View Full Version : City of Progress Campaign Journal: Chapter 15 (Intrepid Sewer Expedition)

2015-07-14, 01:35 PM
For those of you just tuning in – get acquainted with the game here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?330770-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal).

For those of you who missed the last session – click here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?424993-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-14-(Sidequests-schmidequests))

Joining us at the table were the usuals:

Beable Bamford - Halfling siege mage and Golem Lord for Rab's Progress, and his trusty Golem "Mouse 2.0" which is a cannon golem
in the general shape of a giant Foo Dog. One of the cannons is decked out with plenty of enchantments and the other is just normal.
Galarend - Human Shining Knight Paladin of Iomedae and General of Rab's Progress' standing army. He is never far away from his trusty steed "Bolba" (A huge flying Triceratops decked out in spiked full-plate armor. (yes, it flies. I approved a permanency of a Fly spell in his case due to particular circumstances.))
Lady Wisteria - Human Verdant Sorcerer who is the Rab's Progress' herbalist and "tea-master." (In the front yard of her home stands the only tree in the entire city - a huge oak tree)
Dr. Jarvius Havishim Worcestershire – (Yes, he “invented” Worcestershire sauce in the game) Dr. W. is a paraplegic cleric and surgeon of Cayden Cailean. He built a small golem by the name of Sprocket to be his legs. (Using a de-netted Clockwork Servant (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary3/clockwork.html#clockwork-servant) to carry him) The good doctor may be solemn and serious, Sprocket, on the other hand, is annoying and serves as comical relief (as well as a foil to Dr. Worcestershire’s stern attitude).

City of Progress Campaign Journal: Chapter 15 (Intrepid Sewer Expedition.)

The session started with brainstorming. The players were discussing preparations for dealing with the hiveminded evil swarm of devil wasps. After me recapping the Knowledge Planes (monster info) they gathered last session, they began to research options for dealing with them.

The first thing Beable did was buy vermin repellant – enough for 2 doses for every member, and enough to coat Bolba and Mouse 2.0.

Brief discussion went into mounting a Firewyrm cannon onto mouse, then Bolba before the idea was abandoned. (However, there may be an animated Firewyrm cannon in the very near future.)

Next, Beable scoured every shop in town for several items. They are listed as follows:

1) Any rod type of elemental mastery. After I made several rolls for random city items, he found 2 lesser elemental mastery rods, one for lightning and the other for cold.
2) He searched for a wand of lightning bolt and he got lucky again. There was a 5th level wand of lightning bolt.
3) He then searched for a two more wands (the type of which escape my mind now) and my rolls turned up flat.
It was at this point that the discussion turned to sheet lightning (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sheet-lightning). It’s a spell that says it does exactly one damage to each creature in the burst with no save. Now, I could have been a mean DM and said that “No. a swarm with 5000 creatures will not take 5000 damage from this spell.” However I wanted to reward my players for outside the box thinking, and went ahead and okayed it. Besides, I figured, they needed the help here.
4) I rolled to see if he could find a wand of sheet lightning and could not, so instead he bought the spell and created his own.

During the crafting of the sheet lightning wand, Lady Wisteria sent an Arcane Eye into the sewers (seriously, she loves this spell) to attempt to find the location of the Hellwasp Swarms. She threw a 42 on a survival check to track them, so I said after 15 minutes of crisscrossing the sewers, she came upon the area where they were. She spotted several swarms, 5 nests that the swarms had created on the walls of the sewers out of the “mud” that they found there. She also saw several Rab’s Progress guards walking around in a zombie like state – clearly infested by the Hellwasp Swarms – before the spell winked out.

Since she knew exactly where they where she could lead the group right to the manhole cover that was the closest to the hives.

At this point, much hemming and hawing and discussion about protection from evil was had. They decided to slap protection from evil on everyone before they entered the sewers – if they were summoned, then they wouldn’t get touched by the wasps. If not – then the nice +2 to AC never hurts. Bolba and Galarend decided to do a drive by through the first swarm they encountered, just to see if the swarm rolls out the way of their presence or they actually made physical contact when they passed through. They figured this would determine whether or not they were summoned.

