chance, despite owning both the house and an ability to see the future. People will gladly throw money on the games, hoping he'll show favor later.

2015-07-16, 04:12 PM

A fair distance away from Carnage Central, Regault takes the time to don a careful disguise. Looking much like he belongs, Regault makes his way inside and goes off to explore the area. Pulling his sleeves over his wrists, he makes his way to the upper level, and begins to observe the betting tables, having heard that Yenfel may be most likely to show up there.

Keeping close to others so as to not stand out, Regault will wait for several hours if necessary, only occasionally slipping back down to the middle level to take a look at the Arena, in case of something interesting happening there.

Before going in, Regault will cast Greater Magic Weapon on his weapon, and he'll use the Many Guises Social talent to appear as a mundane Human.

2015-07-17, 06:40 PM

The Tops are unusually quiet this time of night, with little of the usual cheers of victory or wails of despair. An almost oppressive sense of anticipation hangs in the air, even though no one is quite sure what's going to happen. Drinking is subdued for once, everyone wishing to retain their wits for what's about to happen. As tense as everything is, you make your way down below, where it seems a large event is going on.

In the middle, a small crowd of well dressed and armed criminals are roaming towards one of the larger dueling arenas. A sign next to the entrance advertises it as an ever changing battlefield, whatever that means. Two brutish looking thugs, seeming out of place in their expensive plate armor, are holding magical battle axes and standing next to an gilded coffer. Both are more orc than man and their faces are a patchwork of hair, scars, and piercings. As you idle past, you overhear one of Yenfel's own goons, wearing his marked emerald badge, explain to the vapid looking man at her side what she knew.

"The serpent has got something special planned for tonight and I've won us two front row seats. Which, by the way, I expect to be compensated for," the graying warrior said coyly while teasing one of her dates long curls. Whatever Yenfel has going on, it can't possibly be good. Considering the amount of money being handed over to the two toughs, it would also be expensive.

2015-07-18, 03:07 AM
To Cobolt, her territory was tantamount to sacred ground. Trespassers were regarded with extreme suspicion and any form of hostility would be dealt with, swiftly and efficiently. Four armed strangers, making their way into the heart of her territory was a problem that had to be dealt with.

In this case, dealing with them might not even require the use of her rifle. There were sure to be plenty of trained (or training) warriors at the Price of Freedom, they just needed to know what was coming their way and she needed to stay out of sight. And she had just the trick.

Cobolt took off, positioning herself on a rooftop nearer to the school, while still some maintaining her distance from the Brevians. She didn't know how loud it was inside the school, so it would be better to err on the side of caution and center her voice closer to them. The Brevians would hear her regardless.

With her rifle trained on their leader (better safe than sorry, after all), Cobolt took a breath. A deep, masculine voice loud enough to wake the dead rang out from the Price of Freedom's courtyard, "Who is it that approaches the Price of Freedom at this hour? Bearing weapons no less!"

Cobolt uses Mockingbird to alter, amplify and throw her voice. A couple checks, just to be sure.

Stealth - [roll0]
Intimidate - [roll1] (since it's not Cobolt's real voice, I'm not adding in the +4 from Renown)

2015-07-18, 07:55 AM

The Tops are unusually quiet this time of night, with little of the usual cheers of victory or wails of despair. An almost oppressive sense of anticipation hangs in the air, even though no one is quite sure what's going to happen. Drinking is subdued for once, everyone wishing to retain their wits for what's about to happen. As tense as everything is, you make your way down below, where it seems a large event is going on.

In the middle, a small crowd of well dressed and armed criminals are roaming towards one of the larger dueling arenas. A sign next to the entrance advertises it as an ever changing battlefield, whatever that means. Two brutish looking thugs, seeming out of place in their expensive plate armor, are holding magical battle axes and standing next to an gilded coffer. Both are more orc than man and their faces are a patchwork of hair, scars, and piercings. As you idle past, you overhear one of Yenfel's own goons, wearing his marked emerald badge, explain to the vapid looking man at her side what she knew.

"The serpent has got something special planned for tonight and I've won us two front row seats. Which, by the way, I expect to be compensated for," the graying warrior said coyly while teasing one of her dates long curls. Whatever Yenfel has going on, it can't possibly be good. Considering the amount of money being handed over to the two toughs, it would also be expensive.


