View Full Version : Manuevers to smack my pc's with

Theodred theOld
2015-07-14, 07:03 PM
Going to pit a 10th lvl party against a boneclaw and a few small minions but I was thinking of adding a few martial manuevers and stances to the boneclaw's repertoire. Already adding combat reflexes and robilars gambit for feats but the extra punch from a few well placed strikes or counters would keep them on their toes nicely. Any suggestions from the playground?

2015-07-14, 07:34 PM
Look at the various diamond mind maneuvers if the thing can concentrate. You could also use the mountain hammer line for damage. Shadow hand might be good to make it more magical and have some debuffs or defenses. I don't know too many specific maneuvers though.

2015-07-14, 09:37 PM
My vote goes to most of the Setting Sun school. Its always frustrating for a PC to spend time setting up a formation only to be flung into each other. It may not be the most damage for you action but it can take a toll on the party. Anyone thrown by the boneclaw would have to take a partial action just to get up and if your party is primarily melee that can amount to a lot of wasted time.

Theodred theOld
2015-07-14, 10:27 PM
Plus if they get up within 20ft they provoke an AoO. Yeah I think I may look into setting sun tonight.

2015-07-15, 03:40 AM
If you need them to be flat footed, Sapphire Nightmare Blade is there. Mountain Hammer is always good for ignoring hardness and dr (and potentially trolling party members by damaging their items, hopefully without breaking them so they have to worry about it and invest in repairs/time for mending). And if you want to fling them around with setting sun, you might want to have some annoying minions to jump on them while they're down to try and pin them while they're prone. If you're not using a setting sun stance, picking up assassin's stance would give them sneak attack of 2d6. And then there's the fire brand boost, which gives 5 feet of reach and turns all base damage to fire for the round. Are your pc's afraid of fire yet? They can be if they have to stop drop, roll and provoke aoo's.