The exploration started with Lady Wisteria Stoneshaping the area of the manhole cover – large enough for Bolba to fit down. They also call guards to stand there so no citizens fall in accidentally.

Once they are inside, things begin oddly. About a hundred feet away from them, a Kobold (attempting to be stealthy) darts behind a wall and out of sight. (Lady Wisteria was the only one to see it). At this point, Lady Wisteria and Dr. Worcestershire are in front of everyone and since they are in the front-most part of the group, they can just see down one of the halls in the sewers. They both see the Rab’s Progress guard staggering toward them. I call for perception checks, and again Lady Wisteria is the only one who succeeded enough to see the guard’s skin roiling as though something was crawling underneath it. Both his eyes were missing and as she noticed this a small wasp crawls out of the cavity and back into the guard’s hair.

Fly-by Drive-by Face Pelting Devil Wasps

Initiative was rolled and players went first. Bolba does his drive by searching the open corridors for a swarm. At first he only finds more dead guards – at least he thinks they’re dead, as they are lying face down on the ground. Eventually, on his first turn he spots a swarm and passes through. When they actually touch him – he learns that they are indeed not summoned creatures.

He decides to end his driveby passing through the first infested guard’s space (provoking an attack of opportunity) and getting between it and the party.

Beable turns the corner and uses Mouse to fires cannon balls at the infested guard, all while getting closer to the swarm they know is there now.

Lady Wisteria moves into range and casts shatter on one of the Hives, making it crumble to dust.

Dr. Worcestershire holds his action and waits for something to approach for their undefended side.

Two swarms come buzzing around the corners and, one of them makes contact with Bolba and Galarend (They take damage, but both save vs poison and nausea) A second swarm starts to close the distance to the group and a third lands on a dead body and starts to infest it.

Bolba and Galarend attack the infested guard, along with Mouse’s Cannon shots – all attacks hit, and it’s still standing. The PC’s eye each other wondering how much HP they have.

Beable uses sheet lightning to annihilate the swarm coming toward them.

Lady Wisteria holds her action along with Dr. Worcestershire as they’re aware that the damage the swarms are doing are not that much, and Galarend is tanking them. So they opt to wait.

The swarm stays on Bolba and Galarend damaging them (but they succeed on their saves again as well)

The infested guard attacks with its spear again at Bolba and misses, while one of the swarms finish infesting a dead body and it runs toward Bolba.

Another swarm enters the battlefield and begins to make its way to Galarend.

Another round of sheet lightning at a swarm and cannon shots at the infested guard kill them.

Lady Wisteria casts flesh to stone on the other infested guard and the bugs inside fail their save – turning them and their host to stone.

The party decided to break the hives, and shatter the body – while Dr. Worcestershire places one of the bodies in a bag of holding for study later.

Lady Wisteria casts another Arcane Eye (I have to laugh at this point) and sends it through the sewers – tracking the Kobold. Another 38ish on her survival check and she winds up toward the south side of the sewers, closest to the edge of the city – where she comes upon a section of sewer which has been altered to make a Lair. Inside this Lair, she spots many kobolds, some of them feasting on dog and cat Tails and ripping through skin with their teeth, while a pile of giant slugs sits in the center of the room.

Lady Wisteria rolls a 1 on her knowledge Nature roll, but it’s still enough to tell her that the slugs are constantly hungry and and susceptible to salt. Just before the spell winks out, she catches a glimpse of a Troll walking around inside the lair.

She relays all this to the group and Beable instantly goes into ideas of constructing a “Salt Bomb” to deal with the slugs.

Unfortunately, this is where we called the game. See you guys next time! Looks like the next game will thankfully be in about 3 more days. So we can’t wait!

Check out the next session here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?431879-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-16-(Salt-Bombs-Firedrakes-and-trolls)&p=19623872#post19623872)!