Regault was intrigued by the matter, and moved in on the goon to speak candidly. "I couldn't help but overhear you, and i'm curious. Do you know what is going on tonight?" He keeps his speech careful and innocent, acting quite clearly like he belongs, even if he really doesn't.

Diplomacy roll [roll0]

2015-07-18, 12:34 PM

Three of the armed warriors drew their blades in an instant, scanning the area around them for signs of a disturbance. Their leader did not, though her slender fingers started toying with the hilt. When she spoke, it was with an arrogant tone. "I'm not in the practice of explaining myself to cowards hiding in the night, but for the sake of leaving this fetid pit promptly, I'll humor you. I seek my brother and an abolitionist training camp is exactly the sort of place he'd wind up. By the way, if this is some sort of trick to distract us while he heads out the back, I'll feed you your own tongue." By the wide smile gracing her raptor face, you can tell this is no idle threat.


With a loud laugh, the woman claps you on the shoulder. "Knowing the boss, the show of a lifetime! The last time he made such a big deal out of some surprise it was to devour old Eight Fingers in front of everyone." Still chortling to herself, you catch the distinct whiff of stale liqueur from her breath. Approaching the two guards, you notice the ticket price is an astronomical 50 gold! When most shows are at most 5, it's crazy to expect those kinds of prices.

2015-07-18, 12:50 PM

People are terrified. They have been for a while, but dissenters can disappear in the span of an hour after voicing their opinions in public. It all came to a head last night when the damn broke. Literally. It was clogged with bloodless corpses, over a hundred in total. They're still fishing body parts out of the machinery. Who ever is leading the undead scourge has tight control over them, as no victims have been reported anywhere near the Summit. Unfortunately, what started in Underbridge has bled out into other parts of the city, mostly residential areas. Gear recently purchased from one of the many hawkers that have sprung up recently, your ready to do start showing these bastards the sun.

You have a few choices when it comes to hunting vampires. Underbridge is clearly their point of origin and you're guaranteed to run into some there, but it's also incredibly dangerous. They've shown signs of moving into the Bazaar of Sails, Lowcleft, and Rag's End, but none of those districts are small and vampires are notoriously fast. You can make a Knowledge Local check for a more accurate approximation.

2015-07-19, 02:10 AM
Just like many others om the wake of the dam incident, Roger had purchased garlic, stakes, and a handful of other things to keep the creatures of the night at bay; not that anyone would remember him. The merchants took no time in capitalizing on the trouble. The price of garlic had skyrocketed as everything from raw garlic cloves to "fancy" garlic perfumes littered the bazaars with many trading nearly everything they had in order to protect themselves from the children of the night. Several hastily-made stands contained the unwashed and impoverished masses whittling every scrap of wood they would find into sharp stakes and crude-but-effective holy symbols of various gods. Those who could afford the crisis prices of these protective wares holed up in their homes when the sun kissed the horizon while those who couldn't packed into the temples like pickled herring.

One of the very few individuals risking their neck in the night is Specter. He sits atop a high roof in Lowcleft, unseen (via Vanishing Move) waiting for a target. Unfortunately, he came fairly unprepared to deal with the bloodsuckers on-site and resolves to simply make note of what they look like and where they lay their heads so he might deal with them in the daytime.

2015-07-19, 06:21 AM

You hear it before you see it. A sob of exhaustion combined with a cry of despair brings your attention to an elderly man dressed in once fine robes emerges from a nearby alleyway. His feet are covered in blood from recent injuries and his long beard caked in grime, but nothing is stopping him from moving at a desperate pace. A moment later and you see why. Three wolves emerge behind him, their canine snouts covered in blood. It takes you a brief moment to realize these are not ordinary wolves. They could easily catch up to him, but are instead playing along, nipping at his legs before falling back.

The alleway is roughly 50 ft away, with the man running down the street about 35 ft away. The three wolves trail 10 ft behind him.

2015-07-19, 09:54 AM

With a loud laugh, the woman claps you on the shoulder. "Knowing the boss, the show of a lifetime! The last time he made such a big deal out of some surprise it was to devour old Eight Fingers in front of everyone." Still chortling to herself, you catch the distinct whiff of stale liqueur from her breath. Approaching the two guards, you notice the ticket price is an astronomical 50 gold! When most shows are at most 5, it's crazy to expect those kinds of prices.


