View Full Version : [Legend] Starfall (IC)

2015-07-15, 10:38 PM
June 21st, Year 1000 (Empire Reckoning). The Summer Solstice Celebration, in the Grand City of Solspire:

Never before have you seen such mass of colors, nor heard such a menagerie of sounds. The golden sands of Sharn contrast with blue silk the color of the the foaming sea, with the vibrant green of produce imported from Qual, and the dark browns and reds of Ghaelic leathers, stretched across tanner's racks. A dozen songs from as many cultures fill the air, as does the sound of chirping birds, yapping dogs, and even the trumpeting of an elephant. The air tastes of exotic spices, dancing across your tongue in unusual but not unpleasant ways. You are jostled back and forth by the corwd, many of whom can hardly contain their stares hen faced with such a strange individual as yourself. Strangely absent is the scent of unwashed masses: though the sun beats down with great intensity and the sand and dirt cling to every surface, even the poorest of people seem to be clean and fully dressed.

For a time, you entertain yourself in the spectacle. Perhaps you join an impromptu dance led by a halfling caravan playing fiddle. Or maybe you are enraptured by the half-elven mage selling rare tomes of lore. But then again, what about the strange man (at least, you think it was a man; it was roughly human sized and shaped) selling weapons you can't even begin to imagine how to use, or the philosophers debating over intricacies of the True Faith? Whatever it is that interests you, you can find it here.

As the day begins to pass, and the sun's journey through the sky begins to reach its end, you are treated to a rare sight. By chance, you have found yourself with a front row view of Her Supreme and Celestial Glory, The Empress Murasaki of the Eternal Sun, as she passes by in her palanquin. It is a massive vehicle, borne by no less than a dozen Jann, the Scions of mortals and Djinni. The tent upon it is divided into two portions: the rear is made of thick purple silk, lined with threads of purest gold and embroidered with the Holy Scripts of the Shining Truth, divine wisdom of the Empress. The front is a thin veil of gossamer, which does little to conceal the radiant beauty within. The Empress Murasaki sits within, Her brow shining with a light that somehow both obscures and reveals every detail of Her body. She is clothed in a simple wrap of white cloth, and from Her back sprouts two pairs of feathered wings, the color of burnished gold. Her perfectly pale face bears an expression of perfect serenity as She smiles upon her subjects - nay, her children. Her very presence seems to light a fire within your heart, renewing strength to tired limbs and casting away any doubts you have of yourself. You have only just seen Her this once, and yet you are filled with the desire to bow before Her glorious presence and swear eternal fealty. No longer do you have any doubts or confusion as to how the Empire has achieved its current size and status.

Though the street through which She currently passes bears no distinctive buildings or locations that you can see, the pall-bearers suddenly stop with perfectly rehearsed movements. The celestial figure within gently raises her left hand, from which suddenly glows a soft violet light that spreads across the mass of confused citizens like a rushing wave. The light seems to pick up and move everyone a few feet back, placing them carefully on the ground. Everyone, that is, save for you, and five others. As you look towards the others who have been singled out, the palanquin is lowered to the ground. Rising from her throne, Her Radiance extends a single hand towards you, and seemingly you alone, in a clear gesture of "come forth", before striding with an almost sensuous grace into the thickly shrouded portion of the vehicle.

2015-07-16, 05:43 AM
Faris glances to the side for but a moment, sparing a glance for the others who have apparently been singled out. He then wastes no time in striding forward to follow the empress.

2015-07-16, 11:02 AM
Uriah pauses, unsure of himself. A day of enjoying the marketplace and sunshine has taken an unexpected turn and he suddenly feels an acute desire to be back aboard ship. He works up a shrug that shows a casualness he does not feel and bows before stepping forward.

2015-07-16, 08:24 PM
Kagari laughs, in spite of himself. He'd always told them -- his brothers, his fathers, his trainers -- that he would be the greatest Flame Knight of all time.

Now, he had the Empress' summons to prove it.

With a spring in his step and a song in his heart, he strides into the imperial palanquin.

2015-07-16, 08:36 PM
Urborg looks around nervously as it seems he is singled out by the crowd. What would the empress want with some dirt farmer trying to figure out why the earth had begun to scorn him? Well, best not to disappoint her, in any case. He walks towards her slowly, his trepidation mimicked in the cobbles at his feet that seem to shift around uncertainly.

2015-07-17, 04:26 PM
Mokosh is puzzled for a moment when the procession stops in front of her, but that is no match for her dumbfoundedness when the empress beckons her forth. She is unable for what seems like a day -- not because of lack of desire -- but she is unable to make her short legs work. Come on girl. Your a dwarf, not one of these sunbleached humans to gawk and stare. Get over there and see what you can learn.

