View Full Version : Pathfinder Quick Question About Animal Companion Manouvers (PoW2 Archetype)

2015-07-15, 03:27 PM
Hello to all..

Im starting a lvl 17 Ranger for an upcoming campaing.

Im really interested in the Ambush Hunter Archetype (PoW2), gonna use a Badger with Primal Fury Manouvers.

My question about this is, can i use a Manouver in the same turn as the badger? Or do i need to expend my own action in order to initiate his?

Im still going to play it regardless if i can use 1 or 2 manouvers in a turn, but would like to check this before i start the campaing and we have a problem with this.

Thanks in advance for the help.

PS (The badger is going to be named "Grandpa" just fur fun):smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::sma llbiggrin:

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-16, 12:09 AM
You each have your own pool of actions, so you can both initiate maneuvers in the same turn. It's a pretty great archetype, especially since the recovery method does a good job of keeping you safe in exchange for your burning a full-round action to get maneuvers back.