Regault rifles through his coin purse looking for any amount of gold. Not content with what he found, he slinks into a dark corner, looking carefully to make sure nobody else following him could see what he did. Once content he had hidden properly, he prepared a simple spell, turning himself into a small housecat, he'd use the cats skillful grace and reflexes to sneak past the guards and enter into the show firsthand.

Stealth check to hide from sight. [roll0]
Once hidden, i'll cast Beast Shape 1 to transform into a Common Housecat

Stealth check to sneak past the guards. [roll1] (+1 from an increased Dex, +4 from small size)
Disguise check (if necessary) [roll2]

2015-07-19, 10:12 AM
Once Specter sees the bearded man's attackers, he doesn't even take the time to stand as he lets himself fall off the roof as his form vanishes. Under this cloak, he makes a beeline for the center wolf, delivering a hard blow with his open palm.

Swift: Activate Vanishing Move for 12 rounds of Greater Invisibility.

At this point, Specter will either move and perform a standard attack against the center wolf, or charge it if it is more than 60' away. If it does need to be a charge, add 2 to the attack roll and let me know in the next post so i can account for the AC penalty.


Mythic Power 14/15

2015-07-19, 10:31 AM

You sneak past the guards with ease, their eyes searching the crowd, not at their feet. Once inside, you can clearly see this is one of the larger rooms with far better seating. Instead of the rough stone benches, there are padded chairs, almost a hundred fifty in total and quickly filling up. Up in his own private box in the opposite corner of the room, is Yenfel, lounging amongst a pile of satin pillows and being fed various foods by nubile young slaves. In the center where the action is set to start, several grunts are preparing the stage, cleaning up blood and setting several weapons into special slots on the floor.

Their movements went from calm to desperately fast as one of the gladiators entered. His scales replaced by tiny mithral plates, the heavily armed serpentfolk is obviously one of Yenfel's top lieutenants. The two large scythes he bears crackle with lightning and he still glides about with ease, even with such a heavy metallic burden. Loud clanging came from one of the opposite passageways into the arena as the second gladiator is dragged in. A heavily muscled centaur woman covered in spiked chains is pulled into the ring by four large goons, one of which takes a hoof to the face as they fall drop the chains and leave. Rather than trying to escape, the woman shakes her long black hair and stares at the mithral covered serpent who proceeds to hiss at her.

Breaking the hushed silence, a grinning halfling takes center stage and places a bell amulet across his neck. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen for the most anticipated fight in over a decade! In one corner we have the Silver Cobra, the Emerald's right hand man, hailing from parts unknown, and the only gladiator without a loss on his record! In the other corner we have Mad Rain Vox, our resident Hellknight's Mistress of Blades! Who will prove victorious? The underworlds strongest enforcer or the hellknight's most celebrated lackey!" Vox, seemingly ignoring the spiked chains still covering her body, walks across the stage and grabs a simple glaive from it's sitting place.

Whatever happens, it's clear the hellknight is not going to leave this place alive, at least not without help.

2015-07-19, 06:21 PM

A brother, hmm? Cobolt turned to check the rear of the Price of Freedom. Though it wasn't her exact intent, she might've done exactly what the Brevian leader suspected. She knew she wouldn't be able to identify the brother, but she could at least get some indication of whether or not her warning had been received.

Redirecting her attention away from the Price of Freedom, Cobolt holds the leader in her sights once more. She responds, at a less deafening volume, "If you intend to take your brother by force, I can't allow that. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A sinister chuckle makes its way through what sounds like a small crowd of people in the courtyard. "Or else."

2015-07-26, 07:14 AM

You deliver a sharp strike to the wolf's neck, snapping it with a sickening crunch. You hear the man behind you stumble and fall down panting, either recognizing his savior or just taking an opportunity to rest as the wolves tear you apart. The lead shakily gets back on it's legs and affixes you with all too human eyes before shifting, growing pale and slender limbs. In mere moments an androgynous looking vampire stands before you, dressed in an elaborate jesters outfit. "Well, that was unexpected." His voice is surprisingly deep, especially since it looked like he was turned in his late teens. Staring at you with a baleful gaze that was only marginally ruined by his lopsided head, the vampire gripped his neck and wrenched it back into place.