The first step is the hardest, but once her knees are unlocked, strength returns, and she strides to catch up with those who've already answered the call.

2015-07-20, 08:30 AM
With a hesitant look around he also joins the group of people who were singled out in a stride towards the empress. He has no reason to say no and is interested in what the empress wishes of them.

2015-07-20, 10:25 AM
Large though the tent is, you find it hard to believe it shall fit all of you with any degree of comfort - at least, until you step within. In a cunning and remarkably impressive piece of magic, it seems that an entire palace is contained within. The domed roof stretches up nearly two hundred feet, and the marble floor extends so far to your left and right that you cannot make out the walls. Some hundred feet ahead of you stands the most elaborate throne you have ever seen, built for someone over 12 feet in height. The Empress sits within it, somehow seeming to fill the massive throne with her slight (and human-sized) frame. Upon her lap rests a naked blade - simple in design, but elegant in its form. The long, curved blade has an aura of power matched only by Murasaki herself - clearly, this is the fabled blade Rakka Hanapira, the Falling Petal, which has slain immortals and rallied armies.

"Welcome, my brothers and sisters of the Starborn. Yes, I speak truly - you are as the Stars themselves, for once you were amongst their number, as I was. A great Evil spreads across my lands. Even now, the Host of the Dark summons a plague of demons to this world to spread pestilence and death."

Her powerful voice echoes as though three voice speak in melodic harmony as one. The effect is both beautiful and horrifying to behold.

The Empress effortlessly leaps from her throne, crossing the space between you in seconds. As she lands on the marble with utter silence, she does the truly unthinkable: She of the Radiant Sun, Whose Glory Sustains the World, Blessed with the Light of Heaven, and Uniter of Ashfar, bows before you.

"Please. Save my empire. Drive back these demons. Annihilate the Host who dare to stand against all of Nuith's Creation."

2015-07-20, 01:37 PM
Faris nods. "Affirmation. New directives assigned." His eyes flicker and a pair of swords made of faintly glowing purple crystal appear crossed over his back. "Combat protocols online. Query. Further information would be most helpful."

2015-07-20, 03:53 PM
Kagari swelles with pride at the revelation that he is Starborn, (he'd always known he was destined for greatness). But when the Empress, the most exquisite and powerful creature he's ever seen and surely ever will see again bows before him, his pride drains away like sand through a child's fingers.

Immediately he prostrates himself before her, pressing his forehead to the floor. His mouth goes terribly dry, but after several moments, he finds the strength to speak.

"Your will be done, your most radiant majesty," he utters, before slowly raising his eyes to dare looking upon her again, "in the name of She Whose Glory Sustains The World and for the good of all Nuith's Creation, I will be your flaming sword, bringing the purifying light of justice to all who need it."

2015-07-21, 01:54 PM


Huh... Uriah's mouth starts to move as if to speak, but his brain seems to be unable to move into gear, the entire pronouncement entirely too much to proses all at once.

2015-07-21, 04:00 PM
This was quite unexpected. Mokosh had been planning to visit some of the great libraries and interview local clergy about the forms of Star worship in the Empire. On the one hand, this woman was not her empress, and this mission would likely disrupt her plans. On the other hand, it was quite likely that the empress was not lying about these all being Stars. She may be able to advance her learning in a more first-hand manner. Mokosh considered, and as she did so, her fingers traced the faint carvings on her distaff. This focused her mind and she looked beyond, seeking a glimpse of the living tapestry. There -- she could see, these threads were woven together, some more tightly than others. For now it would do to follow this path. "Empress, it has been decided. I and these will serve your will in this capacity, at least for a time."

Her distaff spins between her fingers, and visible threads stretch out from it, twisting around the threads that Mokosh knows are there. Welcome allies. I am Mokosh. This will be more convenient when we do not wish to be overheard. Her voice appears in their heads.

Casting World Mind.

2015-07-22, 03:30 PM
Didn't ask for you to be in my head. I get the slightest hint you messed with anything we will have a problem.

2015-07-22, 03:43 PM
Urborg was dumbstruck. it was almost too much to take. Him, a mere simple man, a star?...Of course. That explains why the earth has trembled around him so. it does not work against him, like he feared. It's recognizing its better. He bows back at the empress, and gives a simple affirmation. "Of course."

2015-07-22, 05:31 PM
She stands upright once more, a pleased smile upon her face.

"Thank you. If I could do this myself, I would. But my hand has been stayed. This fight is not mine to fight; it is yours.