Both of the wolves behind him also turn, becoming the exact same bald and tattooed thug, but with opposite color schemes in their fool outfit. While their leader's clothes are practically immaculate and rich shades of purple and black silk, theirs are simple black and white wool, covered in blood and tears. Also unlike him, they each bear a large wrought iron club in the shape of a gargoyle. "I don't know what it is you're playing at, but I can only assume it's a part for the most cowardly hero. Ordinarily this would be the part where I offer you immortality through vampirism, but I haven't gotten a chance to play in over six days and don't appreciate being interrupted."

You can either continue the dialogue or just roll for initiative. If you finish this fight it will earn you one Faith point. However, if you become visible when the fight starts it will also earn you 1 People point as those watching from their windows will spread word that someone is standing up to the vampires.


The woman tossed her head back and laughed. "Oooh, not a threat coming from nowhere. What's next, you'll speak while drinking a glass of wine? If you want to stop me, show yourself and we'll settle this like warriors. If not, quit bothering me. My students will carry either Rayvan or my body out of here." With that the woman starts walking confidently towards the front door.

You may start combat and roll for initiative now or try to reason with them.

2015-07-28, 07:47 PM
"An ordinarily, this would be the part where I offer you a chance to turn yourself in...but this isn't that kind of story." Cloaked in the shadow of the night, Specter moves between the vampires, striking them hard with only his bare hands.


Using Slayer's Cyclone to attack the lead vamp, then each of his cronies, and finishing up back on the leader. If any strike misses or for some reason the target isnt flat footed, then the attacks after it do not occur. Either way once it is over, I'll take a 5 foot step back from whoever i attack last.





2015-07-28, 09:23 PM

Unprepared for the incredibly vicious onslaught, the three vampires are swiftly torn apart, flecks of bone and flesh flying in all directions. Though their leader has been reduced to a pile of limbs that is already starting to turn gaseous, the two brutish looking thugs rush toward you, already repairing much of the damage you've inflicted. Their clubs run through the air as they move in perfect unison, striking at the same time.

First, a perception to see if they can spot you. They get bonuses due to Scent ability and the bloodstains you leave.
Then, if successful, they both attack.
[roll1] dealing [ROLL]1d10+3d6+8.
dealing [ROLL]1d20+3d6+8.

2015-07-28, 09:26 PM

Sorry for the gaff, but the second attack did hit.

2015-07-29, 03:31 AM
Specter rolls with the fairly hard hit, a strange smile crossing his face as he unleashes another flurry upon the vampiric thugs, intent on felling them before their leader's cloud has the chance to get away.

Slayers Cyclone again. This time the guy who hit me will get the 1st and 3rd attack.

[roll=Sneak Attack]4d6/roll]

[roll=Sneak Attack]4d6/roll]

[roll=Sneak Attack]4d6/roll]

Greater Invisibility: 9 Rounds Remaining

2015-07-29, 05:41 PM

You sneak past the guards with ease, their eyes searching the crowd, not at their feet. Once inside, you can clearly see this is one of the larger rooms with far better seating. Instead of the rough stone benches, there are padded chairs, almost a hundred fifty in total and quickly filling up. Up in his own private box in the opposite corner of the room, is Yenfel, lounging amongst a pile of satin pillows and being fed various foods by nubile young slaves. In the center where the action is set to start, several grunts are preparing the stage, cleaning up blood and setting several weapons into special slots on the floor.

Their movements went from calm to desperately fast as one of the gladiators entered. His scales replaced by tiny mithral plates, the heavily armed serpentfolk is obviously one of Yenfel's top lieutenants. The two large scythes he bears crackle with lightning and he still glides about with ease, even with such a heavy metallic burden. Loud clanging came from one of the opposite passageways into the arena as the second gladiator is dragged in. A heavily muscled centaur woman covered in spiked chains is pulled into the ring by four large goons, one of which takes a hoof to the face as they fall drop the chains and leave. Rather than trying to escape, the woman shakes her long black hair and stares at the mithral covered serpent who proceeds to hiss at her.

Breaking the hushed silence, a grinning halfling takes center stage and places a bell amulet across his neck. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen for the most anticipated fight in over a decade! In one corner we have the Silver Cobra, the Emerald's right hand man, hailing from parts unknown, and the only gladiator without a loss on his record! In the other corner we have Mad Rain Vox, our resident Hellknight's Mistress of Blades! Who will prove victorious? The underworlds strongest enforcer or the hellknight's most celebrated lackey!" Vox, seemingly ignoring the spiked chains still covering her body, walks across the stage and grabs a simple glaive from it's sitting place.

Whatever happens, it's clear the hellknight is not going to leave this place alive, at least not without help.


Regault makes his way over to Yenfel's private box and dismisses his shapeshifting once close. He flips over the edge of the box and casts off his disguise, revealing himself as Thunder Blade Regault. In the moment wherein anyone could recognize him, he summons his blade and quickly brings it to Yenfel's throat. "Call the fight off, and I may yet let you live. And tell your guards to stay back, if you value your life."

Stealth check as necessary to reach Yenfel without being seen. [roll0]

2015-07-30, 01:31 PM

Unable to deal with an invisible opponent the two vampires share a look of consternation before ghosting away through broken cobblestones, your dizzily fast fists catching only mist as they escape. With the three vampires gone, at least for now, you turn back to the man they were chasing. Closer inspection reveals much finer clothes made of expensive looking satin, but ragged and caked with blood. His face is much the same way, with the various oils nobility place in their hair running down his face due to sweat. Beneath bushy eyebrows blood shot eyes peer at the vampires as they escape before squeezing shot in tired relief as the man utters a silent prayer. He attempts to get to his feet, but his leg buckles and he once again crashes down on the hard pavement.


"Realllly", the massive serpent hissed as he regarded you with cold eyes. "Well, it seemsss ass if I have no recourssse." Turning to a young woman at his left who seems unperturbed at your presence, Yenfel grants her a single nod and she quietly heads down to the arena. "While we wait for this messss to be sssorted it out, why don't we have a drink and chat like adultssss?" His disturbingly human head directs your attention to a crystal glass holding a small measure of amber liquid at your side. "It'sss the leassst you can do, after depriving my asssssociatesss of their entertainment."

2015-07-30, 04:16 PM
The audible groan from Specter is a clear indicator of his frustration at his situation. He'd intended to track the vampires back to their hideout but leaving the man to fend for himself in this state and in this area would likely be a death sentence. His invisibility fades as he offers the man his shoulder. "We need to get you indoors. Now."

2015-07-31, 02:54 AM
"Alright," Cobolt let out a long sigh, "like warriors." 'Like warriors.' She almost smiled at that. The first lesson all students are taught (and reminded of daily) at the Price of Freedom was to never fight fair. Take every advantage, exploit every weakness. And here she was, unseen, perched on a rooftop with a clear line of sight and what amounted to an invitation to shoot her target in the back. This Brevian had no idea what she was getting into. Cobolt steadied her rifle, sucked in a breath and...


...And she put her rifle down. Her territorial nature told her to shoot, but her conscience wouldn't let her pull the trigger. Her old instructors at the Price of Freedom would've smacked her across the head for that.

"Wait," Cobolt returned to throwing her normal speaking voice, "If you go in there, it'll be a slaughter. That's not a threat, just a statement of fact. I'm inclined to believe you're woefully unprepared for how the students of this school fight and will end up on the losing side, but I've been wrong before." Being careful to remain out of sight, Cobolt moves closer to the entrance of the school, "So here's my suggestion: You stay out here. I'll go inside and ask about this Rayvan."

2015-07-31, 10:51 AM

"Realllly", the massive serpent hissed as he regarded you with cold eyes. "Well, it seemsss ass if I have no recourssse." Turning to a young woman at his left who seems unperturbed at your presence, Yenfel grants her a single nod and she quietly heads down to the arena. "While we wait for this messss to be sssorted it out, why don't we have a drink and chat like adultssss?" His disturbingly human head directs your attention to a crystal glass holding a small measure of amber liquid at your side. "It'sss the leassst you can do, after depriving my asssssociatesss of their entertainment."