In my Southern Lands, there are a trio of small villages, otherwise insignificant in the grand scheme of things. However, it is there that I have felt the stirrings of darkness. In Kohira, a group of cultists have been committing banditry on my people, and have evaded my keisatsu force. In Huangyi, they have slaughtered cattle and other livestock. In Ibasura... "

The Empress grips the hilt of Rakka Hanpira with such force that her knuckles turn white, and her eyes water slightly as her voice loses the three-tone harmony and becomes the voice of the simple twenty-something girl she resembles, if you could ignore the wings, halo, and legendary blade.

"...they have murdered my subjects, my followers. Their minds were broken by demons and their flesh scarred by blades. By all rights of Heaven and Earth, I should be entitled to exact my vengeance upon these monsters. But Brith has commanded - and his sister Lumiya has requested - that I let you six resolve this, lest my... darker counterparts... intervene directly as well."

She shakes her head, clearing away the tears and restoring her resounding voice.

"Fortunately, there are ways I can aid you without fear of reprisal - small shortcuts we can take, for example. It is within my power to teleport, and I can escort you to any location you wish to go. Do not mistake my words. I am not a caravan service, nor your personal servant. But when your need is great and speed of the essence, I would gladly grant you this favor.

Even without this boon, you shall have a powerful advantage over the agents of the Host - you cannot die. Perhaps this requires some clarification. You shall never die as a mortal might from wounds, disease, or age. Your physical shell may be destroyed, but it can always be restored by my divine power. In time, perhaps you shall gain this ability as well. In the meanwhile, you may seek out the sacred stone circles spread across this land. They were once centers for elven worship, but I declared them exempt from the Purges, for this was but a secondary purpose. Their true purpose is to mark locations of great power, where the ley lines intersect in great numbers. If any of you should perish, simply place the fallen upon the center stone and they shall be restored."

2015-07-24, 07:44 AM
Faris holds up his hand, and a small holographic image seemingly of a map appears in his palm.

"I believe I know of these places you speak of." He replies. "I, for one, shall make haste. These atrocities cannot be allowed to continue."

2015-07-24, 10:33 AM
"This is much to take in, but I believe with you behind us and aiding us we will be able to complete the task you have given us."
Yana then bows and looks to the others in the room.

2015-07-25, 08:31 AM
"Ugm, yeah. Yeah, I'll help. Save people and...yes." What am I getting into? I just came to enjoy the festival!

2015-07-25, 09:21 AM

"Are you taking us to one of these locations to begin the investigation, or should we find other conveyance?"

I'm not 'in your head', so much as I can hear you if you think really hard at me. I barely even heard your remark about the festival.


I recommend underline for things you intend to communicate by telepathy rather than just the usual italics for thoughts.

2015-07-26, 01:29 PM
Bloody mind witch.

2015-07-26, 06:46 PM

Now you've got it. I heard you perfectly clearly that time.

2015-07-26, 07:05 PM
01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101101 01100001 01111001 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100111 01100101 01110100 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110101 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00101110

2015-07-26, 08:19 PM
I think you will find it most expedient in the long run.

2015-07-26, 09:13 PM
Hmm. Virtual language simulation online. Communication protocols re-calibrated. Yes, I believe this will do nicely.

2015-07-26, 10:12 PM
The Empress smiles softly, and then you feel a powerful presence at the fringes of your telepathic bond. It feels like the heat of the desert sun beating down, just slightly too hot for comfort. And yet, it also feels much like a wave crashing on a beach, ebbing and flowing with a constant pulse.

"It is good you understand the basic principles of telepathic communication. It is a skill which serves you well during battle, allowing you to communicate rapidly and accurately with your allies."

The word battle is accompanied by dozens of mental images, going by too fast to comprehend fully, but you get the impression of a constant string of combat experienced by Murasaki, long ago.

"As I said, I possess the capability to teleport you instantly to any location you should desire. You may make any preparations you see fit before you go, but I would suggest you do not tarry long. The forces of Dark are likely to move at night, and I would prefer you arrive before Death comes again."

2015-07-26, 10:22 PM
I will be ready whenever everyone else is.

2015-07-26, 11:57 PM
I require no preparations, your majesty. I am ready to strike.

2015-07-27, 11:06 AM
Uriah shrugs,"Let's go then."

2015-07-27, 11:12 AM
Errr...testing, testing. O.k, ready as I'll ever be. Where should we be off to?

2015-07-27, 01:05 PM

Likewise. I see no reason for delay.