Regault stays where he is, his weapon ready while he speaks. "I hope you don't mind my staying right where I am. After all, there is little reason to trust that your men wouldn't jump me the moment I leave. What is it that you want to talk about?" As he speaks, he keeps his eyes out around him, making sure to keep watch for anyone who might attempt to surprise attack him.

Regault Perception [roll0]
Weapon Perception [roll1]

Remember, my weapon has senses out to 60ft and telepathy to inform me instantly of what he's seen.

2015-08-01, 07:09 AM

The man looks up at you, not in gratitude, but with the bone weary look of someone incapable of feeling anything besides despair. Shaking his head, he wobbily stands up, using a hand on your shoulder to steady himself. "If you've a safe place I'll follow, but I have nothing to offer in return. Those monsters took everything from me, my home, my life, everything." His voice is worn and bitter, like rotten tea. "Not that it means anything anymore, but the names Iren Stenrush."

You get 1 Faith point for defeating the vampires.


The woman looks mildly amused before responding, her voice easily cutting through the night. "Alright, have it your way mystery man. I'm willing to wait, though not very long. If I have to end this bloody, yours will be part of what decorates my sword." Her eyes glance towards her allies as the swordmaster makes her threat, leaving you to believe she might be saying it for their benefit.


"My men do nothing without my consssent Thunder Blade. Interesssting name, by the way. It isss important to name onesss sself, rather than bow to fatesss demandsss. You were able to sssneak passst my men with eassse and threaten my life for the sssake of a woman you do not know. You mark yourssself asss a hero and me the villain. Not the firssst in thisss city, but the firssst I've ssseen in perssson. There are greater evilsss in thisss city than I, thossse that threaten both of usss. Consssider the centaur a peace offering, though you mussst lead her out of here. She has proven dangerousss, even chained."

2015-08-01, 11:06 AM

"My men do nothing without my consssent Thunder Blade. Interesssting name, by the way. It isss important to name onesss sself, rather than bow to fatesss demandsss. You were able to sssneak passst my men with eassse and threaten my life for the sssake of a woman you do not know. You mark yourssself asss a hero and me the villain. Not the firssst in thisss city, but the firssst I've ssseen in perssson. There are greater evilsss in thisss city than I, thossse that threaten both of usss. Consssider the centaur a peace offering, though you mussst lead her out of here. She has proven dangerousss, even chained."


Regault relaxes his blade just a little, and narrows his eyes at Yenfel. "I will lead her out personally as soon as we're done here. I trust I won't have to kill your men on my way out?" He smiles a little as he pulls his blade away from Yenfel, keeping it out and ready. "Tell me of these greater evils. I'm curious what you would think is worse in our city."

2015-08-01, 05:08 PM

Yenfel bends his serpentine head, licking what appears to be blood from a golden goblet at his right before turning back to you. The emeralds covering most of his body shine with magical power and you recognize runes of protection and destruction. "My interestsss are pleasssure and coinsss. Truly jussst a busssinesssman giving people what they want. Pallid Rossse and the walking ssskeleton sssee people asss food. It isss their nature. A partnership would be beneficial to the both of usss. You eliminate the greatessst evil and my cussstomersss remain, not drained of life or growing ssstrange new appendagesss. Asss I sssaid, take the girl ass a gift and do what you pleassse with her." Yenfel shakes his head once again and one of his oiled slaves brings out a pillow with a white serpentine scale on it. "One of my old ssscalesss before I upgraded. Holding it will allow mental communication with me. It alssso doublesss asss a badge of ressspect. Only my top men carry them." It doesn't take a genius to figure out the implications of taking that scale.

2015-08-01, 11:03 PM

Yenfel bends his serpentine head, licking what appears to be blood from a golden goblet at his right before turning back to you. The emeralds covering most of his body shine with magical power and you recognize runes of protection and destruction. "My interestsss are pleasssure and coinsss. Truly jussst a busssinesssman giving people what they want. Pallid Rossse and the walking ssskeleton sssee people asss food. It isss their nature. A partnership would be beneficial to the both of usss. You eliminate the greatessst evil and my cussstomersss remain, not drained of life or growing ssstrange new appendagesss. Asss I sssaid, take the girl ass a gift and do what you pleassse with her." Yenfel shakes his head once again and one of his oiled slaves brings out a pillow with a white serpentine scale on it. "One of my old ssscalesss before I upgraded. Holding it will allow mental communication with me. It alssso doublesss asss a badge of ressspect. Only my top men carry them." It doesn't take a genius to figure out the implications of taking that scale.


Regault snatches the scale from the pillow and waves the slave away. "If you're a businessman, then you should know that nothing comes for free. In exchange for this....arrangement....alliance? Whatever you want to call this, I want you to stop your activities under the law. It's the only honest way I can accept leaving you as is. You do this, and i'll keep this scale, not to act as one of your goons, but to allow you to share information on those of the seedy underbelly of Kaer Maga. If you refuse, then I shall take my leave nonetheless, but next we meet, I will not show the same mercy. What do you say?" He flips the scale between his free fingers, watching Yenfel's reaction to his very direct demand.

I'm unsure if I was clear enough, but basically I told him that i'll work "with" him, if he agrees to go straight, as the businessman he claims to be.

2015-08-04, 01:45 AM
Cobolt nodded, "Fair enough." That was about the best response she could've expected given the circumstances. A few small hops later, Cobolt was down on the ground and cautiously making her way towards the Price of Freedom. They may've come to an agreement, but that was no reason to let her guard down. Better safe than sorry, after all.

As she made her way past the Brevian and her students, she offered a quick, "Evening," to each of them in turn, all the while keeping her gun pointed at the closest to her among them. With her back to the door, she gave the door a few kicks and shouted behind her, "Cobolt here. Open up."

2015-08-04, 04:31 AM
"Nearly any dwelling will do, Stenrush. I don't know if it is due to some code of honor or counter-productive instinct but the bloodsuckers seem to have an extreme distaste for breaking and entering. There should be a temple of <insert patron deity of nearest temple> nearby. They should be able to take care of that leg."

Knowledge check to find the nearest good or neutral deity's temple.

2015-08-04, 08:14 AM

A loud hiss escapes from Yenfel's throat, stopping on and off. After a moment you realize the serpent is laughing. "SSSeedy underbelly! I have never heard anything ssso funny! Oh Regault, did you forget where you are? Thisss isss Kaer Maga. If you are ssstrong enough, anything isss allowed. It isss why I love thisss place ssso much. My men may get violent, but it isss only to protect my interessstsss. I represssent ssstability in a city of chaosss. Sssome ssslavesss may die in the pit, but they sssold themssselvesss to me or refusssed to pay debt. If you truly wish sssuch jussstice, then you mussst burn the city down. At leassst with me, nothing bad happensss to thossse that don't invite it."


The students stare you with open faced hostility, but the woman only nods her head and graces you with a small smile. After knocking on the door, there is no response. In fact, there didn't seem to be any kind of noise coming from inside.


The man lets out a long line of spit and blood from his mouth, staining the once well oiled beard even more than it already was. "I know of two and was heading towards one devoted to Desna, but both her and Sarenrae should be full up even at this time of night. Pharasma's should still have a couple rooms open, but it's seven blocks away and there's no way I'm making it that far without help." He gives you pointed look, waiting for an offer.

2015-08-06, 04:30 PM

A loud hiss escapes from Yenfel's throat, stopping on and off. After a moment you realize the serpent is laughing. "SSSeedy underbelly! I have never heard anything ssso funny! Oh Regault, did you forget where you are? Thisss isss Kaer Maga. If you are ssstrong enough, anything isss allowed. It isss why I love thisss place ssso much. My men may get violent, but it isss only to protect my interessstsss. I represssent ssstability in a city of chaosss. Sssome ssslavesss may die in the pit, but they sssold themssselvesss to me or refusssed to pay debt. If you truly wish sssuch jussstice, then you mussst burn the city down. At leassst with me, nothing bad happensss to thossse that don't invite it."


"That may be so, but it is my plan to clean it up anyways. I have no wish to burn the city down, and if it comes down to it, I will have to use my strength to do so." Regault rolls the scale between his fingers, tilting his head with a smile as it vanished before their eyes. "If you lead, others may follow, and to be honest, killing slaves is not good for your image. I simply ask that you keep your activities within the bounds of what is actually legal. Do that for me, and prove that not killing you was the right decision." As he finishes, he turns to leave, giving enough time for Yenfel's last words before collecting the Centaur.