2015-07-27, 02:59 PM
Well I was hoping to get one of those amazing cream puffs I heard so much about, but I guess it can wait. Let's go.

2015-07-27, 04:39 PM
You can have mine. I am unsure why I took it in the first place.

2015-07-29, 09:44 PM
"Very well. Where shall I escort you first? Kohira, Huangyi, or Ibasura?"

Her Radiance's mental presence seems to press upon you with the sensation of impatience, though you feel She is doing Her best to restrain Herself.

2015-07-30, 06:14 AM
I believe our help is needed most urgently in Ibasura. We shall start there.

2015-07-30, 11:28 AM
Uriah just nods. Well, this was unexpected.

2015-07-30, 02:41 PM
Agreed. At your pleasure, your majesty.

2015-07-30, 04:06 PM

The threads were tugging in three different directions. It is a complicated weave, difficult to pick out, so Mokosh just nods her acquiescence to this choice of action.

2015-08-03, 04:33 PM
The Empress nods her approval, then stretches out her arms. As she does, massive wings some 30 feet across manifest out of solid light. The wings extend out from Her Radiance's body and encircles everyone in the room. There is a flash of violet light, and when your eyes clear you find yourself standing in a small village, presumably Ibasura, with the Empress nowhere to be found.

Your attention is quickly grabbed by a massive mob of jeering townsfolk in the middle of the town square. They carry improvised weapons, and are hurling stones, rotten fruit, and more unpleasant things towards a sitting figure in the mob's center. The figure is a man, head shaved bald and covered in unusual tattoos, and is chained to a post by his neck with a very heavy iron chain. Despite the constant onslaught, the man seems oblivious, simply sitting calmly in a meditative stance. You notice a stone flying from the crowd strike the man square in the forehead, yet he makes no indication that he noticed the attack. Even more oddly, the wound opened by the stone quickly closes up and ceases bleeding. In less than 10 seconds, it is as though he was never struck at all.

2015-08-03, 05:44 PM
Faris deems it prudent to allow those more adept in dealing peacefully with organic beings to lead in this matter.

2015-08-04, 07:51 PM
"Well, that's a sight. Saw mystics on the far isles do some interesting things, not usually in front of an angry crowd. Let's go check it out."

2015-08-05, 01:02 PM
Kagari scowls and strides forward, putting himself between the mob and the man. Another stone comes flying, and the Flame Knight snatches it from the air. Anger begins to radiate off of him in palpable waves of heat, and he suddenly immolates, fire raging high into the sky. Kagari emerges from the flames in the fearsome flame knight armor Lobo, holding the inferno blade Shinku no Kiba across his chest. He holds up the hurled rock, and it crumbles to nothing but scorched dust.

"Stand down," he bellows, "the Empress' justice is here!"

Intimidate [roll0]

2015-08-07, 11:03 PM
The crowd mostly stands down at the sight of such a display of power and authority, but a few insults are still being hurled in place of objects.



"Burn the demon!"

"Our people aren't safe until he is brought to justice!"

For his part, the mystic, or whatever he is, still sits stoic and silent with the thick iron of his bindings biting into his flesh.

2015-08-08, 08:37 PM
Faris steps forward to stand beside kagari.

"The empress has assigned us personally to resolve incidents like this. If any of you have important information, please step forward. Everyone else, you may return to other business. You can rest assured that we will keep you safe."

2015-08-09, 07:58 PM
Uriah awaits the response, hand resting casually near his blade.

2015-08-17, 03:14 PM
"The empress has assigned us personally to resolve incidents like this. If any of you have important information, please step forward. Everyone else, you may return to other business. You can rest assured that we will keep you safe."

A large number of the gathered people step forward, leaving only a small number who have chosen to leave. Over the next hour or so, you hear these tidbits of information (after sifting out all the curses leveled at the mystic):

The first murder was an elderly man named Hara Sebei. Seven days ago, his wife Hana discovered his body covered in strange symbols carved into his body and his throat slit.

Five days ago, a 16 year old girl by the name of Mora Machi was found hung from the rafters of her family's home, entirely undressed. Her father, who is a blacksmith, has spent the past few days making crude weapons instead of more typical tools.

The last death was a scant day and a half ago, when the young child Suzu Hiko was found drowned in the creek she played in every day. Her parents, Toki and Tara Hiko, have barricaded themselves in their house and refuse to leave for anything, even food or drink.

2015-08-18, 07:07 AM
"Strange and tragic, certainly, but what leads them to believe this man is to blame. He doesn't come off like a murder, not right off anyhow."

2015-08-23, 07:12 AM
"This is truly an unusual situation. I must hear more."