2015-08-06, 04:34 PM

The man grabs your offered shoulder and leans against you heavily. "Come on, it's this way. We should hurry. I don't know if those vampires or their friends will be back anytime soon."

You reach the temple to Pharasma a little while later, the stark grey building adjoining a stone graveyard. It's walls, rather than containing images of their goddess, are covered in odes and memorials to the dead. The last few dozen names appear to have been rapidly etched and not with the same skill as the names before it. A large black portal separates the church from the outside world, it's edges adorned with runes and Pharasma's signature blue flame. A young man dressed in simple black robes peers through the portal and immediately retreats before you can get a good look at him.

2015-08-06, 06:34 PM
Specter walks the old man towards the portal with no hesitation.

2015-08-07, 11:46 PM

You walk through through the small crowd of gangsters, all of whom glare at you, but don't offer violence. The woman, her heavily scarred inhuman body is still inside the ring, constantly tilting her legs to provide a better viewpoint when scanning for threats.


You walk up the front steps, the man's weight barely a hindrance. As you enter the room, it becomes visible just how different Pharasma's church is in comparison to others. There are now pews, simply stone blocks bearing names and simple clothe mats for supplicants to kneel on placed around them. Dribbling candles provide a low light and whatever spells they use to keep bodies fresh seem to spill out in the cathedral, causing the air to become stagnant and cold.

The loud clacking of footsteps interrupt your inspection as a man approaches around one of the stone blocks, his dark leather boots pointedly making his entrance known. Tall and with a strong jaw, he would be handsome if it weren't for an abnormally large nose. Simple black robes decorated with Pharasma's holy symbol mark him a clergyman, but the rough leather armor, complete with two large daggers at his hip, speak of a more violent purpose. Behind him the young acolyte you saw before peers at you from behind one of the blocks, only to duck behind fearfully when you turn your gaze upon him.

Though tired, the man stifles a yawn and grants you a small smile. "Forgive Shariah. Her fears are so strong that two men, one pale and the other covered in blood, appear to be terrifying vampires. I am Andron, head priest of this now humble temple. I would ask what you need, but that is apparent." Andron steps forward and lays one hand on Iren's chest, a holy light healing his wounds and filling him with vitality. Your burden is removed as Iren, now steady on his feet, flexes his muscles to insure they are all healed. "Normally such an act would be followed by an outstretched hand and a not so subtle cough, but since becoming head priest I've relaxed our rules on money for healing. Instead, I would have a story. What happened, or rather how did you survive what happened?"

2015-08-08, 12:42 AM
"It was simply not this one's time to meet the lady...that is all. The one's who did this managed to slip past unfortunately. If you'll excuse me a moment..." Specter walks past the two men, a sliver light rippling through his clothing, repairing the rips lefts by the vampire's club in addition to cleaning the blood from the simple vestments. He kneels directly in front of the altar, taking a moment to silently pray.

2015-08-08, 02:37 AM
The fact that the woman was smiling bothered her. No one smiles with a gun pointed at them unless they have a deathwish, some sort of scheme in mind, or a serious misunderstanding of what exactly was being pointed at them and Cobolt had no idea which camp this woman was in. It might be a trap, but she couldn't imagine how something like that would've been arranged here of all places. She sighed again and backed up through the door, "Pardon me, I'll be back in a moment."

Tossing in some checks.

Sense Motive - [roll0], directed towards the leader woman.
Perception - [roll1], trying to listen for any sort of distinctive sounds inside the Price of Freedom
Stealth - [roll2], for once Cobolt's inside and out of sight of the group

2015-08-10, 09:41 PM

You walk through through the small crowd of gangsters, all of whom glare at you, but don't offer violence. The woman, her heavily scarred inhuman body is still inside the ring, constantly tilting her legs to provide a better viewpoint when scanning for threats.


Regault flips over the cage into the ring, and holds out his hand towards the woman now. "Come with me, you are free. We are going to walk out of here and you will be free to go your own way." He starts to walk out of the ring, waving for her to follow him. "As long as you're with me, you'll be safe on the way out of here."